Top 19 Apps Similar to My home Refrigerator

My Refrigerator 1.0.2
THE BEST SELECTION!!Smart Refrigerator management application, "My Refrigerator".Nutty butter, delicious ham, nutritious cheese, andfreshfruit!Do you remember all of your groceries in your fridge?If not, it's time to use the application, "My Refrigerator".Get free from memorizing what you have, and have a cup ofcoffeeor tea.Forget about expiration date of groceries, this application willbenotice you![ How to use "My Refrigerator" ]Launch the app when you go to market,1. Press add(+) button2. Choose grocery name and category on the list3. Pick the expiration dateThat's it![ Smart features of "My Refrigerator" ]1. "Notice you" - You will get a notification beforeexpirationdate of your groceries.2. "Filtering" - You can sort all groceries bycompartment,category, or expiration date.3. "Shopping List" - Before you go to market, you can makeashopping list and check all items.4. "Multilingual support" - Currently, the app is supportingfourlanguages: English, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese."My Refrigerator" needs your comments and contributions.If you have any good idea for improving, please emailus.([email protected])
우리집 냉장고 1.2
냉장고 속의 음식을 관리해 드립니다. 집에 있는 음식을 냉장실, 냉동실, 실온으로 구분해서 저장 해 주세요.남은유통기한에 따라서 빨강, 초록, 파랑색으로 표시해 드립니다. 유통기한이 임박하면 알림으로 알려드립니다. 재료나음식으로레시피를 검색 할 수 있습니다.
BestBefore Manager 1.9.13
Expiration date manager + Shopping list
오마이셰프 - 냉장고속 요리 레시피 5.5
Alice Studio
건강한 가족밥상을 준비하는 대한민국 홈셰프들의 레시피 공유 서비스입니다.레시피 추천부터 재료 장보기까지.. 밥상고민 이제 즐겁게 준비하세요뭐해먹지? 고민될땐...오마이셰프로 함께 하세요~----개발자 연락처 :070 4366 2770Healthy Families isaservice of the Republic of Korea shared the recipe home cheftoprepare your dining table.Featured Recipe from materials to the shopping ... Folks worrynowget ready to entertainWhat are you doing to eat? When to be worried ...Get together with chef - Oh My
손안의 냉장고 1.0
Lee K.H
냉장고에 있는 음식(재료)를 앱에 저장하여 언제 어디서나 확인할수있습니다.- 냉장고 열기: 음식등록/수정/삭제, 알람등록, 유통기한 확인- 싱글레시피 : 유통기한에 따른 싱글레시피 정보확인가능- 재활용정보 : 재활용정보를 확인 할 수 있습니다.
나만의 맞춤형 냉장고-BINGO(氷Go) 1.0
B I N G O우리가 바라는 냉장고의 모습은 썩은 음식 하나 없이 깨끗한 냉장고!하지만 현실속에서의 내 냉장고의 모습은 생물체 하나는 살고 있을 법한 비참한 냉장고!*우리집 냉장고에서 죽어가는 음식들을 지켜줄 수 있는 방법이 없을까요? 빙고? 빙고!잘못 관리하면, 세균이 득실대는 공포의 냉장고! 올바른 청소법 뿐 만 아니라 보관수칙을 따르는 것만이 내 가족의건강을지키는 지름길입니다.*냉장고가 똑똑해야 우리가 산다. 빙고? 빙고!집집마다 다 다른 냉장고, 반면 스마트폰속 냉장고는 하나.*우리집 냉장고에 맞춰 일체형, 양문형 선택하고, 마치 냉장고가 어플리케이션 속에 들어있는 것 처럼 냉장고문은5칸, 냉장고 안은 3칸... 내맘대로 커스터마이징!3주 전쯤.. 떡볶이를 해먹고 냉동실에 꽁꽁 숨겨둔 떡. 어디에 있을까?오랜만에 집에서 요리란걸 해보는데 도대체 대파는 엄마가 어디에 넣어놓은 거야?*나에게 필요한 음식들을 어디있는지도 손쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다! 어떻게? 빙고!내 입맛대로 냉장고를 만들고, 유통기한을 알려주고 다 좋은데.. 언제 일일히 넣어? 너무 귀찮아! 그럴땐 빙고!*간편한 음성 인식으로 손쉽게 음식들을 넣을 수 있어요.*구매물품, 임박물품 알림, 냉장고속 남은 음식들을 활용한 레시피등은 잠시뒤에 뵙겠습니다.B I N G OLook we want is rotten food in the refrigerator, cleantherefrigerator without one!But look at the reality of my refrigerator is a refrigeratorthatmight be living a miserable creature one!* Is there a way to keep the food going to die at myfridge?Bingo? Bingo!Improper management, refrigerator versus germ-infested horror!Thissimply follow the storage instructions as well as a short cuttoensure the correct bluing health of my family.* Refrigerator is be smart we live. Bingo? Bingo!The other door-to-door refrigerator, while the refrigerator isasmart ponsok.* According to our home refrigerator integrated,side-by-sidechoices, like the refrigerator door like a fridge intheapplication that contains five spaces, 3 spaces insidetherefrigerator ... naemamdaero customize!3 weeks ago ... Just let haemeokgo a rice cake rice cake inthefreezer stash. Where Will?Try're a cook at home after a long time I would've put onionsonearth where the mother?* Know where the food for me, you can find what you need!What?Bingo!Create a refrigerator as my taste, informing the expirationdatewhen the work is good, I put a transcript? So annoying! Everynowand then bingo!* You can put the food in a simple and easyspeechrecognition.* Purchases, pending notification goods, using the leftoversinthe refrigerator recipes, etc. I'll see you after a while.
