Top 49 Apps Similar to غضب الشجعان

الممالك الثلاث2:حرب الحق 21.0.00
MMO-RPG This is the new generation of the Three kingdomsmasterpieceand is waiting for you!
حرب الشرق : لعبة حربية اونلاين 0.9.35
Collect heroes and create the strongest team to fight theevilarmies
Saga of Sultans 1.13.2
Unique Middle East themed Kingdom War RPG with manyplayersonlineand fighting for glory! Choose your Kingdom and fightto ruletheworld! *Five mighty Kingdoms for you to choose from!Experiencethemajesty of the vast Glorious Continent and create yourownlegacyof war! *Saga of Sultans is a unique battle-based 3DKingdomWarRPG with many players online! *From lowly warrior tomightysultan,from unknown tribe to powerful kingdom, come and writeagloriousnew chapter in the history of Arabia! Game features:1.UniqueKingdom War gameplay: Fly the flag of your kingdom as youdobattlewith other players in real-time and set out to conquertheworld!2. Thrilling battles and breathtaking scenes:Immerseyourself inexquisitely crafted Arabian scenes;experienceexhilarating battleswhere you really feel like you're onthebattlefield itself! 3.Socialize using voice messaging andfightside-by-side withfriends: Real-time instructional broadcasts;makenew friends andfight alongside them! 4. Grow your characterandrise to rule aKingdom: Raise your rank, learn skills, keep upwiththe latestfashions, strengthen your equipment, rear aformidablemount, andfind a thousand ways to keep on developing! 5.A hugeworld with awide variety of quests: Escort caravans, slaymonsters,rescuecaptives, discover hidden treasure - a broad varietyofgameplayoffers even greater fun! If you need any assistance,don'thesitateto get in touch with our support [email protected] andwe'll do our best to help! You canalsocheck out our Facebook pageat
قتال النينجا 19.3.9
A fun world that imbues the imagination with adventures thattakeyou into the realms of combat.
Flyon 3.2.39
Game Power 7
Flyon is an MMORPG that is characterized by a vast open world
Sultan Forces
★Game Introduction Immerse yourself in the fantasy world ofTheOneThousand and One Nights. Recruit Ala Aldeen toyouralliance,summon the Djinn of the Lamp, employbattle-winningtactics, andwin the day! In a land of djinns anddemons, whereinvadersthreaten to plunge the world into darkness,anddifferentcivilizations are locked in the chaos of endless war,thelongforgotten One Thousand and One Nights could be your keytosavingmankind! Will you prove yourself worthy of wielding thepowerofthe Kingdoms of Sand, Oceans, and Air by leading vastarmiesofdemon thieves, carpet riders, and gunners into battle? Canyouleadthe Sultan Forces to everlasting victory? Don't hesitate,takeupthe challenge and show the world your might! ★GameFeatures※ThreeCivilizations The Kingdoms of Sand, Oceans, and Aireach comewiththeir own unique characteristics andbeautifulartwork,demonstrating the glory and prosperity of theancientMiddle East.Gather resources, train troops, and display theawesomepower ofyour civilization for the whole world to see!※TacticalBattles Arich selection of troops types and formationsofferendlesscombinations. Combine powerful military research,strongbonds withyour allies, and well-considered diplomacy toresist yourenemiesand emerge triumphant from realistic battles!※Hero DungeonsAllowloyal Ali Baba, quick-witted Ala Aldeen, andvaliant Sinbad toleadyou on a wondrous adventure, standing side byside with you asyouface numerous treacherous challenges. Each herohas theirownunique skills to offer, and learning who to use, andwhen, willbean important lesson in your struggle to defeat thefinalboss!※Raising Djinns Sand, Water, Fire, Wood, and Wind, thesearethefive elemental djinns that will help you on your waytoworlddomination! ※Alliance Wars Ally yourself with players fromalloverthe world to form mighty alliances and take on yourfoestogether!★Contact Us★Facebook:•Instagram:•Youtube:•Twitter:•PrivacyPolicy: •TermsofService:
