Top 37 Apps Similar to Chat Gay Latinoamerica

Sexytuga Gay 2.0.0
O site Sexytuga é uma redesocialparaGays.Esta aplicação é exclusiva a membros do Sexytuga. Para apoderusarterá de fazer o registo no site:http://www.sexytuga.ptouhttp://www.sexytuga-gay.comEsta disponível nesta aplicação:- Video chat.- Audio chat.- Chat privado entre membros.- Salas de chat publicas.- Salas de chat privadas.- Salas de chat protegidas por password.The Sexytuga siteisasocial network for Gays.This application is unique to Sexytuga members. To be abletousemust to register on the site:http://www.sexytuga.ptorhttp://www.sexytuga-gay.comIs available in this application:- Video chat.- Audio chat.- Private Chat between members.- Public chat rooms.- Private Chat Rooms.- Chat Rooms protected by password.
GayXchange: Gay Chat & Dating 1.0.24
It’s never been easier to instantly meet and chat with Gay,Biandcurious men near you. With over 100,000 Gay, Bi andcuriousguysusing the GayXchange app, meeting guys that you areinterestedinshould never be difficult. If you are looking for achat, MrRightor Mr Right-now, we have you covered. FeaturesPROFILES: Letguysget to know you, tell them what you are lookingfor, whatyou’reinto and you interests. You may just meet someoneinto thesamethings! SEARCH: Browser loads of profiles for FREEandfindlike-minded guys nearby who want to chat, date or evenmeetup.FLIRT: Someone caught your eye? Send them a wink or a flirttoletthem know you are interested, it may even lead toaconversation!MESSAGE: Say hi to someone new in private messagesandeven sendthem a picture. FAVOURITE: Got to know someone, addthemto yourfavourites and always have them close by. VIEWED ME:Seewho’sinterested by checking out who has viewed yourprofile.FRIENDS:Want to save the people you talk to most, add themas afriend.
Gay Live Video Cam Chat Advice 1.0
Gay Live Video Cam Chat Advice is guideforgaylive video chat application.If you are looking for the best new gay app dating and chat,Wewillrecommend you to download this app. This app will help youtomeetnew gay friends. You can chat and live video with him.Guideto findgreat dates and make new friends with Hot Gay Chat.Youwill getmore information about gay dating app.Gay Live Video Cam Chat Advice is only guide application. Wedonotprovide any gay chat service.
Chat Gay Encuentros Citas 6.8
Chat GayEncuentrosCitasamigas y amigos el chat es para ber como estamos,o paradecir,comoestas, o que te cuentas, y siqueremos decir otras cosas mas.y durante los ultimos años toda la gente busca pareja porelchatGay, a experimentando multiplesen el mundo y cambios pasados de cambiar y pasamosdeconfiarciegamente en los atributos de chatGay en linea y en la atencion directa por reyes sociales porelchatGay sin bien todavia existe lossitios que enlazan a las personas con interes semilar.y sin existe sitios que todavia no aya confiado la genteporsinembargo y hoy gran parte de nuestravida que estando conectado con tus amigos, para dialogar,odecirlecomo te encuentres, o otras cosas mas lo que quieresdecirlea tusamigos,o en la red social donde te encuentras conectadodebesdartecuentacon quien te metes con tus amigos, o con otras personas, masloquetu lo conoces o con tus familiares, ocon otras personas que conoces o siguiendo a las persona quetegustao hablar con esa persona o dialogar combersar pero conmuchorespetoes divertido por que hablas con los niños, y con loschicosy conotrosmas que conoces y hoy es mas comunicarnos con los demasqueseencuentres conectados en la dating apps for guystambien ladinamica de las personas que se encuentren hablando con tigootusamigos, sin embargo de los sitios de citas de cambiando unpococontodas las personas que te inviten a salir a citas sinembargo alaspersonas.y a punto de los años buscan pareja las personas que estan enelchatGay y el procceso del mundo que se encuentren por decirqueestamosconectados en el chat Gat y cuando te guste unapersonadevesconocerla bien para que te con gay cerca de tichat con gays eb ni localidadchat con gay para encontrar el amor y parejachat con lisbianas para citaschat con chicos lindoscon el y dar respeto, y solidarida,para que el tambien tedeamuchaconfianza igual como nosotros la damos a laspersonasquenecesitamos dialogar tus amigos, o con tus familiares,ocontuscolegas que quieras combersar con esas personas que esteenenelchat Gat por decir que si te gusta un chicodevesconbersar,ycomunicarte con el chico que te gusta y devesdatecuenta si te dasu respeto y su solidaridad y si te da tutambiendile todo tusproblemas o que situacion te encuentras, pordecir quesi esa chicoque quiere