Top 15 Apps Similar to Curso de Reiki

My Reiki Box 1.2
Acorn Gecko
A Reiki Box is, traditionally, a box inwhichyou place pieces of paper on which you write or drawsituations (or“requests”) that you want to send healing energy to.Then, you cansend Reiki to the box, instead of the individualrequests.This app is a modern Reiki box that you can carry withyoueverywhere. Just add your own healing requests to it, and thensendReiki to your phone or tablet, with the intent that it goes toallthe persons and situations you've added to your box.It's a great little app that can make a big difference toyourlife when you start using it regularly.Love and Light,Reiki Rays
Mantras for the Chakras 1.2
Audio of the mantras of the seven chakras.The vibration of these sounds helps activate, strengthenandcleanse the chakras.The chakras are energy points that govern the physical bodyandregulate the uptake and energy expenditure in non-initiatedorunderdeveloped spiritually are closed or slightly open, whenwedevelop our etheric, open the chakras.The word chakra means wheel in Sanskrit and refers to thewheelof etheric energy that gives life to a part of thephysicalbody.The energies directed to an astral body chakra also act onthephysical body. To balance the flow of energy and marshalthedifferent chakras there to open them and exercise them. Thestonesfor your vibrational energy, help us, induce and achievethedesired effect.
Reiki timer 1.1.3
All-CS B.V.
This simple Reiki timer helps you changethepositions during intervals of 3 minutes.This simple ReikiTimerhelps you change positions during the intervals of 3minutes.
Reiki Okulu - İsmail Bülbül 1.0
Reiki hakkında herşeyi sorabileceğinizbirkaynak. Grand Master İsmail Bülbül ile enerji çalışmaları...+90-212-322-4742SertifikalarEğitimlerUsui Reiki 3bDanışmanlıkMakalelerKişisel Gelişim mi, İçsel Gelişim mi?Psikolojik DestekReikiSöyleşilerSizden GelenlerEğitim ve TerapilerMakale: Reiki ve Olumlama ÇalışmasıTerapiler:Bilinçaltı Kodlama TerapisiSen cihanın hazinesisin, cihan bir yarım arpaya değmez.Sencihanın temelisin, cihan senin yüzünden taptazedir.Günümüzde bir çok merkezlerde bir çok kuruluşlardaaydınlanmayayönelik çalışmalar vardır. Aydınlanma dediğimiz olguacabanedir?Elbette herkes Reiki öğrenebilir, öğrenmesi de uygulaması daçokkolaydır Reiki'nin. Fakat herkes Reiki şifacısı olamaz.REİKİ’ YE BAŞLARKENTürkiye' ye geldim geleli Reiki' nin kurallarınıanlatmayaçalışıyorum. Çünkü mistik ilimler kuralları ile anlaşılır,doğruuygulama ile de yaşanır.Reiki inisiyesi de böyledir...Reiki ve SufizmReiki'de olduğu gibi tüm Mistik felsefelerde de elle şifayakavuşmayöntemi vardır. Ancak bunlar öğretileri gereği bir takımçilelersonucu elde edilirler.Reiki ve FarkındalıkReiki'ye inisiye olan kişinin öz kaynaktan tepe çakrasınasezgiselolarak sorgulamalar gelir. Kişinin beyninde oluşan busorgulamalarhem dünyevi hem de manevidir.BKRSOFT Multi-National Mobil Web BilgisayarYazılımHizmetleriA source you canaskeverything about Reiki. Energy work with Grand Master IsmailBulbul...+ 90-212-322-4742CertificatesTrainingUsui Reiki 3bCounselingArticlesPersonal Development, Endogenous Development?Psychological SupportReikiInterviewsFrom YouEducation and TherapyArticle: Reiki and Affirmation StudyTherapies: Subliminal Therapy CodingYou're treasury of the universe, peace is not worth a halfofbarley. You must tee the universe, the world is fresh becauseofyou.Nowadays there are many centers work towards enlightenment inmanyorganizations. I wonder what phenomenon we calltheEnlightenment?Of course, anyone can learn Reiki, the application is very easytolearn Reiki. But everyone can not be a Reiki healer.Reiki 'RE GETTING STARTEDTurkey to come I haven 'Reiki' s trying to explain therules.Because to understand the mystical sciences rules, alsoinitiatesyaşanır.rei that the correct application is not ...Reiki and SufismIn all Mystic philosophy as in the method attain Reiki handsarehealing. However, these teachings are a number ofrequirementsobtained extrudates.Reiki and AwarenessReiki attuned to that person's equity income from the hillchakraintuitive inquiry. This questioning that occur in a person'sbrainis both worldly and spiritual.BKRSOFT Multi-National Mobile Web Computer Software Services
Reiki Healing 1.1.85
Reiki Healing is an Android app that will teach youdifferentreiki...
