Top 22 Apps Similar to Patentes3G

Busca Multas Chile 2.0
Busca Multas Chile fue creado para verificar si tu auto omototienemultas para el proceso de permiso de circulación del añoLosDatosentregados son obtenidos desde el Servicio RegistroCivileIdentificación (esta no es la aplicación oficial deSRCeI,soloocupa la funcionalidad) Se pueden ver los detalles delasmultasLicencias: Car vector and Road to the City
Consulta de Autos Robados 1.1.10
D-Code SpA
Consulta de autos robados para ChileyVenezuela. Por medio del portal de carabineros (Chile) yelMinisterio Público (Venezuela) los datos son validados yelresultado es mostrado al usuario. Se guarda un pequeño historialdelas consultas para el control del usuario. No permitas que entucondominio o calle circulen autos robados! consultalosyreportalos!Te gustaría agregar algo a la aplicación? Haz tus sugerenciasylas incorporaremos!Cada mes se agregaran mas características a la aplicacióndeConsulta de Autos Robados.Consultation for ChileandVenezuela stolen cars. Through the portal Carabineros (Chile)andthe Public Ministry (Venezuela) data is validated and theresult isdisplayed to the user. a small history of consultationsis saved forthe user control. Do not let your condo or movingstolen carsstreet! Check them and reportalos!Would you like to add something to the application? Makeyoursuggestions and incorporate them!Each month will add more features to the application ofStolenCar Check.
Multas de Tránsito Rosario 1.9.1
"Traffic Fines Rosario" lets see all Minutes automotiveinfringement
Quiz Patente B damasco
Get ready for the new quiz of the B license and a driving license
Test riflessi patente nautica 1.0
Questa App simulando i test direattivitànecessari per superare la visita medica per le patenti Ce D enautiche si divide in 4 test da 10 ripetizioni ciascuna:- Primo test solo visivo ti chiede di pressare il pulsanterossoall'accensione di uno dei tre led.- Secondo test solo sonoro ti chiede di pressare il pulsanteudendoil beep.- Terzo test più complesso ti chiede di pressare udendo ilbeepmentre i led si accendono in modo casuale- Quarto test ti chiede di pressare solo vedendo accendere unodeitre led mentre si udiranno beep in modo casuale.Per far partire ogni prova bisognerà pressare il pulsante starteper ogni prova sono ammessi al massimo 4 click errati(eseguitiprima che si verifichi l'evento).Se la media dei 4 test sarà al di sotto di 400 ms. la provasaràconsiderata superata.Nella parte inferiore verrà visualizzato l' elenco dei singolitempiriferiti ai 4 test.This App simulatingtestsresponsiveness needed to pass the physical examination fordrivinglicenses C and D and nautical is divided in 4 tests of10repetitions each:- First test only visual asks you to press the red buttonwhenyou turn on one of the three LEDs.- Second Test sound only asks you to press the button on hearingthebeep.- Third test more complex asks you to press on hearing the beepandthe LEDs come on randomly- Fourth test asks you to press just seeing light one of thethreeLEDs while you will hear beep randomly.To start each test must press the start button and for eachtestare allowed a maximum of 4 clicks incorrect (executed beforetheevent occurs).If the average of 4 tests will be below 400 ms. The test willbeconsidered passed.At the bottom you will see the 'list of individual times refer to4tests.
Multas de Tránsito del Perú 1.0.1
Multas del Perú es un buscador y organizador de multasysancionesaplicadas de acuerdo a las leyes y normativasdelMinisterio deTransportes y comunicaciones y el SATtotalmentegratuito. Permitebuscar multas por código y por palabrasclave, asícomo buscar entodo tipo de vehículos, ya seanparticulares, taxis,urbanos, decarga, etc. La base de datos de laescala de multa estáactualizadaa agosto del 2014 y es la misma quese encuentra en elportal delSAT: Encuentre rápidamente por qué lehan puesto unamulta, busqueuna palabra clave para ver si estáinfringiendo unaley y consultatodo tipo de sanciones aplicadas atodos losvehículos en el Perú.Es la forma más fácil, rápida einteractiva deinformarse sobre lasmultas y sanciones para losconductores decualquier categoría ylos peatones. Aprenda las normasde tránsitocon "Multas del Perú"
Carretera 1.2.6
SGT Ltda
Podrás planificar tu recorrido, determinandounorigen y destino dentro de Chile, calculando el costo totalestimadodel viaje, incluye costos de bencina y peajes.You can plan yourroute,determining an origin and destination within Chile,calculating thetotal estimated travel cost includes costs of petrolandtolls.
