Top 21 Apps Similar to Moov Swim Coaching + Tracking

Moov Coach & Guided Workouts 4.5.1850
Moov Inc
Moov is the firstArtificial-Intelligencefitness app that guides you through running,cycling, swimming,cardio boxing, bodyweight and heart rate basedhigh intensityworkouts with real-time audio feedback.Whether you want to stay healthy, lose weight, improve yourfitnessand performance, or just want a short and effective workout,Moovwill help you take your fitness to the next level. Expect tosweatthrough Moov’s guided workouts while hearing coachingandmotivation like:“Way to go, you crushed that round”“Increase your cadence to hit the target”“Time to push your heart rate to Zone 4!”The Moov App is designed to work with all of the Moovwearables;including the Moov HR Sweat™ and Moov HR Burn™ heart ratemonitors,as well as the Moov Now™ and Moov Classic™ motiontrackerwearables!------------------------------------GUIDED WORKOUTS FOR ALL LEVELSRUNNING & WALKING - pace, cadence & heart ratebasedworkoutsSWIM TRACKING - with advanced stroke recognitionBODYWEIGHT CIRCUIT TRAINING - high intensity interval trainingorrep counting programsCYCLING - indoor and outdoor training optionsCARDIO BOXING - fun, rhythm based cardio training------------------------------------COACHES YOU AS YOU WORK OUTAnalyzes and improves your formPushes you to the right intensity with heart coachingWorkout anytime, anywhereSee your results, track progress and reach your goalsShare and compete with friends on the leaderboardIntense activity tracking + sleep trackingFor more information please visit usat use of GPS can significantly decrease battery life.Make sure to follow Moov on social media for thelatestupdates!
Moov 7 Minute+ Workout Coach 3.5.313
Moov Inc
This app has been replaced with thenewall-in-one Moov app (complete with other new features, too!).If you are new to Moov, ignore this listing and download“MoovPersonal Coach & Tracker” instead.The new Moov app combines all Moov sports into a single appandincludes new features, including daily activity and sleeptracking,updated workout reports and more!Moov is your wearable personal coach, translating yourexactmovements into coaching. Real-time coaching pushes you toimprovethroughout each workout, bringing your fitness andworkoutexperience to a whole new level. Moov offers guided programsinsports including running, cycling, swimming, body weighttraining,and cardio boxing.Use the Moov app with a Moov wearable device. Get yoursatwww.moov.cc________________________Looking for a workout with a coach that counts your reps foryou?Work out with Moov 7 Minute+ to find out why Moov’spersonalcoaching system makes it the hottest fitness wearable onthemarket.Moov is your own personal trainer, that counts your repsandtracks your workout for you. Great for anyone from fitnessexpertsto beginners.. This easy to use app will guide you through abodyweight workout using both audio and visual coaching. Noequipmentneeded.These proven exercises are based on the viral 7 minuteworkoutpublished on the American College of Sports Medicine Journalandpopularized on The workout is also approvedbycertified personal trainers. Moov will help you become fit innotime with high intensity training.ExercisesJumping jacksSquatsPush upsFront planksCrunchesLungesFeaturesAudio wearable coach on form / progress during workoutsRep countingVideo instructionWorkout trackingBeat levelsRange of motion indicationOn screen instructions and timerNo internet needed to do workouts
Moov Cycling Coaching/Tracking 3.5.313
Moov Inc
This app has been replaced with thenewall-in-one Moov app (complete with other new features, too!).If you are new to Moov, ignore this listing and download“MoovPersonal Coach & Tracker” instead.The new Moov app combines all Moov sports into a single appandincludes new features, including daily activity and sleeptracking,updated workout reports and more!Moov is your wearable personal coach, translating yourexactmovements into coaching. Real-time coaching pushes you toimprovethroughout each workout, bringing your fitness andworkoutexperience to a whole new level. Moov offers guided programsinsports including running, cycling, swimming, body weighttraining,and cardio boxing.Use the Moov app with a Moov wearable device. Get yoursatwww.moov.cc________________________Make sense of your ride with Moov Cycling Wearable Coaching+Tracking. Learn to ride longer, faster, steeper, andmoreefficiently with gear coaching and speed, distance,cadence,elevation, calorie, and Moov power tracking.****THIS APPLICATION REQUIRES A MOOV WEARABLE DEVICE****Get yours at moov.ccWHY WE BUILT MOOV CYCLING WEARABLE COACHING TRACKING* Sweat less during your commute to work and savevaluableenergy.