Top 20 Apps Similar to Downtown Defender

Battle of Berlin 1945
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Battle of Berlin 1945 is aturnbased strategy game which takes place during the last months oftheSecond World War in Europe.You are in the command of the ragtag German WWII armed forcestryingto defend the capital of the Third Reich as long as possibleagainstthe massive offensive launched by the Soviet Red Army inApril1945.FEATURES:+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historicalsetup.+ Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills againstothersfighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Challenging: Crush your enemy quickly and earn thebraggingrights on the forum.+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the lookofthe gaming experience: Change difficulty level, choose icon setforunits (NATO or REAL) and cities (Round, Shield, or Square),decidewhat is drawn on the map, change font and hexagon sizes.+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the mapforany physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones toHDtablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon andfontsizes.+ Good AI: Instead of just attacking on direct line towardsthetarget, the AI opponent understand encircling, smallertasks,etc.+ Inexpensive: Battle of Berlin 1945 for the price ofacoffee!In order to be a victorious general, you must learn tocoordinateyour attacks in two ways. First, as adjacent units givesupport toan attacking unit, keep your units in groups in order togain localsuperiority. Secondly, it is rarely the best idea to usebruteforce when it is possible to encircle the enemy and cut offitssupply lines instead.If you want to test this WWII game, a free 15-turn versionisavailableJoin your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course oftheSecond World War!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Revenge of the Gang 0.9.6
Revenge of the Gang is an addictive geo-located strategygamecompletely FREE. Thanks to real maps our city and itsstreetsbecome your battlefield against rival gangs!!! Create yourgang andyour own player choosing among 6 different characters and6different professions. Invite new members and start fightingtoconquer the entire city. There are no limits, you can expandyourinfluence beyond your country!!! Become the most famous boss ofalltime and no one will be able forget the fame of yourgang!!!FEATURES - 6 characters with different stats - 6 professionswithdifferent stats - Battlefield geo-located on real maps - Youcansearch other players in city where you are - Completegangmanagement - Team management to support attack, created withgangmembers - Shop for base equipment - You can create buildingstoincrease max money, gang members and inventory - You canassaultenemy banks - Missions/Events with different rewards everyweek -You can craft new item with recipies - Completeinventorymanagement with many functions including item enhancements- Anin-game market for selling equipments - Leaderboards &rewardsby city, country and global - Chat by gang, city and global
Ardennes Offensive 1944
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Ardennes Offensive 1944 is aturnbased strategy game set on the Western Front during theSecondWorld War, essentially offering the German side of the BattleofBulge.The historical battle took place in December 1944 inArdennes,Belgium, where American forces fought against a largeGermanoffensive. It was the largest land battle of World War II inwhichthe United States directly participated.In the game, you are in control of the German armed forces andyourmain task is to reach Brussels, which would open to you a routetothe strategic port city of Antwerp. This would essentiallysplitthe Allies in two, hopefully causing enough political tensionstoforce the Allies to sign a peace treaty.The game is over if:+ Germans reach over 180 Victory Points, or+ Germans control less than 10 Victory Points.FEATURES:+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your skills against others fighting fortheHall of Fame top spots.+ Challenging: Crush the enemy quickly and earn the braggingrightson the forum.+ Settings: Various settings are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Switch between terrain themes, changedifficultylevel, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL) andcities (Round,Shield, or Square), decide what is drawn on the map,change fontand hexagon sizes.+ Two Icon Sets: Real or NATO-styled units.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the mapforany physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones toHDtablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon andfontsizes.+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup,anduses the names and locations of the divisions that sawcombatduring the Battle of the Bulge in World War II.In order to be a victorious general, it is essential that youlearnto coordinate your attacks in two ways. First, as adjacentunitsgive support to an attacking unit, keep your units in groupsinorder to gain local superiority. Secondly, it is rarely a goodideato use brute force when it is possible to encircle the enemyandcut off its supply lines instead.To get a sense of how Conflicts: Ardennes Offensive 1944 works,tryout the free 15-turn version your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course of WorldWarII history.Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Battle of Okinawa 1945
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Okinawa 1945 is a turnbasedstrategy game which takes place on the Pacific Theater duringtheSecond World War.You are in the command of the American force tasked to seizetheisland of Okinawa as quickly as possible, while battlingbothKamikaze units targeting your supply fleet and desperateJapaneseground forces.A free 15-turn version of Okinawa 1945 is available fromGooglePlay.FEATURES:+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup oftheOperation Iceberg.+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills againstothersfighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Challenging: Crush your enemy quickly and earn the braggingrightson the forum.+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Switch between terrain themes, changedifficultylevel, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL) andcities (Round,Shield, or Square), decide what is drawn on the map,change fontand hexagon sizes.+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the mapforany physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones toHDtablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon andfontsizes.In order to be a victorious general in this strategy game, youmustlearn to coordinate your attacks in two ways. First, asadjacentunits give support to an attacking unit, keep your units ingroupsin order to gain local superiority. Secondly, it is rarelythe bestidea to use brute force when it is possible to encircle theenemyand cut off its supply lines instead.Join your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course oftheSecond World War!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Invasion of France 1940