Refrigerator Alarm 1.03
Manage your food items efficiently with 'Refrigerator Alarm'!
MyKURA - Manage Fridge, Foods, 1.5.2
Indoor Corgi
Manage your refrigerator and food expiration date by CamerabyMyKURA!
Mi Home 8.6.710
Mi Home is the official Android app for Xiaomi Home.
Best 3D Home Plan 3.0
Your 3D home plan idea is truly a reflectionofwho you are. It is a place where you can relax, enjoy, eat,sleep,but most of all a place where you can be in your elements.Iremember the last time I decided to refurbish my home, Ithoughtthe first thing that I needed was a professional designerand so Ihired one. I got too caught up with the ideas that thedesignershad been showcasing and advocating. However, the day I sawtheentire plan on the blueprint, I realized that although thedesignlooked great, it did not appeal to me as my own home. Thatwas themoment I decided to do away with the designers, and takecharge ofthe designing process myself. Designing your own house canbe quitea task, but totally worth it since it enables you to givethe placea personal touch. Designing a house can include both theprimaryarchitectural elements as well as the interior designingelementsthat follow. In this article we will cover both the aspectthatwill assist you while designing your own 3D home plan idea.Architectural DesignArchitectural elements are vital if you are planning to buildahouse from scratch. The first thing that you need to doisundertake a detailed study of the space available toyou,requirement of rooms, the possibility of multiple stories,theroofing, as well as the locations of window and doors. In caseyoufind this intimidating, and are still willing to work withoutaprofessional architect, there are a number of softwareapplicationsthat can help you with this task. A simulation of yourplot areaand the possible positions and areas of multiple rooms canbe triedout using these designing software. You can easily drag thewallson the virtual interface until you finalize the layout andcome upwith your own final blueprint of the house plan.Once the house plan is ready, you can hire services of agoodresidential building company to materialize your blueprint intoanactual finished structure. While handing over the reins tothem,make sure you explain them the plan carefully and askforsuggestions. Once the plan is finalized and the builders areatwork, have a word with them on a daily basis so that thefinalproduct comes out just the way you wanted. However it isadvisablenot to interrupt their work very frequently and trust themwiththeir job.The FurnitureThere is a lot of variety in furniture available today-steel,wrought iron, contemporary, antique, and much more. Toavoidconfusion, finalize the theme or the look that you want foryourhouse and buy the furniture accordingly. In case you arewilling toshell out a few extra bucks you can get your furniturecustom-madeas well. Do think of the durability of the furniturealong with itsaesthetic appeal- you need both. Do not clutter yourspace with alot of furniture, instead define your storage andseatingrequirements and get the furniture that fits the bill justright.It is a common tendency that people pick out the most fancysofa orthe most extravagant center table for the living room. Whileyou dothat, think about the comfort factor as well as themaintenance.For example a white leather sofa might look veryappealing at thestore, but maintaining and cleaning it at home tokeep it sparklingmight be a big headache. Think chic but thinkconvenient as well!The bedroom, kids' room or the study furnitureshould be finalizedwith the same perspective, but shouldincorporate individualtastes.
