Top 27 Apps Similar to Feldbotanik

Heilpflanzen / Heilkräuter 3.6
The herb book in the APP Format
All Birds Germany - A Sunbird Field Guide
Sunbird Images
*** Do you want to go birding in Germany? Then this is the appforyou! Find information no other app has: bird populationsize,abundance, migration and breeding status - for all 514 specieseverrecorded incl. all irregular visitors in Germany! *** Comeswithdistribution maps and 2.411 premium photos in HD-qualityand>900 bird songs. You can map birds with GPS, makeyourbirdwatching own lists+ explore 5 search modes, all bird namesin19 languages. This exceptional nature field guide includesallspecies which have been listed by the GermanOrnithologist'sSociety and the German Rarity Commission. It hasbeen developed bypassionate field ornithologists and publishedecologists. Speciescan be sorted in several ways: – A-Z bird names- choose between 19(!) languages: Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch,English, Finnish,French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese,Latin, Latvian,Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, andSwedish – Sortby group – through gallery view or foldable list – Inall casesirregular visitors can be faded in or out A simpleidentificationkey narrows the species down (e.g. by foot colour,bill shape,length of tail etc.) leading to the bird searched forand a choiceof similar species. You can also look for fragments ofa speciesname – the search for “finch”, for example, shows all thespecieswhich include the word “finch”. Despite the abundance ofspeciesprovided: in order to precisely identify a bird nopreviousknowledge in bird watching or ornithological expert skillsarerequired. Of decisive help here are the qualitativelyhigh-classlarge-scale images which show all bird species in theirnaturalenvironment and, amongst others, originate fromrenownedphotographers of the wildlife foto agency SUNBIRD IMAGES.Thepictures have been chosen from thousands in order to allow themostreliable identification. The choice of photos is essentialforidentification: Bird pictures which only show the bird fromfront,like it is the case for many of the sloppily developed appson themarket today, are of little use for birding. This appprovidesextensive texts and data for each bird species withinformation to:Description, ecology, population size, frequency,habitat, birdsongs and much more. Texts for this app haveespecially beenwritten for Germany. This especially holds forpopulation size,abundance, breeding status, local distribution,status ofprotection as well as migration. Special features: –Includes all514 species recorded in Germany – Detailed distributionmaps ofEurope – Compare function to compare photos, maps, eggs& birdsongs – Irregular visitors are marked in red –Extensivedescriptions to every species with 25 sub-features each! –2.411well selected photographs, all in the size of 1024 x 678Pixels –Photos to each species, including female as well as summerandwinter plumage for nearly every bird species – All imageslabeled –Sort and display species: A-Z, 19 different languages,taxonomic –Egg photos of 80% of all German species – 911 bird songsand callsof 90% of all German species – Spectrograms of all birdsongs andbird calls – Create sighting lists and sort by place,date, group,and name – Automatically plots all spots on a map viaGPS, whichcan be edited – Make notes for each bird spotted ***Agraphicallywell-designed layout – easy to use with largelettering.*** “AllBirds Germany” is very well suited for keepingpersonalised birdwatching lists. The development of this app took 2years. It willbe continuously developed further. In the future,more photos andbird songs will be added constantly as well as newidentificationfeatures. Once downloaded no internet connectionneeded – justdownload the app + start birding! Visit our internetsupport sitefor more information. We are happy, if you like ournature apps.Please don't hesitate to email us if you haveanyquestions,suggestions or comments at: [email protected]
FlorApp 3.0.1
Info Flora
The mobile solution for your field observations !
Flora Capture 2.4.1
Take pictures of plants and become part of the FloraIncognitaresearch project.
iGräser 2.5.6
determine the 111 most common grass species in SwitzerlandreliableWith iGräser.
Wild flowers 3.1.1
Wild flowers allows you to identify 1771 wild flowers ofWesternEurope.