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Invasion of France 1940 is aturnbased strategy game set on the Western Front during theSecondWorld War.You are in the command of the German WWII armed forces -tanks,infantry and air force units - and the object of the game istofirst seize key port cities of Calais, Boulogne, and Dunkirkandthen capture Paris as quickly as possible.FEATURES:+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup.+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills againstothersfighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Challenging: Crush your enemy quickly and earn the braggingrightson the forum.+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Change difficulty level, choose icon setforunits (NATO or REAL) and cities (Round, Shield, or Square),decidewhat is drawn on the map, change font and hexagonsizes.+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the mapforany physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones toHDtablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon andfontsizes.+ Good AI: Instead of just attacking on direct line towardsthetarget, the AI opponent understand encircling, smallertasks,etc.+ Inexpensive: The German invasion of France - a WWIIcampaigncalled Fall Gelb (Case Yellow) - for the price of acoffee!In order to be a victorious general, you must learn tocoordinateyour attacks in two ways. First, as adjacent units givesupport toan attacking unit, keep your units in groups in order togain localsuperiority. Secondly, it is rarely the best idea to usebruteforce when it is possible to encircle the enemy and cut offitssupply lines instead.If you want to test this WWII game, a free 15-turn versionisavailable for free at your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course oftheSecond World War!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Fall of Stalingrad (Conflicts)
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Fall of Stalingrad is a turnbasedstrategy game set on the European Eastern Front during theSecondWorld War.You are in command of the Axis forces when the Red ArmylaunchesOperation Uranus - The encirclement of the German 6th Armylocatedin the Stalingrad Area. The object of the game is to holdthecollapsing front line and gather enough troops for acounter-striketo free the 6th Army, and then using the freed forcescontrol theentire area of the map. Failing that, your score will bethe numberof turns you managed to hold on before collapsing tozeroVPs.FEATURES:+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup.+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills againstothersfighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Change difficulty level, choose icon setforunits (NATO or REAL) and cities (Round, Shield, or Square),decidewhat is drawn on the map, change font and hexagonsizes.+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the mapforany physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones toHDtablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon andfontsizes.+ Good AI: Instead of just attacking on direct line towardsthetarget, the AI opponent understand encircling, smallertasks,etc.+ Inexpensive: The classic strategy game campaign for a cupofcoffee!In order to be a victorious general, you must learn tocoordinateyour attacks in two ways. First, as adjacent units givesupport toan attacking unit, keep your units in groups in order togain localsuperiority. Secondly, it is rarely the best idea to usebruteforce when it is possible to encircle the enemy and cut offitssupply lines instead.If you want to test this WWII strategy game, a free 20-turnversionis also available from the app store.Join your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course oftheSecond World War!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Iwo Jima 1945
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Iwo Jima 1945 is a turnbasedstrategy game which takes place on the Pacific Theater duringtheSecond World War.You are in the command of the American Marine force taskedtoseize the tiny island of Iwo Jima as quickly as possible.A free 15-turn version of Iwo Jima 1945 is availableat: Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup.+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills againstothersfighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Challenging: Crush your enemy quickly and earn the braggingrightson the forum.+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Switch between terrain themes, changedifficultylevel, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL) andcities (Round,Shield, or Square), decide what is drawn on the map,change fontand hexagon sizes.+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the mapforany physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones toHDtablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon andfontsizes.In order to be a victorious general in this strategy game, youmustlearn to coordinate your attacks in two ways. First, asadjacentunits give support to an attacking unit, keep your units ingroupsin order to gain local superiority. Secondly, it is rarelythe bestidea to use brute force when it is possible to encircle theenemyand cut off its supply lines instead.Join your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course oftheSecond World War!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Life of a Mobster 1.2.4
Hosted Games
Rule the city mob! Will you be a celebrity, hitman, senator, orFBIdirector?
