Top 20 Apps Similar to Chat Latino - Liga y Citas

Latin Chat App Oficial 6.7
Chat para latinos te permitirá conocernuevasamistades de todo el mundoes una aplicación con la que podrás iniciar conversacionesdetodo tipo de temáticas y hacer amigos de todo el mundo quehablenespañol. Disfruta de una gran comunidad de usuarios dehablahispanahaz amigos en Latin chat. accede y podrás adjuntar texto,oemoticonos enviarle un privado a esa persona.En latin chat podrás encontrarte con con muchos amigos. Conoceacientos de personas de habla hispana con este divertido Chat ypasaun buen rato con ellos y ellasen las salas de latín ChatChat for Latinos allowyouto meet new friends around the worldIt is an application that lets you start conversations ofallkinds of themes and make friends around the world whospeakSpanish. Enjoy a large community of Spanish-speaking usersmake friends in Latin chat. access and you can attach textoremoticons send a private to that person.In latin chat you can meet many friends. Meet hundredsofSpanish-speaking people Chat with this fun and have a goodtimewith them and theyin Latin Chat rooms
LatinChat 11.4
Talk to people and make new friends
Chat Latino 3.3
CHAT LATINO es una app de mensajería que usalaAPI de Telegram# Una de las aplicaciones de mensajería mejor valoradas delPlayStore #Por supuesto añade todos los beneficios de Telegram:Enfocada en la velocidad y la seguridad. Es súper rápida,simpley gratuita.Puedes crear grupos de chat con hasta 5000 personas.Puedescompartir todo tipo de archivos de hasta 1.5GB, enviarimágenes yreenviar cualquier archivo multimedia que recibas alinstante.Todos tus mensajes están en la nube, así que puedesacceder a ellosdesde cualquiera de tus dispositivos.Chats Secretos, con autodestrucción programable y con cifradodemóvil-a-móvil.No necesitas dar tu número de móvil para chatear con cualquieraoformar parte de un grupo, con dar tu apodo es suficienteCHAT LATINO incluye todas esas características delclienteoficial más algunos extras:+ TEMATIZACIÓN +Gran cantidad de opciones para ajustar el diseño,colores,tamaños... y crea tu propia tema. Puedes guardar ycompartirfácilmente tu tema con tus amigos a través de la misma appensegundos.Puedes descargar y aplicar temas de otros usuarios asícomocompartir las creaciones propiasGran base de datos+ MEJORAS AÑADIDAS ++ Pestañas para moverte fácilmente entre usuarios,grupos,canales, bots o incluso chats favoritos+ Opción para usar direct share en cualquier chat+ Opción de usar direct share sin citar emisor+ Opción para mostrar emoticonos del teléfono+ Opción para guardar archivos con nombre original+ Cambia nivel de compresión al enviar videos+ Opción para usar fuente del teléfono+ Opción para mostrar foto propia o de contacto en bocadillos+ Se muestra administrador en perfil de grupo+ Opción para que audio no se pare debido al sensordeproximidad+ Opción para mostrar fotos de perfil o foto de grupo al hacerclicken foto en pantalla principal+ Opción para mostrar perfil de usuario, grupo o canal alhacerclick en foto en pantalla principal+ Cambia fondo de chat directamente desde el chat+ Opción para cambiar tamaño de ventana de emoticonos+ Opción para silenciar usuarios o grupos desdepantallaprincipal+ Opción para añadir miembro desde mismo chat (sin necesidaddeentrar en perfil)CHAT LATINO is amessagingapp that uses the API Telegram# One of the best rated messaging applications from PlayStore#Of course adds all the benefits of Telegram:Focusing on speed and security. It is super fast, simpleandfree.You can create group chats with up to 5000 people. You can shareallkinds of files up to 1.5GB, send images and forward any mediafileyou receive instantly. All your messages are in the cloud soyou canaccess them from any of your devices.Secrets chats with programmable self-destructionandencryption-to-mobile phone.No need to give your mobile number to chat with any or part ofagroup, to give your nickname is enoughCHAT LATINO includes all those features of the officialclientplus some extras:+ THEMING +Lots of options to adjust the layout, colors, sizes ...andcreate your own theme. You can easily save and share yourthemewith your friends through the same app in seconds.You can download and apply themes of other users and share theirowncreationsLarge database+ IMPROVEMENTS ADDED ++ Tabs to move easily between users, groups, channels, botsoreven favorite chats+ Option to