* Reach your speed goal during an intense ride.* Real-time coaching teaches you to shift gears to ridelonger,faster, and steeper.* Give more people affordable and accessibleprofessionaldata.* Useful, easy to understand data so you can use your statstoimprove.In-depth data by combining hardware (Moov on your ankle)andsoftware.WHO IS MOOV CYCLING WEARABLE COACHING TRACKING FOR?* Serious cyclists. e.g. triathletes, riders looking toimprovetechnique.* Casual riders. e.g. bike commuters, recreational riders.* Sport data enthusiasts.* Novices. e.g. to learn to ride a gear-shift bike.GET MORE OUT OF YOUR DATA* Route Difficulty score to compare to other rides andmonitorprogress.* Learn highlights like fastest sprint, toughest climb, andhighestMoov Power.* Cadence tracking to help you understand the relationshipbetweenthe power you are putting in and your bike’s gears.* Get all your data in one place so you can monitor yourprogressand achievements.LEARN WHILE YOU RIDE* Mount your phone to your handlebars to see your speed,distance,time, cadence, elevation grade, Moov power, and track yourride ona map.* Audio updates and coaching without having to look atyourphone.* Use the cadence screen and audio coaching to understand whentoshift gears.Wear Moov on your ankle to better understand your ride andbecomea better cyclist with data that focuses on you instead ofyourbike.Note: Continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life.
Moov booking 3.1.28
Shows schedules for Moov. Appointments and -Cancellation.
Moov Running and Walking Coach 3.5.313
Moov Inc
This app has been replaced with the new all-in-one Moovapp(complete with other new features, too!).If you are new to Moov, ignore this listing and download“MoovPersonal Coach & Tracker” instead.The new Moov app combines all Moov sports into a single appandincludes new features, including daily activity and sleeptracking,updated workout reports and more!Moov is your wearable personal coach, translating yourexactmovements into coaching. Real-time coaching pushes you toimprovethroughout each workout, bringing your fitness andworkoutexperience to a whole new level. Moov offers guided programsinsports including running, cycling, swimming, body weighttraining,and cardio boxing.Use the Moov app with a Moov wearable device. Get yoursatwww.moov.cc________________________Train harder and smarter with Moov, your personalArtificialIntelligence (AI) coach. Get real-time coaching while youmoovbased on your biomechanics to maximize your workout andhelpprevent common sports-related injuries that result fromimproperform.****THIS APPLICATION REQUIRES A MOOV WEARABLE DEVICE****Get yours at www.moov.ccMoov utilizes cutting edge, precise motion sensor technologythatinterprets and recreates your movements in order toprovidereal-time feedback and actionable insights through Moov’sAIfitness coach, bringing your workout to a new level.Connect your Moov to the app, strap Moov on your ankle, pickaprogram and go!PROGRAMSMoov Run incorporates 4 different programs to meet the needsofrunners and walkers. Each program utilizes interval trainingtohelp burn more calories, and get you running faster andfurtherdistances.Intervals are based on levels that will challenge the user.Thehigher the level, the more difficult the interval will be.Challenge yourself to reach your full potential!BRISK WALKING will challenge users with high cadenceintervals.Fit for those looking to maximize their daily walks byincreasingstep count and calories burned.RUNNING EFFICIENCY will train you to run further for theenergyyou expend and turn you into more efficient runner. Made forthosewho want to run long distance.SPRINT INTERVALS will challenge users with high speed,highcadence intervals. This program is for those looking to getthemost out of a quick workout.SPEED ENDURANCE will coach you to run further and fasterthroughintervals that challenge you to sustain a target pace. Thisprogramis for those looking to increase their personal runningrecords inmarathons, triathlons and other races.Moov Run & Walk provides instant feedback during yourworkoutby talking to you, and giving tips on how to improve.WIRELESSReal-time information syncs from your Moov to the app. Nopluginrequired! You can also see past runs and track your progressovertime.SOCIALShare your latest achievements on Facebook.Join the Moovment!Learn more about Moov at www.moov.ccNOTEContinued use of GPS can significantly decrease battery life.Known Issues:Old phones like Nexus 4 need to restart to keep a stableconnectionin rare cases.
