Top 5 Apps Similar to Discoteca Cristal

Promociones Banorte 1.0.0
La Aplicación Móvil de Promociones yDescuentosBanorte, Cuenta con la más alta y novedosa tecnología,la cual tepermitirá facilitar tu estilo de vida, al enviarte unaalerta entiempo real sobre los beneficios y descuentos que tienescerca de tiy con ello ser parte de nuestra comunidad y gozar delos beneficiosque te otorga tu tarjeta Banorte.Cuenta con una cobertura a nivel nacional, con más de 150ciudadesde la república mexicana, en la que encontraras descuentosdesde un10% hasta un 90% o bien 18 meses sin intereses, en más de13 000establecimientos, tales como Restaurantes, Agencias deviajes,hoteles, escuelas, salud y bienestar , deportes,aerolíneas,centros comerciales, tiendas departamentales y muchasmás.Siempre te mantendrás informado y actualizado por medio de unPushNotification, con las nuevas promociones y descuentos.Para no moverte de la zona en la que estas, ahora podráslocalizaren el mapa los establecimientos cercanos a ti, con unradio de 10Km a tu alrededor.La aplicación es fácil de usar, tiene un manejo amigable paratodala familia, los miles de establecimientos se encuentrandivididospor nueve directorios, cada directorio cuenta con más deseiscategorías, las cuales están ordenadas de acuerdo a tuinterés,además te permite localizar la dirección de cada sucursalen elmapa, también puedes guardar tus promociones favoritas, sintenerque buscar nuevamente.Una más de sus herramientas es visualizar su número telefónico yconsolo dar un click podrás marcar. Busca los mejores lugares demoda osimplemente el mejor precio, en tu aplicación de PromocionesyDescuentos Banorte.Mobile Application&Promotions Banorte has the highest and newest technology,whichwill allow you to provide your lifestyle, to send an alert inrealtime about the benefits and discounts that you have around youandthus be part of our community and enjoy the benefits grantedbyBanorte you your card.It has a nationwide coverage, with over 150 cities in Mexico,whereyou will find discounts from 10% to 90% or 18 monthswithoutinterest, over 13 000 establishments such as Restaurants,travel,hotels, schools, health and wellness, sports, airlines,shoppingcenters, department stores and many more.I will keep you informed and updated through a PushNotificationwith new promotions and discounts.To not move from the area in which these, you can now locate onthemap nearby establishments you with a radius of 10 kmaround.The application is easy to use, has a friendly management forthewhole family, the thousands of establishments are dividedninedirectories, each directory has more than six categories, whichareordered according to your interest, it also allows you tolocatethe address of each branch in the map you can also saveyourfavorite promotions without having to search again.One of their tools is display your phone number and just giveaclick can make. Look for the best hot spots or simply thebestprice on your application Banorte Promotions andDiscounts.
Capannina discoteca
La Capannina di Bologna è uno deilocalipiùfamosi di Bologna. Situata sui colli bolognesiproponeserateall’insegna del glamour e del divertimento.Con l’applicazione Capannina discoteca restaaggiornatosuiprossimi eventi e prenota il tuo tavolo o mettitiinlistadirettamente dal tuo smarphone o tablet!The Shed Bologna isoneofthe most famous of Bologna. Situated on the hills ofBolognaoffersevening of glamor and entertainment.With the application Shed nightclub stay updatedonupcomingevents and book your table or get in the list directlyfromyoursmartphone or tablet!
Discoteca Ozone 9.0.0
Bienvenido a la APP deOzone. Conellapodrásacceder a todo lo relacionado con Ozone en cualquiermomentoy encualquier lugar.Podrás estar informado de sus eventos, noticias, galeríasdefotos,compra de entradas, etc.Ozone, desde su apertura ha ido evolucionandoconstantementeparapoder ofrecer al público de Pamplona unaprogramación deeventosmuy cuidados para que las fiestas seanrecordadas ydisfrutadas portodos.Ahora con esta nueva herramienta podrás formar parte de lamejorsalade Pamplona.Características de la APP:- Puedes navegar por las noticias de la sala y estar al día.- Puedes conseguir descuentos y regalos sorpresa.- Puedes comprar entradas para tus fiestas favoritas.Puedes ver las fotos y los eventos programados.Welcome to theAPPdeOzone.With it you can access everything about Ozoneanytimeandanywhere.You will be informed of your events, news, photogalleries,buyingtickets, etc.Ozone, since its opening has been constantly evolving toofferthepublic a schedule of events Pamplona very careful sothattheholidays are remembered and enjoyed by all.Now with this new tool you can be part of thebestlivingPamplona.APP Features:- You can browse the news room and stay current.- Discounts and you can get surprise gifts.- You can buy tickets for your favorite holidays.You can view photos and scheduled events.
