Top 50 Apps Similar to I Ching - Yi Jing Library

yi 3.5.13
Alan Suhe
I Ching tools for divination and learning
文墨天機•紫微斗數(基礎版) 1.8.8
Professional Ziwei Dou counting plate program, supportsmultipleplate styles such as Fei Xing, Sanhe, Qintian Four Hua etc.
I Ching, oracle, book and aid. 4.1
Jack Boukens
I Ching, oracle, book and aid.
I Ching: Book of Changes 3.7
Jose Camara
Consult the I Ching easily, let the Chinese ancestors surpriseyou,for FREE.
Slovakia News (Správy) 9.2
Fast way to read Slovakia (Slovensko) News (Správy) inSlovak(slovenský jazyk)
靈占算命-八字抽籤解夢星座風水生肖放生占卜佛教道教日曆農民曆 30.6
中藥典 - 查詢藥材 1.17
Luncky Studio
The Chinese Pharmacopoeia contains more than 900 common herbsandprescriptions.
紫微命盤-紫微斗數大師 婚姻算命 愛情配對 紫微星座運勢 1.3.4
【Zi Wei Fate Board】Zi Wei Dou number chart calculates thefatepalace, comprehensively predicts the fortune index,fortune-tellingastrology! Through the Ziwei Husband and WifePalace, explain thedevelopment of the fleeting relationship, thetrend of love,understand the personality traits of the partner, andresolve thefleeting relationship crisis.
I Ching: App of Changes 14.2.2
Code Poetry
Wise guidance to life's turning points from an ancient text.
易璇八字 1.3.8
六壬 C6R_20230608_2330
Three type the most, elected Liuren
天時子平生辰八字 3.6.5
Ad-free birthday character calculation tool, supportingthebirthplace of the world, comes with a perpetual calendar /yellowcalendar
紫微算命-紫微斗數生辰八字算運勢 紫微占星 星盤占卜 1.3.5
Ziwei fortune-telling master integrates the numerology ofChinesezodiac and Fengshui to help you grasp the fortune of thefleetingyears! Want to have high wealth, get a promotion and raiseyoursalary, and have a smooth emotion? The mostprofessionaltraditional fortune-telling application ZiweiDoushufortune-telling master will provide you with numerologyguidanceone by one!
Chinese Almanac Calendar 4.7.8
Traditional,professional Chinese lunar calendar,Chinese Almanac.
易奇八字 1.1.3
* 算命大師在線聊天,預測未來運勢 * * 八字/算卦/星座/塔羅/擇吉/風水/解夢 * * 合婚/起名/紫微鬥數/奇門遁甲/手面相** 周易命理占蔔大全,專業分析深入解讀 * * 易奇八字——服務全球的移動運勢顧問 * 【應用特色】1、易問:我們有專業的周易算命大師專家團,陪妳聊天,預測命運!通過八字算命、紫微鬥數、奇門占測、測名起名改名、老黃歷擇吉、周公解夢、星座塔羅占蔔、六爻蔔卦問事、手面相解讀、風水調整,助妳掌控命運規律和開運秘法,解決所有運勢難題,讓妳事業求財前程無憂,戀愛婚姻稱心如意,成就幸福人生!2、測算:〖八字排盤〗生辰八字排盤詳批妳的性格特征、五行喜用神忌神和開運方法!〖八字合婚〗生辰八字合婚剖析妳壹生的婚戀姻緣,助妳找到如意眷侶,解脫單身,斬斷爛桃花!〖人際測算〗微信朋友圈和微博爆火的36命格人際測算,揭秘性格密碼,找到妳的命中貴人,讓人脈變錢脈!〖運程車〗八字詳批準確展示壹生大運和流年運勢的吉兇變化,提供靈驗轉運之法。〖婚姻樹〗八字排盤預測戀愛交友緣分,算命占蔔靠譜的感情姻緣。〖財富船〗占蔔壹生財運多寡,理財投資更明智,亦助妳找準旺運的事業發展方向,輕松實現理想藍圖!〖祈福臺〗生活祈福助手,隨喜供奉貴人,事業財運姻緣家庭健康求子,有求必應,萬事如意。〖測性情〗五行命理犀利解讀妳的心性喜好、人際關系、以及妳對事業財運和感情婚姻的態度。〖測健康〗醫易同源,周易算命預測妳的健康狀況,針對性提供運動、食療、穴位按摩等中醫養生保健之道。〖擇吉日〗結合妳的八字,優選適合妳裝修、搬家、投資、簽約、開市、交易、出行旅遊、結婚、祈福等吉日。〖老黃歷〗權威萬年歷老黃歷擇吉大全、生日節日紀念日提醒管家、記事日程安排方便易用!〖有事求卦〗運用易經爻卦算命的占蔔智慧,讓妳的運勢否極泰來!〖周公解夢〗新版周公解夢大全,提供噩夢化解之法,睡出好運勢。〖每日運勢〗專屬定制屬於妳八字的開運日歷,便捷查看每天運勢、每個時辰的行事宜忌、穿衣飲食等開運指南。〖易問社區〗專業命理分析的互動社區,和廣大算命占蔔愛好者在線暢聊。〖名號測算〗命理分析姓名、手機號碼、車牌號碼吉兇!百家姓男女寶寶八字起名、改名、公司起名寶典。3、資訊中心:追知名命理老師的預測新作、轉運幹貨文,學習八字六爻預測術,看國際易經學者—董易奇老師親授的八字、六爻公開課。【關註我們】易奇八字網站: 命理QQ :4006302225新浪微博:易奇八字微信號:yiqibazi
紫微大师-算命八字占卜领导品牌,紫薇斗数预测专家 8.5.0
Not everyone is lucky enough to meet Master Ziwei’s advice,everysecond is being blessed by a user... Are you the next luckyone?There are detailed explanations on love, marriage, career,work,making money, financial management, pregnancy, buying a house,andbuying a car!