عصر الملوك 3.1.4
Build your kingdom in the most powerful and thy bands epic wargamesArabic-language
انتقام السلاطين 1.16.38
Arabian Themed War Strategy Game
INVASION: صقور العرب‎ 1.48.50
It is a game of war and modern Arab strategy designedspecificallyfor gamers and Arab warriors
الفارس العظيم 1.0.35
دمر أعدائك من الأشخاص والقبائل الأخرى في ساحة المعركة باستخدامأقويالمهارات والتكتيكات مع أصدقائك، ودافع عن شرف قبيلك وارفعاسمهاعالياً في العديد من الحروب لاستعادة مجد ملوك الامة العربيةالقديمةوالتاج الملك. يجبرك هجوم العدو على استخدام كافة مواردكللنجاةبحياتك، التنافس بين المقاتلين يجعل لهب المعركة يستمر. تذكرجيداً!ليس هناك عدو دائم ولا صديق دائم. مميزات اللعبة: 【لعبة الحروبالشرسةبين الدول】 الصراع بين الدول الأقليمية الأربعة من أجلالهيمنةالعالمية، آلالاف الشجعان يتجهون للقتال في ساحة معركة واحدةلرفع اسمدولتهم عالياً 【استخدام أفضل الاستراتيجيات】 استخدم العديدمنالتكتيكات المتنوعة للهجوم المباغت على العدو على حين غرة.اللاعبونالكثيرون ليسوا عامل رئيسي لتحقيق الإنتصار. 【ألعاب قتاليةمتنوعة】حرب القبيلة وحرب الدولة وحرب الاستيلاء على المدينة... العديدمنالمعارك والحروب المستمرة دون توقف. ماذا تنتظر؟ هيا إلى إعلانالحربعلى الأعداء! 【تطوير شخصيتك】 قم بترقية وتطوير أسلحتك ودروعكومطيتكومهارات المفضلة، وقم بتقوية نفسك باستمرار من جميع الجوانب،لتصبحبطلا عظيماً لا يُقهر في ساحة المعركة! 【استعادة تاريخ الملوك】خرائطورسومات توضيحية ونماذج شخصيات متعددة ومناصب حقيقية توصلك إلىعامالعصور الوسط, انتزع الكنوز واحرس القافلة واكتشف المجهول.【استخدامميزة التحدث الصوتي】 تحول صوتك تلقائيًا اإلى نص، مما يجعلالتواصلأكثر راحة ودون عوائق أمام تكوين الصداقات! 【أنواع منالمطاياوالأسلح】 مئات المطايا والأسلحة في انتظاركم للحصول عليها،فتجعل منتجربة تعديل شخصيتك وتجميلها أمراً ممتعاً حسب ذوقك. 【نظامالمنصبالمميز】 قم بقيادة قبيلتك لإحتلال المدينة الذهبية لتصبح ملكدولتك،وتستطيع تعيين الآخرين في ستة عشر منصب. ان دولتك مُلك يديك!المرشال:إعلان وشن الحرب على دول الآخرين المرشد العسكري: إدارة صوتيةلحربالدولة رئيس الشرطي: لن تُصدر ضدك عقوبات اذا قتلت احد اعضاءدولتك منيستطيع قياده هذه الأرض الغنية؟ من يستطيع إستعادة مجد ملوكالامةالعربية القديمة؟ هيا لتصبح فارسًا عظيماً لا يُقهر في ساحةالمعركة!صفحة الفيسبوك:
Kingdoms Online 6.8.7
Live the Arabian glory, build a powerful kingdom, conqueryourenemies, form alliances, friendships, and rule the world withyouralliance! Download now! It is time to enjoy a realmilitarystrategy game that takes place in a pure Arabic frame withitsgraphics, designs, characters, leaders, units, and story. Formnewfriendships and foster old ones, and apply unique strategiestoachieve victory and crush your enemies. Game features: -PurelyArabic game with a full Arabic design, graphics, andcharacters -Compete against thousands of Arab players in an epicand deepstrategy game - Join the most powerful alliances andcooperate withyour friends to achieve victory - Build, develop, andexpand yourkingdom, and invade new lands - Join in global eventswith all theplayers in a unique PvE system - An epic player vsplayer (PvP) andclash system - A unique and highly developedeconomical system -Assign governors and generals and upgrade them -Plan your attacksthrough employing deep and developed strategies towin - Buildtrade centers, military posts, and colonies to expandyour reignand territory - Defend against and attack barbarian campsandpreserve your people to flourish Write your glory with yourownhands, and become the legend of Kingdoms Online. Spreadyourreputation and reign among thousands of players. Your epicstorybegins today! The game features Arabic tutorial videos to helpyoulearn and master it. Kingdoms Online is presented to you byPlay3arabi, Inc., the most epic Arabic games publisher. Follow usonour social media accounts, and send us your questions. Wepromiseto provide you with continuous and quick support. Pleaserate thegame and let us know what you think so we continuedeveloping thegame and improving it.