Mi Permiso de Circulación 1.0
Aplicación móvil que te permite llevartupermiso de circulación en formato digital!Este beneficio es para todos quienes pagan su permiso decirculaciónen línea y que con su pago colaboran a que laMunicipalidad dePeñalolén pueda seguir creciendo PARA TODOS.La aplicación permite guardar de forma digital lossiguientesdocumentos:- Permiso de circulación- Comprobante de pago, incorporando las multas- Seguro obligatorio vigenteRecuerda que con tu pago aportas a este y muchos otros proyectosymejoras para la comuna.Observación:Beneficio exclusivo para quienes pagan su permiso de circulaciónenlínea a través de la plataforma de la MunicipalidaddePeñalolénMobile applicationthatlets you take your registration certificate indigitalformat! This benefit is for all who pay their registrationcertificateonline and collaborate with your payment to theMunicipality ofPeñalolén can continue to grow FOR ALL.The application allows digitally store thefollowingdocuments:- Logbook- Proof of payment, incorporating fines- Compulsory insurance in force Remember that your payment you contribute to this and manyotherprojects and improvements to the commune. Observation:Exclusive benefit for those who pay their registrationcertificateonline through the platform of the Municipality ofPeñalolén
AutoMantención Clac
Registra tu vehículo y laaplicacióntemantendrá informado de las mantenciones quedebesrealizarle.Adicionalmente podrás buscar proveedores que estánencerca tuyo ymantener una bitácora de todas las mantencionesyreparaciones quele has hecho.A través de notificaciones a tu celular, te mantendremosinformadodeeventos relevantes para ti, como restricción vehicular,cuándotecorresponde realizar la revisión técnica, ycualquierotrainformación que nos parezca que te agrega valor.Register yourvehicleandthe application will keep you informed aboutmaintenancesyoushould realize Him. Additionally you'll findproviders thatareclose to you and keep a log of all repairs andmaintenanceshavedone.Through notifications to your phone, keep you informedofeventsrelevant to you as vehicular restriction, when youshouldperformthe technical review, and any other information wedeem youaddvalue.
Paraderos para android te permite saberdóndeestán los paraderos del Transantiago y también para saber encuántotiempo pasará la micro (Santiago de Chile)Además puedes buscar paraderos cercanos según dónde teencuentres,detectada por GPS y también es posible buscar pordirección y lospuntos de carga de tu tarjeta BIP!Cualquier comentario o sugerencia, hazlo llegar a nuestrotwitter@paraderosLa información contenida en este programa debe ser consideradasólocomo referencia, y jamás tomarse como información definitiva.Nonos hacemos responsables por que la micro pasó medio minutoantesni sus consecuencias ;)Stops for androidallowsyou to know where the whereabouts of Transantiago and also toknowhow long will the micro (Santiago de Chile)Alternatively, find stops near by where you are, detected by GPSandit is also possible to search by address and load points onyourcard BIP!Any comments or suggestions, do reach our twitter@whereaboutsThe information contained in this program should be consideredonlyas reference and never be taken as definitive information. Wearenot responsible for the micro spent half a minute beforeorconsequences ;)
TransantiagoMaster 3.2.15
Santiago de Chile in your cellphone!