AlpineFlower Finder - Europe 4.1.5
Identify easily and fast wildflowers of the European Alps. Floraandfield guide
iKnow Birds 2 PRO - Europe
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to BIRDS OFEUROPE,all in the palm of your hand!Finally, you have the option to identify species without thehelpof a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts,figures, and images. Read fascinating information and learnfactsabout birds; browse professional images; listen tospectacular callsand songs. Find inspiration and experience naturein a whole newway.CONTENT* 300 bird species - 2000 images - 550 calls and songs* Extensive description of the species* Bird names in 30 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameBIRD IDENTIFICATION BY* APPEARANCE- Size, feathering, beak type, etc.* RANGE AND HABITAT- Cities, forests, waters, mountains, etc.* ORDER- Owls, herons, eagles, etc.* MIGRATION- Sedentary, short, medium, longQUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Guess species from calls and songsNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are anauthor orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content,please contactus at [email protected] OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
Erlebnis Nationalpark 3.11.8
Detailed route planning for the summer and winter holidays.
FlowerChecker, plant identify
This app provides plantidentificationservice. You simply take a picture of an unknownplant (ormoss, lichen and even fungi) and get it identified byinternationalteam of experts.The identification process is not computer-based, it requireshumaninvolvement. Therefore each identification is paid usingGoogle'sin-app purchase. One plant identification costs 1 USD / 0.7EUR.The reason is the identification process is not computer-based,itrequires human involvement. Anyway, if we can't identifyyourplant, you don't spend anything.The installation includes one identification for free asatrial.Our team will respond as soon as possible, but theidentificationusually takes minutes or hours. In average, we manageto solve morethan 95% plant requests.The app is add-free.
Nature My - North America 44
Over 2500 plant and animal species of North America.
Bauernzeitung 5.1
The weekly magazine of Agriculture, Village and Family
Plants Quiz - for botanists 3.0
RARU Software
Discover the plant kingdom. Enjoy this great plants trivia game!
Mom´s Botanicals 1.3.1
Mom´s Botanicals - Herbs as a delicacy and medicine
Der Lehrprinz - Jagdquiz 1.0
Test your knowledge of hunting and compete with other hunters
Ornithopedia Europe 1.3.6
All 1144 birds of Europe with sounds,images,video and much more
Ebben TreeEbb 2.0.2
Digital tree library with thousands of plant species.
Hochkönig 1.9.2
Ein Berg voller Überraschungen: UrlaubamHochkönigDie Hochkönig-App bietet Ihnen umfangreicheUrlaubsinformationenüber eine der schönsten UrlaubsregionenÖsterreichs - die RegionHochkönig im Salzburger Land.Ein Paradies für Outdoor-Sportler: 340 Kilometerperfektbeschilderte Wanderwege führen von Hütte zu Hütte durcheinefaszinierende Bergwelt.Spannende Kräuterwanderungen weihen in die Welt deralpinenNaturschätze und deren Verarbeitung zu Salben, AufstrichenoderTees ein. Auch auf zwei Rädern gibt es am Fuße des 2.941Meterhohen Hochkönig viel zu entdecken: Zehn E-Bike-Ladestationenrundum die Bergdörfer Maria Alm, Dienten und Mühlbach sorgendafür,dass unterwegs niemandem der Saft ausgeht. Und während derAkkulädt, verwöhnen gemütliche Almhütten die Gäste mitregionalenKöstlichkeiten und veganen Speisen.Ein kurzer Überblick über die wichtigsten Funktionen, diezumEntdecken einladen:Top Routen Tipps und TourenLassen Sie sich durch die Region führen und entdecken Sie dieOrteMaria Alm, Dienten und Mühlbach