Top 19 Apps Similar to LiveRadar Weather Forecast

RegenRadar mit Unwetterwarnung 2023.14
See if rain is coming. The weather radar from WetterOnline.Withoutadvertisement!
Weather & Radar USA - Pro 2023.21.1
Local forecast, alerts, radar, lightning tracker + weather appforAndroid Auto
Rain Alarm Pro
This weather app alerts you when rainisapproaching. The alerts are a reliable short-term forecast basedonnear real-time data. This app is more precise and reliable thanatraditional forecast.It is very useful for all outdoor activities – includingcycling,motorcycling, hiking, gardening, BBQs, picnics, dog walkingandDIY.Features:• Alerts to every type of precipitation, whether rain, snoworhail• Alert as a notification with vibration and/or sound• Simple and easy map overview• Handy widgets in different sizes and themesThe data is collected from governmental weather services. Worksinthe USA (including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam), Canada,theUK, Ireland, Australia, Bermuda, the Philippines, Finland,Iceland,Spain (including the Balearic and the Canary Islands),Argentina,Mexico, El Salvador, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong, Malaysia,Singapore,Brunei, Germany, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea,Norway, theNetherlands, Slovenia, Croatia, Belarus, Ukraine.Includes all extra features:• No more ads• Multiple alarms and additional settings• Animation settings and overlay transparency• Multiple locations and additional settings• More widget color schemes• Activate the Android Wear app (adjustable and zoomable mapviewwith animation)Also available for other platforms:https://app.rain-alarm.comFollow us on Twitter for the latestnews:
RegenVorschau 2.0.9
Accurate forecasts for rain and snow in Germany
Kachelmann Radar & Blitz HD 1.7.1
NEU KOSTENLOSDiese App ist ab jetzt kostenlos erhältlich, damit diesenSommerwirklich jeder trocken bleibt, der nicht im Regen stehen willundjeder Storm chaser auch wirklich sein Gewitter findet.BESTES NIEDERSCHLAGSRADAR DEUTSCHLANDS!
Vergessen Sie alle anderen Wetterradar-Apps! KachelmannwetterzeigtIhnen das Niederschlagsradar mit einer Auflösung bis zu 250mexakterstmals und exklusiv als App – und bietet somit eine 16-bis64fach höhere Genauigkeit als alle anderen Wetterradar-Apps aufdemdeutschen Markt! Wenn Sie also in ZukunftstrassengenauNiederschlag und Blitze nachvollziehen möchten, dannbrauchen Siediese App.FEATURES IM ÜBERBLICK:– in Deutschland einmaliges, hochauflösendes Regenradar mit250mGenauigkeit– Gewitter im Anmarsch? Unsere App zeigt Ihnen genau, wo esgeradekracht.– Blitzanalyse straßengenau: Wo hat’s eingeschlagen, undwiestark?– Tornado-Dopplerradar: Tornados bereits in ihrerEntstehungerkennenRADAR HD:Bis jetzt waren App mit Niederschlagsradar einepixeligeAngelegenheit - meist kann man aus gutem Grund gar nicht inStädteund Landkreise zoomen, weil bei der üblichen Auflösung von 1bis 2Kilometern alles keinen Sinn ergibt. Unsere App bringt zumerstenMal eine Auflösung des Wetterradars von bis zu 250 Meter -deswegenkönnen Sie bei uns getrost nachsehen, wo es genau amstärkstenhagelt, regnet oder schneit, auch wenn Sie in einerStadtwohnen.BLITZ AUF RADAR:Für den eiligen User, der sich schnell einen Überblick überdiestärksten Himmelserscheinungen machen will, haben wir dieeinmaligeFunktion "Blitz auf Radar" geschaffen. Das Radar kommtinherkömmlicher Auflösung mit weniger Farbstufen als beim RadarHD,um die Blitze besser darstellen zu können. Diese Darstellungistbesonders geeignet für die wenigen Gegenden, die ausserhalbdertechnischen Möglichkeiten von Radar HD liegen wie der NordenvonSylt oder die Abschattungskeile bei den Radarstandorten RostockundFeldberg.BLITZANALYSE:Exklusiv bei unserer App die Blitzanalyse jedes Blitzes -beliebigweit in die Karte zoomen und genau sehen, wo es wiestarkreingehauen hat und ob es ein schwacher Brummler oder einwilderHausrüttler war - nie mehr überrascht werden, nie mehrüberraschtsein, wenn zu Hause was kaputtgegangen ist: Es kann derBlitz inIhrer Nähe gewesen sein!TORNADO-DOPPLERRADAR:Zum ersten Mal in einer App gibt es nun die Doppler-RadarbilderausDeutschland. Auf ihnen ist nicht wie auf den anderenRadarbilderndie Intensität des Echos, sondern die BewegungsrichtungundGeschwindigkeit des Windes zu sehen, der kleine Teilchen undWolkenin der Atmosphäre mit sich trägt. Man erkennt, ob sichRegentropfenund Schneeflocken vom Radar weg oder zu ihm hinbewegen, denn siewerden auch vom Wind getragen.Und dies ist nur der Anfang – wir haben viele Ideen undspannendeFeatures in Vorbereitung, die wir mit regelmäßigenUpdatesnachreichen werden!Haben Sie Fragen, Anmerkungen oder Wünsche? Dann schicken Sieunsgerne eine E-Mail an [email protected]. Wir freuen uns überIhrFeedback – und natürlich über auch über jede Bewertung hierimPlayStore.NEW FREEThis app is now available for free, so this summer reallyeveryonestays dry, does not want to stand in the rain and eachStorm chaserreally finds his thunderstorm.BEST WEATHER RADAR FROM GERMANY!Forget all other weather radar apps! Kachelmann weather showsyouthe precipitation radar with a resolution up to 250m accuratelythefirst time and exclusively as an app - and thus offers a 16-to64-fold higher accuracy than any other weather radar apps ontheGerman market! So if you want to understand exactly streetrainfalland lightning in the future, then you need this app.FEATURES AT A GLANCE:- unique in Germany, high-resolution Doppler radar with250mAccuracy- Storm approaching? Our app shows you exactly where itcrashesstraight.- street level Flash Analysis: Where has taken it, andhowmuch?already seen tornadoes in their creation: Tornado DopplerRadar-RADAR HD:Until now, App with precipitation radar a pixelated matter -usuallyyou can not zoom in cities and counties for good reason,because inthe ordinary resolution 1-2 kilometers all makes nosense. Our appbrings for the first time a resolution of theweather radar of up to250 meters - so you can look confidentlywith us where it mosthailing exactly rains or snows, even if youlive in a city.LIGHTNING ON RADAR:For the hasty user who wants to quickly get an overview of themostcelestial phenomena, we have created a unique feature "flash ontheradar." The radar comes in standard definition with fewercolorlevels than the radar HD to represent the flashes better.Thisrepresentation is particularly suitable for those few areasthatare beyond the technical capabilities of radar HD as the northofSylt or Abschattungskeile at the radar sites RostockandFeldberg.FLASH ANALYSIS:Exclusive flash analysis of each flash in our app - anydistancezoom into the map and see exactly where it's how much cleancut andwhether it was a weak Brummler or a wild Hausrüttler - neverbesurprised, never be surprised if at home what broke down: Itmayhave been the lightning in your area!TORNADO DOPPLER RADAR:For the first time in an app, there is now the Doppler radarimagesfrom Germany. On them is not like the other radar images,theintensity of the echo, but the direction of movement and speedofthe wind to see which carries small particles and clouds intheatmosphere with it. To Tell If Your move raindrops andsnowflakesaway from the radar or towards, because they are carriedon thewind.And this is just the beginning - we have many ideas andexcitingfeatures in the pipeline, we will post regularupdates!If you have questions, comments or requests? If so, send usane-mail to [email protected]. We appreciate your feedback - andofcourse also on any assessment here in PlayStore.
