Top 4 Apps Similar to 飞信飞语

飞聊 2.2.0002
MyLink My Zone 9.4.0
MyLink offers you a variety of lifestyle information &managetelecom service
和通讯录(原彩云通讯录) 3.2.0
一、产品简介:“和通讯录”是中国移动全新推出的通讯录手机应用。该应用能将用户手机中的联系人信息同步到云端的通讯录平台,同时还拥有智能拨号、短信管理、隐私保护、黑白名单、归属地、响铃提醒等功能。用户可以通过登录WWW网站(查询和管理云端的通讯录信息。二、功能特色:新增了联系人,你却懒得备份?没事! 【即时同步】 帮您即时备份,一改动立即备份,以后想怎么改动都行。好友请求不通过?你累觉不爱?没事! 【网络短信】 帮您免费沟通,对方离线也能收到短信,让TA不关注你都难。来电时千篇一律?你觉得超没个性?没事! 【云名片】 满足您的个性化追求,打个电话给对方,品味轻松秀出来。频繁收到垃圾短信和骚扰电话?你在搔头挠耳?没事! 【防骚扰】 帮您智能拦截,还你一个绿色安静的手机环境。有蓝颜知己又怕泄露隐私?你在搔首踟蹰?没事!【隐私空间】帮您保护隐私,6位密码一设,一夫当关,万夫莫开。文字短信聊天,已经觉得枯燥无味?没事!【短信表情】帮你呆萌搞笑,短信聊天不再千篇一律,默默无“闻”。银行保险运营商,通知短信看到烦?没事!【信息归档】帮你统一归档,短信从此不再凌乱繁杂,变得井然有序。三、联系我们:官方微博:腾讯QQ群:140349037I. Introduction:"And the book" China Mobile launched a new mobile phone addressbookapplications. The user can use the contact information in thephonebook sync to the cloud platform, also has smart dialing,messagemanagement, privacy protection, black and white lists,attribution,ringing reminder functions. Users can log on WWW site( and manage directory information cloud.Second, the functional characteristics:Add a contact, but you do not bother to back up? Nothing![Instant]to help you synchronize instant backup, a backup of thechangesimmediately, after thinking about how the changes willdo.Friend request is not passed? You feel tired and not love?Nothing![Network] to help you free text messages to communicate,the othercan receive text messages offline, let TA does not concernyouimmune.When an incoming call stereotyped? You did not feelsuperpersonality? Nothing! [Cloud] business cards to meetyourindividual pursuit, make a phone call to each other, tasteeasilyshow up.Frequently receive spam text messages and harassing phone calls?YouSaotou scratch the ear? Nothing! [Anti-harassment] to help yousmartinterception, but also your phone a green quietenvironment.There confidant afraid of leaking privacy? You Saoshouhesitant?Nothing! [Space] to help you protect your privacy privacy,6passwords a set, man guards the pass, Wan Fu Mo open.Text messaging chat, already bored? Nothing! [Expression] SMStohelp you stay Meng funny, text chat no longer fits, silentlyno"smell."Bancassurance operators, see annoying SMS notification?Nothing![Archive] information to help you unify archiving, SMS nolongermessy complexity, become organized.Third, contact us:Official microblogging: QQ group: 140 349 037
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