Tripda - Carpooling Platform 1.12.0
**Carpooling made easy fun and safe!**Start saving on your city-to-city travel. Tripda connectspeoplelooking for a ride with drivers who have empty seats so theycanshare their travel costs.Already spreading through South America and Asia, Tripda isafun, economic, social and super convenient way to travel.Excellentoption comparing with other conventional transportationmeans (bus,taxi, etc).Tripda makes ride-sharing safe and convenient by ensuringyouknow your fellow travelers before you make the trip!With Tripda, booking and offer a carpooling is much safer,sinceyou know who are travelling with you due to securityfilters:- Check out the User profile and reviews of those who maybetraveling with you.- Facebook verification: profile photo, profile information,theirfriends on FB, etc.- Tripda’s e-mail and mobile verification - See which usershaveconfirmed email addresses or phone numbers to gain anadditionallevel of security.- Chat in real time to connect and make new friends.- Ladies only: travel only with other ladies - given you aneventgreater sense of safety.- User ratings: Check out the ratings and reviews other driversandpassengers have given your potential travel partner.Read the Reviews:“The Tripda ride-sharing platform is a great option for thosewhowant to travel a long distance” - Free Ratchet“A month following its initial launch, Tripda facilitatedover2500 rides and over a thousand different routes [...] this isonecompany not aiming low…” - Small Business & LargeBusiness“Tripda is a new way of getting a ride in a quick, easyandconvenient way. The startup offers an awesome option for thosewhowant to travel together and split costs” - Supreme Web Site“Great trip, great conversation, great music and clear blueskyon the road to Paraty for FLIP 2014. Everything was perfect,fromone ride to the next!” - Adriana F. (traveled from Sao PaulotoParaty on a Tripda ride)“Tripda is great, I no longer have to travel home aloneonweekends, not to mention it’s much cheaper now!” - D. Helderoffersrides every month from Sao Paulo to his hometown RioNeed help? Contact us:Brazil: +55 (11) 4302-5671Argentina: +41 (11) 4771-72359Chile: +56 (2) 2373-5483Colombia: +57 (317) 400-6194Mexico [email protected] +54 11 4771 7239Phillipines +63 2 894 3728Malaysia +60 3 9224 2136Pakistan +92 331-1311669Conheça nosso site -
my car maintenance service pro 5.0.9
Auto service,oil change fuel and gas mileage alternator timingbeltfind parking
Tag'z 3.0
Con Tag’z podrás saber exactamentecuántogastas al momento de pasar por los pórticos de peajes enlasprincipales autopistas de Santiago.Además podrás llevar un historial de todos tus cobros ypodrásrevisarlos cuando tú quieras para así planificar tus cobros afinde mes.Autopistas soportadas:- Costanera Norte- Vespucio Norte- Vespucio Sur- Autopista Central- Túnel San Cristobal- Acceso Vial AMB*Notas Importantes:- Esta aplicación utiliza servicio de GPS activo cuandoestáminimizada o corriendo en "background", lo que puededisminuirrápidamente la carga de batería. Asegúrate de desactivarelseguimiento si no estás usando la aplicación para evitaresto.- Esta aplicación no reemplaza el dispositivo TAG que seentregaen las concesionarias. La aplicación es sólo paratransparentar loscobros realizados por las autopistas en losdistintos horarios ypórticos.- El cobro de cada peaje se realiza de acuerdo a la proximidaddecirculación del vehículo respecto de los pórticos, por lo queladistancia de cobro puede variar.With Tag'z you'llknowexactly how much you spend the time to go through the portalsoftolls on major highways in Santiago.Also you can keep track of all your bills and you can reviewthemwhenever you want to help plan your receipts to make endsmeet.Supported Highways:- Costanera Norte- Vespucci Norte- South Vespucci- Central Expressway- San Cristobal Tunnel- Access Vial AMB* Important Notes:- This application uses GPS active service when minimizedorrunning in "background", which can quickly reduce batterycharge.Be sure to turn off tracing if you are not using theapplication toavoid this.- This app does not replace the TAG device that is deliveredtodealerships. The application is only for transparent chargesmadeby the highways at different times and porches.- The charge for each toll is performed according totheproximity of the vehicle with respect to the arcades, sothecollection distance may vary.