estar con tigo dale muchaconfianzahornet gay chat and datingtambien tendra confianza con tigo y asi los dos se cuentantodolosproblemas que tengan y hay no habra ninguna situacion,pordecir,por que alguna personas necesitan ayuda y tu daletodatusolidaridad para que esa persona o tus amigos, cuentencon tigo y tambien es lindo el chat Gat por que te comunicascontodalas personas y conoces a otros amigos, amigas, o losquequierasconocer mas personas, y tambien es lindo cuando tusamigoste envianvideos o si tu quieres unirte en grupos conotraspersonas y hay vasa conocer mas personas como niñosfamiliares, oamigas, amigos, ootras personas local enespañolencuntros:aplicaciones para hablar con gay cerca de tiGay Dating, Chatmy friends chat is to ber as we are, or to say, how are you,oryouaccounts, and ifwe mean other things.and during the last years all people dating for gaypeople,toexperiencing multiplein the world and past changes to change and weblindlytrustattributes chatGay online and direct care by social kings by the gaychatwithoutthe well still existssites that link people with semilar interest.without there aya sites still not confident the peoplehoweverandtoday much of ourlife being connected to your friends, to talk, or tell youhowyouare, or other things but what you want to tell yourfriends,orsocial network where you are connected must realizewith whom you get with your friends, or other people, butyouknowwhat you or your family, orwith other people you know or following the person you likeortalkto that person or dialogue combersar but with much respectisfunnythat you talk to kids, and the kids and othersbut you know today is more and communicate with otherswhofindconnected on the network.apps for gay dating guys also thedynamic people who are talking with you or your friends,butthedating sites changing a bit with all the people who inviteyououton dates but people.and about the years looking couple people who are in the gaychatandprocceso the world who are say that we are connected inchatGat asLiking a deves person you know well for dating near youeb chat with gay or localitygay dating to find love and coupledating chat with lisbianaschat with cute kidswith and give respect and SOLIDARITY, for you he also dealotofconfidence just as we give to the people we need to talkwithyourfriends, or your family, or your colleagues you wantcombersarwiththose people to Mars and in the chat Gat say that ifyou likeadeves guy conbersar and communicate with the guy you likeanddevesrealize if you get their respect and solidarity, and ifgivesyoualso tell all your problems or situation you come across,bysaythat if this guy wants to be with you give alotofconfidencehornet gay chat and dating You will also have confidence with you and so the twoalltheproblems have counted and there there will be nosituation,say,that some people need help and give all your sympathyforthatperson or your friends, tellwith you and it is also nice chat Gat that you communicatewithallpeople and know other friends, friends, or those who wanttoknowmore people, and also it's nice when your friends send videoorifyou want to join in groups with other people and thereyouwillmeet more people like children family or friends, friends,orotherpeople in Spanish Local encuntros:applications to talk togaynearyou
TopG: gay community 2.351
Make new gay friends on TopG!! Now!! Start anonymous messagewiththe gays !!
Chat Gay: Chicos en tu ciudad 5.0.10
Chat Hispano: La mejor Aplicación de Chat para Hombres dondepodraschatear con Gays a tiempo real en nuestro Chat para haceramigosentre Hombres del mismo Sexo, entrando en nuestras salas deChatpara Gay podras hacer nuevas amistades a tiempo Real y quiensabeen el Futuro. Nuestra Aplicación cuenta con miles dechicosesperando para conocerte y chatear en vivo en las salas como#Gay o#Gays donde tus amigos están esperando a conocerte, laaplicaciónes totalmente gratis donde estaremos encantados deconocerte! ChatCaliente en tu ciudad te da acceso a miles de nuevosamigos con losque hablar y mantener una relación. Conoce más genteque busca lomismo que tu. Sin riesgos, desde cualquier sitio con laseguridadde que estará cerca de donde te encuentres. Nosotros osponemos encontacto, el resto debes depende de ti. Característicasde laAplicación: - Salas de Chat Gay - Salas de Chat deHomosexuales. -Aplicación sin Publicidad y totalmente gratuita. -Registrar nicksy Canales que serán de tu Propiedad. - Listas deusuariosconectados en tiempo real. - Protecciones de datospersonales. -Búsqueda de usuarios que les gustan los Hombres. -Conexión rápidaa las salas de Chat de gay.