use direct share in any chat+ Option to use direct share without citing issuer+ Option to display emoticons phone+ Option to save files with original name+ Change compression level to send videos+ Option to use the phone source+ Option to show own photo or contact snacks+ Administrator is shown in profile group+ Option for audio can not stop because of theproximitysensor+ Option to display profile pictures or photo group photo clickonmain screen+ Option to display user profile, group or channel click photoonmain screen+ Change chat fund directly from the chat+ Option to change window size emoticons+ Option to mute users or groups from main screen+ Option to add a member from the same chat (no need toenterprofile)
Chat Latino 1.3.4
Descubre ahora lo divertido yprácticoqueresulta chatear con nuestra aplicacion en cualquierlugar elmundosolamente con conexión a internet en tu dispositivo,Disfrutadelas ventajas y facilidad que chatsalas networks te ofreceparaquehagas amigos o busques lo que mas te apetezcaencadamomento.Discover now howfunandconvenient it is to chat with our application anywheretheworldonly with Internet connection on your device, youenjoyadvantagesand ease chatsalas networks offers to make friendsorlook for whatyou most desire of the time.
chat latin
In this app you can find:llamadas mesenger chat gratis para todo el mundoIn this appyoucanfind:mesenger calls free chat for everyone
Latin Quarter - Chat Dating 6.7
In "Latin Quarter" you can enjoytheLatinrhythms Share importantes.- chat with our newdancesandexperiences with other users, as well as display lotsofvídeos.-It's time to meet people, make new friends who knows ifyoufindyour soulmate. To do that better than sharingexperiencessuchexotic dances and passionate as Latinos.Who knows if you found your new dance partner ... andmaybeyournext love.-Our current Latin rhythms are:- Bachata.- Sauce.- Reggaeton.- Cumbia.- Meringue.- Kizomba.- Cha Cha Cha.- Flemish.- Rumba.- Tango.- Sevillanas.The origins of Latin music:The arrival of the Spanish and their music marks thebeginningofLatin American music. In the immediately precedingepochshadexisted in Spain and Portugal coexistence of variousethnicgroups,including Arabs, Moors of North Africa, Gypsies,JewsandChristians, each with its own musical, which contributedtotheprimeval evolution of music America. Many musicalinstrumentswereadopted the Moors in Spain, for example, and theNorthAfricannasal singing style and frequent use of improvisationwerealsocollected by the Iberians.Enjoy a fun time chatting with other users from allovertheworld. With our app you can search for people close to youtoknowyou better power, create your profile and talk a bitaboutyourselfso that others can meet you. If you like Lovoo, BadooorSkout, weare more traditional, better talk before a firstviewphotos.In addition to seeing a lot of videos of each musicalstyle,youcan make new friends with our easy to usechatwithoutRESTRICTIONS.-We wish you enjoy time divertido.-
LATIN USA CHAT, es una aplicación gratisconuna forma simple y segura de conectarte con gente de tualrededor yen todo el mundo.LATiN USA CHAT: MEET, Te permite conversar y hablar conpersonaslatinas dentro de los Estados Unidos y cualquier País dehablahispana.* chatea gratis donde y cuando quieras de una forma fácil* Grupos de salas* Diferentes Países para relacionarse y conocer muchaspersonastales como: Estados unidos, España, Colombia, * Venezuela,México,Panamá, Inglaterra, República Dominicana, Ecuador, UruguayEntreotro países.* Este chat es totalmente gratis, y siempre lo sera.* Logueate con Facebook y empieza a disfrutar de un sin numerodepersonas que quieren conocerte y ser tu amigo.* Encuentra personas cerca de ti.* Sin Restricciones solo debe tener Internet y Empezar a Hablarconla persona o personas que mas te interesan. * * Buscadordeusuarios.* Diferentes Salas.** no se permiten temas con mansiones a racismo,religiones,palabras obscenas, y cualquier tema que pueda traer unadisputaentre los miembros.** No se permiten imágenes sexuales o que inciten a lavulgaridad,odio o violencia.Disfruta tu Salas de cita Hispana.LATIN CHAT USA, is afreeapplication with a simple and secure way to connect withpeoplearound you and around the world form.Latin USA CHAT: MEET, you can talk and talk to Latinos in theUnitedStates and any Spanish speaking country.