bergfex/Weather 2.13
bergfex GmbH
Bergfex Weather App: All Bergfex -Weatherforecasts in one appIn this Weather App you get all weather forecasts from theBergfexwebsite for the Alps region (Austria, Germany, Switzerland,Italyand Slovenia), including Mountain weather forecasts.Exclusive for Austria: 3729 geo located and detailedweatherforecasts for all towns and a large number of mountainweatherforecasts.WIDGET INSTALLATION: to be able to add the widget to thehomescreen, the app must be installed on the intern memory and NOTonthe SD-Card. You can move the app to the internal memorybyfollowing these steps: Settings -> Apps -> BergfexWeather-> Move to internal memoryWhat you get in the bergfex Weather App:- Favorite overview- 9 day forecasts (incl. detailed daily forecasts)- Temperatures (min./max.)- Wind- Precipitation (incl. rain quantity and possibility)- Sun hours- Precipitation forecast maps- WebcamsThe exact forecasts are produced in cooperation with theZAMG(Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik).You get access to the following extended contents by upgradingtheapp with an in-app purchase (2,99 €):- No ads- Weather radar images for rain/clouds and temperature in 15minuteupdates (INCA forecast from ZAMG)- 14 day webcam archive with timelapse function- Detailed precipitation maps- Short hand forecasts (for all Locations in Austria)- Weather stations for Austria- Regional weather for Austria 4.0.1 Geflügelsuppe
Every five minutes radar images, 3-hour forecast graphics,rainalarm and weather
regenwarner 3.01
Jan Gossmann
FEATURES DER PRO-Version (inKlammern:kostenlose Version im Vergleich):max. Warndistanz: 200 km (100 km)min. Warnfrequenz: 5 Min. (15 Min.)Inaktivitätsdeaktivierung: 7 Tage (24 h)Radardisplay: ja (nein)Sound-Warnung nach Niederschlagsstärke: ja* (nein)Sprachwarnung: ja (nein)Autostart optional: ja (nein)Radar-Widgets: ja (nein)Werbeeinblendungen: nein (ja)* bis Stärke 3 Regensound, ab Stärke 4 GewittersoundDer regenwarner analysiert die Regenradar bzw.Niederschlagsradar-Bilder für Deutschland (Datenbasis:Deutscher Wetterdienst)und ermittelt daraus Profile vonNiederschlagsgebieten. Diesebeinhalten Größe, Stärke und natürlichRichtung undGeschwindigkeit.Bewegt sich ein Regengebiet auf den Standort des Nutzers zu,soerhält er eine Warnung.UNSERE EMPFEHLUNG:regenwarner ist kein Hexenwerk, sondern angewandte Mathematik!Wirkönnen nur so gut sein, wie die Daten, die wir erhalten. UndallePrognosen sind mit einer bestimmtenEintrittswahrscheinlichkeitangegeben. Versuchen Sie, das Prinzipund die Funktionsweiserichtig zu verstehen. Auf unserer Webseitegibt es dazu zahlreicheInfos. Oder installieren und testen Sie erstdie kostenloseVersion, bevor Sie die PRO-Version käuflicherwerben.TIPPS:Für unsere Belange reicht Geopositionierung über das Netzwerk.Dieist nach unserer Erfahrung hinreichend genau. GPS müssen Siedannnicht aktivieren, das spart viel Akku!ANMERKUNG ZU VERSIONSÄNDERUNGEN:Wir unterscheiden 3 Zustände:Feature = neue FunktionBugfix = FehlerbehebungRenovierung = Veränderung/Verbesserung einervorhandenenFunktionT R O U B L E - S H O O T I N G:1.PROBLEM: Ihre Geokoordinaten stehen immer auf BERLINGRUND: Ihre App konnte noch nie eine gültige Geopositionermitteln,weil Sie beispielsweise bis dato keinenausreichendenGPS-Satellitenempfang hattenLÖSUNG: Aktivieren Sie erst in den Android-EINSTELLUNGENunterSTANDORT -> DRAHLOSNETZWERKE VERWENDEN (StandortdienstvonGoogle)2.PROBLEM: Ihre Geokoordinaten können nicht ermittelt werden undderregenwarner Dienst stoppt sich immerGRUND: Sie haben in Ihren Android-Einstellungen indenStandortdiensten weder GPS-Empfang, noch Lokalisierung viaNETZWERKaktivLÖSUNG: Aktivieren Sie erst das GPS-Modul oder noch besser indenAndroid-EINSTELLUNGEN unter STANDORT ->DRAHLOSNETZWERKEVERWENDEN (Standortdienst von Google)FEHLENDE MENÜTASTE FÜR EINSTELLUNGEN:Bei manchen Geräten ist keine Menütaste mehr vorhanden, umdieEinstellungen der App zu erreichen. Meist gibt es eineLösung:Googlen Sie dafür nach Ihrem Gerätenamen und demStichwort"Menütaste" oder "menu button".Bekannte Geräte mit Lösung:Galaxy S5: Note 4:langes Drücken der App-Wechseltaste (links vom Homebutton) One M7:langes Drücken der Hometaste OFTHEPRO-version (in parentheses: free version compared):Max. Warning distance: 200 km (100 km)min. Warning frequency: 5 min. (15 min.)Inactivity deactivation: 7 days (24 hours)Radar Display: yes (no)Sound warning after precipitation intensity: yes * (NO)Voice warning: yes (no)Startup option: yes (no)Radar widgets: yes (no)Commercials: no (yes)* To force 3 rain sound, from starch 4 storm SoundThe regenwarner analyzes the Doppler radar and precipitationradar-Pictures in Germany (data base: German weather service)andcalculates profiles of precipitation areas. These includesize,strength and course direction and speed.When they observe a rain area to the user's location, so hereceivesa warning.OUR RECOMMENDATION:regenwarner is not rocket science, but applied mathematics! Wecanonly be as good as the data that we receive. And all forecastsaregiven with a certain probability. Try to understand theprincipleand functioning properly. On our website, there is thiswealth ofinformation. Or install and test the free version firstbeforepurchasing the PRO version commercially.TIPS:For our purposes Geopositioning ranges over the network. Theissufficiently accurate to our experience. GPS You do not havetoactivate, which saves a lot of battery!NOTE TO VERSION CHANGES:There are 3 states:Feature = new FunctionBugfix = TroubleshootingRenovation = change / improvement of an existing functionT R O U B L E - S H O O T I N G:1.PROBLEM: Your Coordinates are always BERLINREASON: Your app could never determine a valid geo because youdidnot have sufficient GPS satellite reception, for example,todateSOLUTION: Enable only in the Android SETTINGS under LOCATION->DRAHLOSNETZWERKE USE (Google's location service). 2PROBLEM: Your Coordinates can not be determined and theregenwarnerservice stops alwaysMAIN: You have in your Android settings in the locationservicesneither GPS reception, even locating active viaNETWORKSOLUTION: Enable only the GPS module or even better in theAndroidSETTINGS under LOCATION -> DRAHLOSNETZWERKE USE(Google'slocation service)MISSING MENU BUTTON SETTINGS:For some devices, no menu key is available to reach theapp'ssettings. Usually there is a solution: try Googling it toyourdevice name and the word "Menu" or "menu button".Known devices with solution:Galaxy S5: Note 4:Press and hold the app switching button (the left of theHomebutton) One M7:pressing and holding the Home button
Weather Austria XL PRO
Exovoid Sàrl
This is simply the best weather app foryourregion... and the rest of the world.- Gorgeous and realistic animations of weather conditions- See at a glance the next weather condition change- Updated continuously- Accurate hourly forecasts for the next 10 days- Fast, beautiful and simple to use- Detailed forecasts- Highest and lowest historical values- Satellite and radar map animations- Optimized for both phones and tablets- Live Wallpaper- Weather in notification area and temperature in status bar- Great widget for your home screenAnd it’s all free.Try it now !
Deutsches Unwetterradar 2.7.5
Free info before thunderstorm, hail, snow and heavy rain for you!
Eifelwetter 1.0
Das Eifeler Wetter ist etwas besonderes.Diekostenlose App bietet Bewohnern und Gästen der EifeldetaillierteInformationen über das aktuelle Wetter und diePrognosen für dienächsten Tage.Der Clou dabei: Automatisch erfasste Messwerte wie TemperaturundWindrichtung werden ergänzt um redaktionelle Beiträge undKommentaremit persönlicher Note der hiesigen Wetter-SpezialistenunsererPartner-Seite Features im Detail:- Ticker: Wettervorhersagen für die nächsten Tage- Wetter-Kommentar: Individuell verfasste Beiträge der Aktuelle Messwerte: Geballte Informationen und KennzahlenzuTemperatur, Wind, Luftdruck und -feuchte, NiederschlagundSonnenschein- Regenradar: Wissen, wann der Regen kommtThe Eifel weatherissomething special. The free app offers residents and guests oftheEifel detailed information about the current weather andtheforecast for the next days.The highlight: Automatically collected measurements suchastemperature and wind direction are complemented byeditorialcontributions and comments with a personal touch of localweatherspecialists of our partner page features in detail:- Ticker: Weather forecast for next days- Weather Commentary: Individual posts the board of Current measurements: Concentrated and code to temperature,wind,pressure and humidity, precipitation and sunshine- Rain Radar: Know when the rain comes
حالة الطقس 2016 1.5