A maior e melhor base de radares doBrasilagora disponível no seu Android.O aplicativo do MapaRadar utiliza o GPS do seu aparelhoparacalcular sua velocidade e alertar os radares na sua frente,mesmocom a tela do aparelho desligada ou com outro aplicativodenavegação sendo utilizado.Mantenha o aplicativo aberto para visualizar sua posiçãoatual(incluindo a velocidade) e os pontos ao seu redor.**Os alertas visuais, sonoros e de vibração ajudam o motoristaoevitar surpresas durante a viagem.Configure os tipos de alerta que deseja receber e se desejaseravisado apenas quando estiver acima da velocidade.Mantenha a tela do aparelho desligada e receba osalertaspraticamente sem utilizar a bateria.Funciona perfeitamente sem conexão 3G*Atualize a base de radares diretamente no aparelho,simples,fácil e rápido.Evite multas e dirija com segurança.O aplicativo MapaRadar é uma obra da MobileMasters.*Mapas não aparecerão na tela do aparelho, mas seufuncionamentode alerta continua normalmente** O aplicativo não tem o objetivo de traçar rotas,apenasvisualizar o mapa para auxílio ao usuárioThe biggest and bestbaseBrazil radars now available on your Android.The MapaRadar application uses your phone's GPS to calculateyourspeed and alert the radar in front, even with the screenturned offthe device or another navigation application you areusing.Keep the application open to view the current position(includingspeed) and points around you. **The visual alerts, sound and vibration help the driveravoidsurprises during the trip.Set the types of alerts you want to receive and whether topromptonly when you are above the speed.Keep the machine off screen and receive alertspracticallywithout using the battery.Works perfectly without 3G connection *Update the radar base directly on the device, simple, easyandfast.Avoid fines and drive safely.The MapaRadar application is a work of MobileMasters.* Maps will not appear on the handset screen, but hiswarningoperation continues normally** The application is not intended to plot routes, just look atthemap to aid the user
CamSam - Speed Camera Alerts 3.7.6
CamSam - The speed and red light camera warning system!
Multalitas 1.5
Con este programa podrá localizar todas las multas publicadas enlosboletines oficiales simplemente introduciendo su DNI y/oMatrícula ypulsando "Buscar."Withthisprogram you can locate all fines published in officialgazettestyping your ID and / or registration and clicking"Search."
Vá de Táxi - Passenger 11.4.4
The best taxi app in Brazil that offers you more comfortandsecurity
RJ Blitz! 1.5
TiRC Sistemas
Este aplicativo conta com uma calculadoradeÁlcool no organismo! Aproveite!Também possui informação sobre a Lei Seca, como os valores damulta,regras, etc.Conta também com o acesso a pagina do Twitter LeiSecaRJ, ondesãopostadas informações sobre o transito no Rio de Janeiro.Não tenho participação ou responsabilidade sobre as postagens.Aopção de acesso às informações postadas no Twitter é decarátersecundário para o aplicativo, que tem o foco em informarsobre aLei Seca.Aproveitem com moderação!Informação sobre a Lei Seca.This application hasacalculator alcohol in the body! Enjoy!It also has information about Prohibition, as the values ​​ofthefine, rules, etc..It also has access to the Twitter page LeiSecaRJ whereinformationis posted on the traffic in Rio de Janeiro.I have no involvement or responsibility for the posts. The optiontoaccess information posted on Twitter is a secondary basis fortheapplication, which has focused on informing aboutProhibition.Enjoy in moderation!Information about Prohibition.