Invader 1.9.0411
Mozat Pte Ltd
Invader is strategy game for Arab players in the Middle EastwithEgyptian style
جناح المصير 1.5.7
جناح المصير هي أول لعبة آر بي جي عربية على هاتفك الجوالوالتيستقومفيها بإختيار بطلك العربي وستُحلق بجناحيه في سماء عالمملئبالتحديوالإثارة والمغامرات. لا تنتظر!!! إنضم الآن وقمبتطويرمهاراتكلمواجهة أقوى الوحوش الخيالية واقض على خصومك في حلبةالقتالالفرديبإستخدام أقوى ضربات الكومبو وشارك أصدقائك وتحالفمعهملمواجهةالتحالفات الأخرى للتربع على عرش العالم العربي! ::مميزاتاللعبة ::•أول لعبة آر بي جي عربية RPG •حلًق في سماء المعاركبأقوىالأجنحةواكتسب قوة لا مثيل لها •رسوم وجرافيكس ثلاثية الأبعادتضعك فيجوالمعركة •شخصيات عالية التفاصيل والدقة وحركات سلسة تجعلمنالقتالسهلاً وسريعاً •PVPمعارك وقتال ضد لاعبين آخرين ونمطالتعاونيعني أننار المعارك لن تخمد •وحوش مرعبة تجبرك على استخدامكافة قواكومواردكللنجاة بحياتك •دافع عن شرف تحالفك وارفع اسمه عالياًفيحروبالتحالفات •مئات الأدوات والأسلحة تجعل من تجربةتعديلشخصيتكوتجميلها بحسب ذوقك أمراً ممتعاً بحق •اكتسب أجنحة غضب لامثيللهاوتحول أثناء المعركة إلى كتلة من الخطر والدمار بوجهخصومك•محركرسومات مخصص لإعطاء الأداء الأفضل على أجهزة الموبايل•Comboاستخدممهارات مخيفة واستعمل عدة هجمات وضربات الكومبو التي لايمكنإتقانهاإلا بالعمل الشاق •كل هذا بلمسة زر واحدة من اصبعك هلتواجهمشكلة أوتحتاج للمساعدة؟ تفضل بزيارة [email protected]
Conquerors: Golden Age 5.4.0
Arabic Real Time Strategy Game
Doom Dunes 1.16.0
Make friends and enemies with players from all over the worldinthis new action packed strategy hit! Doom Dunes lets you takeonthe role of a noble prince with big ambitions! Form allianceswithinfluential princes and develop your humble castle into abustlingempire. Collect riches from faraway lands, hunt wildcreatures andtrain an elite army to fight opponents on thebattlefield!Features: 1. Strategic gameplay: reinforce your armythroughresearch and recruitment. Know when to lie low and when toattack!2. Teamplay goes global: be part of an internationalalliance whereyou can research, hunt and fight side by side! 3.Real-time 3Dcombat: follow PvP battles in real-time, sendreinforcements andsupplies! 4. Build, train & prosper: Build upyour base,collect resources, bulk up your army & build a mightyempire!5. Conquer the world: Vanquish roaming monsters for thetreasuresthey hold. Attack other players’ castles to plunder theirresources& climb to the top! Visit officialsites:
Dynasty Blade 2: ROTK Infinity 26.0.00
New MMORPG of Three Kingdoms! Get blades and crush foes! Funandeasy to play!
