Top 8 Apps Similar to Diabetes Diary

Diabetes Diary Glucose Tracker 1.2
Free, useful and simple to usediabeticapp!Diabetes Diary (Glucose Tracker) app is useful to diabeticswhoneeds be on the diet and wants to take control of diabetesbykeeping the electronic diary of diabetes.Diabetes Diary will help you in the permanent monitoringbycollecting:- Blood-glucose level,- Medication (Insulin Dosages)- Carbs (Food)- Meals (with easy-to-use food calculator)- Activities info (using tags feature)- HBA1CDiabetes Diary provide multu-user data recording, you canswitchbetween users easly.Apart from the measurement of the glucose (using mg/dL ormmol/L)diary has a possibility of writing down results of Hb1actest. Theelectronic Diabetes Diary contains the calculator of yourfoodintakes nutritions (with Bread Units and Protein-Fats Rate)withfood products database, so you do not have to remember what isthenutritional value of every product. You can add new products tothedatabase by yourselfUsing it, you can calculate how big insulin dose should take.Diary for diabetics allows you to see glucose levelmeasurementsin the graph and to export and import the backup copyof data (CSVfiles). You can send results to your doctor or yourfamily andfriends.REMEBER!This application can helps you, but you should always comply toyourdoctors recommendations. If you want to use food - insulinedosecalculator - you are doing it at your own risk! You shoudcheckcalculations in your traditional way. If you find any issue -pleasecontact us - we will fix it.IMPORTANT NOTE:Before upgrading to a new version we recommend backing up yourdatafirst using the backup option under the menu button in theHistorylist view.
Diabetes diary, blood pressure 2.1.7
Assemble your organised medicalhistorytimeline on the web from your personal health records onmobile.Always be perfectly prepared for your next doctor's visitwith labresults, weight diary, blood pressure diary and diabetesdiary inyour pocket.It's a hassle to collect all your personal health records whenyougo to visit your doctor. This is why we developed a new featureinLaborom: medical records.Patients with chronic diseases like hypertension (highbloodpressure), diabetes (blood sugar), and patients who needtovisualize and store lab results and case/medication historyfortheir therapy can anonymously upload and gather theirmeasurementsby using laborom personalized test result organizer,diary.With the mobile application users can upload, organize, trackandchart medical measurements (eg. Blood pressure, blood sugar),andrecords of medication, drugs, diabetes diary, logbook. Charttestresults to discover trends over time. Wired in up-to-datedrugs,meds database with reminder setting option. Also laborom isadiabetes diary, logbook, pill reminder for smartwatches,andandroid wear. Blood pressure.Keeping tabs on diabetesEveryone with diabetes knows that keeping a logbook withyourblood glucose level, insulin intake and tracking your carbs isnotan option: it’s a must. With a diary of your diabetesmeasurementsyou can speculate the impact of the food you eat andthe insulinyou take. Using pen-and-paper methods is troublesome,inconvenientand oftentimes inaccurate in forecasting your bloodglucose levelor the units of insulin you need to take. Usinglaborom diabetesdiary and blood pressure logbook you can throw awayyour oldnotebook and use the device that is always at hand to trackand logyour vital measurements. See the trends view to check howcertainactivities affect your blood glucose level and makeeducateddecisions about the next insulin intake or food you eat.Set uppill and activity reminders so that you will never forget totake apill or upload your next glucose level measurement.What is blood pressure?When your heart beats, it pumps blood round your body to giveitthe energy and oxygen it needs. As the blood moves, itpushesagainst the sides of the blood vessels. The strength ofthispushing is your blood pressure. If your blood pressure is toohigh,it puts extra strain on your arteries (and your heart) andthis maylead to heart attacks and strokes. Tracking your bloodpressure ina logbook is essential to monitor your condition.What do the numbers mean?Every blood pressure logbook reading consists of two numbersorlevels. They are shown as one number on top of the other. Thefirstnumber is your systolic blood pressure. It is the highestlevelyour blood pressure reaches when your heart beats. The second(orbottom) number is your diastolic blood pressure. It is thelowestlevel your blood pressure reaches as your heart relaxesbetweenbeats.Before Checking Your Blood PressureFind a quiet place to check your blood pressure. You will needtolisten for your heartbeat.Make sure that you are comfortable and relaxed with arecentlyemptied bladder (a full bladder may affect your reading).Roll upthe sleeve on your arm or remove any tight-sleeved clothing.Yourarm should rest comfortably at heart level. Sit up straightwithyour back against the chair, legs uncrossed. Rest your forearmonthe table with the palm of your hand facing up. Measure yourbloodpressure.Features:- Medical Records: Store your medical history in one place!