Food Stocker 1.3
Manage easily ingredients
Planner 5D: Design Your Home 2.6.5
Planner 5D
6,723 décor items to design your house or room interior. 3DFloorplan creator.
冷蔵庫チェッカーDX 1.4.0
冷蔵庫チェッカーDXは、冷蔵庫の中の食品をカンタンに管理し、いつでもどこでも確認できる暮らしに役立つ便利なアプリです!このアプリを活用することで、買い物中の「あれあったっけ?」の悩みを解消し、食材の買い忘れ、買い過ぎ、消費期限切れによるムダを防止できます。さらに、買い物メモの作成もでき、ウィジェットとして貼付けることも可能です。また、長期保存が可能な食品、防災用の非常食などは、収納庫を活用して、ストックの管理・確認や、うっかり忘れてしまいそうな賞味期限のお知らせ設定ができます。特徴:●分かりやすいデザインで冷蔵庫の中の食材をカンタン管理●冷蔵庫の中をいつでもどこでも確認可能●食材ごとに設定した経過日数や期限が来るとお知らせ●買い物メモも作成でき、メモはウィジェットとして貼付け可能外出先で確認できるので、忙しい主婦や一人暮らしの方に便利●防災用の非常食をはじめ長期保存できる食品も収納庫で管理冷蔵庫チェッカー(無料版)との主な違い:●「収納庫」機能により防災用の非常食などの食品を管理できます●食材リストの項目を自由に追加できます●食材の個数を管理できます※一部の端末ではレイアウトがくずれることがありますRefrigerator checkerDXis,manages to simplify the food in the fridge, is a usefulappthat willhelp to living that can be checked at any time,anywhere!This be to take advantage of the application, and toeliminatetheproblem of "Did there any?" In the shopping, forgetbuyingfood, andtoo buy, you can prevent waste byconsumptionexpired.In addition, the creation of shopping memo can also, itisalsopossible to kick attached as a widget.In addition, long-term storage of possible food, suchasemergencyfood for disaster prevention, with the help ofstorage,stockmanagement and confirmation and of, you can informsetofinadvertently forget would likely expiration date.Features:● easy to understand design and easy management of foodintherefrigerator● the inside of the refrigerator anytime, anywherecanbeconfirmed● number of days elapsed and the deadline that was set foreachfoodcomes and Announcements● shopping memo can also be created, memo possible Pasteasawidget  It is possible to check on the go, andconvenientforthose busy housewives and living alone● food that you can start long-term storage of emergencyfoodfordisaster prevention also managed by storageThe main difference between the refrigeratorChecker(Free):You can manage the food, such as emergency foodfordisasterprevention by ● "storage" feature● I can freely add items of food list● I can manage the number of ingredients※ In the part of the terminal may layout is lost
食材管理 3.4.6
고급진 레시피 - 먹어봤슈 1.2.4
