Top 44 Apps Similar to Hypertension eDiary

The secure blood pressure app - Proven since 2011 - Made in Germany
Blutdruck App 1.9
Very easy to use app to record and evaluate the blood pressuredata.
Blood Pressure Companion 4.4.3 (Heinersdorf)
Allows you to track your blood pressure easily.
Blood Pressure Log Pro 1.0.0
This is not a standalone application. YouMUSThave "Blood Pressure Log" installed first. The unlock key appfor"Blood Pressure Log" unlocks all advanced features in the freeapp.For a complete list of current "Pro" features, please consultthehelp file as provided under menu -> help in the free app.After installation remember to restart the mainapplication,otherwise the key will not be recognised.This app does not install its own app drawer icon.
Blood Pressure(BP) Diary 4.3.2
openit Inc.
More convenient! More accurate! BP Diary has beencompletelyupgraded new!!
Blood Pressure Log - MyDiary 1.8.b53
Log the blood pressure, view trends, and send the results toyourdoctor
Blood Pressure Log
Blood Pressure Log will help you storeandanalyse your blood pressure, pulse and weight readings made byyourdoctor, or at home. Now you can have your data at hand whereveryouare, whatever you do. Your doctor will love it too!The app allows storing all crucial details, and for as many usersasyou like too, each having their own dataset. The details youcanstore include date and time, site and position, systolicanddiastolic pressure, heart rate, weight (in kg or lb). Eachentrycan be stored with an optional comment (all versions), and aset oftext tags (version 1.5 or newer).The app also provides some essential analysis, presented in aquickoverview screen and a set of charts. The overview screensummarisesminimum, maximum and mean values over a pre-definedperiod of time,and time of day, with indication of long-term trend.As anextension to the basic analysis, the app provides multiplechartswhich can use all data points separately or dailyaverages(configurable). All data is assessed based either on theNorthAmerican JNC7 classification, or the European ESCclassification,which is configurable.We believe in data freedom and, unlike most apps of this type,weprovide the ability to export your data in the mostcommonmachine-readable formats: CSV, XML and JSON. You can alsoprovideyour doctor with all of your data in advance of a visit,simply bysending a web page-like (HTML) report via email. All ofthoseexport formats can also be uploaded (and downloaded from)toDropbox and/or Google Drive in the Pro version. You caneasilybackup and restore data either in the app's native format orusingCSV.The Pro version additionally supports importing data fromthefollowing wireless, Bluetooth(tm) enabled devices:↪ A&D UA-767PBT↪ A&D UA-851PBT↪ A&D UC-321PBT↪ A&D UC-324PBTYou can disable ads by purchasing a Pro-version license keyinAndroid Market from within the application.NOTE: Please send bug reports, questions and featurerequestsdirectly to [email protected] or through our Facebookpage.NOTE: This application *is not* a blood pressure monitor andthuswill not allow *making* a reading of your blood pressure. Youneedto use your own calibrated and certified BP meter for that(mostsold worldwide are), or ask your doctor to make a readingforyou.
Blood Pressure Diary 3.2.4
Personal tool for tracking and analyzing bloodpressuremeasurements.
Blood Pressure Log (bpresso)
"bpresso" helps youcollect and analyseyourblood pressure measurements and all connected activities, suchas:pulse, drugs taken, physical effort and weight.Charts and statistics will enable current results controlandconstant monitoring of your blood pressure, and thanks toremindersyou should not forget about measurement or takingappropriatedrugs.••••••••••••••••"bpresso" app does not measure blood pressure!••••••••••••••••In the application you can record activities:• Blood pressure:SystolicDiastolicPulsePlace of pressure measurementBody position during measurement• Drugs taken:Name of drugDose• WeightWeight in kilograms or pounds• Physical effortType of effortIntensityEffort durationYou can analyse the collected results by means of statisticsandcharts including:• date and time• time of the day (morning, day, evening, night)• scope of blood pressure (low, high, hypertension …)• place of measurement• position during measurementRegistration with the website enables,inaddition:• synchronization of data between various mobiledevices(phones/tablets)• access to analyses and charts from the browser'slevel(• printing summaries and reports• connecting a wireless manometer (iHealth Withings)• sharing the data with your doctor (soon)The application supports the following languages: Deutsch,English,Español, Français, Italiano, Русский, Polski, Português,中文Paid version of "bpresso PRO" will additionally enable:• Export of any data to Excel or .txt file• Sending the exported data to any e-mail address• Creating data backups• Any change of blood pressure ranges• Adjustment of time of day to your needsThe bpresso app is a part of platform"bpresso - blood pressure" is intended only to record bloodpressuremeasurements and related activities. The application isnot asubstitute for a doctor's advice or visit; therefore, do notmakeany changes in your treatment without prior consultations withadoctor or specialist.The Supplier of the application, "Freshware Sp. z o.o.", doesnotbear responsibility for incurred damages resulting from use oftheapplication.