MySwimPro Swimming Workout Log
Take your swimming to the next levelwithMySwimPro: The best workout app to help you swim smarteronAndroid!Access to a library of hundreds of customized swimworkouts.Log your swims and track your progress with detailedanalytics tovisualize your improvement. Export to PDF to print yourworkoutsand take them to the pool.Follow your friends and favorite athletes! Like and comment onyourfriends' workouts to keep them motivated."MySwimPro is the only app I've come across that is trulytryingto help swimmers with their training and technique. I'veseennothing but positive feedback from athletes in theswimmingcommunity. With the dedicated passion of the MySwimProteam, Ithink this app will change the way swimmers approachthesport." - Peter Vanderkaay, 3x Olympic Swimmer“MySwimPro has been responsible for bringing new life tomyworkouts. I love the variety of stroke work, distance, sprints.Thevideos have helped me understand proper technique and the‘log’allows you to see what I’ve have accomplished and help me feelevenbetter about what I do each day in the pool!” - TomG.,Triathlete"This app is awesome. I've improved my swimming so much overthelast two months using these workouts." - Jermaine C.,FitnessSwimmerTOP FEATURES* Hundreds of workouts organized by skill level, workout type,andpool course* Technique videos and set descriptions* Custom workout log* Detailed profile analytics* Export custom workouts to PDFACHIEVE YOUR GOALS & SWIM SMARTER* View your progress and stats on your custom profile page* Share progress with friends on social media, andencourageothersADDITIONAL TRAINING RESOURCES* Follow us on Twitter (@MySwimPro) for technique tips,trainingadvice and swimming motivation* Visit us on the web at www.myswimpro.comSUPPORT* We’d love to hear from you. We’re looking for feedback fromtheswimming community to help make our app the best it can be.Emailus at [email protected]: We currently support English only. More languagetranslationsare coming soon!Download MySwimPro, and start swimming smarter.HappySwimming! Workouts & Tracking 5.4.2
Swim with the most advanced swim tracking app and your favoriteWearOS device!
Fitness Tracker 1.2
Fitness Tracker is an easy to use appforpeople of all ages who would like to improve their healthbysetting up their individual weight loss and exercise planofaction. Whether you wish to lose weight through diet or gainweightby bulking this app is right for you. With help from theunique“Before and After” photo feature you'll be able to visuallytrackyour progress! It is the FIRST Android App to offer thisseamless,Before and After scrolling photo function! Fitness Trackeralsooffers many useful tools such as Body Mass Index BMIcalculator,Waist to Height ratio WTH calculator, Resting MetabolicRate RMRcalculator, Basal Metabolic Rate BMR calculator and muchmore.Nothing to learn with this app – it’s all intuitive. You’re upandrunning in less than a minute. Unlike many other complicatedhealthand fitness apps, Fitness Tracker keeps to the basics and mayjustbe all you really need!Fitness Trackers 60 Second Plan1. Quickly enter your age / weight / height / waist data2. Select your target weight3. Pick which level of exercise you wish – five choices –fromlittle to none to heavy exercise. And you decide how many timesperweek you plan to workout.Fitness Trackers 60 Seconds Per day• Enter the estimated # calories you ate for that day• Enter the # minutes you exercised for that day (ifapplicable)Then Fitness Tracker does the rest!Features• Sums it all up in a “What You Need To Do” section with adviceonadjusting daily calories and weekly workouts in order to reachyourgoal• Gives estimated dates to reach your goals• Provides recommendations for daily calories,proteins,carbohydrates, and fats• Take a photo, crop it, save it and it’s stamped with yourweightand date• First of its kind “Before and After” photos let you seeyourweight and exercise progress• Auto calculates calories burned, Body Mass Index (BMI), WaisttoHeight ratio (WTH), Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), andBasalMetabolic Rate (BMR)• Shows history data on weight, calories, and workouts• Includes a trend chart to show your progress over time• You can post to Facebook• Invites user feedback• BMI Calculator• Optional and flexible notifications• Super simple and very effective!Whether you are into sports, looking to lower cholesterol,lookingfor an easy to use BMI Calculator or just someone whooccasionallyruns on a treadmill our application has a progressivefitness plantailored to meet your individual health goals. You canalso use theBefore and After photo feature to track yourprogress.