Chat Gay Encuentros 6.7
Encuentra Amigos Gay en lamayorcomunidadGayChat GayEncuentros gayAmigos GayFind Friends Gay Gayinthelarger communityGay Chatgay datingGay friends
Gay Coming Out 0.0.1
Vous pensez à faire votre coming out ?Vousêtesinquiet, vous vous dites qu'il y a des risques ?Vos amis, le discours ambiant, vous incitent à vous libérerdecepoids et à assumer votre homosexualité?Mais qu'elle est vraiment votre situation ? Est-ce le bonmomentpourvous? Que peut-il bien se passer après ? Querisquez-vousàbrutalement changer l'image qu'ont vos proches devous?Gay Coming Out : La seule application qui analysevotresituationet réponds à l’ensemble de vos questions, vousapportedes réponsesadaptées, objectives et vous assiste à chaqueinstantdans votredémarche. Fini les banalités que l'on peut lireici oulà sur leComing Out !Pendant deux ans les membres de l’associationHomonoia.orgontrecueilli des centaines de témoignages de personnesayantréaliséleur coming out, qu'il se soit bien ou parfois trèsmalpassé. Nosprogrammeurs ont alors développé unevéritableintelligenceartificielle qui va au travers de 50 questionsanalyservotresituation personnelle en abordant des thèmes tels que:contextefamilial, homophobie ambiante, indépendancefinancière,stabilitépsychologique…Des graphiques clairs, générés grâce à vos réponses,vontvousfaire prendre conscience de votre situation :risqueglobal,matériel, psychologique ou lié à votre entourage.Votresituationpersonnelle vous est ensuite entièrement expliquée etunensemblede conseils vous est proposé.L’application vous expose les différentes méthodes,stratégiesetsupports pour réaliser votre coming out. Elle vous aideàdéterminerle meilleur vecteur de communication et la méthodelaplus adaptéedans votre cas.Par qui commencer ? Quelle forme adopter ? L’annonceverbaledirecte? La lettre ? Le mail ou parfois même les réseauxsociaux ?Commentfaire concrètement ? Des conseils pratiques adaptésàvotrepersonnalité.Mais bien au-delà nous vous aidons à gérer les réactionsdevotreentourage.Les 10 réactions les plus courantes sont étudiées :lesilencepesant, le déni et la négation, la théorie du choix,laculpabilitéparentale, le psy, la tentative deculpabilisation,l'appel à lareligion, la vulgarité et les allusionsà la sexualité,la colèreet la violence, la réaction positive.L’application détermine les réactions les plusprobablesd’aprèsvotre propre contexte.Face à chaque réaction, pour ne pas rester sansvoix,l’applicationvous donne de quoi réagir, en vous proposantplusieursréponsespossibles, avec différentes formulations.Un point spécial est fait sur la psychologie etlesattentesparentales, et une rubrique spéciale est consacréeàlabisexualité.L'application vous pousse à vous poser les bonnesquestionsavantd’agir et vous accompagne.C’est un vrai Guide pratique de l’Après Coming Out !Elle vous aide à gérer les Suites de votre coming out :rupturedesrelations, précarité matérielle, mise à la rue,acceptationouadhésion parentale, rechute toujours possible…Enfin, vous êtes accompagné quoi qu’il arrive aprèsvotrecomingout, à l’aide de deux rubriques pratiques.La rubrique Vos Droits vous informe de vos droits etvousdonnedes conseils pour les faire valoir : je suis à la rue,quefaire ?Comment ne pas tomber dans la précarité ? Commentfairevaloirl’obligation alimentaire (art.371-2 du Code Civil)?Commentobtenir une allocation d’études ou un logementuniversitaireenpriorité sociale ? Comment se défendre face à ladiscriminationautravail suite à votre coming out ?La rubrique Infos Pratiques vous guide concrètementpourtrouverdu soutien et de l’aide, avec des lignesd'écoutes,desassociations, médecins et psys gay, pour vous épauler:lescoordonnées, les téléphones, les adresses, les sitesinternet,lestchats d'écoute en ligne et les horaires despermanences.Dernier point : l’application est 100%confidentielle.Aucuneconnexion réseau n'est nécessaire et aucunedonnéepersonnellen'est envoyée. Tous les traitements sontréalisésparl’application.Do you thinkyourcomingout? You are worried, you say that there are risks?Friends, the prevailing discourse, make you free yourselfofthisweight and take your homosexuality?But it really is your situation? Is this a good time foryou?Whatcan it happen after? That you may suddenly change to theimagethatyour near you?Gay Coming Out: The only application that analyzesyoursituationand answer all your