Reiki Practice 1.4.5
Yoda Labs
Guide Reiki attuned students through self-treatment sequences.
Meditation Sounds and Hypnosis 3.0.0
The best reiki meditation sounds, hypnosis videos to sleepandimages. Download this app and try to sleep better.
Reiki Timer 1.01.006
Yuri Lysenko
ReikiTimer is a timer for Reikisessions.Repeateble and easy for use. Meditation Timer.
Reiki Master 1.1
Key Soluzioni
Reiki Master accompanies you in your path of Reiki
Reiki Armonia
Reiki deriva dalla pronuncia didueideogrammigiapponesi: Rei che significa Energia Universale eKil’energiavitale individuale.Il termine fu coniato dal Dr. Mikao Usui intorno ai primidel‘900,per indicare un’antica arte di cura naturale, daluiriscoperta,basata sulla pratica di tecniche diriequilibrioenergetico e sulladisciplina interiore.Seguendo gli insegnamenti tramandati da Usui – chesiapprendonopartecipando a seminari tenuti da MasterReikiqualificati - ognipersona, animata dal sincero desiderio diessereun canalericettivo, può collegarsi alla sorgente Universalee,tramite ilsemplice contatto o l’imposizione delle mani,puòtrasmettereenergia vitale a sé stessa o a chiunquedesideriricevere untrattamento riequilibrante.....Passiamo a cos'è un MASTER REIKI:l termine Reiki Master è fonte della più grossa confusionepernuovi,o potenziali, studenti di ReikiPoni, ad un certo numero di praticanti Reiki, la domanda:"Cos’èunReiki Master?" e probabilmente la risposta più comunecheotterraisarà qualcosa di questo tipo: "Qualcuno cheharicevutol’attivazione al livello master di Reiki"Comunque Takata-Sensei disse che, affinché unapersonavengaconsiderata un Master Reiki, non è sufficiente cheabbiaricevutol’attivazione al livello Master e sappia comepassareleattivazioni agli altri tre livelli; deve avere,almeno,istruitouna classe ed aver già attivato, almeno,unostudente.Con riferimento a Reiki, il termine Giapponese: senseichevienetradotto - in modo molto approssimativo - come "master",nonsiriferisce ad uno che conosce a fondo l’arte di Reiki(neppureaduno che abbia raggiunto una qualche forma di livellosuperioreinquella materia, sebbene molti di noi abbianopensatoquesto!)La parola sensei è, in realtà, un termine di rispetto,chesignifica,anzitutto, "insegnante" e si riferisce a qualcuno cheèparte di unrapporto Insegnante - Studente (Mentore -Studente).Tradurre: senseicome 'master' è, per dirlasemplicemente, comeriferirsi ad un"insegnante di scuolaelementare" chiamandolo"professore". E propriocome accade nel casodel professore,idealmente un Reiki master èqualcuno che (avendoricevuto lerelative attivazioni) possiede unabuona conoscenzadegliargomenti, ha un forte desiderio di aiutare ipropri studentiasviluppare i loro potenziali, ha rispetto per isuoi studenti,(alpari di come sa meritare il rispetto dei suoistudenti) edha,anche, la capacità di ispirare i suoi studenti e ditrarreilmeglio da loro..... Il Vostro Master Reiki è Giovanni,unuomoumile e da un'enorme capacità di aiutare edarebenessereattraverso il metodo reiki....quindi adesso sta avoiprovare!!!!NamastèReiki comesfromthepronunciation of two Japanese ideograms: Rei whichmeansUniversalEnergy and Ki vital energy individual.The term was coined by Dr. Mikao Usui around the first ofthe'900,indicating an ancient art of natural healing, rediscoveredbyhim,based on the practice of energy rebalancing techniquesandinnerdiscipline.Following the teachings handed down by Usui - youlearnbyparticipating in seminars held by qualified Reiki Master-everyperson, animated by a sincere desire to be areceptivechannel, canconnect to the source and Universal, throughsimplecontact or thelaying on of hands, can transmit vital energytoherself or toanyone you wish to receive a rebalancingtreatment.....Let's move on to what is a REIKI MASTER:the term Reiki Master is a source of confusion for newbigger,orpotential students of ReikiPoni, for a number of Reiki practitioners, the question: "WhatisaReiki Master?" and probably the most common answer you willgetissomething like this: "Someone who has received theactivationlevelof Reiki Master"However Takata-Sensei said that in order for a persontobeconsidered a Reiki Master, is not enough to havereceivedtheactivation level Master and know how to switchactivations totheother three levels; must have, at least, educatedclass andhavealready activated, at least, a student.With reference to Reiki, the Japanese term: senseiwhichistranslated - very roughly - as "master", does not refer toonewhounderstands the art of Reiki (even one that has reachedsomeformof level superior in that matter, although many of ushavethoughtof this!)The word sensei is, in reality, a term of respect, whichmeans,firstof all, "teacher" and refers to someone who is part ofarelationshipTeacher - Student (Mentor - Student).Translate:sensei as 'master'is, to put it simply, how to refer toa "primaryschool teacher"calling him "Professor". And just as inthe case ofthe professor,ideally a Reiki master is someone who(havingreceived theiractivations) has a good knowledge of theissues, hasa strong desireto help their students to develop theirpotential,has respect forhis students, (like he knows how todeserve therespect of hisstudents) and has, also, the ability toinspire hisstudents and makethe best of them ..... Your MasterReiki is John,a humble man and byan enormous capacity to help andgivewell-being through the methodreiki .... so now is for you totry!!!! Namastè