-------------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER:This Android application is provided for information purposesonly.The information is NOT a substitute for professional medicalcareby a qualified doctor or other healthcare professional.ALWAYScheck with your doctor if you have any concerns aboutyourcondition or treatment. The Fitness Tracker team and allthoseassociated with its development are not responsible orliable,directly, indirectly on consequentially, for ANY form ofdamageswhatsoever resulting from the use (or misuse) ofinformationcontained in or implied by the information in thisapplication.Fitness Tracker makes no representations, warranties,or assurancesas to the accuracy, currency or completeness of theBMI Calculatoror any other content contained in this application.At any time,Fitness Tracker reserves the right to change the terms,conditions,and notices under which this application is offered.Allindividuals and corporations associated with thisapplicationaccept no responsibility whatsoever and will not beliable for anylosses, claims or damages which may arise from theuse, download,or installation of this application. By downloadingand/or usingthis application, all users and representatives agreeto theseterms and conditions.
Swimmo - Smarter Swimming 1.9.41
Boost your swimming workout. Swim and let Swimmo watch countforyou.
Commit Swimming Workouts
Write, track and analyze your swimworkoutswith Commit. No need to type into little boxes, just writeeachworkout like an email and Commit's proprietary algorithm,"TheParser", does the rest."This is an enormous step forward from anything elsethat’savailable. It's a game changer."Matt Kredich, Tennessee"Commit has created the most significant workout managerI'veever seen. This program is a blessing."Greg Wriede, Peddie"Finally an affordable program that makes logging simple."Adam Depmore, Lone Star AquaticsWritten about on SwimSwam by Gold Medal Mel Stewart as "Themostinnovative swim software out there", Commit Swimmingrecentlyannounced that American record holder David Nolan joinedthe Committeam as a business advisor. Commit Swimming's workout andpracticemanager was also featured in Swimming World Magazine andonSwimming World TV.The ParserCommit Swimming's beta users provided feedback that it istootedious to write a workout in any of the softwareplatformsavailable. This is what inspired Commit Swimming todevelop "TheParser", which reads and understands swim workouts thatare writtenas free-form text. The Parser gives coaches and athletesall theadvantages of writing workouts on an app (ease ofaccess,historical workout data, sharing workouts with their teamandstaff, workout visualizations etc.), while at the sametimemimicking the free-form canvas that pen and paper allows.Commit Swimming FeaturesIn addition to The Parser, Commit's swimming workout managercomeswith easy to use features swim coaches need every day.-view graphs and trends of your swim season by training group-write workouts for multiple groups at once-take athlete specific attendance for your workouts-write notes for a workout to communicate with other coaches,keeptrack of mental notes, or record test-set timesDownload Commit Swimming today and get a 30 day free trial!Youwill be given full access to the web-based and the mobile app. After 30 days,theplatform costs $8 per month or $90 per year. Toaccommodateseasonal or high-school swim teams, monthly subscriberscan pausetheir subscription at any time.
