Top 10 Apps Similar to Monarch Montessori of Denver

Montessori Phonics Reading Joy 2.0.0
This app is designed for Sweet littlekidswhounderstands phonics, alphabets, and short vowelphonics.Andstarted to read stories for short words on their own.They liketoread and enjoy rhyming stories with short vowelwords.This app is like a colourful multimedia interactivebook,whichallows kids to read on their own, with controloversentences,which can be read as well as tap & listen towords orstory.The UI is designed and optimised for little ones toengageand readfor hours. The text and story is designed fromvarious textbooksand learning from testing with many kids. This appbelievesandreinforces a strong montessori system of educationwherechildrennot only learns but explores on its own. Thepreschooltokindergarden kids would be delighted if they can read ontheirown.It acts as a reinforcement of their beliefsinthemselves.Provides 5 beautifully crafted short stories to engage andlearnthruvisual spatial techniques. Technology and education canbe awinningcombination and best teacher n its own rights.
Montessori Helper 4.0
Welcome to MontessoriHelper. I have beenaMontessori teacher and school owner for many years and Ihaveworked with children of all ages. I have learnt the valueofMontessori for early childhood development and how importantthatbecomes in later years.I hope to be able to share some of this knowledge withyou,whether you are a Montessori School, Teacher, Parent, orapreschool wanting to implement Montessori Methods. Montessoricanbe used at home as well as in a formal environment, and Iwillshare some great lessons and presentations that you can dowithyour own children or in a school.In addition to MontessoriHelper’s Free Lessons, Materialsandarticles about the Montessori Method, at Montessorihelper wehaveover 250+ Montessori Lessons and Materials that you can viewanddownload online in an instant when you become a PremiumMember.
Montessori Math Challenge
A fun game to become faster at mental calculation
Montessori Words & Crosswords 2.1.0
Learn word building, reading, writing and spelling -320phonics-enabled words
Kids Academy: Math & Reading
Learning games for preschool kids and toddlers. Math,reading,alphabet and more
I learn Animals - for kids 5.0.1
Come and discover Plume’s world! Join Plumeandher two friends as they discover 40 animals and learnrelatedvocabulary! Animals from the farm, the sea, the jungle, andthesavannah are all here! This app leads your child through:· Learning basic vocabulary· Following simple commands· Practicing the alphabet· Reinforcing memory skills and recall speed· Practicing fine motor skills· Having fun!**** 10 free animals ****Designed for children ages 18 months through 7 years,Plume’sWorld allows kids to choose from among 19 differenteducationalactivities. Activities are based on Montessori methods.Users willfind three different levels corresponding to threeeducationalsteps.Level 1: Seven games for kids from 18 months to 4 years· Memory game: Have fun with this easy audio memory challenge· Link the pair: NEW! Use your finger to link thematchingpictures· Quiz: A fun animal quiz focused on discovering newvocabulary.Each area includes five questions, giving kids a chanceto learnand practice more than 40 new words. Users must demonstratemasteryof a word before a new one is introduced. Successful gameplay isrewarded.· Book: For younger children, each animal featured in the appishighlighted in an interactive book. Users can animate thebookpages by playing with the buttons.· Puzzles: Each animal is available as a puzzle for theyoungestusers· Sticker game: Each success on the quiz gives your child accesstonew animal stickers. Users interact with the animals and thesoundsthey make, learn to move them about on the screen, and pinchin andout to scale them.Bubbles game (easy level): Is your child quick enough to popthebubbles with the indicated animal before they float off intothesky?Level 2: Six games for kids from 3 to 6 years old· Memory game: Have fun with this medium-level audiomemorychallenge· Link the pair: Use your finger to link the animal picture withitscorresponding written word. Audio symbols allow the user tohear thename of the animal, too!· Quiz: A fun animal quiz that asks the user to tap on theanimalthat matches the written word. Includes written help.· Sticker game: Each success on the quiz gives your child accesstonew animal stickers.· Bubbles game (medium level): Is your child quick enough to popthebubbles with the indicated animal before they float off intothesky?· Word Scramble: Kids unscramble letters to form words basedonhints provided.Level 3: Six games for beginning readers from 5 to 7yearsold· Memory game: Have fun with this memory challenge that asksusersto match animal pictures, written words and audio words· Link the pair: Use your finger to link the animal picture withitscorresponding written word.