Hypertension Treatment JNC 8 1.0
Medications with dosing added to athepractical tool to help guide treatment of Hypertension basedonlatest JNC 8, 2014 Guidelines.Just put age, and BP settings as well as check whether DiabetesorKidney Disease is present or not and the tool guides throughthetreatment options.Up-to-date tool for evidence based management ofhypertension(elevated blood pressure).Treatment medications with dosing added.Great tool for treatment of high blood pressure.Disclaimer: Developer carries no liability for medicaldecisionsmade by users of this application.Please leave your feedback.Check out our other apps.1-PFT Interpreter and COPD Treatment Tool.2-Lung Cancer Staging 7th ed.3-Diabetes Mellitus II Treatment Algorithm.4-Code911 App for Emergency Communication with contactsand911.Disclaimer: The developer is not liable for any decisions madebyusers of these applications.
Hypertension Hi blood pressure 44.0
Audiobook Hypertension will educate you everything about highbloodpressure.
Hypertension 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people afected byhypertensionaround the world,we feel in the obligation of providinginformationto those who suffer it on the latestscientificdevelopments,investigations and articles that can helpthem.Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical News Today
Diabetes diary, blood pressure 2.1.7
Assemble your organised medicalhistorytimeline on the web from your personal health records onmobile.Always be perfectly prepared for your next doctor's visitwith labresults, weight diary, blood pressure diary and diabetesdiary inyour pocket.It's a hassle to collect all your personal health records whenyougo to visit your doctor. This is why we developed a new featureinLaborom: medical records.Patients with chronic diseases like hypertension (highbloodpressure), diabetes (blood sugar), and patients who needtovisualize and store lab results and case/medication historyfortheir therapy can anonymously upload and gather theirmeasurementsby using laborom personalized test result organizer,diary.With the mobile application users can upload, organize, trackandchart medical measurements (eg. Blood pressure, blood sugar),andrecords of medication, drugs, diabetes diary, logbook. Charttestresults to discover trends over time. Wired in up-to-datedrugs,meds database with reminder setting option. Also laborom isadiabetes diary, logbook, pill reminder for smartwatches,andandroid wear. Blood pressure.Keeping tabs on diabetesEveryone with diabetes knows that keeping a logbook withyourblood glucose level, insulin intake and tracking your carbs isnotan option: it’s a must. With a diary of your diabetesmeasurementsyou can speculate the impact of the food you eat andthe insulinyou take. Using pen-and-paper methods is troublesome,inconvenientand oftentimes inaccurate in forecasting your bloodglucose levelor the units of insulin you need to take. Usinglaborom diabetesdiary and blood pressure logbook you can throw awayyour oldnotebook and use the device that is always at hand to trackand logyour vital measurements. See the trends view to check howcertainactivities affect your blood glucose level and makeeducateddecisions about the next insulin intake or food you eat.Set uppill and activity reminders so that you will never forget totake apill or upload your next glucose level measurement.What is blood pressure?When your heart beats, it pumps blood round your body to giveitthe energy and oxygen it needs. As the blood moves, itpushesagainst the sides of the blood vessels. The strength ofthispushing is your blood pressure. If your blood pressure is toohigh,it puts extra strain on your arteries (and your heart) andthis maylead to heart attacks and strokes. Tracking your bloodpressure ina logbook is essential to monitor your condition.What do the numbers mean?Every blood pressure logbook reading consists of two numbersorlevels. They are shown as one number on top of the other. Thefirstnumber is your systolic blood pressure. It is the highestlevelyour blood pressure reaches when your heart beats. The second(orbottom) number is your diastolic blood pressure. It is thelowestlevel your blood pressure reaches as your heart relaxesbetweenbeats.Before Checking Your Blood PressureFind a quiet place to check your blood pressure. You will needtolisten for your heartbeat.Make sure that you are comfortable and relaxed with arecentlyemptied bladder (a full bladder may affect your reading).Roll upthe sleeve on your arm or remove any tight-sleeved clothing.Yourarm should rest comfortably at heart level. Sit up straightwithyour back against the chair, legs uncrossed. Rest your forearmonthe table with the palm of your hand facing up. Measure yourbloodpressure.Features:- Medical Records: Store your medical history in one place!- Diabetes diary including:-> Estimated HbA1c-> Morning fasting, before meal glucose, after mealglucose-> Rapid, long and mixed insulin-> Food log including carbs tracking and photo log- Blood pressure diary- Weight diary- Medication diary- Detailed graphs for easy-to-understand trends- Pill Reminder (for smartwatch, android wear as well!)- Report anything directly to your doctor- Export your medical data
Diabetes + Blutdruck-App
VidaWell GmbH
Create a diary automatically and easily keep track of the values
Blood pressure Diabetes Diet 1.0.6
The application records and analysesdatafrommeasurements :● Blood pressure● Pulse● Sugar level● Weight● HeightA key feature of the measuring process is the possibilitytomarkthe records with user-created tags, such as:● I feel great● Headache● Drowsiness● Fatigue● Empty stomach● After eatingA single measurement can be marked with many tags,givingimmenseanalytical possibilities.For example, you can find answers to the following questions:● What combination of vital signs makes me feel good ?● At what blood pressure do I start to suffer from headaches?● What’s my blood sugar level before and after eating ?● What’s my blood pressure after physical exertion ?The data from these measurements can be presented in tableformoras a series of charts with different layouts, such as:● Measurement history for a given period● Averages for: Today, Yesterday, Week, Month● Maximums for: Today, Yesterday, Week, Month● Minimums for: Today, Yesterday, Week, MonthThe application features an inbuiltmeasurementnotificationfunction.A unique feature of Famedis is the possibility to setanautomatice-mail or text message notification to be sent toadesignatedcaregiver when the user does not record measurementsontime.Data from each measurement recorded can be automatically senttothecaregiver by text message or email immediately afterbeingsaved inthe program. This function requires no additionalsteps onthe partof the user.The program is compatible with many languagesandmeasurementsystems.Measurements can be saved and analysed for multipleusers,forexample for your whole family.Data from the program can be exported in severalformatsincludingCSV, compatible with Microsoft Excel. Data can beexportedby meansof an email with a measurement file attached.The program includes useful descriptions for each function.