Dragon Knight : Realm Clash 2.0.5
Stepping into this adventurous world, all you need to do istorallyheroes on this land and build powerful troops, ones thatareadeptat both attacking and defending. From here the storybegins.Trainyour troops and deploy them in different combinationstorestrainyour opponent, thus obtaining power that can put an endtowars.[Dragon Knight : Realm Clash] is a strategy battle gamewhereyoucan enjoy “guilt-free” play through itsclassicidle-styledgameplay. If you are a fan of western cartoonandstrategy games,how could you not come and experience theexcitementof trainingdragons and engaging in battles, all that canbe done inthis game?Features [Cute and Captivating Western CartoonStyle]This cutestrategy game features cute characters with vividgraphicsthat aregoing to give you an adventure experience likeneverbefore. [FastLeveling , A Relaxing Experience with IdleGameplay]The uniqueidle style gameplay is going to set your handsfree.Herocollection and cultivation can be done easily with theidlesystemin this game. Get unlimited resources 24/7 and besurprisedeverysingle time you log in the game! [Different HeroSkills andTalents, Flexible Combination and Battles] Every herocomes withdifferentskills and talents. By making strategic use ofyour heroestorestrain your opponent, you can easily crush themonthebattlefields. [Dragon Legion , Powerful Back-up] Tamedragonsandhave them as your servants! Control the timing oftheiraidingattacks, you can turn the tide of the battlefield atanycrucialtime! [A Variety of Gameplay] All kinds ofchallenges,treasurehunts, battles and village raids await. Whileexperiencingthegameplay, you can obtain items and resources tobecomestronger.[Hone Your Skills , Become the Final Winner]Challenge thearenaand climb to the highest tier in order to winboundless lootsandunlimited glory! There is even a cross-serverarena where youcanfight various opponents. [A Wide Variety ofHeroes ,HaveSidekicksat Your Side] Make the troop combinationtactically torestrictyour opponent, thus defeating them. Every herohas theirownsidekicks who assist them on the battlefield. [HeroesatYourDisposal , Win Battle With Wits] Countless heroes andthreetypesof troops who are mutually restrictive. Use your wits tomakethebest formation and crush your enemies! Follow us to getnewsandUpdates: Official Facebook Page: Dragon Knight :RealmClashInstagram: Eyougame_official Email:[email protected][Reminder]※ This game is rated for 12+according to Game SoftwareRatingRegulations. ※ This game containsimage of fighting, sexualorattacking that is not bloody, or aterrifying image ※ Thisgamedesign procures users to have virtualromantic relationshiporvirtual marriage. ※ This game has a top-upstore. You areadvisedto spend wisely according to personal interestand ability.※Playing game for long hours might affect normal workand rest.Youare advised to take rest and exercise appropriately
Dynasty Legends:Warriors Unite 13.6.600
4th Anniversary is open. Explore Grotto Realm for tons ofrewardsand honor.
Saif Almarifa 20190417
لعبة و ستراتيجية سيف المعرفة هي لعبة أكثر من مجرد لعبة مسابقةفريدةمن نوعها. قهر الأراضي وأهجم على قلعة العدو عن طريق الإجابةالصحيحةعلى الأسئلة. اختبر معلوماتك واستخدم مهاراتك الستراتيجية.بطولات وترتيب يمكنك الانضمام إلى المنافسات, أدخل البطولات و احصلعلى المركزالأول في الترتيب و خذ المكافآت! أوصل الى أعلى المراكزبستراتيجية!اهزم أعدائك لتكون بطل سيف المعرفة! مجتمع مزدهر أنشئعشيرة (أوإنضم), العب و دردش مع آلاف محبين سيف المعرفة. ارسل دعوةلأصدقائك والعب معهم مباريات ودية, أعطي رأيك عن الأسئلة, أو أنشئأسئلة خاصةبك. إمبراطورية من المتعة خصص عالمك - أنشئ شخصيتك الخاصة,وسع قريتكو ارفع مستوى المباني لزيادة المكافآت والذهب. كن مبدعاً عندانشاءامبراطوريتك! عبر الجوال العب سيف المعرفة من أي جهاز محمول فيأيمكان! ابدء اللعب على الحاسوب و كملها على الجوالك أو التاب. منالآنيمكنك اللعب بسيف المعرفة أينما كنت. Website: www.triviador.netفيسبوك:
Taichi Panda 3: Dragon Hunter 4.22.3
Experience a fantasy adventure with top graphics and anepicthrilling story!
League of Kingdoms 2.33
League of Kingdoms is a Web3 MMO Strategy game
Taichi Panda 2.81
An exciting action adventure RPG of Panda proportions!
Order & Chaos 2: 3D MMO RPG 3.1.3a
Gameloft SE
Fantasy heroes on the road to redemption. MMORPG game.
Evostar: Legendary Warrior RPG 1.9.8
Fight & Defeat legendary Dragon Warriors and become a god inaMultiplayer RPG.
