Top 8 Apps Similar to The Weavers

OMNIFIT BRAIN : The Focus 1.6.7
Concentration UP Stress DOWN with EEG mesuring device.
WellnessLiving Elevate Staff App
WL Mobile
Use the WellnessLiving Elevate Staff App to manage your studio.
Astronomy Course Assistant 1.0.5329542
Wolfram Group
Astronomy app great for any college-level introductorycomputationalcourse.
DSO Planner Basic (Astronomy) 3.4.0
DSO Planner Basic is an astronomyobservationplanning tool with excellent star charting capabilitiesmade byactive and experienced amateur observers with a passion forvisualobservations. Basic Edition version comes equipped with Yalebrightstar catalog (9 000 stars to 6.5m), 600 000 stars to 10.7mfromTycho-2 catalog, 3 100 brightest objects from NGCICcatalog,observable comets (around 700) and 500 brightest minorplanets. Theapplication excels at creating observation plans on thefly, haspowerful note taking capabilities, PushTo and GoTo supportandnight (red) mode.Consider Plus/Pro Edition if you need more objects/starsandopportunity to create your own object databases.Before installation please make sure that you have at least 100MBof free space on your internal SD card to downloadapplicationdatabases! (Note: due to Google Play rules this datacannot bemoved to your external SD card - you must have 100 MB freeon yourinternal SD card!)+ Deep sky catalogs. NgcIc (3 100 objects includingMessier,Caldwell and Herschel 400 objects)+ Double Star catalog. 500 double stars from Yale catalog shownonStar Chart. Info Panel with PA and separation foreachcomponent.+ Comet support. Orbital elements of around 700 observablecometscould be automatically updated via internet+ Famous Steve Gottlieb Notes attached to NGCIC objects+ Cross-match names database. Search stars / objects by lesscommonnames+ DSS imagery support. Download DSS images of any sky portionintooffline cache and overlay it on the star chart+ Offline images. Integrated set of images of mostNgcIcobjects+ Nebula contours. Contours of famous nebulae+ Object contours. Ellipse in real dimension and orientation+ Night mode. Fully red screen with red keyboard and menus+ PushTo for dobsonian mounts with setting circles. Levelyourdobsonian mount and perform one star alignment. The appwillautomatically recalculate az/alt numbers to easily hunttheobject+ GoTo for Meade and Celestron controllers withbluetoothdongle+ Unique visibility tool. Only objects that are visiblewithselected equipment in the current sky conditions could be shownonthe Star Chart+ Planning tool. Filter any objects database by observerlocation,sky condition, astronomical equipment, time range ofobservationand object features (type, dimension, magnitude, minimalaltitude,visibility). Remove duplicate objects when searchinginintersecting databases. Create up to 4 observation lists.Easilytrack observed and remaining to be observed objects withnotetaking tool+ Import tool. Import observation lists in Sky Safari and SkyToolsformat+ Note taking. Take text and/or audio notes+ Observing places. GPS, manual coordinates, custom lists.Databasewith 24 000 cities worldwide+ Equipment. Keep track of all your telescopes and eyepieces.Usethem for object visibility calculation and star charting. Use500popular eyepieces database+ Twilight calculator. Calculation of the full darkness foracurrent night and for a month ahead+ 2 visual themes (bright and dark)+ Powerful share/export/import capabilities (ofdatabases,observation lists, notes)Disclaimer
Mira: Trauma and PTSD Support 2.4.9
Trauma and PTSD Symptom Management and Support
PastoBlend 2.1.0
PastoBlend© CCR Real gases Blenderis a software for recreational and technical scuba divinggasblending ( Nitrox, Trimix, Héliair ).It's based on Van der Waals state equation ( real gases ), witchismore accurate than perfect gases, especially if you fill athigherpressures ( 300 bars / 4.350 Psi ).It calculates best mix ( ideal mix ) for OC Open circuitdivesand CCR Rebreather dives, by entering END or PpN2, and PpO2fordiluent and Bailout.It calculates fills in Partial Pressure, continuous fill,orBanked EAN.In Trimix continuous flow mode, it show you the state of the twoO2sensor, to obtain desired trimix.Top-Up calculated resulting mix by adding to a tank withgivenpressure and mix, content of another ( or multiples ) tank(s)withdifferents mixes.What-if calculates resulting mix, starting with a tank andgivenpressure/mix and adding to it given quantity of O2, He andAir.Supported units: meters, feet, bars, Psi, °C, °F,cubicinchesMultilanguage: English, French, Italian, SpanishCalculation of filling priceCalculation of minimal Bank tank pressure
The Manual Therapy App 2.0.2
Learn mobilisations and manipulations of the musculoskeletal system
DPLevel Calculator 1.0
Easiest way to calculate differential pressure on DP transmitter.