Hypertension Management 1.0
Hypertension (High blood pressure)Management-A Silent Killer- Do you want to know more information about Hypertension?- How Will you Know if you have High Blood Pressure (HBP)?- What can you do to manage your high blood pressure?- What can you do to prevent or slow itsprogressiontohypertension?- What lifestyle changes may help lower your blood pressure?This application provides information about Highbloodpressure,including: What is Hypertension? - Symptoms - Causes-Risk factors- Complications - Diagnoisis - Prevention -TreatmentanddrugsGet up to date information about high blood pressure(HBP)withHypertension Management Application.* The app gives you specific information about the differenttypesofHigh Blood Pressure.* Manage your HBP episodes by adoptingthepreventivestrategies.* The food articles that triggers or relieves High BloodPressureareworth adopting in your High Blood Pressuremanagementplan.* The Behavioral and Relaxation therapies that one needs toadoptinHypertension are must for long-term control.>>> Please use "Hypertension Management" appandprotectyourself from Hypertension!>>> Please do not forget to give us a 5 star if youlikeourapp -Wonderful Life Studio
Cardio Journal — Blood Pressur 3.2.10
This is a handy diary for recording blood pressure readingsandanalysis
Hipertensión Arterial (HTA) 0.0.1
Esta aplicación está pensada como ayudaparaelmédico de Atención Primaria y especialistasencargadosdeltratamiento de la hipertensión arterial. Laaplicaciónpermitecalcular el grado de hipertensión arterial delpaciente yestimarsu riesgo cardiovascular. Para la estimación dedicho riesgose hanusado los criterios establecidos en la Guía de laSociedadEuropeade Cardiología y la Sociedad Europea de Hipertensiónde2013.Asimismo, esta herramienta recuerda cómo se deberealizarlamedición de la presión arterial, y ofrecerecomendacionesdetratamiento farmacológico y estilo de vida, según elriesgoquepresente el paciente.Hemos pretendido diseñar una herramienta fácil de usar yqueaportainformación valiosa para el médico en laprácticaclínicadiaria.”Thisapplicationisintended to help the primary care physician andspecialistsincharge of the treatment of hypertension. Theapplicationcalculatesthe degree of blood pressure of the patientand assesstheircardiovascular risk. To estimate this risk have beenusedthecriteria in the Guidelines of the European SocietyofCardiologyand the European Society of Hypertension, 2013. Thistoolalsoremembers how to make the measurement of blood pressure,andoffersrecommendationsdrug and lifestyle treatment, according to the risk presentedbythepatient.We have tried to design an easy to use andprovidesvaluableinformation to the physician in daily clinicalpractice."
Blood Pressure Measure Pro 2.7.1
4Free Studio
Use your device's built-in camera tocaptureand analyze PPG data to calculate your blood pressure!Measure your Blood Pressure, know it has never been so easy!Without any external hardware, just use your smartphone ortablet'sbuilt-in camera / sensor, you can get accurate readingsalmostinstantly.In addition, you can also:Blood pressure data analysis, Using a hierarchicalmodel,intelligent judge the current healthy blood pressurelevel.Custom Reports blood pressure. Rapid analysis of blood pressuredatawithin a specified time, blood pressure analysis reportisgenerated.Variety of pressure control tools, Help you understand the levelofrisk of their own blood pressure to help you improvepersonalhabits.Track your results. Each measurement you make will be savedintoyour personal history, so that you can makelong-termtracking.Simple and intuitive design. Simple and streamlined design makesiteasy to use, So you can focus on using the app, without havingtonavigate between numerous screens.Hypertension is a common chronic disease and difficult tocure,Patients should follow doctor's orders to take medication andtoadjust their living habits, And long-term monitoring theirbloodpressure to reduce the risk.More informationFor more product information and videos, check out:http://www.4freeall.comFacebook:
Blood Pressure Diary 1.0.2
This application records the blood pressureofevery day. You can record daily "Systolic blood pressure","Diastolicbloodpressure","Pulse","Note ".The application displays graphs and charts by aggregating thevalues​​recorded. ★ Function ★  · Recording of blood pressure ( 2 data per day AM and PM ) · Calendar ( Display the blood pressure recording ) · Line Graph ( monthly ) · Distribution Map ( monthly ) · Aggregated list of blood pressure ( Today / Last 7 days / Last30days ) · Setting of login password · Backup and Restoration ( Local device ) ★ How to use ★ (1) Start  1. Enter the login password , and then tap the"Login"button.   ※ If you have set a login password. 2. Aggregate list of blood pressure appears. 3. Tap the "Menu" button , the menu list is displayed. (2) Register a record of blood pressure  1. Tap the "Diary" from the menu. 2. DATE , today's date will be initially displayed.   ※ If you want to change , Tap the Calendar icon. 3. TIME , according to the current time , AM or PM hasbeenautomatically selected. 4. Enter the "Systolic","Diastolic","Pulse","Note". 