questions, provideappropriateresponses,objective and assist you at every moment inyourapproach. No moreplatitudes that can be read here and thereonComing Out!For two years the members have collectedhundredsoftestimonies from people who made their coming out, it isgoodandsometimes very wrong. Our programmers have developed arealtimeartificial intelligence that goes through 50 questionsanalyzeyourpersonal situation with themes such asfamilybackground,homophobia, financial independence, emotionalstability...Clear graphics generated by your answers will make youawareofyour situation: overall risk, material, psychological orrelatedtoyour environment. Your personal situation you arethenfullyexplained and all advice is offered.The application will expose the different methods,strategiesandsupports to achieve your coming out. It helps youdetermine thebestmeans of communication and the most appropriate inyourcase.Who to start? Adopt what form? The direct verbalannouncement?Theletter? The mail or even social networks? Howtopractice?Practical advice tailored to your personality.But beyond helping you manage the reactions ofthosearoundyou.The 10 most common reactions are studied: thedeafeningsilence,denial and negation, choice theory, parentalguilt,thepsychiatrist, the attempt to blame the call toreligion,vulgarityand references to sexuality, anger andviolence,positivereaction.The application determines the most probablereactionsaccordingto your own context.Facing each reaction, not to remain voiceless, theapplicationgivesyou something to react by proposing severalpossible answers,withdifferent formulations.A special point is made on the psychology andparentalexpectations,and a special section is devoted tobisexuality.The application prompts you to ask the rightquestionsbeforeacting with you.This is a true Practical Guide After Coming Out!It helps you manage your Suites coming out:brokenrelationships,material insecurity, making the streetacceptance oraccessionparental relapse always possible ...Finally, you are with what happens after you come outwiththehelp of two practical sections.Your Rights section informs you of your rights and giveyoutipsfor asserting: I'm on the street, what to do? How not tofallintopoverty? How to enforce the support obligation (art.371-2oftheCivil Code)? How to get a student allowance or socialpriorityinuniversity housing? How to defend against discriminationatworkdue to your coming out?Practical information section will guide you tofindpracticalsupport and assistance with lineseavesdropping,associations,doctors and psychologists gay, yousupport: contact,phones,addresses, websites, chats online listeningandschedulespermanence.Last point: the application is 100% confidential.Nonetworkconnection is required and no personal data is sent.Alltreatmentsare performed by the application.
Kawie Gay Dating & Gay Chat 1.2
Kawie Application is one of theworld’sonlinedating. Download the App Chat, cruise, flirt and datetoyourheart’s content, or use the app’s powerful features tofindmorefriends, and fun.Features:● The best guys here, there and everywhere. You canchat&dating with him.● More fun flirting with quick and cute footprints.● Detailed member profiles.● Post your pictures and share for every guy.● You can request friends and follow them.● Push notifications make you don't miss chat!TERMS OF SERVICE:- Be respectful to each other!- Do not upload any nude or illegal pictures.- You must be 18 years old or older to register.Thank you so much for send feedback and give rating to us!
Grizzly - Gay Dating and Chat 1.3.3
Grizzly is a social networking dating app to meet & chatwithhot gay men nearby
GDudes - Gay chat & Dating 1.9.1
Gay chat & dating is now easier,hotter,and more fun with GDudes. The app helps you to find a matenearby,chat, date, fall in love, have an affair, or just find a gaybuddyto go out with.Top features:=========================• Check out up to 360 gay guys near your location. Check outguysdirectly on map• Customize your search to find the right match to chatordate• No Ads• Chat and share photos and location• Save multiple locations. Change between GPS location andothersaved locations anytime• Create and join Events & Clubs• See who visited your profile• Add friends and block guys• Message notifications and moreYou must be 18 years or older to use GDudes. Any publiclyexposednude photos will be removed.
