Top 27 Apps Similar to RCCG Redemption Store

MFM Sermons NG
Media MyAPP
MFM Sermons NG is a platform dedicated to bring youtheundilutedWORD of GOD on the MOVE from Dr D.K Olukoya and otherMFMAnointedMinisters of GOD. ...Get your SPIRIT-MAN saturatedwithHOLY GHOSTINSPIRED SERMONS and FIRE PRAYERS that breaks yokesandset thecaptives FREE on the GO! On this platform, you get accessto- *Daily Deliverance Prayers. * Insightful and Deep TeachingoftheWORD. * Economic & Finance Empowerment Seminars (EagleHour)*Marriage & Relationship Sermons (Happy Home) *DownloadSermonsfor Offline Access. * Access FIRE prayer points. *AudioLiveStreammajor programs. Don't forget, stop the enemy beforetheystop youand if the enemy has stolen from you, recovery is byFIREand byFORCE. God bless you!!!
Commanding Your Morning 1.0.4
Media MyAPP
In this ebook, we shall address a spiritual phenomenonthatwillusher you into a realm that is unprecedented in everysense.Godwill open your eyes to certain deep truths, whichwillcompletelytransform your life and make you exceptional.Thistopicis souncommon that many people spend their entirelifetimewithoutknowing anything about it. Yet, such knowledgedetermines alot ofthings.The truth, however, is that what we areconsidering inthischapter cannot be found on the surface of thescriptures. Theyarelike hidden treasures tucked away in somechests. Hence, weshallexamine some of the deepest scriptures everfound in the wordofGod.These deep Scriptures can make a greatdifferencebetweenliving or dying, enjoying victory or sufferingdefeat,living underabject poverty or enjoying stupendous wealth. Infact,what you aregoing to discover in this book will determine alot ofthings inyour life in the days, weeks, months and yearsahead. Youwilldiscover the secrets of doing exploits for God andreigning intherealm of the supernatural.By the time you learn howto pray inlinewith what you will discover, every area of your lifewillmoveforward by fire.
Open Heaven Devotional 11.5
Daily Devotionals - Open Heaven Devotional 2022 with DailyPrayersand daily Declarations. * Daily Motivational and InspiringMessagesfrom Daddy G.O in Open Heaven Devotional * Open HeavenPrayerPoints * Daily Declarations * Sunday School Manual * AlsoaddedDevotional from Rhapsody Remember this app is fan made and isnotthe official app nor affiliated with the Ministry, if there isanycomplaint, please kindly contact us first [email protected] Enjoy and Blessings!
Rhapsody Of Realities OFFLINE 1.0.32
Rhapsody of Realities Devotional By Pastor Chris (2018-2021)OFFLINEand ONLINE
Koinonia - Messages & more 2.0.1
Audio Messages, Bible, Christian Books & More.
MFM PrayerPoints 3.6.4
This app contains Some Mountain of Fire Prayer Point youwilleverneed as a Christian to improve your spiritual lifeandbattleagainst the powers of this worlds. This app also helps youtoprayaggressive prayers, to arrest every evil powerpursuingyourspiritual life. More update still coming.
