Top 1 Apps Similar to 禪修計時 粵語版

禪修計時 國語版 1.0
[禪修計時] APPS 提供不同長短的打坐時間給使用者選擇.打坐開始首先由 果元法師 用聲音帶領, 將身體各部份慢慢放鬆. 打坐時間結束時APPS 會以引磐聲提醒使用者下坐.APPS 會自動記錄每次打坐時間. 使用者可有系統地紀錄下自己的修行過程.[Meditation time]APPSprovide different lengths of time for users tochoosemeditation.Beginning first with the sound meditation led by Master fruityuan,the body slowly relax each part. APPS will sound to alert theuserto the next lead pan sitting meditation at the end oftime.APPS will automatically record each meditation time. Userscanrecord a systematic practice under their own process.