Discoteca Orange 1.0.0
Con esta app, podrás estar al día detodalainfo de Discoteca New Orange Sevilla. Y contactarconChristianVendrell (RRPP)
Teatro Barceló 1.0
Teatro Barceló es una discoteca situada enunlugar privilegiado del centro de Madrid, en la calle Barceló,nº11. Recuperamos la esencia de este clásico de la nochemadrileñapara que disfrutes con tus amigos de los mejores DJs ytodo tipo demúsica en nuestras diferentes plantas. Gracias a estaaplicaciónpodrás disfrutar en tu dispositivo móvil de numerosasfotos,vídeos, música y disponer de toda la información de loseventos alos que poder apuntarte y vivir una noche mágica. -EVENTOS: Podrásconsultar todas nuestras sesiones y fiestas con todala informaciónpara que puedas reservar tu mesa si quieres ydisfrutar de formaexclusiva de una gran experiencia en nuestradiscoteca. - COMPRAS -Tendrás la oportunidad de comprar tusentradas o reservar tu mesa ybotellas desde tu móvil. Se requieretener una cuenta de PayPalactiva. - FOTOS: Si nuestro fotógrafo tehizo una foto aquí podrásencontrarla y compartir con tus amigos.También puedes echar unvistazo y ver el gran ambiente que tenemoscada fin de semana. -VÍDEOS: Conexión con nuestro canal de Youtube.Conoce mejor nuestradiscoteca a través de los vídeos de nuestrosDJs o los conciertosque se realizan en nuestra sala. - MAPA:Descubre fácilmente cómollegar a Teatro Barceló gracias a tusmartphone con nuestraposición GPS. - FACEBOOK y TWITTER – Descubrenuestras cuentas enredes sociales y conecta con nosotros.Interactúa con tus amigosdesde nuestra app. Diles donde estás ycómo te lo estás pasando -CONTACTO – Tu opinión es muy importantepara nosotros. ¡Tu feedbacknos hará mejorar! Además estaremosencantados de ayudarte y atendertu mensaje si necesitas cualquierinformación extra. ---ENGLISHversion--- Teatro Barceló is a discolocated in a privileged placein the city-center of Madrid: “calleBarceló”, number 11. Werecover the essence of Madrid´s nightlifefor you to enjoy withyour friends the best DJs and all kinds ofmusic in our differentand separated areas. With this app you willbe able to enjoy onyour smartphone or tablet numerous photos,videos, music and allkinds of important info about events, whichyou will be able tosign up and live a great night. - EVENTS: Youcan view all oursessions and parties with all the information soyou can book yourtable if you want and enjoy a great experience atTeatro Barceló. -BUYING - Buy our tickets or book a table withspecial bottles byyour phone. -- It's required a PayPal activeaccount. - PHOTOS: Ifour photographer took you a picture here youwill find it and shareit with your friends. You can also take alook to the others andsee the great atmosphere we have everyweekend. - VIDEOS: Youtubecannel integration. Discover TeatroBarceló through videos of ourDJs and concerts that took place inour main room. - MAP: Discoverhow easily is reach Teatro Barcelówith your smartphone thanks toour GPS position. - FACEBOOK &TWITTER: Discover our accountsof social media and connect with us.Interact with friends from ourapp. Tell them where you are and howmuch you are enjoying it. -CONTACT - Your opinion is very importantto us. Your feedback willmake us improve! We will be glad to helpand answer your message ifyou need any extra information.Barceló theater isanightclub located in a privileged location in central Madrid,inBarcelo street, number 11. We recover the essence of thisclassicof the nightlife to enjoy with your friends the best DJs andallkinds of music in our different plants. With this applicationyoucan enjoy on your mobile of numerous photos, videos, music andhaveall the information about events to be able to sign up and liveamagical night. - EVENTS: You can view all our sessions andpartieswith all the information so you can book your table if youwant andenjoy a unique way to experience our club. - SHOPPING -have theopportunity to buy your tickets or book your table andbottles onyour phone. It is required to have an active PayPalaccount. -PHOTOS: If our photographer made you a picture here youcan findand share with friends. You can also take a look and seethe greatatmosphere we have every weekend. - VIDEOS: Connecting toourYoutube channel. Meet our club better through videos of our DJsandconcerts that take place in our living room. - MAP: Discover howtoeasily reach Teatro Barceló your smartphone thanks to ourGPSposition. - Facebook and Twitter - Discover our accounts insocialnetworks and connect with us. Interact with friends from ourapp.Tell them where you are and how you're having - CONTACT -Youropinion is very important to us. Your feedback will makeusimprove! We will be happy to help and serve your message ifyouneed any extra information. ENGLISH version --- --- TeatroBarcelódisk is located in a privileged place in the city-center ofMadrid:"Barcelo street", number 11. We recover the essence ofMadrid'snightlife for you to enjoy with your friends the best DJsand allkinds of music in our different and separated areas. Withthis appyou will be Able to enjoy on your smartphone or tabletNumerousphotos, videos, music and all kinds of events ImportantInfo About,Which You Will Be Able to sign up and live a greatnight. - EVENTS:You can view all our sessions and parties With allthe informationso you can book your table if you want and enjoy agreat experienceat Teatro Barceló. - BUYING - Buy our tickets orbook a table withspecial bottles by your phone. - It's required toactivate PayPalaccount. - PHOTOS: If our photographer Took you apicture here youwill find it and share it with your friends. Alsoyou can take alook to the others and see the great atmosphere WeHave everyweekend. - VIDEOS: Youtube cannel integration. DiscoverBarcelóTheatre Through video of our DJs and concerts That Tookplace inour main room. - MAP: Discover how Barceló Theatre Easilyreach isWith your smartphone thanks to our GPS position. - FACEBOOK&TWITTER: Discover our accounts of social media and connectwith us.Interact with friends from our app. Tell Them Where You areand howmuch you are enjoying it. - CONTACT - Your feedback isveryImportant to us. Your feedback will make us Improve! We willbeglad to help and answer your message if you need anyadditionalinformation.