Download Koinonia Sermons 9.2
Download ALL Koinonia Sermons with Apostle Joshua SelmanNimmakinPhone Size, from 2011 till date, as well ashisExternalMinistrations from 2013 all in Phone Size. Wehavecarefullycatalogued ALL the messages into SpiritualGrowth,PersonalDevelopment, Finance and Success, Relationship andFamilyLife,Healing and Miracles to fit into your day! With thecatalogue,youare guided with what you need in your spirit per time!You alsogetto stream koinonia live services on this ApplicationviaKoinoniaRadio. Connected also is how to contact koinonia,koinoniaaccountdetails, about Koinonia [Eternity NetworkInternational-ENI] andabout God's Servant Apostle Joshua SelmanNimmak. As forsideattraction, there's room to download thousands ofeBooksfromGenerals of God across the globe. Don't forget you canalsoconnectwith your youtube account as well as Facebook. This isthefirstrelease, kindly drop your review to assist us improveontheApplication. Enjoy the best of God and wait fortheupgradedversion! God bless you! God bless Apostle JoshuaSelmanNimmak! Godbless the Church! Amen! We Love and Celebrate you
LoveWorld Worship 4.0
Official Music Streaming App of the LoveWorld Nation
Dr. Charles Stanley daily devotionals 1.65
This app brings you the works of one of God's most inspiredservantThe Bible app free by Dr. Charles Stanley that you’ve cometo knowand love, right in the palm of your hand. Charles Stanleyisfounder and president of In touch ministry. He has also beenseniorpastor of first Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, for morethan35 years. He has twice been elected president of theSouthernBaptist Convention and is a New York Times best-sellingauthor ofmany books, including Living the Extraordinary Life, Whenthe EnemyStrikes, and How to Listen to God. Truth for life , thebible studyis full of truth about the importance of controlling ourminds.Daily bible devotion, he shares Biblical truth found inColossians3 about how our tendencies to think as unbelievers changewhen webecome believers. Christ gives us renewed thoughts and theholybible to guide us towards thinking like Christ—godly andpositivethoughts. Features: • Audio Messages • Daily Radio Program• InTouch TV Broadcast Featuring WARNING: We recommend you useonlywhen WiFi connection in order for the app to access theaudiomessages and sermons. DISCLAIMER: The developer of this app isnota representative, affiliate or subsidiary of In touchministry.Therefore any enquirer or request as regards the Bibleteachingsaccessible through this app should be sent to Dr. CharlesStanley.
DCLM Radio 8.0.0
The official DCLM radio app for Android phone and Wear OSandAndroid TV
LoveWorld Radio App 2.42
This is the official LoveWorld Internet Radio Application.
12 Steps To Intercession 1.3
This app contains a training course based on 12 Biblical stepstoIntercession
OnePlace Christian Teaching 6.2.18
OnePlace streams free Christian Teaching from your favoritePastorsand teachers
King James Bible KJV app 1.2.0
Offline Holy Bible King James version app with KJV Daily Devotions
Pastor Chris Online 3.1.1
The Official Pastor Chris Online application for Android devices.
Easy to Learn and Read Bible Easy to read Bible Free Kjv 20.0
Study Bible
Download The Easy to learn Bible KJV: the easiest way to readandhear the Bible
Dr. Myles Munroe 1.40
Download this free app “Dr. Myles Munroe – SermonsandPodcast”brings the wisdom of Dr. Myles Munroe to you in a formofMobileApp, wake up every day and starting today. This appcontain:1.Sermons 2. Daily Devotionals 3. Play the speech 4.PodcastsMylesMunroe, OBE (20 April 1954 – 9 November 2014) wasaBahamianevangelist and ordained minister avid professor oftheKingdom ofGod, author, speaker and leadership consultantwhofounded and ledthe Bahamas Faith Ministries International(BFMI)and Myles MunroeInternational (MMI). He was chief executiveofficerand chairman ofthe board of the International Third WorldLeadersAssociation andpresident of the International LeadershipTrainingInstitute aswell as the author of numerous books.Additionally, hisanalysis ofprominent past leaders who madepositive impacts onhumanity,despite having to overcome all odds, isrevealing. Dr.Munroe waswidely known for his leadership trainingseminars thatbecame aname brand internationally. Many Fortune 500companieshired him asa Business Consultant. Dr. Munroe was of theview thatwe were allborn as leaders and the difference between aleader anda followeris attitude – and that people do not changeuntil theirbeliefsystem changes. “Your job is your skill that theycan fireyou fromat any time. But your work is your gift. No one cantakethat fromyou. – Myles Munroe “The greatest tragedy in life isnotdeath, buta life without a purpose.” – Myles Munroe “Whenpurposeis notknown, abuse is inevitable.” – Myles Munroe “Seeds offaitharealways within us; sometimes it takes a crisis tonourishandencourage their growth.” – Myles Munroe“Healthyrelationshipsshould always begin at the spiritual andintellectuallevels: thelevels of purpose, motivation, interests,dreams,andpersonality.”– Myles Munroe “Your purpose can befulfilled onlyduring the timeyou are given on earth to accomplishit.” – MylesMunroe “Solidcharacter will reflect itself inconsistent behavior,while poorcharacter will seek to hide behinddeceptive words andactions.” –Myles Munroe “You must decide if youare going to robthe world orbless it with the rich, valuable,potent, untappedresources lockedaway within you.” – Myles Munroe“Being open tocorrection meansmaking ourselves vulnerable, and manypeople arenot willing to dothat.” – Myles Munroe “Friendship is nota gift,but is the resultof hard work.” – Myles Munroe NOTE:Internet orWiFi connection isrequired in order for the app toaccess the audiomessages,sermons, audio and podcasts. This app isfresh every day:New dailydevotional, new messages and new sermons.DISCLAIMER: Thedeveloperof this app (MTSOFT) is not arepresentative, affiliateorsubsidiary of the Dr. Myles Munroe, butbelieves in what Godisdoing through his ministry. Therefore anyenquiry or requestasregards the Bible teachings accessible throughthis app shouldbesent to the Dr. Myles Munroe.
