Top 7 Apps Similar to DoliWaste - Control de gastos

DoliMobFree 1.0.3
DoliMob Financiera es la soluciónmóvilparaDolibarr ERP & CRM V3.6+ que le permiteconsultarinformaciónen cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar conunainterfáz cómoda,intuitiva y ligera. Cuenta concaracterísticascomo: RealizarConexiones a múltiples sistemasDolibarr, Consultasde Saldos yMovimientos de sus bancos y cajas,consultas dediversosindicadores tales como Pedidos de Cliente aProcesar,Pedidos aProveedores, Facturas de Clientes Pendientes deCobro,Facturas deProveedores Pendientes de Pago, entre muchosotros.NotaImportante: Para el correcto funcionamiento de laApp,esimportante descargar e instalar el módulo conectorV1.0.3paraversiones de Dolibarr 3.6.2 o superior, el cual podráencontrarenhttp://blog.auriboxconsulting.comFinancial DoliMobisthemobile solution for Dolibarr ERP & CRM V3.6 + thatallowsyouto access information anytime and anywhere withacomfortable,intuitive and lightweight interface. It hasfeatureslike: MakingConnections to multiple Dolibarr systems,Consultingbalances andmovements of their banks and, consultationsof variousindicatorssuch as Process Customer Orders, Orders toSuppliers,CustomersBills Collection Earrings, Earrings SupplierInvoicesPayment,among many others. Important Note: For properoperation ofthe App,it is important to download and install theV1.0.3connector modulefor Dolibarr version 3.6.2 or higher, whichcan befound in
DoliMobFull 1.0.3
DoliMob Financiera es la solución móvil para Dolibarr ERP &CRMV3.6+ que le permite consultar información en cualquier momentoyen cualquier lugar con una interfáz cómoda, intuitiva yligera.Cuenta con características como: Realizar Conexiones amúltiplessistemas Dolibarr, Consultas de Saldos y Movimientos desus bancosy cajas, consultas de diversos indicadores tales comoPedidos deCliente a Procesar, Pedidos a Proveedores, Facturas deClientesPendientes de Cobro, Facturas de Proveedores Pendientes dePago,entre muchos otros. Nota Importante: Para elcorrectofuncionamiento de la App, es importante descargar einstalar elmódulo conector V1.0.3 para versiones de Dolibarr 3.6.2o superior,el cual podrá encontrar en http://blog.auriboxconsulting.comFinancialDoliMob is the mobile solution for Dolibarr ERP & CRMV3.6 +that allows you to access information anytime and anywherewith acomfortable, intuitive and lightweight interface. It hasfeatureslike: Making Connections to multiple Dolibarr systems,Consultingbalances and movements of their banks and, consultationsof variousindicators such as Process Customer Orders, Orders toSuppliers,Customers Bills Collection Earrings, Earrings SupplierInvoicesPayment, among many others. Important Note: For properoperation ofthe App, it is important to download and install theV1.0.3connector module for Dolibarr version 3.6.2 or higher, whichcan befound in
Inventory management for small business or stores 16.0.1
Top rated inventory app with 300,000+ customer downloadsin175+countries Simple way for small businesses and stores(shops)tomanage their goods. Track inventory levels smartly andachievebigsavings on your inventory cost. It’s much more than justastocktracking or inventory management app. Manage yoursmallbusiness orshop entirely with this multi-device, multi-userapp.WithInventory Pro, small business and shop owners can: -trackstock orinventory, - manage suppliers & customers, -generatepurchase& sales orders, - manage deliveries of goodsand -maintainrecords of your business expenses. MAJOR MODULES:1)InventoryManagement 2) Purchase Order & Sales OrderManagement3)Supplier & Customer Management 4) Import Data&ExportData, auto data backup 5) Extensive Reporting withexport toExcel6) Inventory related Income & Expense Management7)BarcodeScanning As a retailer, you need to keep track ofyourinventoryand know when to replenish it. Inventory Pro Appallowsyou to keepdetailed records of your inventory from yourmobile ordesktop aswell as update stock movement in real time.Create,manage andcontrol your item stock lists, scroll of articles,partlists,equipment serial numbers, physical or fixed assets in notimeatall. App provides plenty of reports to help manageyourbusiness.The alert system raises alerts if the inventoryisbelowpermissible quantity. With Inventory Pro, - Peoplefromyourbusiness can access company inventory data fromtheirmobiledevices and desktops. - It offers completeinventorymanagementfeatures including barcode scanning, stocktaking,stockadjustments, inventory valuation, inventory movement,lowstockalerts, graphical reports, dashboards etc. - Youcangenerate,manage and print purchase and sales orders. - Youcanmanage andcommunicate with your suppliers and customers. - Youcanrecordpartial or full delivery against purchase or sales order.-You canalso manage other income and expenses ofyourorganization.Noteworthy Features: - Create Purchase or SalesOrderand printwith your company logo, name and address. - Getemailnotificationwhen any item goes into low stock. - Low Stockquantitycan beconfigured for each item separately. - Multi leveltaxes,itemlevel tax & discount can be added to Purchase orderandSalesOrder. HOW DOES IT WORK? With 3 simple steps you canstartusingInventory Pro for your organization. STEP 1:DownloadInventory ProApp and register as an administrator ofyourorganization (You canalso registerbyvisiting the plan as per number of users you need. We offer7daysfree trial period (no credit card required). STEP 3:Inviteusersof your organization from the menu. They receive linkinemails tojoin. Please note that, the invited users don't needtosubscribe.Your plan includes access for the selected numberofusers. Contactus on [email protected] foranyquestions. UPGRADE FROMINSTANT INVENTORY APP: Ourexistingsubscribers of InstantInventory App can upgrade to thisenterpriseedition by contactingus at [email protected] willassist in migratingtheir existing inventory data toInventory Pro.Feel free tocontact us via email. We have excellentsupport recordand noquestions will be ignored –[email protected]:https://www.billionhands.inYouTube: onFacebook: app now & manage inventory on yourfingertips.
MobiDB Inventory
Easy-to-use and customizable inventory app for your Android device.
SimpleOrder App 2.6.10
#1 restaurant app used for purchasing, food costing,inventorymanagement...
Control de gastos 1.0.4
Controle sus gastos y sus ingresosdeformaautomática.• Conexión automática con todos los bancos deEspañamediantecifrado de 256bits.• Lista de movimientos exportable a Excel.• Informes sobre tus gastos diarios.Con "control de gastos", puede gestionar mejor sudinero,ycontrolar su presupuesto.1. Uso muy intuitivo.2. Importa extractos bancarios de forma automática y manual.3. Acceso a tu información desde la app y desde elordenador,através de la web.4. Protección por contraseña.5. Inmejorable soporte al usuario. Tiempo medio derespuestaenhorario de oficina inferior a dos horas.Destacada en Expansión, CincoDías, PortalProgramas,GestionaRadio, COPE y otros medios.Control yourexpensesandyour income automatically.• Automatically connect to all banks in Spainby256bitencryption.• List of exportable to Excel movements.• Reports on your daily expenses.With "cost control", you can better manage your money,andcontrolyour budget.1. Use intuitive.2. Import bank statements automatically and manually.3. Access to your information from the app from your computerviatheweb.4. Password protection.5. Unbeatable customer support. Average response timeduringofficehours less than two hours.Featured in Expansion, CincoDías, Portal Software,ManageRadio,COPE and other media.
Stock Controller - inventories 5.2.1
XNR Sisbi
Need to manage your business inventories? This is the right appforyou.