* Free chat anywhere, anytime in an easy way* Groups of rooms* Different Countries to interact and meet many people suchasUnited States, Spain, Colombia, * Venezuela, Mexico,Panama,England, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Uruguay amongothercountries.* This chat is completely free and always will be.* Please sign in to Facebook and start enjoying an endless numberofpeople who want to meet you and be your friend.* Find people near you.* No restrictions should only have Internet and start talking totheperson you are most interested. * * Finder users.* Different Salas.** No issues with mansions racism, religions, obscenitiesareallowed, and any issues that may bring a disputeamongmembers.** No sexual images are allowed or incite vulgarity, hateorviolence.Enjoy your rooms Hispanic appointment.
Chatea 6.9
Con Chatea puedes tener la libertad decontarcon una app nativa para sistemas android con la cualpoderconversar y conocer gente cerca de tu ciudad y en tiemporeal.Chatea incorpora un grupo de salas de chat destinado a todosloshispanos. Cuenta con salas de chat para cada país ysalastemáticas.Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Chile, Venezuela, México,Perú,Ecuador, España, EE.UU. República Dominicana, entreotrospaíses.Salas para Adultos segmentadas por orientación sexual dóndepodercompartir imágenes. La aplicación esta cargada de potentes,peroligeras herramientas que hacen de ella mas que una aplicacióndechat, toda una comunidad de latinos conectados enlineaconociéndose. Encuentra gente cerca de tu localidad, liga yquedacon ellos. Haz nuevas amistades.Con Chatea, puedes:*Crear tu Pefil.*Crear Galería de Imágenes.*Recibir Notificaciones En Tiempo Real.*Dar y Recibir "Like"*Comentar y Recibir Comentarios en tu Muro de Perfil.*Ubicar Amistades Cerca de tu Ciudad.*Ver Lista de Todos los Usuarios.*Filtrar Búsqueda de Usuarios Por Género - Edad - Distancia.*Enviar y Recibir Chat Privados.*Compartir Imágenes en las Salas de Chats.*Bloquear a Usuarios Molestos.*Marcar Usuarios y Salas Como Favoritos.*Eliminar Chats*Desactivar Notificaciones.*Desactivar Comentarios en Tu Muro*Desactivar Chats Privados.*Escuchar Música de Diferentes Emisoras Online Latinas.*Ahora con la Plataforma Web Puedes Acceder a los Chats,Música,Juegos, y demás contenido desde cualquier dispositivo solocon iral Sitio Web: http://chatea.totalh.netCon Chatea podrás acceder no solo a las varias salas dechatdivididas por regiones y países, sino que además cuenta conunassalas de chat exclusivamente para adultos donde poder conversardelos temas que más te apasionen.Todo en Chatea es GRATIS y lo seguirá siendo SIEMPRE. Noesnecesario pagar suscripción ni compras integradas.Accede desde la misma aplicación a diversas salas de chat.Recibenotificaciones en tiempo real cuando alguien te envíe unchatprivado o haga algún nuevo comentario en la sala general.Chatea es totalmente configurable. Puedes elegir entrerecibirnotificaciones con sonido o solo símbolo, eliminarlasnotificaciones, bloquear usuarios, cambiar tu perfil,agregaramigos, eliminar conversaciones, compartir imágenes enmensajesprivados o en sala general, compartir la app y muchomás.Además tienes a la disposición una sección de ayuda en tresidiomasy un canal exclusivo con soporte técnico donde podrásenviarnos tusquejas o sugerencias para mejorar la aplicación.With Chat you can havethefreedom to have a native app for android systems with which totalkand meet people near your city and in real time. Chatincorporates agroup chat rooms intended for all Hispanics. It haschat rooms foreach country and themed rooms.Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Venezuela, Mexico,Peru,Ecuador, Spain, USA Dominican Republic, amongothercountries.Adult rooms segmented by sexual orientation where power sharing.Theapplication is loaded with powerful but lightweight tools thatmakeit more than a chat application, a whole community of Latinosonlineconnected knowing. Find people near your location, leagueand stayswith them. Make new friends.With Chat, you can:* Create your Pefil.* Create Image Gallery.* Receive real-time notifications.* Give and Take "Like"* Comment and receive feedback on your wall profile.* Locate your Friends Nearby City.* See List of All Users.* Filter Search Users By Gender - Age - Distance.* Send and Receive Private Chat.* Share Pictures in chat rooms.* Block Annoying Users.* Users and Mark Salas as favorites.* Remove Chats* Disable Notifications.