Firefight 7.3.4
Sean O'Connor
A real-time simulation of World War II close combat battles
Table Top Racing Premium
Playrise Digital Ltd
Table Top Racing with console-quality graphicsandintensifyinggameplay, it offers countless hours of fun and arealchallenge forplayers of all skill levels. Table Top Racing pitsallmanner ofcrazy vehicles, battling each other in a worldoftable-top racetracks and over-sized obstacles. Upgrade your carsinthe garage,master both pickup weapons and wheel weapons andexplorethecircuit limits and discover secret shortcuts! -CompatiblewithAndroid TV - Optimized for latest devices -'Extreme'benchmarkoption now available With an awesome arsenal ofmadcapweapons anddevious power-ups, cars and tracks are brought tolifewith'Triple-A' production values lavished on every pixel.Wincoins,upgrade vehicles, unlock new cars and expand yourweaponsarsenalin a bid to blast your way to the front of thegrid.Simple,responsive controls make 'Table Top Racing'instantlyplayable withsuper-smooth frame rates on all moderndevicesdelivering astunning racing game experience that allmobile,tablets andmicro-console gamers will enjoy. Game Features: -17Insane cars tomaster - 8 Incredible race tracks - 4Fiercechampionships - 30+Special Events - 7 Unique Game Play Modes- 9Cunning Power-Ups -Game Modes: Combat Races, Driftmode,Elimination, Hot Lap, PureRace, Pursuit and Time Trial GoogleGamesServices: - 28Achievements - 19 Leader boards - Cloudsavesyncbetween yourdevices - Google Plus Login In-Game Languagesupport:English,French, Italian, German, Spanish, BrazilianPortuguese."What's thedifference between this and the freeversion?" This isthe onlyversion of TTR that will be madecompatible with theAndroid TVplatform. This premium version ofTable Top Racing hasabsolutelyno adverts, no coin-grind and no waittimers. All of thein-gameitems: cars, wheel weapons, upgrades andpaint schemes areallhalved in price and can be won throughgameplay. In-Apppurchasesare only present if you choose to supportfurtherdevelopment(thank you to those who have) or as anaccelerator togeteverything in the game sooner rather than later -they arenotneeded to complete the game.
Operation Spring Awakening
Joni Nuutinen
The last Axis offensive: Classic board-game styledturn-basedstrategy campaign
Invasion of Norway 1940
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Invasion of Norway 1940 is aturnbased strategy game set on Norway and its coastal waters duringtheSecond World War.You are in command of the German land and naval forces attemptingtoseize Norway (Operation Weserubung) before the Allies do,battlingthe Norwegian Armed Forces, the British Royal Navy, andthe multipleAllied landings in Norway.FEATURES:+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historicalsetup.+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game'ssmartAI technology, each game provides a unique wargamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills againstothersfighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the lookofthe gaming experience: Change difficulty level, choose icon setforunits (NATO or REAL) and cities (Round, Shield, or Square),decidewhat is drawn on the map, change font and hexagon sizes.+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the mapforany physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones toHDtablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon andfontsizes.+ Good AI: Instead of just attacking on direct line towardsthetarget, the AI opponent understand encircling, smallertasks,etc.+ Inexpensive: The classic strategy game campaign for a cupofcoffee!In order to be a victorious general, you must learn tocoordinateyour attacks in two ways. First, as adjacent units givesupport toan attacking unit, keep your units in groups in order togain localsuperiority. Secondly, it is rarely the best idea to usebruteforce when it is possible to encircle the enemy and cut offitssupply lines instead.If you want to test this WWII strategy game, a free20-turnversion is also available from the app store.Join your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course oftheSecond World War!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Battle of Bulge 1944-1945