حالة الطقس 2016 هو تطبيق يمدك بأخر أخبارحالةالطقس و توقعات الطقس في مدينتك و من ميزات تطبيق حالة الطقس2016:أنه اول تطبيق عربى جديد يعرض درجات الحرارة المتوقعة لكلالمدنالعربية و كل البلدان اوتوماتيكيا فهو يقوم بعرض اتجاه الرياح وعرضنسبة الرطوبة والضغط ونسبة السحب و درجات الحرارة أوالشروق والغروبكللحظة كما يقوم بإظهار حالة الطقس اليومية بصفة دائمة .بالإضافة الى الحصول على الإشعارات على هاتفك في حال حدوث أمر طارئاوتغير حالة الجو من حولك أو عند تغير الأحوال الجوية في مدينتك ويمكنمشاركة أصدقائك بالاحوال الجوية اليومية عبر تطبيقاتالتواصلالإجتماعي مثل فايسبوك . كما يمكنك من مراقبة حالة الطقس غدادقيقةبدقيقة و بذالك يمكنك معرفة و تحضير كل ما يتعلق بحياتكوالأحوالالجوية كالصحة والرياضة والنشاطات المتنوعة و المختلفةبشكليوميّنحن ندعوك إلى تحميل التطبيق و الاستفادة منه في حياتك اليومية ،زلنيفاجئك الطقس من اليوم مع تطبيقنا ...التطبيق يشمل كافة الدول والعواصم العربية و الأجنبية .احوال الطقس 2016 هو تطبيق سهل وبسيط يعطيك معلومات حول مستوياتدرجاتالحرارة وقياس الضخط ودرجة الرطوبة وإتجاه الرياح في جميع المدنحولالعالم بالإضافة إلى التوقعات الجوية لمدة سبعة أيام القادمةبتطبيقاحوال الطقس اليومو من مميزات حالة الطقس 2016 أنه سهل الإستعمال و معلومات دقيقةحولحالة الطقس اليوم في كل المدان العربية مثل : حالة الطقس فيالجزائر وحالة الطقس في في السعودية و حالة الطقس في الكويت و حالةالطقس فيتونس و حالة الطقس في في المغرب حالة الطقس في فلسطين و ايضاحالةالطقس في فلسطين و احوال الطقس في الامارات ز احزال الطقس فيالجزائرو احوال الطقس في مصر و احوال الطقس غدافهو يشمل كافة الدول والعواصم العربية و الأجنبية و هو يعطيكمدينتكمباشرةالرجاء تقييم التطبيق ب 5 نجوم لتشجيعنا علي عمل المزيد منالتطبيقاتالحديثةان كانت لديكم اي اقتراحات او اسئلة الرجاء مراسلتنا و شكرا-- English --Weather Forecast is a great weather app for you ! Weather 2016,provides accurate weather information, local weather,weatherreport, weather channel and the latest news, is your bestchoice ofweather app.Weather 2016 make it easier for you to know the local weather.Byusing this weather app, you can not only know the weathertoday,but also see at most 10 days forecast in all the worldallcountries and all cities . With information of weather today,makeyour today’s schedule and What’s the weather like? Theweatherinformation is all in your control! and know what's theweathertodayWeather 2016 provides you with Real-time temperature, windforceand wind direction are all in this weather app based onweatherradar. A handy weather channel for you. Weather Forecastwill showyou what you want to know. No matter it is a weatherreport aboutweather today or a weather report about 10 days afterand bydownloading our app you will always be updated with weathertodayand weather tomorrowSmart weather radar maps detect your current locatedcityaccurately and automatically . You can not only know thelocalweather, but also search for other cites’ weather informationandweather report.Please if you any questions contact us in our adress belowWeather forecast in2016is an application that gives you latest news weather andweatherforecast in your city and of the application of the weatherin 2016features:It is the first application of a new Arab displaystemperaturesexpected for each Arab cities and all countries as itautomaticallydisplays the wind direction and display humidity,pressure, and theproportion of clouds and temperatures Ooacharoukand sunset everymoment as the show case of daily weather on apermanentbasis.In addition to getting notifications on your phone in the eventofan emergency or change the state of the atmosphere around youorwhen the weather changes in your city and your friends cansharethe weather daily across social networking applications suchasFacebook. You can also monitor the status of the weathertomorrowminute by minute And so you can learn and prepare for allaspectsof your life such as health, weather, sports and activitiesvariedand different on a daily basisWe invite you to download the application and take advantage ofitin your daily life, weather still surprise you today withourapplication ...The application includes all the Arab states and capitalsandforeign.Weather conditions in 2016 is plain and simple application givesyouthe information about the levels of temperature and measuringAldkhthumidity and wind direction in all cities around the worldinaddition to the weather forecasts for the next seven days toapplyweather todayAnd a feature of the weather in 2016 that it is easy to useandaccurate information about the state of the weather today inallconvicted Arabic such as: Weather in Algeria and weather inSaudiArabia and the weather in Kuwait and weather in Tunisia andWeatherin Morocco Weather in Palestine and also the weather inPalestineand weather conditions in the UAE g Ahzal Weather inAlgeria,weather conditions in Egypt and the weatherconditionstomorrowIt includes all states and Arab and foreign capitals and hegivesyou direct your cityPlease application with 5 Star Rating to encourage us to domoremodern applicationsIf you have any