Coolio – Gay Dating & Chat 2.2
You can find gay guys in your areabyGPS.There are lots of items that you can set about yourprofile.Probably you will be able to find best partner!Chat, Friend list, Footprint and Block... Basic functions arealmostprovided.And ""Silent Match"" also helps your actions.
Beuronline arab gay chat 5.21.416
Studio Presse
Social network for arab gay men, bisexuals and trans. Frenchgaychat.
Social dating service for the gay guys Make a Friends and Findyourideal type.
Getmale Gay dating - Meet gays 1.5.0
The premier dating app for gay men. Getmale is a dating siteforgaysand bisexual men. Download the app and start meetingguys:-Communicate with cute guys through a private message system...-... get real-time notifications when people visityourprofile,contact you or flash on your picture ... - ... sort,filterandpick the profiles you are interested in withadvancedsearchfunctions ... - ... get to know thembetter:personality,interests, hobbies ... - ... and spend qualitytimewith other men!This app is designed to be the best oneavailable onAndroid phonesand tablets. It is available to malesinenglish-speaking countries(US, Canada, UK...), from London toSanFrancisco.
Hotmale - Gay Social Dating 3.1.8
Hotmale - The Social Dating network for gay, bisexual andcuriousmen.
xtatus - Gay, flirt, dating 2.1.0
The social app for flirting andmeetingnewpeople which is achieving a great success in the world!Morethan30.000 registered users each day! Downloading and signingupforfree! 100% Secure!.Xtatus Gay is available in English, Spanish,Catalan,French,Italian, German, Portuguese, Chinese, Swedish,Norwegian,Greek,Turkish, Russian, Japanese, Korean and Dutch. Itwill soonbeavailable in many more languages!.Welcome to Xtatus Gay, the most innovative social networkintheworld in which you decide how you feel and what you wantineachmoment. With this app you will be able to:- Create your personal profile and meet thousands ofpeoplewhoare looking for the same than you. Easyandstraightforward.- Look at other users near you and with your samepreferences.Thisis the first app in the market to do so inrealtimeworldwide.- Keep and update your profile with the information,picturesandcolour anytime you wish.- Pick blue when you want to meet people for a friendshipora
stable long, mid or short-term relationship.- Pick yellow when you want to meet someone who ismoreopen:occasional relations, affairs...- Pick red when you just want to keep close relations.- Look at the similarities with other users thanks toourinnovativesystem of “crossed preferences”.- Look for and screen other users by their characteristics.- Chat with the person you want in real-time with oursystemofinstant messaging.- Send and receive private messages from other users.- Follow people who most like you.- Know who is following you and who has visited your profile.- Receive notifications and information inreal-time:chats,messages, matches...- Configure your geographic position: precise location,bylocalityor city.You can download and sign up the app for free, and youhavethechance to activate all the services with asinglesubscription.Enjoy an entire year for less than what theychargemost similarapp for a week!.1 Year Premium Subscription to Xtatus: $3.991 Month Premium Subscription to Xtatus: $0.99Xtatus Premium FOREVER: $21.99Other things you should know:- Your privacy and security is our priority.- You must be at least 18 to subscribe.- You can see our PrivacyPolicyin You can view our Terms and Conditions ofUsein
GGtalk-Gay Dating,SameSex Comm 3.2.5
GGtalk is the leader brand mobile gaysocialnetwork , a gay version of hormonal social representative, agayversion of WeChat.GGtalk Gay-voice audio micro-community,Funny and interesting micro-community, If you have opinion,just“Speak out”.Exclusive big VIP avatar,GGtalk granted the patent of 2*2 big avatar for GGtalk VIPmemberonly.Reliable CLOUD message tech,Keep your memories always online, from a TENCENTprofessionalteam.Optimized Login-Locker,Auto lock while timeout, keep your safety.Rank for the 1st gay poker game,To be a gay, just play with gays.Gay-tinder,Match your Mr.right with a single finger._____________________________________GGtalk is a LBS based mobile app service for gay datingandemotional communication.And is the only Gay GamePlatformcurrently.You can meet nearby gays. Checking their infoanddistance, send free text or audio messages ,picturesandlocation.There must by someone like you in this lonely city._____________________________________GGtalk User AgreementGGtalk is a product responces to reality. Users shouldmutualrespect, follow the realistic social etiquette.To avoid being banned, please observe thefollowingprinciples:1, please do not send words, pictures or voice informationsthatsuspected of harassment;2, do not upload any pornographes;3, do not use abuse, intimidation, threats, etcwhileconversation;4, please do not release any kinds of political, spam, maliciousordecoy information;5, do not steal others picture or information, disguisingidentityis forbidden;6, please do not release any speech in violation of statelaws,regulations and policies.Baned users can go to to check theexpiredate.All rightgs reserved by GY Co., Ltd.You can visit: for completeuseragreement ._____________________________________GGtalk Official Website:http://www.geeyuu.comGGtalk Official Weibo: G友同志交友(
Gay Wallonie 1.1.1
L'application d'Arc-en-Ciel Wallonievouspermetd'accéder de partout au guide homo de Wallonie ainsiqu'àl'actualitéLGBT régionale, nationale et internationale.Trouvez facilement les meilleurs établissementsgay-friendlydansvotre environnement proche ou bien consultez lesderniersarticlessur l'actualité LGBT.ApplyingArc-en-CielWallonie, you can access across guide homoWallonia andthe LGBTnews regionally, nationally andinternationally.Easily find the best gay-friendly establishments inyourlocalarea or see the latest articles on the LGBT news.
GayRoyal - Dating, Chat, Love 1.2.5
42pixels B.V.
The Gay Social Network - Find Gay & Bi Men from all overtheworld!
GUY - The Gay Network 2.2.1
Vanderbox PC
GUY the Gay Network is a leadingdatingapplication for gay, bisexual, bi-curious men.Feeling curious, friendly, sexy, or naughty for other men? GUYtheGay network is for you!This application is for men who want to connect with other menandget intimate.In GUY you are talking to the right person!Guy, the Gay Network is free to download and completelyadfree!Sign up today and get to know gay, bisexual or bi-curious menfromaround the world.GUY is the number 1 application for men that want to spice uptheirlove life, looking for casual sex, or a partner forlife!Features include:- Set your mood and interact with other men.- Search for men next to you or all over the world. Select themapview or the grid view and interact with the one you want.- Chat with other gay, bisexual, bicurious men, send photos,flashpics (photos that disappear after being viewed), voice memos,shareyour location and invite them to get intimate with you!- Receive notifications from other users and add themtofavorites.- Organize your profile with photos and things that you wishtoshare with others.- See who viewed your profile.- Report or block other users.Ready to connect? Join us now! Gay, bisexual and bi-curious menfromaround the world are waiting for you!The application is free to download and offers extra featureswithin-applications purchases.All photos and profiles are fully moderated for your safety. Ifyoufind a suspicious profile, you can easily report it to us.You must be 18 years or older to use GUY the Gay Network.Photosdepicting nudity or sex acts are strictly prohibited.(Note: even though flash pics are deleted from our serversafterthey expire, we cannot prevent recipient(s) from capturingandsaving them by taking a screenshot or using an imagecapturedevice).96946cab19
deOsos - Osos y Cazadores Gay 2.5.0
¡Encuentra la personaqueestabasbuscando!Conoce a cientos de hombres -osos y cazadores- cerca tuyoEn deOsos hablamos todos el mismo idioma: español, pero tambiéneldela buena onda y el respeto. Entre los hombres de nuestraredalgunosson osos, otros son cazadores y todos tienen ganasdeconocerse,hacer amigos y tal vez algo más. ¡Entrayconócelos!Find the personyouwerelooking for!Meet hundreds of -osos men and hunters near youIn deOsos we all speak the same language: Spanish, but alsothegoodvibes and respect. Among men of our network some arebears,some arehunters and all have wanted to meet, make friendsandmaybesomething more. Come in and get to know them!
Cherry - gay chat,lesbian chat 1.34
Cherry - the only LGBT community!* Supports both the nation's largest gay and lesbianmobilecommunity!* Gay and lesbian support easily find Googling lookingforsisters!* A hit look for the gay community of friendship!* NET global gay, you can pass the cherry around with goodfriendsaround the world, lesbians!* The first supporting gay and lesbian "sharing, light social"gaylife community!Functional characteristics"Comrade Tweet"Cherry is your personal space, sharing life, meet peoplewhounderstand you!"Gay men and women apply"Gay Lesbian together so you can find your girlfriends, sisters,menand women switch modes at any time!"Internationalization"In 94 countries, 82 languages translated to communicateseamlesslyand foreign gay friends, easy to get to know foreigncomrades andLes!"Anonymous group chat"Application support is completely anonymous, and effectivelyprotectyour privacy!"Encounter game"Massive gay Mito, encounters with eye margin of Comrade!"The game"Pick up the SOAP, cornice irritation, couples Edition 2048 andotherfun games!