* Disable Comments on Your Wall* Disable Private Chats.* Listen music from different Radio Online Latinas.* Now with the Web Platform can access the chats, music, games,andother content from any device with just go to the Website:http://chatea.totalh.netWith Chat you can access not only to various chat rooms dividedbyregions and countries, but also has some chat rooms exclusivelyforadults where you can talk about the issues that mostpassionateyou.Everything in Chat is FREE and will always remain. No need topaysubscription or integrated shopping.Accessed from the same application to different chat rooms.Receivereal-time notifications when someone sends you a privatechat ormake any new comment on the general ward.Chat is fully configurable. You can choose to receivenotificationswith sound or single symbol, delete notifications,block users,change your profile, add friends, delete conversations,shareimages in private messages or general room, sharing the appandmore.You also have available a help section in three languages ​​andanexclusive channel with support where you can submit yourcomplaintsor suggestions for improving the application.
Chat México 6.5
Meet Mexicans and Mexicans.
Chatsi: Anonymous and dating 10.8
Chat with people and find friendship or dating.
Best Free Dating Sites - LUFF 3.0
Best Free Dating Sites & Apps -LUFFis a FREE app for Android (2.3+) that lets you discover anddownloadthe best apps and websites in English, Spanish and morelanguages tomake friends, flirt online, chat, meet people nearby(boys andgirls) and find love from the palm of your handcomfortably, quicklyand easily. Want to meet single men and womenand do not know whereto start? LUFF helps you!♥♥♥♥♥You may wonder:♥ What is the best free chat and meet new people and dating?Arethere datings apps for adults?♥ What has more users? What is the most usable? Where can Ifindpeople that want to meetme?♥ How to choose the safest and most reliable app to make friendsandbuild relationships or romance?LUFF solves all your questions!Today there are dozens of apps and webs to link (men andwomen),online flirting and dating with adults in Android, but notall arequality and sometimes hard to find the best. Therefore, ourteam ofexperts test all apps days of flirting and love available onGooglePlay and give its opinion in LUFF so that we can downloaddatingapps with confidence.Features of Best Free Dating Sites & Apps - LUFF:♥ Discover and download the best free apps for chat / sendmessages(photos, video, text) and get dates with women and singlementotally free.LUFF makes it easy!♥ Each application includes an analysis analyzed, reviews fromotherusers, the "LUFF-Score" and an explanatory video.♥ Looking for apps to flirt online for free?You've come toindicatedthe best place to download!♥ In LUFF find apps that let you do chat with girls and boys,flirtfast, find love and meet new people near you.Find yourperfectmatch!♥ guides tips and tricks to flirt prepared by experts:passion,romance, flirting ...♥ Share any apps with your friends on Facebook, Twitter,Google+,Tinder, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Badoo and many other networksandplatforms.Sharing is live!♥ clean design and very usable interface.We like to developappsthat can use either!♥ 100% free with no in-app purchases of any kind.What offer apps for linking analyzed and recommended LUFF:★ Chat to talk★ Live Videochat★ voice and text messages★ Photos taken with the camera or gallery★ Some have to know who is visiting your profile★ Many surprises ...What are you waiting to download the best appsrecommenderflirting?Do it quickly! No matter if you are dating orjustfriends.Do you like our recommendations? All Right! Otherwise, we donotvalue 1 star :( Let us know and we will try to improve.Download now LUFF, the recommender apps to flirt and find thebestfree chat in English, Spanish to flirt and dating!Meet single guys, chat with single women, girls and befriend adatehas never been easier ... Find love online now!"Free Dating sites & Apps" - LUFF is compatible withAndroidsmartphones since version 2.3.Important: LUFF is not an app for binding as such, is anapplicationthat lets you discover and download apps and siteswhose purpose isto connect like-minded people. With them you candating, meetpeople, find someone new, flirting, single, unmarriedand more...The best app to find love for adults andteenagers!