Штрафы 1.2.8
Всегда актуальные штрафы ГИБДД внашемприложении. В любой момент Вы можете узнать всюактуальнуюинформацию о штрафах.- Приложение работает без интернета (в метро, за городом).- Голосовой поиск штрафов.- Подробное описание штрафов согласно КоАП.- Проверка штрафов для автолюбителей г.Москва и отображение ихнакарте.Рекомендуем Вам посетить наш портал www.carsguru.netAlways actualtrafficpolice fines in our application. At any time you can findallrelevant information about penalties.- The application works without the Internet (in the subway, inthecountry).- Voice search penalties.- Detailed description of fines under the AdministrativeCode.- Check the penalties for motorists Moscow and display them onthemap.We recommend you to visit our site
Prezzi Benzina - GPL e Metano
Con Prezzi Benzina trovi subitoildistributore di carburante più economico vicino a te!Seleziona il tuo carburante (Benzina, Diesel, Metano, GPL,Dieselspeciale o Benzina speciale) e in base alla tua posizioneoall'indirizzo cercato individua subito i distributori più viciniepiù economici nella tua area, sia che facciano partedellecompagnie più conosciute (come Eni/Agip, Aquila, AlRisparmio,Auchan, Benza, Beyfin, Carrefour, Conad, Costantin,Enercoop, Ego,Energas, Energyca, Esso, Europam, Fiamma 2000, H6,Ies, IP/Api, IPMatic, Loro, Noaloil, Petrol Gamma, Q8, Q8easy,Repsol, Retitalia,San Marco Petroli, Sia Fuel, Shell, SettePetroli, Tamoil,TotalErg, TE 24/24 e Vega) o siano dei distributoriindipendenti("Pompe Bianche" o "No Logo"). E una volta che haiscelto ildistributore ti ci puoi far portare dal tuo software dinavigazionepreferito!Guarda i prezzi di ogni singola stazione di servizio eaggiornarlitu stesso.Prezzi Benzina vuole rendere i prezzi dei carburantipiùtrasparenti. La qualità del servizio migliora con lacollaborazionedi ogni singolo utente, quindi più utenticollaborano, più i prezzisaranno precisi e i risparmi disponibili atutti.Prezzi Benzina è un progetto che nasce dallacollaborazionetra Federconsumatori, Adusbef, Adiconsum note:- i voti ai distributori non vengono aggiornati immediatamente,madopo qualche minuto- gli aggiornamenti dei prezzi inviati vengono processati ogni5minuti- le distanze chilometriche sono calcolate in linead'aria,rappresentano quindi una stima per difetto della distanzareale dapercorrere- per qualsiasi informazione o segnalazione di errorecontattateci,saremo più che lieti di [email protected] diventare beta tester? Clicca qui: Gasolinepricesimmediately find the cheapest gas station near you!Choose your fuel (petrol, diesel, CNG, LPG, special orspecialPetrol Diesel) and depending on your location or the addresssoughtimmediately identifies the closest and cheapest distributorsinyour area, whether they are part of the companies known (suchasEni / Agip, Aquila, Al Savings, Auchan, Benza, Beyfin,Carrefour,Conad, Costantin, Enercoop, Ego, Energas, Energyca, Esso,Europam,Fiamma 2000, H6, Ies, IP / Bees, IP Matic, they, Noaloil,PetrolRange, Q8, Q8easy, Repsol, Retitalia, San Marco Petroli, BothFuel,Shell, Seven Petroli, Tamoil, TotalErg, TE 24/24 and Vega) orareindependent distributors ( "pumps White" or " No Logo "). Andonceyou've chosen the distributor you can let us bring fromyourfavorite navigation software!Look at the prices of every single gas station and updatethemyourself.Gasoline prices want to make prices more transparent fuel.Thequality of service improves with the cooperation of eachindividualuser, so the more users collaborate, the more prices willbeprecise and the savings available to all.Gasoline prices is a project that is a collaborationbetweenConsumers Association, Adusbef, notes:- Vows to distributors are not updated immediately, but after afewminutes- The change posted prices are processed every 5 minutes- The distances are calculated as the crow flies, thustheyrepresent an underestimate of the actual travel distance- Contact us for any information or error reporting, we will bemorethan happy to answer [email protected] to become a beta tester? Click here: