Top 12 Games Similar to 결합 게임 - 더지니어스 재미있는 카드 퍼즐

게임퀴즈 2.0
쿠키런,카트라이더 다 한번씩 해봤지?그럼 지금부터 우리가 하는 게임이 문제로 나오는 퀴즈 해보자!사진으로 나오는 게임화면을 보고 어떤 게임인지 제목만 맞추면돼~간단하지?정말정말 유명하고 재밌는 게임들만 나오니까,혹시나 안해본 게임이 있다면 새롭게 알게되는 재미도 있을꺼야~모르는 문제 나와도 도와줄 친구들이 있으니까 걱정말고 start!----개발자 연락처 :070-9966-3131Run cookies, kartingtriedit once, right?So now we have a game out of this problem, let's quiz!Photo of the game screen to see which game comes out, but whenImatch what the title, yes.Not simple?Only very, very popular and funny game yeah,I tried a new game hoping to know if there is going to befun...Do not know the problem, do not worry because there friendscomeout to help start!
퀴즈,슈퍼마켓! 1.7
얘들아~ 우리 마트놀이 가자~퀴즈로 푸는 재밌는 마트놀이★★★★★퀴즈,슈퍼마켓★★★★★마트에 가면♪ 음료수도 있고♪우유도 있고♪ 라면도 있고♪장난감도 있고♪ 치약도 있고♪과자코너,음료코너,장난감코너를 돌면서 물건 이름만 맞춰!그러면 내가 전부 카트에 담아줄께~어느 코너부터 갈까? 장남감? 과자?뭘 고민해~ 얼른나와!퀴즈 마트로 출발~----개발자 연락처 :070-9966-3131Let us play smart guys ~~To solve the quiz game fun Mart★ ★ ★ ★ ★ quiz, supermarkets ★ ★ ★ ★ ★♪ ♪ drinks and go-Mart also♪ ♪ and if the milk isAnd even toothpaste and toys ♪ ♪Corner sweets, drinks corner, turns the corner stuff toysonlyguess the name!Then I'll put everything on the cart ...From one corner to go? Toy? Cookies?What troubles - Come on!Start-Mart Quiz
Hammer Fighter - funny games 1.8
Hammer Fighter - one of the funniest and addicting arcadegameyou've ever seen!
범인은 너! 추리퀴즈 2.5
진실은 언제나 하나!범인은 너!코난처럼 외치고 싶으셨나요?시시한 추리퀴즈? 빠져.억지 가득한 해설? 빠져.명석한 두뇌의 소유자를 위한 퀴즈와무릎을 탁! 치게 되는 명쾌한 해설!막히면 셜록에게 도움을 요청해서올스테이지 클리어에 도전해보세요.----개발자 연락처 :* 업무 제휴 문의는 반드시 e-mail로 부탁드립니다.이메일: [email protected]연락처: 010-4182-2221주소: 서울시 마포구 합정동 381-16The truth isalwaysone!The killer for you!Did you want to shout like Conan?Fluff mystery quiz? Out.Deterrence full commentary? Out.Quizzes and for the owner of the brightest brainsTak knees! Lucid commentary that struck!And blocked for help SherlockTry a challenge to come clear the stage.
Clues Quiz 2.10
Namu Games
Have fun while testing your guessing skills!
지니어스 1.2.7
*잠들어 있는 당신의 두뇌를 깨워줄 단 하나의 게임.*수험생, 아이들, 뇌섹남, 뇌섹녀의 필수 어플*Math 게임과 스네이크 게임, 구구단 게임 그리고 50 게임까지! 4가지 게임을 동시에!!*암산실력과 순발력, 승부욕을 동시에 키울 수 있는 게임!*제작자가 테스트하다가 머리가 좋아졌다는 믿지 못할 게임!*산수공부가 지겨운 아이들에게 즐겁고 재밌게, 자연스럽게 공부시켜 주세요.**끝없는 업데이트!!!*단순 하지만 중독성 깊은 게임.*남녀노소 누구가 쉽고 간편하게 즐길 수 있는 게임.*아이들 두뇌 개발과 성적 향상, 집중력 향상에 도움이 되는 게임.*버스, 지하철, 출퇴근, 등하교, 명절에 지루한 시간을 달래 줄 게임.*GENIUS!지금 도전하세요!*업적을 달성해 보세요.*리더보드로 월드플레이어들과 경쟁 할 수 있습니다.* Line asleep to wakeupyour brain a single game.* Students, children, brain seknam, mandatory application ofbrainseknyeo* Math games Snake games, multiplication games and 50 games!Fourkinds of games at the same time!* Mental arithmetic skills and wits, you can raise thefightingspirit and at the same time the game!* Producers not believe the test head while jyeotdaneunfavoritegames!* Arithmetic study is enjoyable and fun for children tedious, Letmenaturally to study.** Endless updates!* Simple but addictive game deep.* Ages who are easy and convenient to enjoy the game.* Children brain development and sexual enhancement, the gamethatcan help improve concentration.* Bus, subway, commuter, from school, give game time to soothethedull holiday.* GENIUS!Challenge now!* Try to achieve the achievements.* You can compete with world players in the leaderboard.
아재 능력 고사 : 아재개그와 넌센스퀴즈 2.0.10
"The king will say you fell?" "What if the strawberries arefiredfrom work?" Hundreds of buttercups gimbujang comedy quiz thatis!Could you meet?
Fun Ways to Think
Are you ready to play the most ENTERTAININGandCRAZIEST and the most dumb riddle game ever?Fun ways to think will make you think in ways you have nevereverthought! Get ready to have your mind-blown and answer some ofthemost amazing picture stump riddles ever.Get it NOW! Its FREE to play!There are so many fun, challenging and dumb riddles. They arefunny,adventurous, quirky, mouth-watering, jaw-dropping andamazingly funto solve. You will shocked at the dumb ways that thisgame will makeyou think in!Game features:- Free to play and a lot of fun- Brain-twisting puzzles- Smart, hard, kids, word, picture,impossible etc. We have allsortsof stump riddles!- No this game is not for babies- Many picture combos to solve, that will leave you guessing.Strainyour brain, guess the answer or there is no way out! Justkidding,we always have a clue for you. So you can guess the wordusing ourclues. There are also other features that can help yousolve theriddles like hints and letter elimination.Sharpen your mind by playing this for hours and hours. Patrolyourbrain while doing so though! 101 riddles book is not going tohelpyou. This is all ORIGINAL! If you love free riddle quiz games,thisis definitely for you.Play and live the riddles! Try and unriddle thesemind-bogglingpictures. There is only a dumb way to play this!But make sure you don't die thinking!We have upto 8000 riddles in the pipeline!Credit for the brain-twisting riddles - Pujan ChhedaLike us on Facebook: us on Twitter:
추리매칭게임 TapTap 1.2
- Tap! Tap! 가볍게 화면을 터치하는 것만으로 추리 퀴즈 게임을 즐길수있습니다.- 관련이 있는 것들을 매칭시켜보면서 자연스럽게 추리력이 향상 될 것입니다.---------이메일 : [email protected] Tap! Tap! Lightlyyoucan enjoy the mystery quiz game by simply touchingthescreen.- Naturally looking to match things that are relevant reasoningwillbe improved.---------Email: [email protected]
방탄 소년단 퀴즈 - 방탄 퀴즈 7.3
10만명 이상의 팬들이 플레이한 퀴즈게임!!! 방탄소년단 팬이라면 꼭 알아야 할 지식들을 재미있게 퀴즈로구성했습니다.OX, 사지선다, 주관식, 연상 퀴즈로 구성 되어 재미를 한층 더 합니다. 총 네가지의 게임모드로 나눠져있습니다. *.어디까지 알고 있니? 챕터 퀴즈 *. 한번 풀었다고 다 안다고 생각해? 리뷰 퀴즈 *. 어디까지 풀어봤니? 서바이벌퀴즈 *. 내 방탄 지식은 어느 정도지? 랭킹 퀴즈 이제 막 입덕 하신 분은 챕터 퀴즈로 실력을 쌓으시고,서바이벌 및랭킹 퀴즈를 즐기시면 재미있습니다. 기록실에서 전 세계 방탄 소년단 팬들의 점수를 확인 할 수있습니다.****************************************************** 사용자와함께만들어가는 방탄 퀴즈 입니다. 나만 알고 있는 정보를 알려주세요. 자세한 정보와 함께 ID를 적어서 메일로보내주시면,확인 후 스크린샷에 올린것 처럼 사용자 퀴즈로 문제를 만들어서 업데이트 하도록 하겠습니다. 많은 참여부탁드려요^^****************************************************** 잘못된정보가 있으면,메일및 리뷰 주시면 확인후 정정 하겠습니다.^^ 감사합니다. ---- 개발자 연락처:[email protected]
Genius 1.0
Το Genius είναι ένα επιτραπέζιο παιχνίδιtriviaγενικών γνώσεων για 2 έως 4 ομάδες. Χωρίστε την παρέα σας σεομάδεςκαι ανακαλύψτε ποια ομάδα είναι ικανή να κερδίσει τον τίτλοτουGenius!Αν είστε λάτρεις του TRIVIAL PERSUIT αυτό το παιχνίδι είναιγιασας!!!Οι κανονές είναι απλοί: η ομάδα που παίζει διάλεγει μία αποτιςδυο κατηγορίες που έφερε το ζάρι και αν απαντήσει σωστάξαναπαίζειαν όχι παίρνει τη συσκευή και ρωτάει την επόμενη ομάδα.Εαν το ζάριφέρει ερώτηση για διαμαντάκι και η ομάδα σας απαντήσεισώστάκερδίζεται το διαμαντάκι της κατηγορίας. Η πρώτη ομάδα πουθαμαζέψει και τα 6 διαμαντάκια κερδίζει!!!Προσοχή ομως! το Genius είναι το πιο απαιτητικό παιχνίδιγνώσεων.Μπορεί η ομάδα σου να τα καταφέρει;Χαρακτηριστικά:- Πάνω απο 2000 ερωτήσεις- 6 Κατηγορίες- 2 έως 4 ομάδες- Στειλτε τις δικές σας ερωτήσεις- Καντε αναφορά σε ερώτησεις που δεν σας αρέσουνΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Το GENIUS παίζεται με ΜΙΑ μονο συσκευή!Για οποιοδήποτε πρόβλημα ή απορία σχετικά με την εφαρμογήμας,επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας μέσω email!The Genius is adesktopgeneral knowledge trivia game for 2-4 teams. Divide yourfriendsinto groups and find out which team is capable of winningthe titleof Genius!If you love TRIVIAL PERSUIT this game is for you !!!The rules are simple: the team that plays chooses one of thetwocategories that brought the dice and if you answercorrectlyreplays if not take the device and asks the next group. Ifthe dicecarries question gem and your team answered correctly wonthe gemcategory. The first team to collect all 6 gems wins !!!But beware! the Genius is the most challenging quiz. Canyourgroup do it?Characteristics:- Over 2000 questions- 6 Categories- 2 to 4 groups- Send your questions- Make reference to questions you do not likeCAUTION: The GENIUS is played with a single device!For any problem or question regarding our application, contactusby email!