suggestions or questions please email us andthankyou                                                                             -English-Weather Forecast is a great weather app for you! Weather2016,provides accurate weather information, local weather,weatherreport, weather channel and the latest news, is your bestchoice ofweather app. Weather 2016 make it easier for you to know the localweather.By using this weather app, you can not only know theweather today,but also see at most 10 days forecast in all theworld all countriesand all cities. With information of weathertoday, make your today'sschedule and What's the weather like? Theweather information is allin your control! and know what's theweather todayWeather 2016 provides you with Real-time temperature, windforceand wind direction are all in this weather app based onweatherradar. A handy weather channel for you. Weather Forecastwill showyou what you want to know. No matter it is a weatherreport aboutweather today or a weather report about 10 days afterand bydownloading our app you will always be updated with weathertodayand weather tomorrowSmart weather radar maps detect your current locatedcityaccurately and automatically. You can not only know thelocalweather, but also search for other cites' weather informationandweather report.Please if you any questions contact us in our adress below
Meteo Radar Veneto Trentino 4.0
Weather rain radar map in the Veneto and Trentino in real time.
Hagel App 2.2.22
Current precipitation radar, weather forecasts and practicaldamagereports. - Dein Wetter für je 2.0.10
Your specific forecast for Austria, Germany and Switzerland
Meteo Radar-ES 1.4.8
Meteo Radar-ES is an application thatdisplayspublic information extracted from weather radar:- AEMET - State Meteorological Agency of Spain- MeteoGalicia - Department of Environment, Land andInfrastructureof the Xunta de Galicia- Meteocat - Meteorological Service of Catalonia.- Euskalmet - Euskadi state agencyIncludes animated radar of the major regions of Spain.Allanimations can be enlarged to see better each zone. Innextversions will add more regions or information.If the application is useful to send any comments, Rate me orifyou have any suggestions or find any errors contact emailthedeveloper, to improve implementation.
Weather Online Free 1.3.3
Weather Online for Androidprovidescurrentconditions and quality weather forecasts on 9 daysor 14days(according to the chosen provider) for any location intheworld.The main features:• 2 Widgets sizes are available• Current conditions (via Widgets)• 9 days forecasts (morning / afternoon / evening / night)or14days• Hourly forecast or every 3 hours• When you launch the application, weather displays foryourchosenplace• Temperatures and also feels like temperatures(CelsiusorFahrenheit)• Direction and speed wind (Km/h or mph)• Air pressure, precipitation levels, relative humidity,cloudcoverand fog• Sunrise and sunset• Moonrise and moonset, and lunar phases• Ability to automatically add geolocation to the listoffavoritecities• Add the location of your choice from GPS• Search by city name or zip code• Ability to choose your weather provider from the 2 proposed• Available in 4 languages (English,Français,Português,Español)• Other languages are available for one of theproviders(عربي,български, 中国的, 中國的, Čeština, Nederlands, Suomi,Deutsch,Italiano,македонски, Polski, Română, русский, Slovenčina,Svenska,Türkçe,українська, Tiếng Việt)• Loading time short• With ads, no subscription fees, no hidden costs.If you have any questions or suggestions feel free tocontactus:[email protected]
Travel Weather Radar 1.0.3
Have you ever wanted to know what theweatherradar is right now, right where you are? Do you like totrack theweather as you drive to keep up to date with stormsheading yourway? If so, then this is the app for you.Simply put, this app will load up, find your currentlocation,locate the closest weather radar, and display it for you.It thenkeeps track of your current location and updates the radareveryfew minutes so you've always got the latest radar imagenearby.Great for when you are traveling and want to stay up-to-datewiththe latest weather radar in your area!WARNING: This application uses active GPS tracking and willdrainyour battery quickly. It is recommended that you be connectedto acar charger or other power source while using it.Only available for U.S. radar sites at this time.
Weather South Tyrol 3.0.4
Official weather app from Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano-South Tyrol