- Diabetes diary including:-> Estimated HbA1c-> Morning fasting, before meal glucose, after mealglucose-> Rapid, long and mixed insulin-> Food log including carbs tracking and photo log- Blood pressure diary- Weight diary- Medication diary- Detailed graphs for easy-to-understand trends- Pill Reminder (for smartwatch, android wear as well!)- Report anything directly to your doctor- Export your medical data
Diabetes Diary 1.2.2
Diabetes Diary is an App, that aidsyouinkeeping track of the diabetes data in theintensifiedinsulintherapy.You can create date stamped entries of the blood sugar(mg/dlormmol/l), basis and bolus insulin units, bread unitstakencustomnotes and activities. You can switch between mg/dlormmol/lwhenever you like.Other than that, you can export your entries as a CSVfiletomanage them with other applications. You can choosehowmanyentries and which data of your entries you want toexport.For two consecutive entries, the app calculatesthecarbohydratefactor. For example, if you made an entry forbreakfastand addanother one for lunch, it will be calculated howmany bolusinsulinunits you needed for 1 BU of breakfast.The aim of the app is, to keep the required steps as simpleandshortas possible. Therefore this app has no main menu.Youdirectly openthe diary. There, you can create or edit entrieswithjust one click,or delete an entry with a few clicks.In addition, you can backup your entries and restore it atsomepointin the future or on another device.Interested in upcoming features? Join the DiabetesDiaryCommunityon GooglePlus- you find an error, missing a feature or have aquestion,pleasefeel free to send an e-mail or drop a comment onthecommunitywall.Privacy:• This app doesn't track anything• This app doesn't send any data• This app is ad-free
Diabetes Diary 2.5
Hideki Ogawa
This application, blood glucose, insulindose,medication, and the tools to simplify and manage theweight.Data created in this application, by transfer to a PC, can also beatable or graph using Excel.This app allows you to view all information on one screen, andtobe able to see at a glance and the amount of blood glucoseandinsulin.This app supports decimal values of insulin (2.5, 3.5, etc).Feature- Blood glucose levels before breakfast, after breakfast,beforelunch, after lunch, before dinner, after dinner and beforebedtime,you can record seven times a day.- Insulin, medication records are at breakfast, at lunch, dinnerandbefore bedtime, you can record four times a day.- You can also record the weight.- You can enter notes for up to 50 characters. You can writeaboutthe content of the diet and exercise and theimplementation.- Enter the numeric keypad can be easier.- On one screen, the latest measurement and evaluation, chart,listall of the data is displayed.- The input data can be exported to a CSV file.- You can import and re-import the exported data.- Up to chart allows you to view one year.- Blood glucose data to a chart display can be specified.How to use- Press the Enter button to select the item you want to enterthemenu, and enter the time and value. That's it.- If you select a button to display the measurement timedisplay,you can specify the data to the chart display.- Tap to display the data in lists, the white line drawn onthegraph at the appropriate date.- Tap and long lists of data, you can delete the data.- Press to delete all data, press the Menu button, youcaninitialize the data.- Press the menu button and press export, the data in CSVformat(Comma Separated Values) is stored on the SD card. CSV filescan beedited in Excel and copied to the PC.- The export destination, "sdcard / DIABETESDIARY /PXXXXXXXX.csv"is.- Where to find files on import, export destination is thesame.(Sdcard / DIABETESDIARY /)- You can import the data of "Diabetes Diary Lite". Pleasecopy"sdcard / DIABETESLITE / LXXXXXXXX.csv" to "sdcard /DIABETESDIARY/". Then please import.
Diabetes Journal 2.2.9
Track glucose levels for you and others.
Diabetes Studio 2.2018
Smart and Free Diabetes Diary App
Blood Sugar Diary for Diabetes 2.13.265
MedM Inc
Blood glucose monitoring diary