· Quiz: A fun animal quiz that asks the user to tap on theanimalthat matches the written word or the picture.· Sticker game: Each success on the quiz gives your child accesstonew animal stickers.· Bubbles game (hard level): Is your child quick enough to popthebubbles with the indicated animal before they float off intothesky?· Word Scramble: Kids unscramble letters to form wordsParent SectionA settings page allows parents to choose the app’slanguage(English, French, Korean and Filipino), mute the music, orchangethe font from cursive to script.With its 19 activities and multiple levels, this app, built byateam of parents and professional educators, will do so much tohelpyour child ages 2-7 grow academically. Kids use theappindependently, and have so much fun with it that they don’tevenknow how much they’re learning.Available in English, French, Korean and Filipino.Plume’s World is a lite version that contains onein-apppurchase, only to buy the full game once. No advertising, nodatacollection, and no external links in the kid-friendly area.Follow us :Twitter : @AetysFacebook : : [email protected] :
Incastri Montessori 1.0
Incastri Montessori è un gioco perlaconoscenza sensoriale della geometria per bambini dai 3 ai 6anni.SCOPO DEL GIOCO: collocare le figure geometriche nelleappositecornici. Le figure più piccole possono essere posizionateanchenelle cornici più grandi. Se ciò accedesse, il bambino vedràche,una volta inserite 4 figure al proprio posto, l’ultimafigurarimasta sarà più grande della cornice rimanente e siaccorgerà diaver posizionato una figura nel posto sbagliato(autocorrezzionedell’errore).DESCRIZIONE: Consiste in sei cassetti con 6 incastrigeometriciciascuno.1° cassetto: 6 poligoni regolari (pentagono, esagono,ettagono,ottagono, nonagono, decagono)2° cassetto: 1 quadrato e 5 rettangoli con stessa altezza,mabase differente3° cassetto: 6 cerchi con diametro differente4° cassetto: trapezio isoscele, rombo, parallelogramma,trapeziorettangolo, quadrilatero concavo e quadrilateroconvesso5° cassetto: 6 triangoli (isoscele rettangolo,scalenorettangolo, isoscele acutangolo, scaleno acutangolo,isosceleottusangolo, scaleno ottusangolo)6° cassetto: 6 figure curvilinee (ellisse, ovale,quadrifoglio,triangolo curvilineo, parabola, iperbola).
Learn Montessori 123 numbers 1.0.4
Action-packed app that teaches kids numbers and essentialmathskills.
Alfabeto Mobile 1.1.0
Alfabeto Mobile è un gioco perl’educazionealla lettura e scrittura per bambini dai 3 a 7anni.Un nuovo modo per avvicinare i bambini alla lettura e scritturaealle lettere dell'alfabeto.L’app è basata su un gioco di educazione ideato da MariaMontessorie si presenta come un’esperienza di gioco educativoidonea ancheper bambini che non frequentano una scuolamontessoriana.SCOPO DEL GIOCO Comporre una parola sul rigo trascinandolelettere fuori dal casellario.Inizialmente un genitore o un insegnante possono suggeriredelleparole, poi il bambino inizierà a pensarle da sé.Materiale Montessori di informatica@sapienza: i classicigiochiMontessori sempre a portata di mano!Alphabet Mobile is agamefor education in reading and writing for children aged 3 to7years.A new way to introduce children to reading and writing andtheletters of the alphabet.The app is based on a game devised by Maria Montessori educationandpresents an experience of educational game suitable evenforchildren who do not attend a Montessori school.OBJECT OF THE GAME Compose a word on the line by draggingtheletters out of the filing cabinet.Initially a parent or teacher can suggest words, then thechildwill begin to think of them by itself.Material Montessori computer @ wisdom: the classic gamesMontessorialways at your fingertips!
App Montessori 2.08
A APP Montessori registra as Atividadesdocurrículo Montessori realizadas com cada aluno da sala de aula.AAPP sugere automaticamente a próxima atividade a ser apresentadaacada aluno de acordo com a sequência de atividades cadastradanocurrículo Montessori personalizado pela escola. A APP Tambémpodeser utilizada para visualização de relatórios das atividadespeloscoordenadores, assim como pode ser utilizada pelos paisparaacompanhamento das atividades dos seus filhos.APP Montessori recordstheMontessori curriculum Activities with each student in theclassroom.APP automatically suggests the next activity to bepresented to eachstudent according to the sequence of activitiesregistered inMontessori personalized by the school curriculum. APPcan also beused to view reports of the activities of thecoordinators, and canbe used by parents to monitor the activitiesof theirchildren.