Foot Reflexology 1.1.45
Meet and Reflexology treatments Applicable
Reiki Healing Music Therapy 1.10
Are you ready to have a healing Reiki time? Welcome toReikiHealingMusic Therapy, the app that will aid you duringyourspiritualhealing moments when you are mostly in need ofdeeprelaxation. Hereyou will find all that you need to sootheyoursoul and body. All ofour songs are extremely versatile, and canbeused in manyoccasions; may it be for emotional healing, asabackground for aholistic healing massage, or when you are givingaThai or Swedishmassage. Keep your relaxing instrumentalmusicalways at hands reachwith Reiki Healing, and use it to makeyourbio energy healingsessions even more special! Start byselectingthe song that youwish to play; they are 10 orientalinstrumentalsongs in total, thefirst 3 are completely free, andwere createdas the perfectbackground for your therapeutic touch. **10 Songsfor Hands onHealing 1. Heaven Retreat 2. Hot Hands 3.Kundalini 4.PeacefulTimes 5. Mystic Voyage 6. Reflections of aDream 7.PositiveThinking 8. Therapeutic Stones 9. Vitality Symbols10.Sacred RiverRelax even more by adding special soft reiky soundsofnature toyour shamanic song. You will have a selection of5natural soundsfrom which to create a deep relaxationatmosphere.Two are free,while the remaining 2 are unlocked throughin-apppurchases. **Nature Sounds for Harmony & Serenity:1.Seashores 2. Heartbeat3. In the Wood 4. Ocean Waves 5.RainforestLast but not least, youcan unlock the timer feature inorder toproperly time your reikienergy transferral. Select how longeachsong will play, and startyour palm healing! We hope youcanimprove your moments of harmonyand serenity through this app.Mayit help you find peace andwellbeing. For any suggestions,problemsor requests, please contactus at [email protected]
Water&Gong: sleep, meditation 5.13.3
Try the relaxing experience of water with the sounds of GongandTibetan bowls.
Mystic Angels Lite 1.1
David Fix
After intuitively choosing a card,eachMysticAngel delivers to you a single word to contemplate uponinthesilence as you gaze at its figure. Within the Angelicportraityouwill find an ancient symbol that helps to empower eachcardwithancient wisdom teachings. Following the message from theAngel,youwill discover an uplifting and sacred mantra that you canrecitetoyourself throughout your day.It is with great pleasure and with joyful hearts,thatDeniseIwaniw and David Fix, along with the Mystic Angels ofLight,andour beloved editor, Eunice Norwood, present to youanEmpowermentDeck that has been designed to give you dailymessagesof love fromthe celestial realms and the Source of AllLove.About the AuthorDenise Iwaniw is a Coptic minister, author, andintuitiveteacherwho has been talking to the Angels of Light sincethemoment of herbirth.A native of Georgia, Denise now lives with her familyinMichigan.As a clairvoyant medium, she gives private readingsandworkshops tomen, women, and children from around the world.Deniselectures andteaches in the U.S. and abroad in a wide varietyofareas, includingpsychic development, Reiki, spiritualwellness,and avenues tospiritual enlightenment. A successfulauthor, Denisehas written fourbooks, the Mystic Angels EmpowermentDeck, andproduced six, guidedvisualization CDs.Each Monday evening at 8:00 PM EST, Denise hoststheweeklyinternet television show, entitled, “Mystic JourneyswithDeniseIwaniw”. Tune into www.SoulsJourney.TV to watch.Wednesday evenings finds Denise hosting her weeklyinternetradioshow, “Balancing Heaven and Earth,” join her each Wednesdayeveningat 8:00 p.m. EST.
Numi 1.61-release
Numi makes it easy to book an on-demandmassageat home with a local licensed massage therapist.Download our app and select details for your appointment.Numidisplays profiles of local massage therapy providers to choosefromand you can request the therapists that fit yourpreferences.In real time receive offers from available therapists,reviewpricing, and book with the perfect provider.After your massage appointment simply provide a star ratingofyour experience. Payment is seamlessly handled through the apporyou can select to pay in cash.Whether you are a customer or a massage therapist please usethisapp to join!