Swim Time Converter 1.4
Swim fast? Find out with Swim TimeConverter.An application that lets swimmers across the worldconvert theirevent times to different pool lengths.Features:- Converts swimming times for long course meters, shortcoursemeters, and short course yards.- All the standard events: 50, 100 and 200 of each stroke,theindividual medleys and distance events.- Stores the results of your conversions so you can comparethemlater.
Набрать вес 1.9
Это приложение расскажет вам как набратьвесбыстро, как правильно питаться чтобы набрать вес. Оно такжедолжнопомочь набрать вес для девушек. Всем интересно как набратьбыстровес за неделю или как набрать вес и накачаться, Мы знаем какможнонабрать вес или как набрать мышечную массу и тем более какбыстронабрать мышечную массу. Здесь нам должна быть известнаанатомиямышцы человека и тогда как быстро накачать мышцы, а точнеекакбыстро накачать грудные мышцы дома если еще точнее какбыстронакачать мышцы в домашних условиях мы поймем без труда.Можноиспользовать приложение , когда мы качаем все мышцы тела дома.Для мужчин информация как накачать грудные мышцы или какмыкачаем грудные мышцы дома достаточно полезная. Если мы качаеммышцыдома для женщин, то они будут рады. Мы можем накачать мышцыживотаили мышцы головы и шеи и для нас будет накачать мышцы игра.Качатьмышцы и упражнение для всех мышцы спины вы можете найти внашемприложении. Как правильно качать мышцы, как качать мышцы наруках,как качать мышцы рук дома вы здесь тоже найдете. Ведь этоспорт -качать мышцы и пресс с помощью нашего спорт - приложениямышцы. Спомощью него мы качаем все мышцы тела и идет тренировка намышцыягодиц и вы узнаете как накачать ягодичные мышцы,Здесь представлены базовые упражнения по группам мышц поройнамбудет необходима такая информация как биомеханика мышц имыпроведем упражнение для всех групп мышц так как тренировка длявсехмышц поддержит нас в хорошей форме. Тренировка грудных мышцзадачанепростая и здесь вы найдете упражнения для грудных мышцпомимоупражнения на все группы мышц. Мы расскажем вам проспортивноепитание для мышц. Если вам понадобилась тренировка длямышц рук илиупражнения для грудных мышц. то упражнения для мышцрукпредполагает ежедневные тренировки для мышц где мыучитываемпроцент жира и мышц. Это отличная зарядка для мышц инагляднаяинструкция по тренировке мышц для качание мышц.Это своеобразный тренер по качке мышц и содержит упражнениядлякачалки мышц например качание грудных мышц. Накачка мышц. аточнеепрограмма для тренировки мышц это отличная тренировка длямышц нарусском языке. Схема по тренировки мышц здесь тожепредоставлена. Кпримеру тренировка грудных мышц, упражнения длямышц шеи и другое.Это отличноый бодибилдинг программы тренировок.Здесь вы найдетебодибилдинг упражнения и бодибилдинг питание.Программа вводит вкурс бодибилдинг. Анатомия человека предоставленаот шеи до ног иэтот бодибилдинг бесплатно. Если вы хотитепрактиковать бодибилдингв домашних условиях то вам к тому же будетнеобходима бодибилдингдиета, ведь чтобы практиковать хорошийбодибилдинг - еда должнабыть сбалансирована.Фитнес и бодибилдинг всегда всегда пользовались популярностью,абодибилдинг - игра для взрослых, поэтому бодибилдинг ифитнеспредоставлены в нашей программе, но если вы вне игры -бодибилдингне для вас. Наша программа бодибилдинг - книга длясправки. Чтобывам было удобно практиковать бодибилдинг - картинкиподобраны всоответствии с тематикой. Этот справочник бесплатный.Книга спорт ибодибилдинг, мотивация которого сделает простым дажебодибилдингдля начинающих, представлена в этой программе.Если вам нужна тренировки на массу - бодибилдинг как раз точтовам нужно, а мы предоставим вам программы тренировок.Бодибилдингсправочник предоставит вам много спорт-бодибилдингпрограмм.Фитнес. бодибилдинг. упражнения не дадут вам расслабиться.