am Fuße des Hochkönig!SpezielleTourenvorschläge bringen Sie zu Fuß über den Königsweg,oder perE-Bike auf der ii-Tour quer durch die Region. Oder aberauch einmalrichtig kräfteraubend mit dem Mountainbike auf denHundstein.Darüber hinaus lässt Sie eine große Anzahl an Tourenvorschlägeninden verschiedensten Kategorien die gesamte RegionHochkönigerkunden. Vom Wandern über das Kräuterwandern bis zurBergtour, vonder Mountainbike bis zur E-Mountainbike Tour, vomWinterwandern biszum Langlauf und vom Rodeln bis zur Skitour findenSie hier fürjegliche sportliche Aktivität Ihren richtigenTourenvorschlag.HochkönigCardErleben Sie das umfassende Aktiv-Angebot der Region Hochkönigundgenießen Sie die zahlreichen Vorteile, die IhnendieLeistungspartner in und rund um die Region bieten. Es beginntbeider kostenlosen Benutzung der Sommerbahnen und dem Wanderbusundgeht bis zu diversen Vergünstigungen bei Ausflugszielen inderUmgebung.Die Hochkönig-Card ist kostenlos den ganzen Aufenthalt hindurchundwird Ihnen von Ihrem Gastgeber (Hochkönig-Card Partnerbetriebe)amAnreisetag ausgestellt. Die Vorteile der Hochkönig-Card könnenSiebis zum Zeitpunkt Ihrer Abreise in Anspruch nehmenInteressante OrteUnter dem Punkt „Interessante Orte“ finden SielohnenswerteAusflugsziele, Infrastruktur, Almen, Hütten, Gasthöfe,… in derRegion HochkönigInfo&Service
Unter "Info&Service" bekommen Sie aktuelle Wetterdaten,Bilderaus den Livecams und Events präsentiert. Weiteres bestehthier dieMöglichkeit unter Suchen & Buchen eine Unterkunftonline zubuchen, bzw. eine Anfrage für die gewünschte Unterkunftzuverschicken.Soziale NetzwerkeDie Region Hochkönig ist auch in den Social Media vertreten. Seiesin Facebook, auf YouTube, Instagram oder Twitter. BesondersansHerz legen wir Ihnen unser Hochkönig Magazin, das Sie überdieverschiedensten Themen in der Region informiert.ToolsDiverse Tools helfen bei der Orientierung mittels GPS. VomHöhen-und Hangneigungsmesser, über Kompass und GPS-Tracking bis hinzumGipfelfinder unterstützen Sie diese Helferlein beim EntdeckenderRegion Hochkönig.Mit der Hochkönig-App erhalten Sie eineumfangreicheInformationssammlung für Ihre schönsten Urlaubstage inder RegionHochkönig. Wir sind bemüht, unser Angebot für Sie ständigweiterauszubauen und Sie mit den aktuellsten Informationenzuversorgen.Wichtiger Hinweis:Die Akkulaufzeit Ihres mobilen Gerätes kann sich bei aktiviertemGPSund Nutzung der App im Hintergrund drastisch verkürzen.A mountain fullofsurprises: Urlaub am HochkönigThe Hochkönig App offers comprehensive holiday information aboutoneof the most beautiful holiday regions in Austria - theHochkönigregion in the province of Salzburg.A paradise for outdoor sports enthusiasts 340 kilometersofperfectly signposted hiking trails from hut to hut throughafascinating mountain world.Exciting herb walks dedicate to the world of alpinenaturalresources and their processing into ointments, spreads orteas.Even on two wheels there at the foot of the 2,941 meterhighHochkönig much to discover: Ten e-bike charging stations aroundthemountain villages of Maria Alm, Dienten and Mühlbach ensurethatthe road runs out of juice anyone. And while the batteryischarging, cozy huts pamper guests with regional delicaciesandvegan dishes.A brief overview of the key features that invite youtodiscover:Top routes tips and toursLet yourself be guided through the region and discover theplacesMaria Alm, Dienten and Mühlbach at the foot of the HighKing!Special Tour suggestions you bring walking on the King's Road,orby e-bike on the II tour across the region. Or else evenreallyexhausting mountain bike on the Hundstein.In addition, you can a wide range of suggestions for tours inavariety of categories to explore the entire region Hochkönig.Fromhiking on the herbal hiking tour to the mountain, from themountainto the E-bike ride, from the winter hiking to cross-countryskiingand sledding until the ski tour can be found here for anysportingactivity your correct tour proposal.HochkönigcardExperience the comprehensive active-offer the Hochkönig regionandenjoy the many benefits that offer the service partners inandaround the region. It starts with the free use of the summerlifts,the walker and goes up to several reductions in excursions inthearea.The Hochkönig Card is free throughout the whole stay and willbeprovided by your host (Hochkönig-Card partner businesses) issuedonarrival. The advantages of the Hochkönig-Card you can take uptothe time of departure to completeInteresting placesUnder the heading "Places of interest" can be foundworthwhiledestinations, infrastructure, pastures, chalets, guesthouses, the Hochkönig RegionInfo & ServiceUnder "Info & Service" you get current weatherinformation,images from the Live Cams and events presented. Morehere there isa possibility under Search & book to bookaccommodation online,or send a request for the desiredaccommodation.Social NetworksThe Hochkönig region is also present in the social media. Be itonFacebook, on YouTube, Instagram or Twitter. Particularly fondwehereby present our Hochkönig magazine that provides informationona variety of topics in the region. ToolsVarious tools help with orientation using GPS. From the heightandslope inclinometers, compass and GPS tracking on up to thesummitFinder support these helpers while discovering theHochkönigregion.The Hochkönig app you get an extensive collection ofinformationfor your best holidays in the Hochkönig Region. Westriveconstantly to further expand our offer to you and to provideyouwith the latest information.Important Note:The battery life of your mobile device may be shorteneddramaticallywith GPS and use the app in the background isactive.
Trees and shrubs 2.2.0
Easily identify 304 trees and shrubs in Europe
Imkerwissen 2.2
Beekeepers know - 500 free text or multiple choice questionsfromthe training session.
Salzburg Bahnen 1.7 (0.0.59)
Aus der „Schafberg App“ wird die „Salzburg Bahnen“App:mitSchafbergBahn,WolfgangseeSchifffahrt,MönchsbergAufzugFestungsBahn Mit unsererneuen App„Salzburg-Bahnen“ tauchen Sienoch tiefer in diefaszinierende Weltvon Bahn und Schiff derSalzburg AG ein!SchafbergBahn undWolfgangseeSchifffahrt imSalzkammergut undMönchsbergAufzug undFestungsBahn in der StadtSalzburg gehören zuden beliebtestenAusflugszielen in Salzburg undOberösterreich undversprechenunvergessliche Erlebnisse. Mitdieser App können Sie sichbereits imVorfeld optimal informierenund Ihren Besuch perfektplanen, vor Ortist sie der idealeReisebegleiter mit vielenzusätzlichenFeatures.Hintergrundinformationen zur Geschichte undTechnik derBahnen, einAudioguide (inkl. Kinderversion) undeineinteraktiveÜbersichtskarte sind nur einige der vielenHighlights.Highlightsin der App: - Aktuelle Abfahrtszeiten von Bahnund SchiffimSalzkammergut - Interaktive Übersichtskarte mitOrtungsfunktion-Daten und Fakten zu den jeweiligen Bahnen -Live-Bilder -AktuelleWetterinformationen - Integrierter Audioguidein dreiSprachen undKinderversion (für SchafbergBahn&WolfgangseeSchifffahrt) -Erlebnisse & Tipps - AktuelleInfos,News, Events und vielesmehr! Die SchafbergBahn ist jeweilsvonMitte Mai bis AnfangNovember in Betrieb, sowie andenAdventwochenenden immerdonnerstags bis sonntags (bis1.050Höhenmeter). DieWolfgangseeSchifffahrt ist ab April bisAnfangNovember sowie imAdvent für Sie in Fahrt. DerMönchsbergAufzug& dieFestungsbahn stehen den Besuchern dasganze Jahr zurVerfügung.Herausgeber: Salzburg AG TourismusManagement GmbHBayerhamerstraße16 5020,, AppKonzept, Design undtechnischeUmsetzung: INTERMAPS AG WeitereStichworte: SalzburgAG,SchafbergBahn, WolfgangseeSchifffahrt,Schafberg,Wolfgangsee,Schiff, Schifffahrt, Zahnradbahn, Bahn,Zug,Salzkammergut,Ausflugsziel, Salzburg, Oberösterreich,Geschichte,Kaiser, Natur,Naturraum, Berg, See, Ausflug, St.Wolfgang, Strobl,St. Gilgen,Ausflugsschiff, Ausflugsbahn, Technik,Aussichtspunkt,Bahnfahrt,Bahnfahrten, Erlebniswelt, FürFamilien,Familie,Sehenswürdigkeiten, Schifffahrten, Urlaub,Mönchsberg,Festung
iAustria - The Travel Guide. 2.7
The iAustria app provides the Best ofAustria,information by which you can inform yourself about yourholidaydestination beforehand and plan your trip.iAustria is the information source for your holiday in Austriarighton your smartphone. News about the weather, lake temperaturesandtop events as well as open lifts or hiking routes andmountainbiketrails make the choice of your holiday region adelight. iAustriaoffers a unique service for climbing and waterenthusiasts when itcomes to severe weather with the new mountainweather forecast. TheiAustria radar feature informs you about thehighlights in your areavia notifications. Additionally you cancollect PINs on your hikingtrip or biking tour.Information about your holiday destinationEven for a spontaneous trip iAustria offers helpfuldescriptionsabout golf courses, sport shops as well asaccommodations. Thanksto the Alpine association hut finder, whichcontains over 500 hutsin Austria, every hiker can find the perfectgastronomy and thedesired refuge in the mountains. In order toeasily find yourfavourite destination, you can create your own listincluding yourfavourite routes, sights and resorts.The iAustria TrophyThe "Pinning" Challenge offers a further incentive to join andusethe app. After checking-in at special places all over Austriatheuser receives PINs and automatically takes part in amonthlyraffle, where great prizes can be won such as a holidays fortwosomewhere in beautiful Austria.Content:- Region description with filter according to interests- Weather stations with live weather- Detailed weather forecast with temperature- Photos and videos- Summer lifts- Recommendations of Austria Tourism- Route tips- Accommodations, culinary, wine,...- Lakes- Livecams- Daily tip- Arrival information, distance incl. Route planningiA:Tip Scanner: Continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life.
Real Quality in the Mountains 1.6
The “Real Quality in the Mountains” award highlights thosemountainhut or inn owners that conduct their business in anexemplarymanner and that offer genuine authenticity and quality inthe SouthTyrolean mountains. IDM Alto Adige gives out the award asarecommendation for combining walking and culinary delights inthemountains and valleys near Merano and Venosta Valley.Features:Hikes GPS data, pictures, track directions, tecnicaldata(distance, duration and vertical climd), track on themap,interactive elevation profile. Mountain Inns All the mountaininnsand huts awarded with the “Real Quality in the Mountains” byIDMAlto Adige - Süd-tirol Recipes Typical South Tyrolean foodrecipespresented by the inn owners. Map and downloadable contentFreedownload of all the App content (map of Merano area andVenostaValley, GPS data and pictures, etc.). Offline use of theAppwithout network coverage and without roaming fees possible.RealQuality in the Mountains – Explore the best mountain inns andhutsin the Merano and Venosta Valley.
Tours app for Tyrol & South Tyrol
Collins Bird Guide 2.0.5
The Collins Bird Guide App is the ultimate field guide forthebirdwatcher
Delicious alkaline recipes 1.5.1
eat app live
The alkaline diet has never been so easy - and delicious!
iForest - Trees and shrubs 6.1
Garzotto GmbH
Plant book for the most important kinds of trees and bushesinCentral Europe