Free chat 0.0.2
Ant Web
App to chat. Free and without register.You can follow us in social networks:Google plus:
UNITED STATE CHAT: MEET is a Excellent waytomeet and stay connected with american people. we use a simplyandeasy format to start using this amazing chat roomplataform,creating and amazing app so you can be comfortable whenyou chatwith othersStay connect with people around united state, American chat,share,culture, themes, images and tastes, always taking intoaccount notintroduce any discussion topics with issues such asracism, drugs,profanity, insults, vulgar sexual act.Make you perfil put your amazing picture o more simple connectedviafacebook account so is more quickly and easy way to startmeetingnew friends.Simply, Elegant, attractive is United State Chat, it is dividedintodifferent room with the seals of each state so you can enterandstart to meet people in the states of interest.FeaturesUnited States ChatMeet Me ChatAmerican ChatUSA Chatchateapues chatmessenger chatlatin chatAmerican GirlsAmerican chatchatting siteschat onlinedating sitedating appNew york chat
Dating women in our CHAT 6.4
Are you looking for your ideal partner?Wanttomeet people near you? Guys and girls wanting to stayandparty?Would you rather be to go to the movies? Maybe you takeatrip? Orare you looking for your ideal partner?This chat is especially dedicated to children andunmarriedgirls,who have not yet found love. We truly believe thatthephysical isnot important to get to know someone, we losemanyrelationships bybeing guided by appearances, chat witheveryoneand then decide.Enjoy a fun time chatting with other users from allovertheworld. With our app you can search for people close to youtoknowyou better power, create your profile and talk a bitaboutyourselfso that others can meet you. If you like Lovoo, BadooorSkout, weare more traditional, better talk before a firstviewphotos.Our chat is simple, fast and easy to use, just in afewsecondsyou are chatting without long registros.-The whole team wishes you that you have fun.
Chat Colombia 4
Bienvenidos al Chat Colombia, Gracias a los Administradores laappdeColombia ahora es de los Colombianos asi que bienvenidosyadisfrutar este chat. Chat Colombia Chat AntioquiaChatAtlanticoChat Barrancabermeja Chat Barranquilla Chat BogotaChatBolivarChat Bucaramanga Chat Buenaventura Chat Cali ChatCartagenadeIndias Chat Cesar Chat Colombia Estereo ChatCucutaChatCundinamarca Chat Floridablanca Chat Giron Chat HuilaChatIbagueChat Latinchat Barranquilla Chat Medellin Chat MetaChatMonteriaChat Neiva Chat Pasto Chat Pastorumba Chat PereiraChatRisaraldaChat San Juan de Pasto Chat Santa Marta ChatSantanderColombianoChat Soacha Chat Soledad Chat Terra ColombiaChat TerraColombianaChat Tolima Chat Tropicana Chat Tunja ChatValle delCauca ChatValledupar
Chatiapues Messenger 6.7
Chatiapues Messenger, App Oficial de laredsocia http://www.chatiapues.coes una aplicación con la que podrás iniciar conversacionesdetodo tipo de temáticas y hacer amigos de todo el mundo quehablenespañol. Disfruta de una gran comunidad de usuarios dehablahispana.Las salas en las que se divide este Chat son: sala general,amor,preadolescente, lgtb ellos, lgtb ellas, romance, zonacaliente,jóvenes 18 a 29, mayores de 30, amigos o pareja. Entra encualquierade estas salas en función de tus intereses y de lo quebusques y hazamigos en todas ellas. Sea cual sea a la que accedaspodrás adjuntartexto, imágenes o emoticonos y pinchar sobrecualquiera de losperfiles que veas para poder enviarle un privadoa esa persona.En Chatiapues podrás bloquear a los usuarios, marcarloscomofavoritos o encontrarte con ellos en más de una sala. Conoceacientos