CeTunes 2.51
Listen to exciting array of inspiring, educative andentertainingRadio stations
Rhapsody of Realities Official Prolific G-Mar-31
Read, watch & listen to Rhapsody of Realities all within theNewmobile app!
Faith Point Salvation 1.7
Faith Point - Salvation helps you understand Bible infoonSalvation.
Pastor Chris Digital Library 5.2.7
Mobile platform that let’s users access audio and video messagesbyPastor Chris
Nazarene Connect 8.8.0
Grow spiritually through targeted daily Scripture reading.
Message Hub Mobile 3.6.0
Message of the Hour and Bible cross-reference in more than30languages..
Patriarchs and Prophets 1.0
The story in detail of what was told and what was not toldaboutthepatriarchs and prophets of the Bible. Patriarchs andProphetsis oneof the only tools available anywhere that can revealwithaccuracyand authority just how and why this great war beganandwho isbehind it. In Patriarchs and Prophets you will find : -TheCreation- The Temptation and Fall - The Plan of Redemption -Cainand AbelTested - After the Flood - The Literal Week - The TowerofBabel -The Call of Abraham - Destruction of Sodom - TheMarriageof Isaac -Jacob and Esau - Jacob’s Flight and Exile - TheNight ofWrestling -The Return to Canaan - Joseph in Egypt - Moses -ThePlagues ofEgypt ............... Ellen White (November 26, 1827–July 16,1915) was a prolific author, writing more than 40 booksand5000periodical articles during her lifetime. Today there areoveronehundred 50,000 manuscript pages of her writings. She wasone ofthefounders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, believedbymanyreaders to have the spiritual gift of prophecy describedintheBible. White was considered a somewhat controversial figurebyhiscritics, with much of the controversy centered on hisreportsofvisionary experiences and the use of other sources inhiswritings.She experienced her first vision shortly after theGreatMilleriteDisappointment of 1844. Historian Randall Balmerhasdescribed Whiteas "one of the most important and colorfulfiguresin the history ofAmerican religion." Walter Martin describedit as"one of the mostfascinating and controversial characterseverappeared on thehorizon of religious history" Mrs. White'svisionsprovided thebasis for the Adventist movement to considerthat the"gift ofprophecy" was manifested in her, which endowedherwritings of greatimportance to the believers of thisdenomination.Ellen G. Whitepromoted vegetarianism as well as theevangelizationand spread ofAdventism in different parts of theworld. We respectthe copyright,A work goes into the public domainwhen thepatrimonial rights haveexpired. This usually happens afteradeadline has passed since thedeath of the author (postmortemauctoris). The minimum term,worldwide, is 50 years andisestablished in the Berne Convention.Many countries haveextendedthis period widely. For example, inEuropean law, it is 70yearssince the death of the author. Oncethat time has passed, suchworkcan then be used in free form,respecting moral rights. Remembertocheck out the More Apps sectionand you'll be amazed withwonderfulfree apps to feed faith and soul
Holy Bible Companion 1.64
Your true companion to reading God's word. The Holy Bible
Unlocking Revelation 1.0.0
Discover the most accurate interpretation of the book ofRevelation.
Spurgeon's Sermons Offline 3.0
Igor Apps
Spurgeon's Sermons. All volumes 1-63. Sermons 1-3563