[설명]집밥 백선생 시즌2, 집밥 백선생, 마리텔(마이리틀텔레비젼)에서 나온 백주부 선생님의 레시피를 한번에 보실수있습니다.간단한 설명과 블로그, 영상 모든걸 한번에!!!백종원님의 레시피, 요리 모습을 한번에 보실 수 있어요~[추가된 기능]■ 재료 도감- 매 주 나오는 재료에 대해 좀 더 알아보고 시장에서 구입 시 더 좋은 재료를 고를 수 있게 도와 드립니다.- 재료를 좀 더 오래 보관하는 방법을 알려드립니다.- 관련된 레시피를 찾아 드립니다.[기능]■ 똑똑한 냉장고- 집에 있는 재료를 클릭 해 보세요, 백선생님의 레시피를 찾아 드립니다.■ 베스트 레시피- 유저들이 선택한 최고의 백주부님의 레시피를 보실 수 있습니다.■ 레시피 영상을 보실 수 있습니다.■ 잘 정리된 백선생 님 레시피 블로그를 바로 찾아 드립니다.■ 알림 기능을 통하여 업데이트 정보를 확인 하실 수 있습니다.※ 맛있는 집밥 레시피를 가르쳐 주신 백종원 선생님께 감사드립니다.※ 백선생님 레시피 블로깅을 원하시는 분은 연락주시면 링크 걸어 드립니다. (집밥 백선생, 마리텔 등)연락처 : [email protected][Explanation]Jipbap baekseonsaeng Season 2, jipbap baekseonsaeng, Marie Tel(MyLittle TV) you can see the recipe hundred housewives fromtheteacher's time.Brief description of blogs, video everything at once!Baek Jong-Won's recipe, you can see the cooking time look ~[Added Features]■ Material Book - Please help me learn more about the material comingoutevery week to choose a better time of purchase materials inthemarket. - Learn how to keep the material a little longer. - I find the relevant recipe.[function]■ Smart Refrigerator - Please click the material in the house, we found a recipeofone hundred teachers.■ Best Recipe - You can see the recipe for users to select the bestjubunimback.■ You can view the video recipes.■ The baekseonsaeng well organized to help you find therightblog's recipes.■ Through the notification feature, you can check forupdatedinformation.※ thank Mr. Baek Jong-Won taught jipbap delicious recipes.※ If you wish to one hundred minutes Recipe blogging teacherwillwalk contact us link. (Jipbap baekseonsaeng, Marie Tel,etc.)Contact: [email protected]
食材管理人+-冷蔵庫などにある食材の賞味期限を管理- 1.7.3
手軽に便利にご自宅にある食材を管理できるアプリです。簡単な操作で食材の登録・確認・編集・削除などを行う事ができ、更にレシピ検索や買い物メモ作成といった便利な機能も備えています。家(冷蔵庫・冷凍庫・野菜室等)にある食材の在庫管理から賞味期限管理、在庫にある食材からレシピの検索なども行えます。また、野菜やお肉といったものだけでなく、お菓子やジュースなど自分が管理したいものであれば何でも管理することができます。このアプリを使えばお買い物の際に、家にある食材の在庫を確認しながらお料理のレシピ・献立を考えることも可能になり、不要な食材の購入や無駄に食材が余って処分してしまうようこともなくなります。食材のことで頭を悩ませていたあなたにこそ利用してほしい!そんなアプリです♪≪主な機能≫■在庫管理・標準で約1000種類の食材がマスタとして登録されているので、在庫登録する際には用意された食材の中から在庫として登録したい食材を選択するだけで簡単に登録・食材をカテゴリごとに管理可能。また、在庫数はもちろんのこと、購入日や賞味期限、保管場所、単位なども合わせて管理・在庫一覧の閲覧スタイルの変更が可能(カレンダー表示 or タブ表示の選択が可能)・在庫(食材)の検索機能も備えているので、目的の食材も簡単に見つけ出すこと可能※検索は食材の名称、カテゴリ、購入日、賞味期限、保管場所を組み合わせて検索することが可能!・賞味期限切れ、賞味期限切れ間近の食材を色分け表示■レシピ検索・在庫にある食材を選択して、COOKPAD(クックパッド)のレシピを検索することが可能。レシピ検索は出先でも可能なので家にある在庫からレシピを検索し、不足分のみお買い物をするといったことも可能です。■買い物メモ・買い物リストを作成可能。