5. Tap the "Save" button. (3) Edit the record of blood pressure [ Edit from the menu "Blood Pressure Diary" ]  1. Tap the "Diary" from the menu. 2. Tap the Calendar icon , and then select the DATE you wanttoedit. 3. Select the TIME you want to edit. 4. Edit the data. 5. Tap the "Save" button. [ Edit from the menu "Calendar" ]  1. Tap the "Calendar" from the menu. 2. Tap the DATE that you want to edit from the calendar.※ Swipe to right (→) : previous month , Swipe to left (←) :nextmonth 3. Select the TIME you want to edit. 4. Edit the data. 5. Tap the "Save" button. (4) Delete the record of blood pressure  1. Tap the "Calendar" from the menu. 2. Tap the DATE that you want to delete from the calendar.※ Swipe to right (→) : previous month , Swipe to left (←) :nextmonth 3. Select the TIME you want to delete. 4. Tap the "Delete" button. (5) Check Line Graph  1. Tap the "Line Graph" from the menu. 2. Graph of the current month will be displayed.( X: DATE , Y: Blood Pressure )( red : Systolic Blood Pressure , blue : Diastolic BloodPressure)※ Swipe to right (→) : previous month , Swipe to left (←) :nextmonth (6) Check Distribution Map  1. Tap the "Distribution" from the menu. 2. Distribution of the current month will be displayed.( X: Diastolic Blood Pressure , Y: Systolic Blood Pressure )※ Swipe to right (→) : previous month , Swipe to left (←) :nextmonth (7) Set login password  1. Tap the "Setting" from the menu. 2. Tap the "Login Password" from the list. 3. Enter the same password in "Password"and"Password(confirm)". 4. Tap the "Save" button. (8) Restore data  1. Tap the "Setting" from the menu. 2. Tap the "Data Restore" from the list. 3. Tap the "OK" button. (9) Back up data  1. Tap the "Setting" from the menu. 2. Tap the "Data Backup" from the list. 3. Tap the "OK" button. (10) Reset data (initialized)  1. Tap the "Setting" from the menu. 2. Tap the "Data Reset" from the list. 3. Tap the "OK" button.※ The backed-up data is not reset.
SMARTfiches Cardiologie Free 1.10
SMARTfiches Médecine est la 1èreencyclopédiemédicale numérique destinée aux professionnels etétudiants desanté. Retrouvez l’intégralité de votre doctorat enmoins d’ 1minute ! Gardez dans votre poche ‘TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LETEMPS’ !L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte qui vousestenvoyé par mail. Vous rencontrez un problème ? contactez nousàl'adresse [email protected] outentezde vous inscrire depuis notre site web**Au programme dans SMARTfiches Cardiologie**Item 80/149 - Endocardite infectieuseItem 105/150 - Surveillance des porteurs de valve et deprothèsevasculaireItem 182/182 - Accidents des anticoagulantsItem 208/223 - Ischémie aiguë des membresItem 128/218 - Athérome et maladie athéromateuseItem 129/219 - Facteurs de risque cardio-vasculairesetpréventionItem 129/220 - DyslipidémiesItem 130/221 - (1/2) Hypertension artérielle de l'adulteItem 130/221 - (2/2) Hypertension artérielle de l'adulteItem /222 - Hypertension artérielle pulmonaire de l’enfant etdel’adulteItem 131/223 - (1/2) Artériopathie oblitérante desmembresinférieurs (AOMI)Item 131/223 - (2/2) Anévrysmes de l'aorte abdominaleetpériphériquesItem 135/224 - (1/2) Thrombose veineuse profondeItem 135/224 - (2/2) Embolie pulmonaireItem 136/225 - Insuffisance veineuse chronique. VaricesItem 137/226 - Ulcère de jambeItem 197/228 - Douleur thoracique aiguë et chronique.DissectionaortiqueItem 309/229 - Électrocardiogramme : indicationsetinterprétationsItem 236/230 - Fibrillation atrialeItem 249/231 - Insuffisance aortiqueItem 251/231 - Insuffisance mitraleItem 281/231 - Rétrécissement aortiqueItem 250/232 - Insuffisance cardiaque de l'adulteItem 274/233 - Péricardite aiguëItem 284/234 - Troubles de la conduction intracardiaqueItem 325/235 - PalpitationsItem 331/236 - Souffle cardiaque chez l'enfantItem 323/254 - Œdèmes des membres inférieursItem 176/264 - Prescription et surveillance des diurétiquesItem 175/326 - Prescription et surveillance d'untraitementanti-thrombotiqueItem 185/327 - Arrêt cardio-circulatoire (ACR)Item 200/328 - Etats de chocItem 132/334 - (1/2) Angor d'effort stableItem 132/334 - (2/2) Syndrome Coronarien Aigu (SCA)Item 209/337 - Malaise, perte de connaissance chez l'adulteAprès une inscription gratuite, les applications sontconsultablesSANS connexion internet et peuvent être utiliséesPARTOUT, TOUT LETEMPS.L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte qui vousestenvoyé par mail. Dans le cas où vous ne receviez pas cemaild'activation dans les 24h, pensez à regarder dans voscourriersindésirables avant de nous contacter. S'il n'y est pas,nous nousferons un plaisir d'activer votre compte.- Pour les médecins : retrouvez une information claire etvalidéeen moins d’ 1 minute.- Pour les étudiants en médecine : révisez avec des fichesconformesau nouveau programme ECNi.Plus de 90% des utilisateurs confirment que ces applicationssontutiles pour réviser et se former (enquête de satisfaction,mai2013). De même, 85 % des utilisateurs utilisent SMARTfichesafind’actualiser leur connaissances à la suite desnouvellesrecommandations qui sont intégrées lors des fréquentesmises à jourde l’application.SMARTfiches Cardiologie regroupe les principalespathologiescardio-vasculaires. Si vous avez des problèmes de cœur,lancezvotre application et ça ira tout de suite mieux.Vous appréciez les applications SMARTfiches Médecine ? Faiteslenous savoir en laissant une bonne appréciation et parlezdeSMARTfiches autour de vous!SMARTfiches Médecine,TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPSSMARTfiches Medicineisthe first digital medical encyclopedia for professionalsandstudents of health. Find all of your PhD in less than 1minute!Keep in your pocket 'EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME!'Registration requires the activation of your account that issentto you by email. You have a problem? contact us at [email protected] ortryingto enroll from our website program ** in SMARTfiches Cardiology **Item 80/149 - Infectious EndocarditisItem 105/150 - Surveillance carriers valve andvascularprosthesisItem 182/182 - Accidents anticoagulantsItem 208/223 - Acute ischemia membersItem 128/218 - Atheroma and atherosclerosisItem 129/219 - Factors of cardiovascular risk and preventionItem 129/220 - DyslipidemiaItem 130/221 - (1/2) Hypertension in adultsItem 130/221 - (2/2) Hypertension in adultsItem / 222 - Pulmonary Hypertension of the Child and AdultItem 131/223 - (1/2) of Arterial occlusive disease (PAOD)Item 131/223 - (2/2) aneurysms of the abdominal aortaandperipheralItem 135/224 - (1/2) Deep vein thrombosisItem 135/224 - (2/2) Pulmonary EmbolismItem 136/225 - Chronic venous insufficiency. Varicose veinsItem 137/226 - Leg ulcersItem 197/228 - acute and chronic chest pain. AorticdissectionItem 309/229 - Electrocardiogram: indicationsandinterpretationsItem 236/230 - Atrial FibrillationItem 249/231 - Aortic regurgitationItem 251/231 - Mitral regurgitationItem 281/231 - Aortic stenosisItem 250/232 - Heart failure in adultsItem 274/233 - Acute PericarditisItem 284/234 - Disorders of intracardiac conductionItem 325/235 - PalpitationsItem 331/236 - Heart murmur in childrenItem 323/254 - edema of the lower limbsItem 176/264 - Prescription monitoring and diureticsItem 175/326 - Limitation and supervision ofantithrombotictherapyItem 185/327 - Stop cardiocirculatory (ACR)Item 200/328 - United shockItem 132/334 - (1/2) Angina stable exerciseItem 132/334 - (2/2) Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)Item 209/337 - Malaise, loss of consciousness in adultsAfter free registration, applications are available WITHOUTinternetconnection and can be used EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME.Registration requires the activation of your account that issentto you by email. In case you did not receive the activationemailwithin 24 hours, be sure to look in your spam folderbeforecontacting us. If it is not, we will be happy to activateyouraccount.- For doctors locate clear information and validated in lessthan1 minute.- For medical students: Review with plugs conform to the newEcniprogram.Over 90% of users confirm that these applications are usefultoreview and form (satisfaction survey, May 2013). Similarly, 85%ofusers use SMARTfiches to update their knowledge as a result ofnewrecommendations that are built during the frequent updates totheapplication.SMARTfiches Cardiology includes the main cardiovasculardiseases.If you have heart problems, run your application and itwill getbetter right away.You appreciate SMARTfiches medicine applications? Let us knowbyleaving a good appreciation and discuss SMARTfiches around!SMARTfiches Medicine,EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME
High Blood Pressure Symptoms 1.0
Do you always have a headache or shortnessofbreath occur pretty often? you feel periodic dizzinessorirritation? Or maybe you constantly feel tired, sick, week,dizzyand tend to faint sometimes?If you’ve ever wondered how to lower high blood pressure youcanread about diet for high blood pressure and, for more severecases,high blood pressure medication. Find informed informationregardinghigh our blood pressure. "Blood pressure" is the force ofbloodpushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumpsblood.Often you may have high our blood pressure without evidentsigns orsymptoms thus it’s ideal to try to decrease yourprobability ofacquiring it initially. This useful app introducesyou to thecauses of high blood pressure which can include smoking,beingoverweight, aging and stress. Our app can help you to dealwithblood pressure problems. We have picked up the symptoms forbothlow and high blood pressure. This app has been developedforeveryone, all topics has been made to make it usefulandinteresting. Checking out this easy to download app takes awaysomeof mystery around what causes high blood pressure and how youcanreduce high blood pressure to improve your overall health. Thisappwill shows the information about high bloodpressuresymptoms.- What is High Blood Pressure- High Blood Pressure Causes- High Blood Pressure Symptoms- High Blood Pressure Appointment Preparation- High Blood Pressure Diagnosis- High Blood Pressure Treatment- High Blood Pressure Home Remedies- High Blood Pressure PreventionDon’t wait! Download this free app and get the health tipsandfacts you need today!
Blutdruck SMS
Collection, analysis and graphical representation of yourbloodpressure data
Blood Pressure Logger (Health) 2.0
Blood Pressure Logger allows you tosaveyourblood pressure measurements and refer to them later,whetheryouneed to present them to your doctor or check logs foryourself.BPLis easy to use, beautiful application which will helpyoumonitoryour health on daily basis. Take care of your healthtoday.Important notice:Blood Pressure Logger is only a tool for keeping recordsofbloodpressure levels. Please contact your doctorforprofessionalmedical guidance or any health related issues.
SoftPsych LLC
Our program has many useful featurestoreference in a Clinical Setting. Here are a few details outlinedinour table of contents :DefinitionImportant factors in blood pressureSymptoms of high blood pressureWho is more likely to develop hypertension?EvaluationTreatment OverviewDASH DietLifestyle changesMedicationsACE InhibitorsAngiotensin II ReceptorBlockersDiureticsBeta-BlockersCalcium channel blockersAlternative TreatmentsDietary supplementsResistant hypertensionCalculators for:BMIMetabolic SyndromeCoronary Artery Disease RiskStroke RiskDose and Side Effects are available under Medications
My Blood Pressure 4.6
Mengtao Ye
A simple way to track your daily blood pressure and pulse rate.
Free Blood Pressure Measure 2.7.1
4Free Studio
Use your device's built-in camera tocaptureand analyze PPG data to calculate your blood pressure!Measure your Blood Pressure, know it has never been so easy!Without any external hardware, just use your smartphone ortablet'sbuilt-in camera / sensor, you can get accurate readingsalmostinstantly.In addition, you can also:Blood pressure data analysis, Using a hierarchicalmodel,intelligent judge the current healthy blood pressurelevel.Custom Reports blood pressure. Rapid analysis of blood pressuredatawithin a specified time, blood pressure analysis reportisgenerated.Variety of pressure control tools, Help you understand the levelofrisk of their own blood pressure to help you improvepersonalhabits.Track your results. Each measurement you make will be savedintoyour personal history, so that you can makelong-termtracking.Simple and intuitive design. Simple and streamlined design makesiteasy to use, So you can focus on using the app, without havingtonavigate between numerous screens.Hypertension is a common chronic disease and difficult tocure,Patients should follow doctor's orders to take medication andtoadjust their living habits, And long-term monitoring theirbloodpressure to reduce the risk.More informationFor more product information and videos, check out:http://www.4freeall.comFacebook:
Blutdruckdaten erfassen 1.2
english Text belowACHTUNG: Mit dieser App kann man nicht den Blutdruckmessen,leider ;-)Mit dieser App können die Ergebnisse von Blutdruckmessungenwiez.B. systolischer und diastolischer Druck sowie der Puls ineinerTabelle erfasst werden. Neben der grafischen Darstellungdererfassten Werte werden auch statistische Kennzahlen (min,max,Mittelwert) berechnet oder prozentuale Angaben zur LagederBlutdruckwerte in den verschiedenen Klassen gemacht werden.DieDaten können auch außerhalb der App gespeichert und so aufandereGeräte übertragen werden oder in Form einer CSV-Datei zurweiterenBearbeitung mittels Tabellenkalkulationsprogrammgespeichertwerden.ATTENTION: This app can't be used for the measurementofbloodpressure, sorry ;-)This app is used to gather the results from abloodpressuremeasurement, as systolic and distolic pressure as wellas the heartrate in a list. Furthermore to the graphically displayof theseresults, statistical numbers (min, max, mean) andpercentageoccurance to different classes of blood pressure arecalculated.The results may be stored outside the app to be moved tootherdevices or as a csv file to continue processing withspezializedsoftware.english text belowWARNING: This app can not measure blood pressureone,unfortunately ;-)With this app, the results of blood pressure measurements suchassystolic and diastolic pressure and pulse are recorded in atable.In addition to the graphical representation of the detectedvalues​​and statistical indicators (min, max, average) arecalculated orpercentage data on the location of the blood pressurevalues ​​inthe various classes can be made. The data can also bestored outsidethe app and so transferred to other devices orstored in the form ofa CSV file for further processing usingspreadsheet program.ATTENTION: This app can not be used for the measurement ofbloodpressure, sorry ;-)This app is used to gather the results from a bloodpressuremeasurement, as systolic and distolic pressure as well asthe heartrate in a list. Further More to the graphically display ofthesisresults, statistical numbers (min, max, mean) andpercentageoccurance to different classes of blood pressure areCalculated.The results may be stored outside the app to be moved tootherdevices or as a CSV file to continue processing withspezializedsoftware.
iCare Blood Pressure Monitor 3.4.8
iCare Blood Pressure Monitor couldmeasureyour blood pressure by the mobile!KEY FEATURES:► Blood pressure measurement► Blood pressure data management and analysis► Blood pressure Workout and CareReliable data: For more than 95% of users, bloodpressureerror:Within plus or minus 12EASY TO USE:1. Pressing the screen with your finger.2. Lightly place your index finger on the rear camera. Make surethecamera is fully covered.3. Hold until the measurement is complete.NOTE:1. Do not press too hard, otherwise blood circulation willbealtered and the results could beaffected2. When using a smartphone or tablet without a LED flashlight,besure to take the measurement in a well-lit area (brightdaylightworks best)3. Remain calm and try not to move too much during themeasurement,as this can compromise measurement accuracy4. Since the camera and flash are not professionalacquisitionequipment, We recommend that you measure more thanonce.Collected by a photoelectric pulse wave signal stability,iCareBlood Pressure Monitor could get heart rate, blood pressure,bloodlipids, blood oxygen and other physical parameters of thepulsewave analysis.The pulse wave can reflect the dynamic changes of bloodpressurewell, but there is certain deviation while indicatingprecise valueof blood pressure. Input calibration value caneffectively reducethe errors.The more you test, the more precise the result will be.Reliable data:A large number of user authentication;1. Heart rate error : Within plus or minus 3, Validrange:50~1502. For more than 95% of users, blood pressure error:Within plusorminus 123. For more than 92% of users, blood Oxygen error:Within plusorminus 24. Identification and accuracy of high blood cholesterol morethan80%OTHER FEATURES:✓ Heart rate measurement✓ Blood oxygen measurement✓ Real-time photoplethysmogram (PPG) graph✓ Respiratory rate measurement✓ Vision measurement / Eye Test✓ Hearing measurement / Hearing Test✓ Lung capacity measurement✓ Autism-spectrum Test✓ Pedometer✓ Vision Care✓ HIIT Workout✓ ABS workout✓ Leg workout✓ Butt workout✓ Unlimited data storage and tags✓ Export data for registered usersNo extra devices needed, iCare Blood Pressure Monitor isdesignedfor people to measure the following physiologicalparameters: bloodpressure, respiratory rate, heart rate, oxygen,vision, hearing,lung capacity, emotion, Autism-spectrum, colorblindness, pulsewave, Psychology and other physical data.✓ The world's 1st blood pressure measurement APP✓ The world's 1st continuous heart rate measurement APP✓ The world's 1st blood lipid measurements APP✓ The world's 1st pulse wave acquisition and analysissoftware✓ The world's most functional examination APPFeatures:1.Measure the user's blood pressure, heart rate, blood lipids,bloodoxygen, vision, color blindness, hearing, Lung capacity,breathrate, psychological index and other physical data throughthephone.2.Measure Physical data by Bluetooth Sphygmomanometer,Bluetoothwristband, Bluetooth body fat scales, Bluetooth ECGinstrument.3.Statistics daily health data and make statistics andtrendanalysis.4.Based on the user's health data and trends, to providehealthalert service.5.Without wearable device, super-convenient pedometer.6.Games and interactive training programs, statistics andmanagedaily physical activity and sport type.
Blood pressure memo 1.40
Track your blood pressure. Easy, free, without ads
Simple BPTracker FREE 1.1
Simple Blood Pressure Tracker is for those who do not need allofthe extra items that are available in more complex applications.Itis quick and easy to use. Enter your blood pressure and pulserate,click save reading and you are done. Enter readings that youtookearlier, but were not able to record at that time.Individualreadings can be deleted if you notice a wrong entry.Ability tosend a copy of your readings to by email to yourhealthcareprovider. This will hold up to 180 readings. Enough for60 days ofthree entries per day. You can limit the number ofrecords sent byemail in the preferences menu. The default settingis for the last30 records. *Graphing and other more advancedfeatures will beoffered in an upcoming separate application. *Thisapp does NOTmeasure Blood Pressure. That requires specialequipment. BasicLocalization provided for French, German,Chinese-Si, Spanish, andJapanese.