KingsRoad 7.9.1
Answer the hero's call. Leave the safety of the hearth behindasyoufight to prevent the warriors of evil from dominatingtherealm.Play KingsRoad for free in the most addicting ActionRPG!CHOOSEYOUR CLASS • Knight - Noble warrior. Sword and boardtank.Defenderof the Kingdom. • Archer - Sniper. Rogue. Bow andarrowexpert. •Wizard -  Sorcerer. General wielder of fire andarcanespellsGAMEPLAY FEATURES • Free to play Action RPG •Real-timemultiplayer.Play with other heroes from around the world.• Crossplatformgameplay. Play your heroes across desktop andmobiledevices. •Endless Content. Hundreds of maps to explore.Countlessenemies toslay. • Form guilds and create alliances indefense ofthe Kingdom.• Customizable talents and spells. •Craftable itemupgrades. •Epic. Loot. Drops. Like usonFacebook: TermsofService:
Travelling Millionaire 1.16.1
🔥 The most popular online strategy board game is waiting for you! 🔥
Arab Empire 2- King Of Desert 1.7.5
Encore Classic, Empire War SLG “King Of Desert”, an eraofArabEmpire creates by you & me. ***Description*** ArabEmpire2-King Of Desert is a high graphicepicSLGin the Arabic style. The gorgeousgraphicanddiversified play wayssubvert the conventions ofSLGmode. Full of strategycombat ways, interesting simulation,uniquePVE and cool 3D skilleffects... In this empire world, youwillplay as a King Of Desert.In order to reclaim your throneandcomplete the oath of dominatingthe word, you will leadyourwarriors to start the journey ofconquering the world. WarriorofArabic, let’smake that blood covenant again tosmashthose enemies whoblock your way to dominate theworld.***Features*** ▶King Of Desert,Commanders Follow◀ All heroeshavetheir own unique skill which hasgreat bonus to the cityandcombat. Capture the enemy’s heroes, evenexecute them. Buildaarmy, collect scrolls to enhance the trooppower, Easy foranon-paid player to upgrade. ▶ BattleFormation, PlunderLand◀Legendary classic heroes, strategysimulation, multifunctions,multi play ways. March to fight, defensethe city,develop theeconomics and command thousands of armies tolaunch theepic war.▶ Create Your Own Kingdom◀ Upgradelegendarybuildings andheroes; Research technology, train army,build walltraps, explorethe treasure to make your kingdomprosperity!▶ 4 Kinds ofTroop Unit, Free Upgrade◀ There are 4kinds oftroops: infantry,cavalry, range and siege engine. Withtheirownstrengths and weaknesses. Scout in placewithcleartactic, and cooperate with hero’s battle skill toovercometheweaknesses is the key todeterminethe victory aheadof time. ▶ IncomingMonsters, SlayTo Loot Treasure◀ Mysteriousand unpredictablemonsters arerampaging on the world. They carrynumberlesstreasures. Who willbe the master of these treasures,let’s wait andsee! ▶ WorldWar, Fight For Throne◀ Theaggressive lord’sdispute, excited holycity war,getthe whole force ready. Who will be theking torulethe Arab Empire? Let the Arab Empire bring you tothislegendaryworld. ***Support*** Follow us to get news andupdates.Facebook:***WarmNotice***Arab Empire is free to play, however some gameitems canbepurchased with real money. Please arrange your timeproperly,avoidaddiction.
Beast Quest 1.0.6
It’s time to become a hero in BEAST QUEST!
Saladin 5.0.82
Saladin is a Strategy RTS Mobile Game from the Original SeriesofSaladin.
Clash of Lords 2: حرب الأبطال 1.0.233
War heroes is a game of strategy which is characterized by funandinvent new ways to play.
Beast Quest Ultimate Heroes 1.3.5
Based on best-selling adventure series Beast Quest, a TD gameyoucannot miss!
Myth of Sword 1.01.75
2.5D Delicate Graphic Map, Multi-play Event, Awesome Gears.Sellextra gears in Market to earn money! Totally free-play! Createyourown Kingdom and be stronger together! A totally newbackgroundprovides you total different gaming experience!Multi-player,multi-game play, you won’t be bored anymore! 1.KingBattle. PKacross server. Who will be the King? You’ll see!2.Wedding Feature.Is it too boring by lonely play game? Positivesure. Move andencounter your love here! 3.Various Costume. Youwon’t worry aboutyour dress up! Too many gorgeous costumes are foryou! 4.SpecialHome Feature. It’s not only a game. You can alsoshare your storyand picture here. 5.Multi-gameplays. You won’t havespare time awhole day with so many events here! More interestingand challengesare waiting for you to try. We assure you greatgaming experienceand joy here! So come on! More new content isunder development.Please follow us here:
War Eternal-Divine Battlefield 10.0.156
Civilization - Empire of the Dragon Available Now
Musou Glory 12.0
The ultimate MMOARPG is here! Brave the world with alliance now!
Era Origin
is a western fantasy 3D MMORPG.
Sword of Chaos 6.0.8
Allstar Games
One of the most cutting-edge Mobile Action MMORPG ever produced.Gotaste it!