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Battle of the Bulge is a turnbasedstrategy game set on the Western Front during the Second WorldWar.The historical battle took place in December 1944 inArdennes,Belgium, where American forces fought against a largeGermanoffensive. It was the largest land battle of World War II inwhichthe United States directly participated.In the game, you are in control of the US armed forcesandcommand American infantry, airborne and armoured divisions.Yourfirst task is to survive the initial German onslaught, known astheArdennes Offensive, while keeping your divisions in fightingorder.After regrouping, you must contain the German attack andpreventthe enemy from reaching Brussels, as this would allow them arouteto the strategic port city of Antwerp. Once you have stoppedtheenemy offensive, push back the German units and destroy as manyaspossible.The game is over if:+ Germans reach over 150 Victory Points, or+ Germans control less than 10 Victory Points.FEATURES:+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game'ssmartAI technology, each game provides a unique wargamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your skills against others fightingforthe Hall of Fame top spots.+ Experienced units learn new skills, like improved attackordefence performance, ability to cross rivers without losingmovepoints.+ Challenging: Crush the enemy quickly and earn thebraggingrights on the forum.+ Settings: Various settings are available to alter the lookofthe gaming experience: Switch between terrain themes,changedifficulty level, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL)andcities (Round, Shield, or Square), decide what is drawn on themap,change font and hexagon sizes.+ Two Icon Sets: Real or NATO-styled units.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the mapforany physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones toHDtablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon andfontsizes.+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup,anduses the names and locations of the divisions that saw combatduringthe Battle of the Bulge in World War II.In order to be a victorious general, it is essential that youlearnto coordinate your attacks in two ways. First, as adjacentunitsgive support to an attacking unit, keep your units in groupsinorder to gain local superiority. Secondly, it is rarely a goodideato use brute force when it is possible to encircle the enemyandcut off its supply lines instead.To get a sense of how Conflicts: Battle of the Bulge works, tryoutthe free 15-turn version your fellow strategy gamers in saving the Americanforcesfrom the surprise German onslaught!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Oil Rush: 3D naval strategy
Oil Rush is a 3D naval strategy game thattakesplace in a world where nuclear war has melted the ice caps,changingthe face of the planet forever. It features uniquegameplay focusedon group control and global-scale decisions. Planseveral stepsahead, as every single swipe counts.Get ready to command a naval war between furious armies strivingforthe last remaining supplies of oil. Smash through onrushingwaves ofenemies while experiencing a thrilling story ofapocalypse, militarytechnology, and never-ending battles!If you are not sure that your device is supported you can trythefree demo available in themarket: FEATURES* Breathtaking 3D graphics of superior quality neverbeforeavailable on mobile devices* Unique and varied environments: the twilit Antarctic,floodedjungles, sunken cities, Asian villages, great canyons,ruinedindustrial zones, and more* Massive battles, furious enemies, raging attacks!* One game, many mission types: capture-'em-all,save-the-hero,tower defense, survival, oil retrieval, rescue,defeat-the-boss,and more* Strategic depth due to different attack/defense weaponswithmulti-level upgrade options* Tech tree with rich array of super technologies, includingnukes,napalm, submarines, and convertiplanes* Campaign more than 10 hours long and packed with 15challenging,story-based missions* 15 quick game maps for battles with up to three AIopponents* 18 music tracks delivering unique fusion of heavyindustrialgroove and electronic ambient/breaksSUPPORTED DEVICESThe strategy game runs on devices (with at least 1 GB RAM)withthe following chips:* Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 / Adreno 225* Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 / Adreno 320* Qualcomm Snapdragon 600* Qualcomm Snapdragon 800* NVIDIA Tegra 3* NVIDIA Tegra 4Learn more about Oil Rush naval strategy game: us on Twitter:
Lost Heir: The Fall of Daria 1.3.6
Hosted Games
An interactive fantasy novel! Take back the throne thatwasrightfully yours!
Idle Gangster 2.9.3
Scout gangsters and make the strongest gang
MechCom 2 - 3D RTS 1.17
Game Dev Team
Command epic mechs and dominate the battlefield in thisreal-timestrategy game.
Spanish Civil War
Joni Nuutinen
Failed coup leads to a chaotic civil war in Spain involvingAllied& Axis units
iBomber Defense Pacific 1.04
Tower Defense perfection as you take the battle to the enemy!
HC Manager 2.2.005
Heroclix search units with multi filter , team builder,collectionmanager.