Потомучто упражнения-бодибилдинг - это спортивное питание,рецептыкоторых предоставлены в программе. Еще вы узнаете какбыстронакачать пресс дома. Брюшной пресс качаем вместе с нами,Качатьпресс в домашних условиях поможет нам накачать тело.This app will tell youhowto gain weight fast, how to eat to gain weight. It should alsohelpto gain weight for women. Anyone wondering how to gain weightfastfor a week or how to gain weight and pump, we know how togainweight or gain muscle mass and especially how quickly gainmusclemass. Here, we must know the anatomy of the human muscle andthenhow fast to build muscle, but rather how fast the pump house ifthepectoral muscles more precisely how fast to build muscle athome,we understand without difficulty. You can use the app when weshakeall muscles of the body home.Men Information how to build chest muscles or how we swingthepectoral muscles at home quite useful. If we swing muscleshomesfor women, they will be happy. We can pump up the abdominalmusclesor the muscles of the head and neck, and for us to buildmusclegame. Bob muscles and exercise for all the muscles of theback canbe found in our application. How to download muscles as themusclesin his arms to swing as swing arm muscles at home here, too,youwill find. It is a sport - swing muscles and press with the helpofour sport - applications muscles. With it we pump all themusclesof the body and is training the muscles of the buttocks andyouwill learn how to pump up the glutes,Here are the basic exercises for muscle groups at times wewillneed such information as the biomechanics of muscles and wewillexercise all muscle groups as the training for all musclesupportus in good shape. Exercise pectoral muscles is no easy task,andhere you will find exercises for pectoral muscles in additiontoexercises for all muscle groups. We'll tell you about thesportsnutrition to the muscles. If you need training for the armmusclesor exercise for pectoral muscles. the exercises for themuscles ofthe hands requires daily exercise for the muscles wherewe takeinto account the percentage of fat and muscle. It's a greatchargefor the muscles and visual instructions for training themuscles toswing muscles.This kind of coach pitching muscles and includes exercisessuchas the swing rocking muscles pectoral muscles. Pumping muscles.butrather a program to train the muscles a great workout forthemuscles in Russian. Scheme for muscle training is alsoprovided.For example, exercise pectoral muscles, exercises for themusclesof the neck and more. It otlichnoy bodybuilding trainingprogram.Here you can find the bodybuilding exercise andbodybuildingnutrition. Program induct bodybuilding. Human anatomyis providedfrom the neck to the feet, and the free bodybuilding. Ifyou wantto practice bodybuilding at home then you also will needabodybuilding diet, because to practice good bodybuilding -foodshould be balanced.Fitness and bodybuilding has always always been popular,andbodybuilding - a game for adults, so the bodybuilding andfitnessprovided in our program, but if you're out of the game-bodybuilding is not for you. Our program bodybuilding - a bookforreference. To make it convenient to practice bodybuilding-pictures are selected in accordance with the theme. This guideisfree. The book sports and bodybuilding, motivation that willmakeeven a simple bodybuilding for beginners is presented inthisprogram.If you need to exercise a lot - bodybuilding is just whatyouneed and we will give you an exercise program. Bodybuildingguidegives you a lot of sports bodybuilding programs.Fitness.body-building. Exercise will not let you relax. Becauseexercise,bodybuilding - a sports nutrition, recipes are provided intheprogram. Once you learn how to quickly pump up the press athome.Abdominal swing with us, Bob the press at home will help uspumpbody.
Swim Calculator Pro 7.6
Yume Apps
Create, save, backup, and view swim workouts! Share withthecommunity!
Centro Biomecánico Getafe 1
Código 6
Nuestra APP recoge de forma completaydetallada los servicios que ofrecemos, equipo de trabajo, ofertasypromociones. Nuestros clientes podrán acceder a una zonaprivadapara conocer su historial de visitas, próximas citasyrecomendaciones a los tratamientos que reciben.Our APP collects fullandin detail the services we offer, staff, offers and promotions.Ourcustomers have access to a private area to know its historytours,upcoming appointments and recommendations to the treatmentstheyreceive.