Crunch Dial chat gay français 5.8.279
Studio Presse
Crunchdial est un tchat gay gratuit, réservé au public majeur!Viens tchatcher avec les bogosses de toute la France ! Lafonctionde géolocalisation te permet d’entrer en contact avec lesmecs gaysqui habitent près de chez toi ! Discute avec les mecs defaçondiscrète et donne l’accès à ta galerie de photos privées auxmecsque tu kiffe. Abonne-toi au Service Premium pour fairedesrecherches avancées et accéder à toutes les galeries: mecsquit’ont kiffé, qui ont maté ton profil, nouveaux profils sur lechatetc. Seules les personnes ayant 18 ans ou plus sont autoriséesàutiliser Crunch Dial.
Gay Date green
web vision
Find and meet like minded gay singles inyourlocal area.Its free to join so download our app now and browse our 1000'sofmembers for friendship, dating and marriage. We have members intheUK, USA, Canada, Australia and all around the world. So ifyou'redownload our free online app now, create a free account insecondsand get searching!
Gay Teen Chat Network 0.6
This application offers a free fast, meetupwith other gay teens around the world. Filled with statusupdatefeatures, profile pictures, photo sharing, private chat(instantmessaging), chat rooms, poke features, photo browsing,photoalbums, and much more!It's the perfect place for gay and lesbian people to meet upandchat! Find a new online friend and perhaps date. The servicewascreated for teens and made by teenagers. Designed by teenagers,forteens. The perfect community for gay and lesbian teens. It isfullymoderated and is very safe. You can share a favorite momentwithjust a few taps from your dashboard. Upload a photo fromyourgallery on your mobile, add a comment, others can view thephoto,like and comment on it.Add people as friends and send them a chat message, bealertedwhen they reply. It's really easy to involve yourself inthechatting world on this social network! Designed by Teenagers,madefor teenagers. It's the perfect, teenage chat dating,solution!This product is designed specifically for making newfriends,although it may seem similar to Facebook, but Facebook isdesignedfor keeping in contact with known friends. This service isdesignedso you can see all activity from all users. (Privacysettingsavailable)E-mail verification is NOT required. The community ismoderateddaily, the moderators are friendly people that are alsoinvolved inthe community to be your virtual friends online!You could always e-mail [email protected].
gay Finder 1.0
mectec inc
This app simply helps Gay boysconnectandcontact eachother discreetly via Bluetooth.When you arein asocialgathering, party, wedding, sporting activity...whereveryoufindyourself during leisure time. If you are Gayandsingle...withBluetooth GayFinder you can easily connectandexchange phonenumbers without any embarrassment. Spread theWordBoy!
翻牌子—gay、les必备同志应用 2.4.2
gay、les同志应用—翻牌子,是高颜值社交软件。Gay、Les、腐女等同志友好人士均可使用翻牌子,互不干扰,杜绝骚扰,保护隐私。翻牌子由上海知名LGBT社交娱乐厂牌“同到”团队开发, 软件基于地理位置,每天为你“推荐” 合适的同城对象,你可以:- 翻看附近优秀的Gay或拉拉- 左滑Nope,右滑Like- 相互喜欢则配对成功,开始真心话大冒险或聊天- 匿名匹配,全面保护隐私- 沉淀好友,线下约会翻牌子将同志社交从“一厢情愿”变成“两情相悦”,相比传统的同志社交软件,翻牌子更加简单、私密和好玩,界面简洁易用,展现非常详尽的用户资料,导入同到网优质Gay和Les线下活动,并将同志的社交范围延伸更广。通过翻牌子,你可以:新到一个城市时,找到喜欢你的Gay或拉拉建立联系成为生活伴侣。夜深人静无聊时,找到喜欢你的Gay或拉拉真心话大冒险,长夜不寂寞。感受到不友好时,找到同城友好而亲切的Gay或拉拉建立新的朋友圈。周末假期无聊时,找Gay或拉拉一起参与最新的同志活动和派对。……截止目前,翻牌子团队已被凤凰卫视、腾讯网、劳动报、36氪、鸵鸟电台、同志权威资讯等知名媒体广泛报道,更是全球规模最大的悉尼同性恋狂欢节唯一受邀参与的中国同志社交软件。翻牌子,最佳同志配对应用!