吉祥起名-姓名算命取名 3.79
易爻(实用) CY_20240118_2330
Professional divination software combining the Plum BlossomEasyNumber and the Six-Yao Principle
八字算命排盤-生辰八字測算命運和星座運勢 5.8.0
生辰八字、紫微斗數合參2021年流年運勢已上線啦,下載算命八字排盤,搶先加持!⊙完整的先天八字命盤、大運八字命盤、流年八字命盤⊙集合八字排盤與紫微斗數排盤大全集 ⊙學習八字、紫微斗数數必備工具⊙鼻祖傳人30年公開單傳秘笈演算法⊙大數據時代500萬科學統計驗證 ⊙寶典級婚戀、職場、商場、創富攻心神術⊙100多個問題解盤人生百態事強大自我助夢成功⊙斷結婚、離婚、小三、創業、升遷、暴富、懷孕年份 ⊙幫您30歲前知天命帶著棋譜下棋絕殺《生辰八字部分》八字,即生辰八字,是一個人出生時的干支曆日期。年幹和年支組成年柱,月幹和月支組成月柱,日幹和日支組成日柱,時幹和時支組成時柱;一共四柱,四個幹和四個支共八個字,故又稱四柱八字。八字命理學是一種根據干支曆、陰陽五行、神煞等理論推測人的事業、婚姻、財運、學業、健康等事的學問,亦稱指迷算命,是中國的一種歷史悠久的算命方法。《紫微斗數部分》紫微斗數,是中國傳統命理學的最重要的支派之一。她是以人出生的年、月、日、時確定十二宮的位置,構成命盤,結合各宮的星群組合,牽系周易卦爻,來預測一個人的名員流程、吉凶禍福的。相對於四柱推命而言,其淵源較早,而又是同源而分流,故並稱為中國傳統命理學的兩大派別;而且紫微斗數推命術既具有道家宇宙觀的神秘色彩,又具有注重社會環境、人際關係的近代意蘊,在中國神秘文化中卓立特出,名列“五大神數”之首,號稱“天下第一神數”。紫微斗數推命的出發點依然時天人合一的觀念和陰陽五行的學說,但她在一般推命術的推算程式的基礎上,以處於北天中央正宮的紫微垣中諸吉、凶、化星的尊卑位置特點及地球面對他們向揹運動的規律,賦予不同的命理意義,以推知人的命運,因而具有自己的方法和特點。紫微斗數推命術的基本方法是以一個人的出生年、月、日、時定出其命宮所在,依此推斷其終生的地位、人格、貧富、休咎,然後依次列出兄弟宮、夫妻宮、子女宮、財帛宮、疾厄宮、遷移宮、交友宮、事業宮、田宅宮、福德宮、父母宮,作出生圖;從而觀察各宮位的星群組合,推知其鬥數命理;最後再通過四化星(化科、化祿、化權、化忌)的牽引,注意各種變化的軌跡。
I Ching reading Book of Change 1.0
Let the wisdom of the ancient Book of Changes enter your life.
星象紫微斗數-線上紫薇算命占卜 八字風水生肖運勢 1.7.0
A professional fortune-telling APP tool written by afortune-tellingmaster himself! Based on the horoscope of theindividual's birthday,combined with the principle of Ziwei Doushu,it arranges anddiscusses the fate of users. It provides fleetingfortune and lovedivination. Explain to you the career, wealth andmarriage luck inyour horoscope.
論八字(實用) C8W_P_20220904_2330
On the character (utility) (Calc8Words), professional andefficient,the program is small. Can quickly exhaust variouscharacter posterof the disk.
查八字® - 计算运势 人生咨询 v4.2.7
Chinese Zodiac Numerology Love Work Matching
超級生命密碼夢想舞臺 1.9.5
The Super Life Code Dream Stage is open to friends who aredestined.As long as you are interested in discussion andspiritualimprovement, you can quickly and easily explore the ideasandteachings of Sun Shengde teachers through this application.
達摩祖師悟性論 1.4
C Want
Thank Grace morality, good books, completely free, and thecontentis not embedded in any advertising!
八字合婚-八字算命,生辰八字姻緣配對,合八字 3.5.0
Enter your partner’s birthday, use the time of birth toperformZiwei marriage and Bazi analysis, assess the depth of fate,predictthe development of your marriage and love, answer yourconcernsabout pre- and post-marriage, help you choose the rightperson, andtell you after marriage Ways to maintain happiness.
Aura Astrology Plus 1.10
Sinin Studio
Aura Astrology (the old name -"AuraZodiac")==============================================Theprogramincludes: * Translations in 43 languages *Astrologicalbasecoordinates 138 000 settlements of the world with apopulationof1,000 people, and even less (names of cities inseverallanguages)* The newest base astrological time for alltheamendmentssubmitted settlements since the early 20th centuryto2014 * Latestastrological ephemeris NASA declared with anerrorless than 1 ''(current pro version includes astrologicalephemerisfor 1870-2050gg. And will soon be expanded) *AstrologicalEphemeris majorplanets, the Lunar nodes, Chiron,Lilith, Proserpine* Systems ofhouses: Cosmogram, Placidus, Koch,Ravnodomnaya fromAsc,Ravnodomnaya from MC, Morinus Meridian * 20visualthemes==================================================Keyfeatures: *Natal chart (natal horoscope) *Astrologicalinterpretation (risingsign, planets in the signs,planets inhouses, houses in the signs,aspects of planets) * Aspectsofplanets and house cusps * Scalingmaps * Scaling font sizes*Transit map * Dynamics of Time *Dynamics of transit * Thedynamicsof progression (3 types) *Calculation solarium (withthepossibility to quickly build transitNatal) * Calculation ofLunar(with the possibility to quicklybuild transit Natal) *Allocationof long-term aspects * Isolationand / or disable thedivergentaspects * Database with the abilityto import and export(in theformat Astroprocessor Zet 9.0) *Astrological aspects table*Astrological table rulers *Astrological table speed of theplanets* Table of the elements,crosses hemispheres * Table ofhouses andsigns * Additionalastrological tables * Flexiblesettingsastrological chart andinterface (size, elements, etc.).*Screenshots (including a delayof 5 and 10 sec.) * Settingthedisplay and aspects of the planets/ cusps * Displays the phaseofthe moon and the astrologicalplanets speed radials * Displaysthedegrees of the planets andcusps (including minutes) totheastrological chart * The abilityto insert data into aformatAstroprocessor Zet clipboard * Andmuch more...==============================================Differencesbetweenversions: The main limitation of Free-versionareephemeris.Astrological database is limited to 1900-2020 to7planets.1990-2020 - without restrictions (15 planets).Otherdifferences aredescribed in detail intheprogram.============================================== Thankyoufor yourfeedback!
奇門(實用) QM_20231030_2330
Men learn to escape, do not ask to come.
Feng Shui Good Days Selection 2.1.10
Choosing Good Days by the Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology
論八字 C8W_20220904_2300
Character telling (Calc8Words), professional and efficient,theprogram is small. Can quickly exhaust various character posterofthe disk.
八字排盤-八字算命 八字配對 線上算命 生辰八字查詢 4.7.7
The Bazi Paipan integrates the name, birth date, big fortune,smallfortune, fleeting, void, fetal breath, fetal yuan, fate palaceandfive elements information, etc. for the horoscopefortune-tellinganalysis for the fortune-telling of thefortune-telling master. .
八字算命-生肖運勢 線上算命 生辰八字命盤解析 八字流年 1.3.0
Horoscope fortune-telling, deduce life. Taiwan's numerologynationalteacher arranges fortune-telling for you, deducesthecharacteristics of life, analyzes the ups and downs ofpersonality,wealth, emotion, marriage and love career, and healthand fortune.Predict personal fleeting fortune, the accuracy rate isas high as98.7%!
WLC Biblical Calendar 2.2.4
Correlates 2 Different Calendars: The Biblical Calendar &TheGregorian Calendar
奇門 QM_20230510_2330
Men learn to escape, do not ask to come.
Oura 4.12.3
Improve your sleep and transform your health with Oura.
紫微斗數-八字命盤分析 線上姓名算命 5.8.4
Enter the name and birth date, arrange fortune-telling toexplainthe development of the fortune in the passing years, thefortune ofthe fortune palace, the level of the fortune of thefortune and theemotional fortune, and the master's professionalguidance to changethe fortune!
Wong Tai Sin Ling signed Wong Tai Sin [powered by MZTIT]
Circadian: Your Natural Rhythm 4.1.4
Daily schedule for better sleep, to live well, habits ofhealth& a natural life
姓名稱骨算命-生肖,姓名配對 6.71
BaZi Astrology 1.1.2
This App provides you an easy way to explore BaZi and assists youtobetter understand yourself, your lover, friends, family or evenyourboss. BaZi is a Chinese study of a person’s fate or destinythat hasbeen around for more than a thousand year. Those who donotunderstand BaZi are either confused about it, or claim that itispure superstition. However, BaZi, similar to astrology, tellsoneabout his or her personality, way of thinking, and mostsuitableoccupations. However, BaZi also shows one’s destiny,currentsituation in life, and provides much more details about apersonthan Western astrology. To know a person’s EXTERNALpersonality,check out the 10 Heavenly Stems. To know a person’sINTERNALpersonality, check out the 12 Earthly Branches. To know aperson’sGENERAL characteristics and qualities, check out the 10Gods inBaZi. Note:BaZi’s Earthly Branches and Zodiac Animals isdifferent.
大藏经 1.2
Cong Wang
中医针灸 4.2.1
A professional and practical applications of acupuncture,includingthe introduction of over four hundred points, providingaconvenient search function
每日珠宝杂志 · iDaily Jewelry 0.1.8
Clover Team
The most influential Chinese jewelry magazine
Sol Et Umbra 12.26
Sun ephemeris and sundials simulation for design and education
Planetdance Astrology 3.1
Planetdance is a technical astrology program for android.
麥玲玲2020鼠年生肖運程-風水佈局 流月运势 擇日通勝 家居風水 吉凶方位 投資指南 開運錦囊 1.0.0
【麥玲玲2020鼠年生肖運程】APP大中華地區正版授權,內容與《麥玲玲2020鼠年生肖運程》書籍同步,根據周易五行生克及飛星吉凶的情況,除了給大家講解每個生肖在2020年的財運、事業、身體、感情等運勢外,還附上世界大勢總論,犯太歲化解錦囊,過年習俗知識,每日通神等精彩內容,而最吸引眼球的是"鼠年行好運風水佈局”,結合2020年九宮飛星風水佈局來調整每個屬相的運氣,想旺丁旺財旺事業,得金得銀得姻緣的你又怎麼能錯過?【APP特色】APP在色彩上採用溫和且具有輕快感的淺色調,傳達一種安穩中帶點喜悅的情感。而在交互上不得不提的是“個人運勢”模塊,只要輸入出生時辰便可輕鬆查詢到自己的個人運勢,除去查詢對照表的時間,方便快捷;而“擇吉通神”模塊則更加貼心,選擇你要進行的擇吉類別、月份,輕輕一按便可篩選到當月適合的日子,看起來小小的功能卻透漏出對用戶的貼心。【六大清晰的模塊】1.豬年指南——民俗講解,如何化太歲,麥玲玲為您的2020年指點迷津2.好運風水陣——2020拍拖脫單不是夢!2020,我想要提升人緣旺桃花!!3.生肖運程——十二生肖鼠年運程,好運必備指南!4.個人運程——玄學天後麥玲玲,為您私人訂制個人運程!5.投資指南——如何才能在2020財運亨通投資順利?投資指南指點投資技巧,助您2020投資順利!6.擇吉通勝——結婚訂婚要選日子?玲玲師傅幫您擇個好日子!【我們在這裡等您!】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順!:【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利!:【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善!:[email protected]
取名解名-姓名算命 命名起名改名字大全 名字八字算命打分 生 5.4.6
[Name and Resolve] Two major functions: 1. According to thebaby’sbirth date and surname, match the baby with auspicious andwishfulnames; 2. According to the birth date provided by the user,theuser’s name will be scored and the user’s name will bechanged.Suggest!
Uranus Astrology App 1.6.1
The secrets of astrology for the casual user and theprofessionalastrologer.
Astrology Ephemeris 0.7
New PROversion=> of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, North Node andLilith. - Theappdetects location and shows astrological houses. -Chart andmoonphases of the selected date. - All ephemeris withplanet andsignsymbols. From year 1582 to 2399.