Angry Birds 2 2.20.1
Play the Angry Birds game enjoyed by millions of players every day!
Lose weight without dieting 5.39
Weight loss can be amazing! Eat healthy, feel awesome, achieveyourdream body!
Fitness Coach 1.7.0
Weight Loss app specifically tailored for the Asian
Weight Helper 9.8.6
Make your new year's resolution count!Get ready for the summer with the app thousands of users relyontolose weight and keep it off.The handy weight loss app including an exercise timerthatcountscalories burned for over 40 exercises, weighttracking,dailycalorie intake and even BMI calculation, all inone.Designed to be easy and effective for the ultimate goaloflosingweight and follow a diet, without complex graphsorterminology.Lose weight the easy way.Timer estimates how many calories you burn eachsecondusingMetabolic Equivalent (MET) and keeps history oftotalcaloriesburned. The timer can run in the background, allowingyouto playyour favorite mp3 music while counting calories.Only for healthy adults 18 years or older.This app suggests how many calories to consume every dayinorderto maintain or lose weight using Basal Metabolic Index(BMR)andHarris-Benedict formula.No web account needed, does not ask to putyourpersonalinformation online. This is a full featured app anddatawill stayprivately on your phone.WARNING: This app does not provide medical advice andshouldnotreplace or contradict a doctor's opinion. It is intendedasasupplementary tool for healthy adults only. Alwaysconsultyourdoctor before starting any diet or exercise plan.Now supported in English, Spanish, French,Italian,Japanese,Chinese (Simplified), German, Portuguese andKorean. Itselectslanguage based on phone settings.Exercises supported: Aerobics (general, step,high/lowimpact,water), Backpacking, Bicycling (normal andstationary),Bowling,Canoeing, Dancing, Football, Soccer, Golf,Hiking, IceSkating,Jogging, Racquetball, Rollerblading, RopeJumping,Rowing(stationary), Running, Skiing (cross-country,downhill,water),Softball, Baseball, Stair Treadmill, Swimming,Tae-kwon-do,Taichi, Tennis, Volleyball, Walking, Weightlifting,Yoga/Stretching.
Swim Cal - calorie calculator 1.1
This is an app to record and calculate the calories by swimming.
Calorie Tracker & Counter 1.1.4
The free, easy way to track calories.What is the easiest way to lose weight? Burn morecaloriesthanyou consume.Easy, right? The question is, how do you track caloriesburnedandcalories from food? The solution is the CalorieTrackerapp.Calorie Counter: Track the calories you consumefrommealsto count your total daily diet intake. SImply enter thefooditemsand servings from breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.Calories Burned: Monitor and track caloriesburnedviadaily activity and exercise. Try the calorie calculatortotrackcalories burned from exercise andeverydayactivities,including:• Aerobics and yoga• Biking, hiking, running and walking• Dancing• Equestrian sports• Golfing• Martial arts• Swimming• Rollerblading and ice skating• Skiing and snowboarding• Using cardiovascular equipment, weightlifting andworkingout• Playing baseball, basketball, football, soccer,hockey,softball,tennis, volleyballDaily Calorie Meter: Find out if you are meetingyourdailycalorie goal, based on how much you have consumed andhowmanycalories were burned with exercise. Share your resultsviaTwitter,Facebook, Instagram and more.Calorie Needs Calculator: Calculate yourdailycalorieintake needs based on your personal stats.BMI Calculator: Get your body mass index rate.Water Tracker: Keep track of the amount ofwaterconsumeddaily.My Stats: View your progress by week and month.This app contains paid ads that link to third parties.Please rate our app in the Google Play store.We are operated by SplashPad Mobile, a top Androidappdeveloper.Your app experience is important to us. If youencounteranyproblems or issues, email [email protected] response.
LOOX Fitness Planer 6.2.1
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