【联系我们】- 微信账号:tontou- 新浪微博:@翻牌子- 商业合作:[email protected] 求职应聘:job@ tontou.comgay, lesapplicationscomrades - turning brand, high color value ofsocialsoftware.Gay, Les, rot women and other comrades friendly people can beusedto turn the brand, without disturbing each other, topreventharassment and protect privacy.Shanghai famous brand by the turn LGBT social entertainmentbrand"with the" team development, location-based software, for youeveryday "recommended" appropriate city objects, you can:- Look good Gay or lesbian nearby- Left slide Nope, right slide Like- Each other like the pairing is successful, start or chat TruthorDare- Anonymous matching, comprehensive privacy protection- Precipitation friends, dating offlineTurn makes the social comrades from "wishful thinking" to"sexualgratification", compared to the traditional gay socialsoftware,Total sign more simple, intimate and fun, simple and easyto useinterface, show very detailed user information to import thesamenet quality gay and Les line activities, and extending awiderrange of social comrades.By turning the brand, you can:When new to a city, find your favorite Gay or lesbianlinkagesbecome life partner.Bored late at night to find your favorite Gay or lesbian truthordare, not lonely night.When feel unfriendly, find the friendly and welcoming city Gayorlesbian to create a new circle of friends.Holiday weekend when bored, looking for Gay or lesbiangayparticipate together with the latest events and parties.......Up to now, the team has been turning brand Phoenix, Tencent,Trud,36 krypton, ostrich radio, Comrade authoritative informationandother well-known media widely reported, it is the world'slargestChinese comrades social Sydney Gay Mardi Gras only invitedtoparticipate software.Turn makes the best pairing application comrade!【contact us】- Micro-channel account: tontou- Sina microblogging: @ turn sign- Commercial cooperation: [email protected] Job candidates: job @
BGC (BGCLive) 2.205
Synergy Tek
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W | Bear : Gay Bear's Chat App 2.6.4
Photos & Videos Blog, Social Network, Chat, and LifestyleAppfor Gay Bear
Gay Dating App For Men Advice 1.0
Gay Dating App For Men Advice is GayDatingForSingle Men guide for you!Gay Dating App For Men Advice is the most convenient way tomeetgayguys nearby. Gay Dating App For Men Advice makes it funandeasy forgay, bi, and curious guys to connect with each other.Findgreatguys to keep in touch with, in this FREE gay app!Gay Dating App For Men Advice is the largest suggestiontruesocialnetwork for gay men. Gay Dating App For Men Advice makesiteasyfor users to authentically connect with others whohavesimilarinterests and are looking to date, make friends or justfindpeoplein a new city. Users can create interactiveprofiles,readheadlines that affect the gay community, and utilize acityguidewritten by and for other gay men to help users findhiddengems andthe best underground events in their own neighborhoodorwhentraveling. Gay Dating App For Men Advice was built by gaymentocreate the hottest online community and has, unlikeotherapps,most features already free, such as 1000’s of profilesviews.Telleveryone how much you like this in the app store reviews.Welovepositive feedback!How to Features:- Browse through unlimited number of profileswithmultiplephotos- Chat with the ones you match with- Get notified of new messages even when the appisonbackground- Upload up to 8 pictures to your profile- Send photos and videos in chat that permanentlydisappearafterbeing viewedMeeting guys online should be fun, friendly, and sexy.Tiredofconversations that start and end. Tired of apps that crashandloseyour messages? You have tried the rest, now try thebest!GayDating App For Men Advice is the top-rated* gay datingappthanksto rock-solid reliability, expressive profiles,powerfulchat,album sharing, and a diverse community of more than 10milliongay,bi, trans, and queer guys worldwide. The all-new GayDating AppForMen Advice 5 has been rebuilt for Android MaterialDesign,hasdozens of new features, and more ways to connect withguysthanever before. Gay Dating App For Men Advice is determinedtoprovidea safe experience. You must be 18 years old / young touseGayDating App For Men Advice.
Barcelona Gay
Mapa interactivo de Barcelona conloslugaresmás importantes de la noche gay en la ciudad.
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Chat Colombia 4
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The Bro App (BRO) 2.5.20-prod
BroTech LLC
BRO: Dates, FWBs, & Friends (Just for Men)