Clash of Sultans 1.1.7
Join Clash of Sultans the classic online real-timestrategywar,bring you back to the Middle Ages battlefields. Willyou,theglorious sultan, bring a thousand years of prosperitytoyourpeople? Will the soldiers under your wise reign, becomethemastersof their fate? Will the empire stand the test of time?Come!Trainfearlessly troops, form guild with trustworthy friendsandwageyour epic war to conquer the world! - Real-Time PVPBattlesBattleshappen in real time on the map. See an ally beingattackedright inyour realm? Send some troops to defend him, orlaunch asurprisecounterattack on the attacker’s city. Pass thetrialofnever-ending revenge and conquer is the only way tobecomeasultan! - Unrestricted Troop Movements Issue a feint atoneenemy,then circle back with your allies to occupy thepalace.Yourcommands can be issued to troops at any time,allowinglimitlessstrategic possibilities. - Choose Your SoldiersWiselyMightytroops are waiting for your order, train Cavalry,Infantry,RangedUnit, or Siege Engine with your strategy offormation, thevictoryshall be yours! - Allies Are Your Key toSurvival Join apowerfulguild, or start one of your own. Buildalliances with othersultansaround the Arab world. Clash of Sultansis an online RTSMMORPGthat make your sultan dreams come true. Uniteclosely withyourallies to make your alliance the strongest in yourkingdom,wage awar to strike any enemy! - Siege for the Palace ofSultan Noruleris complete without a Palace of their own. Rise to beKing,andenjoy privileges like renaming the World, and more!-RecruitMighty Heroes Mighty heroes armed with powerful skillsawaityou!Raise their levels and gear them up with Crests andequipment,thenwatch as they lead your troops to victory! - Rise UpYourOwnEmpire The foundation of a mighty army is a well-runcity!Upgradebuildings, research Tech and train Troops to stayahead!-Connected to Your Friends and Allies Chat with anyonefromanywherewith real-time translation! Use the Kingdom Chat,GuildChat, orcreate a personalized chat group of your own! - TheGameforArabian With a lavish Arabian theme filled with mysteryandwonder,experience a fresh and unique style in both buildingandcombatgameplay! - The World is Your Playground FreelymigratebetweenWorlds to find one that suits your play style. ChooseanemptierWorld to lie low and develop, or one packed with playerstoraid!Write your glory with your own hands, your name and storywillbespreaded among millions of players. Download Clash ofSultansandjoin the MMO PVP war! Your epic story beginstoday!Contact:[email protected] Follow usonFacebook:
Conquerors 2: Glory of Sultans 3.5.3
Recruit Heroes, have Heirs with your consorts, and form agrandempire!
World of Kings 1.3.18
Embark on an epic adventure!
Dragonborn Knight 1.4.1
A dragon themed MMO. Raise your dragon,immerse yourself inthefantasy world.
Castle Clash: حاكم العالم 3.4.31
Join epic battles and compete with players inserver-widetournaments!
Guardian Knights 0.23.009
A classic turn-based RPG that provides a retro gaming experience-Experience the classic RPG of line tactic system!Characternurturing system - Upgrade your characters with evolution,merge,learning new skills, enhancement and character synergiceffects.Cinematic Scenario - Experience the tremendous scales of afantasyworld with the cinematic scenario. Battle Arena - Proveyourguardians’ strength on the Battle Arena. Your elite championsneedyour wise command. Your strategic controls are highly requiredtowin the battles of the Arena Guild system - When you jointheguild, a new Phase of the game starts. Guild wars, guildtitle,guild research will provide you countless rewards and totallynewentertainment. ★User Permissions★ User permissions required forthegame use. - External storage Read/Write (WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE/READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE). Access authority is required to saveandload game data. "STEP 1. When the game is launched for thefirsttime, allow permission for [Access to Device Photos, Media,andFiles] in the pop-up message window." STEP 2. From yourdevice'sSettings menu, set Storage to Allow: [Application manager>Guardian Knights > Permissions > [Storage]Homepage:
Light Chaser 15.4.7
Enjoy “Light Chaser” must-play game you can’t afford to missthisyear!
Dark Deck Dragon Loot Cards 1.06
Collect cards, defeat your opponent in Deck Building Game andbeHero Legend!
Armored God 1.0.9
Global Server is on. Compete with players from over 100 regions.
Epic War - Castle Alliance 2.1.021
Civilization Simulation & Realtime MMO Strategy Battle