Cars Game Fun Trivia Quiz 3.0
Quiz Corner
🏁 You know a lot about cars? Quiz up withCarsQuiz Fun Trivia Game and prove it! Test your knowledge of carsand"car brands"! If you like to play "car guessing games",you'lladore this free "car quiz"!"Guess the car brand" with this "picture trivia" & quizyourselfwith more than 300 random multiple choice questions andanswersabout various "types of cars"! Who are the top car makers,Or thebest selling car brands? Which Porsche model is the mostexpensive?What do you know about "racing cars"? Take this "freequiz game forAndroid™ " and put your knowledge to the test! Also,quiz yourfriends and family and see who is the best!Looking for "quizzes for boys"? Download "Cars Quiz Fun TriviaGame"for free and try out this cool game today!🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁🚙 5 levels of difficulty!🏁 You have 20 seconds to choose the right quiz answer - doitfast;🚙 Quiz up and test your knowledge of cars and car brands!🏁 Use one of 3 available lifelines to solve the questions:* 50:50 – remove two incorrect answers;* Switch your question with another one;* Use the help of your friends – take a look at theiranswers shown in percent.🏁 Three errors in a row - game over;🚙 Remember - use lifelines less and win more coins! Cash inyourknowledge and feel like a millionaire!🏁 Log in with Facebook to win free coins and outsmartyourfriends!🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁What is your favorite Lamborghini or Mercedes model? Can youguessthem by the picture? Or, can you “guess the car logo” bythepicture or some piece of information? If race cars are youpassion,you'll find some questions about them, too, so don'thesitate todownload this cool game for Android™ phones and tablets!Play thisfree quiz for boys and girls and learn new facts about thefastestautomobiles or top luxury cars! Classic cars or oldtimersnever goout of fashion, as well, so maybe you'll learn a few thingsaboutthem too with Cars Quiz Fun Trivia Game! This is not thehardestquiz ever nor an impossible quiz game but you'll have tonsfun,guaranteed!This educational and “fun trivia game” will test yourknowledgeabout Nissan and Lexus automobiles, Toyota vehicles orAudimodels!🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁Trivia quiz games are fun games for kids and adults, a wholefamilycan gather around the tablet and “guess the car” oranswerdifferent trivia questions! “Cars games” are popular amongallgenerations, as well: kids, adults, teenagers, boys and girlsallenjoy playing “car logo quiz games”. So, go fast and furiousandget our awesome quizlet app! Show us how much you knowaboutautomobiles and answer quiz questions fast to reach thetopspeed!Besides being a fun pastime, quiz games are a great practiceforimproving your memory! Cars Quiz Fun Trivia Game is anexcellentbrain exercise for kids and adults.🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁 🚙 🏁Get this fun "cars game for free" and spend some quality timewithyour family and friends! Log in with Facebook and compete toseewho'll occupy No.1 position on our leaderboard! This fun"quizgame" will become your favorite brainteaser after the firsttimeyou try it out! Download this trivia quiz game for kids andadultsfree of charge and you'll have a fun time killer game alwaysinyour pocket! Answer quiz questions about super cars, fastcars,luxury automobiles, grand manufacturers such as KIA,Hyundai,Citroen, Porsche, Audi, Mercedes etc., “guess the car name”orguess the logo and have tons of fun with this cooltriviagame!