作成したリストは自分の確認用に利用することはもちろんのこと、メールで簡単に送信することが可能なのでお仕事帰りの旦那様などに気軽に依頼が可能♪・作成した買い物リストは端末のホーム画面にウィジェットとして配置することが可能。アプリを起動しなくても、すぐに買い物リストを確認することが可能。■賞味期限通知・賞味期限切れや賞味期限切れ間近の食材が出てきた場合には端末のステータスバーに通知を出すことが可能。また、通知する時間も自由に設定可能。■各種データ(マスタ)編集・標準で用意されている食材データ、カテゴリデータ、単位データ、保管場所データを自由に編集可能(新規に追加、名称の変更、不要な食材データの削除など全て可能)■データバックアップ、復旧・データのバックアップ・復旧機能があるので機種変更などで端末が変更になっても、SDカードを介してデータを引き継ぐ事が可能※ただし、端末によってはSDカードへの出力が行えないので内部ストレージ内にデータが出力されます。■ユーザ補助・食材の名称などテキスト入力が必要な箇所での音声入力が可能です。・在庫一覧等では名称、購入日、賞味期限、在庫数、単位の好きな項目で並べ替えが可能・在庫一覧等での不要な食材の複数・一括削除機能あり。・マスタデータとして標準で以下のデータが登録済み【食材データ】約1000種類の食材を標準で用意【カテゴリ】「魚介類」、「肉類」、「野菜類」、「果実類」、「嗜好飲料」、「調味料・香辛料」など全20種類を標準で用意【保管場所】「冷蔵庫」、「冷凍庫」、「野菜室」、「チルド室」、「その他」の全5種類を標準で用意【単位】「g」、「kg」、「本」、「個」、「枚」、「リットル」など全26種類を標準で用意☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆このアプリの開発者は、安心・安全なアプリの開発者であるとしてアンドロイダーの公認デベロッパーに認証されています。≪食材管理人+ アンドロイダー詳細ページ≫☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
冷蔵庫管理 1.0
冷蔵庫の中の食材を管理するアプリです。◆機能概要◆・食材ごとの「数」と「賞味期限」を管理・食材は、冷凍・冷蔵・野菜の3種類に分類・賞味期限が過ぎた食材と過ぎそうな食材を表示・数が3個よりも少なくなった食材は色を変えて表示・バーコード/QRコードを読み取って食材の情報として登録バーコード/QRコードの読み取りには下記アプリを利用させてもらっています。アプリがインストールされていない場合はバーコードの読み取りは使用できません。 ※ZXing Team様開発 QRコードスキャナー
심플레시피 - 문성실의 간편 집밥 요리 0.0.3
10 minutes Cooking pick whip! Anyone can easily createsimplerecipes munseongsil
冷蔵庫チェッカー 2.5
冷蔵庫に入れた食品を管理してくれる生活支援アプリ。気になる食品のジャンルをタッチすると、冷蔵庫に入っている食品一覧が表示されます。食品名のほかに、買った日、経過日数、そして状態を表すアイコンが表示されます。経過日数だけでは分かりづらい食品の状態も、アイコンでひと目で確認することができます。外出先でも確認できるので、忙しい主婦や一人暮らしの方に便利なアプリです。さらに充実した「冷蔵庫チェッカーDX」(有料)では、次の機能をご利用いただけます●「収納庫」機能により防災用の非常食などを管理できます。●食材リストの項目を自由に追加できます。●食材の個数を管理できます。Lifesupportapplicationsthat will manage the food was placed intherefrigerator.If you touch the genre of food to be worried about, you willseethefood list are in the refrigerator.In addition to the name of the food, the date on which itwasbought,an icon representing the number of days elapsed andthestate, willbe displayed. State of confusing the only agefoodalso, you can seeat a glance in the icon.Since the go can also be confirmed by, and is a useful appforthosebusy housewives and living alone.In addition, fulfilling "refrigerator Checker DX"(surcharge),thefollowing functions● I can manage, such as emergency food for disaster preventionbythe"storage" function.● I can freely add items of food list.● I can manage the number of ingredients.