Braun Healthy Heart
Braun Healthy Heart offers practical tools for monitoring yourbloodpressure
Free Health Check 2.7.1
4Free Studio
Free Health Check could measure yourbloodpressure,heart rate,sp02,emotion,eyes.Without any peripherals, 4Free Health measured directly throughthemobile phone:★ Heart rate★ continuous dynamic heart rate in real time★ Blood pressure★ sp02 & Blood Oxygen★ Vision & eyse★ listening★ breathing★ Emotional★ Psychology★ lung capacityIt does not require any peripherals, only use a mobile phone.Parameters:1. heart rate the scope between the 55~150 error of plus orminus32. blood pressure 92% the above user, error is within plus orminus123. oxygen error is within plus or minus 2Features:1. Measure your blood pressure,heart rate,sp02,emotion withoutanyperipherals.2. Without wearable device, super-convenient pedometer. No needtopurchase bracelets, automatically record data of walkingandrunning.3. In the House can use fitness tool, easy to have agoodfigure.4. Variety of Visual training programs, protect your eyes5. Routine health data management and analysisMore informationFor more product information and videos, check out:http://www.4freeall.comFacebook:
قياس ضغط الدم بالبصمة Prank 2.0
تطبيق مجاني يساعدك في معرفة حالتكالصحيةوقياسارتفاع ضغط الدم وحساب معدل دقات القلب إلا ان التطبيقهوPrank.سوفيبقيك على إطلاع بصحة جسمك دون الحاجة الى الذهاب الىالطبيبلعملالفحوصات.كيفية تشغيل التطبيق:عند الدخول سوف تجد كلمة البدء يجب الضغط عليها.قم بوضع ابهامك في المكان المحدد ضع بصمتك.انتضر 10ثواني .بعد دلك سوف تظهر النتيجة.ميزات التطبيق:قياس الضغط .معرفة معدل دقات القلب الطبيعي.جهاز قياس نسبة الكوليسترول في الدم.تحديد نسبة السكر في الدم.This application is for just an entertainment onlyإخلاء المسؤولية:تطبيق قياس ارتفاع ضغط الدم هو مجرد مزحة prank لتسليةوالمتعةمعالأصدقاء .Free applicationthathelpsyou to know your health status and measurement of highbloodpressureand heart rate account, but that application isPrank.Will keep youinformed about the health of your body withouthavingto go to thedoctor to do the tests.How to run the application:When you enter you will find the word must start pressure.Place your thumb in the exact location Put your fingerprint.Antdhar 10 seconds.After that the result will appear.Application features:Pressure gauge .To know the rate of normal heart beats.Device measuring blood cholesterol.Determine the percentage of sugar in the blood.This application is for just an entertainment onlyEvacuation responsibilaty:The application of measurement of high blood pressure isajokeprank to entertain and have fun with friends.
Hypertension Project 1.0.0
appicationนี้จัดขึ้นเพื่อตรวจสอบความเสี่ยงของผู้ป่วยโรคความดันโลหิตสูงว่าเสี่ยงที่จะเกิดโรคความดันโลหิตสูงหรือไม่และบอกวิธีลดความเสี่ยงของโรคความดันโลหิตสูงและวิธีการดูแลตนเองของผู้ที่เข้ามาใช้บริการได้อย่างเหมาะสมappicationheldtoCheck-risk patients with hypertension. The risk ofhighbloodpressure or not. And how to reduce the risk of highbloodpressure.And how to care for those who use theserviceappropriately.
Health Assistant 4.6.1
Help yourself to feel better.
Signs & Symptoms Hypertension 1.0.6
The Signs & Symptoms Hypertension helpsthepatients to self-manage Hypertension, using interactive tools.Thisapp gives the patient important information regarding signsandsymptoms of Hypertension and management of the disease.This appalsoallows the patient to record and track Hypertension levelsalongtime with an incredible graphing option. The patient can showtheserecords to the doctor and together improve the patient’squality oflife. This app also allows the patient to remember whenand whichmedication to take to manage Hypertension.Besides, the user can test its knowledge regarding Hypertensioninan amusing way through a little and funny quiz.Some information provided may not be valid for residents ofothercountries due to variations in medical practice and drugapprovaland indications.This patient education application provides patients and HealthCarePractitioners with easy to access information onHypertensionmanagement.Created by Built by Doctors World.
Hypertension - Medical Dict. 1.8
Animated Pocket Dictionary of Hypertension defines andillustratesmedical terms
hiBP - Hypertension Treatment 8
Hypertension Treatment Algorithm with prescription generatorfordoctors.
Hypertension Canada Guidelines
Hypertension Canada's most current guidelines.
Easy Blood Pressure ( BP ) Dia 2.0.0
Blood pressure (BP) log, diary, monitor, tracker and charting tool.
Alert Family Medical SOS 1.2.0
For anyone in distress, thisfamilyemergencybutton sends text messages with the person'sexactlocation tothree emergency contacts, e.g. spouse or neighbor,andfor Premiumsubscribers, calls each one of them into aconferencecall.It's that simple - no typing, no dialing, no texting.Plus,afteralerting your emergency contacts, you can also call 911(oranylocal emergency services) straight from the Alert app.This can be particularly useful for people at riskofasthmaattacks, dementia-related confusions, blood-sugarlows,allergicreactions, panic attacks, and more.For both text messaging and conference calls, Alert usesWiFioryour data plan, so the app does not cut into voiceminutes.Alert is also the first app to act in real time tochangesinApple's Health app data. It has special featuresspecificallyforthose concerned about blood-glucose fluctuations:afteralertingyour personal helpers, you can also choose tonotifynearbyDiabetes Helpers, and an alert message will be sent inyournamewith your current location to nearby users oftheHelpAroundDiabetes app. And if your blood glucose monitorisconnected toyour iPhone, you can turn on Blood Glucose alertstoreceive pushnotifications on out-of-range glucose readings; nowyoucan getyour helpers on the line while digging in your bagforsugar.Unlimited Alert conference calls are available underthefollowingsubscription options:(1) $9.99 per month, or(2) $99.99 per year.