de personas de habla hispana con este divertido Chat ypasaun buen rato con ellos y ellasChatiapues el mejor chat paisa, sistema de Chat en españoldondepuedes hacer nuevos amigosChatiapues Messenger,AppOfficer of the partner network http://www.chatiapues.coIt is an application that lets you start conversations ofallkinds of themes and make friends around the world whospeakSpanish. Enjoy a large community of Spanish-speakingusers.The rooms in this Chat is divided are: general ward,love,preteen, lgtb them, lgtb them, romance, hot zone, young people18to 29, over 30, friends or partner. Enter any of theseroomsdepending on your interests and what you seek and make friendsatall. Whatever you access to can attach text, images oremoticonsand click on any of the profiles you see to send a privateto thatperson.In Chatiapues You can block users, mark them as favorites ormeetthem in more than one room. Meet hundreds of Spanish-speakingpeopleChat with this fun and have a good time with them andtheyChatiapues the best paisa chat, Spanish chat system where youcanmake new friends
Chat USA 1.3
Chatea gratis con gente de USA, conoce anuevaspersonas y haz amigos en Estados Unidos, miles de latinos ylatinasbuscan charlar y ligar en USA. Te ofrecemos un chattotalmentegratuito, con mas de 250 emoticons, perfiles con fotos,salas parachatear, foros de charla y mucho mas, conectate anuestra comunidady comienza a ser parte de el chat para gentelatina que viven en losEstados Unidos Nro 1 en Android.Free Chat with peoplefromUSA, meets new people and make friends in the UnitedStates,thousands of Latinos and Latinas seeking chat and flirt inUSA. Weoffer a completely free chat, with more than 250emoticons,profiles with photos, chat rooms, discussion forums andmuch more,login to our community and is becoming part of the chatto peopleliving in Latin America No. 1 Android.
LGBT+ Amino Community and Chat 3.4.33458
Amino Apps
LGBT+ Amino is the fastest growing community and chat platformforyoung LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer,Pansexual,and Gender Noncomforming) people and their allies. Meetnew friends(or possibly dates!), express yourself, and share youropinion in asafe space and welcoming environment. LGBT+ Amino is aforum,community, and chat platform all rolled into one. - MEET andCHATwith other LGBT people - DISCUSS LGBT issues and yourexperiencesbeing LGBT - SHARE your resources, opinions, and uniquepoint ofview - GET advice on and support with dealing with friends,family,school, even dating from an understanding community - LEARNfromand CONTRIBUTE to our LGBT+ catalog - an useful resource forallyour LGBT+ needs
Orange Chat and Dating 2.3
Download ORANGE CHAT,the best chat and flirt app !Orange Chat is 100% free.Orange Chat : the chat and dating app you need !It allows you to find new people, make new friends or simplyfindlove !Thousands of women and men chat and share good times right now!Join them now !Thanks to Orange Chat app, you will :• Meet new people• Find out singles nearby• Chat live• Send and receive unlimited private messages for free• Use the search feature to meet people who match you• Discover connected users profiles and pictures• Locate singles nearby on a map• Chat, flirt and find love !Orange Chat is simple, fast and totally free !Download Orange chat on your mobile phone or tablet.Privacy is important. That is why your exact location andyourpersonal information will never be shared or visible tootherusers.Any questions about Orange Chat ?Any great idea to improve the app?Do you need help ?Our customer care service will do its best to meet allyourexpectations.Contact us :[email protected]