Top 15 Apps Similar to História do Brasil

Pasajes de la Historia 27
Over 200 podcast with different passages of historyseparatedbyancient, middle , modern and contemporary ages. Idealfordownloadon wifi off line and listen with headphones . Enjoy it
LookHistória - História 2.0
LookHistória Aplicativo Oficial do Professor Everaldo Chaves. Todooconteúdo de História do ensino médio de uma forma rápida eresumida.Vídeos de apresentação de cada período, comentados peloprofessor.Guia de tópicos dos períodos históricos comoAntiguidade, IdadeMedieval, Idade Moderna e Idade Contemporânea,além da História doBrasil. Consulta fácil e intuitiva traz umaexperiência única aoconteúdo de história, de uma forma originaljamais vista.
Diccionario de Historia 1.0
Conoce la terminología relacionada con la Historiamedianteestediccionario Con él podrás hacer búsquedasordenadasalfabéticamenteo búsqueda por algún término concreto opalabrasclaves que deseesencontrar. Es una herramienta excelenteparacomprender cualquiertexto histórico o conocer simplementeaquellaspalabras queaparecen frecuentemete cuando conocemos laHistoria.
Historia polska 1.4
Selected paintings and descriptions, showing rich, glorioushistoryof Polish
Today in History 4.0.7
On this day, in modern history ...
World History Dictionary Offli 1.2.5
Learn about World Historical events, empires, rulers & more.
Historia de la Filósofia 3.0.0
Contiene la filosofía de losautoresmásconocidos y estudiados.Platón, Aristoteles, Santo Tomas de Aquino, Descartes,Kant,Marx,Nietzsche, Ortega y Gasset .Toda la información están recolectado de paginas fiablesdehistoriade la filosofía. Contienen las teorías delosfilósofos.Contains thephilosophyofthe authors best known and studied.Plato, Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, Descartes,Kant,Marx,Nietzsche, Ortega y Gasset.All information are gathered from reliable pages ofhistoryofphilosophy. They contain the theories ofphilosophers.
Sapiens -Archaeology & History
ErgSap Vision
See fossils, species from hundredmillionsyears old to modern species. All these data ofArchaeology,paleontology, anthropology and History are gathered inone place,one application, at your fingertips !See coexisting species and learn more with the timeline !Main features:■ 200 fossils and remains available (dinosaurs, hominidsremains,bones, skulls, skeletons, cast ...) !■ zoom on images to see details and get more information■ time range bar to select a time interval for species oreditnumbers manually (e.g. discover species that share the sameperiodof time)■ search for →co-existing species← (same temporal range),seeavailable fossils and get more information■ quick search within temporal range, scientificclassification,species, dates, location, discovery information,measures...!■ use geologic time scales like prehistoric ages,holocene,pleistocene, pliocene, miocene, cretaceous or jurassic tofilterspecies■ Discoveries gallery with a timeline associated : browsehistorywith the discovered remains and fossils■ Complete offline mode : fetch data for offline use
World History Trial 3.22
"A journey through the fascinating history of mankind"
Quadros da História 1.2
O aplicativo "Quadros" traz curiosidadessobrequatro pinturas famosas, que retratam a história brasileira.Aspinturas são representações de eventos que marcaram a históriadoBrasil: o descobrimento, a independência, a guerra do Paraguai eaproclamação da república. Mas também são interpretaçõesdosrespectivos artistas, contendo elementos inexistentes ouinexatos,com o intuito de dar mais dramaticidade à cena ou decriticarveladamente alguma pessoa ou instituição. Baseado emrelatos dehistoriadores e pesquisadores, o autor do aplicativodestacoudeterminados pontos nos quadros, para que as pessoasinteressadasem arte ou história aprendam um pouco mais sobre osmesmos edespertem a curiosidade para ir mais a fundo, sejaconhecendo maiso momento histórico representado, seja obtendo maisinformações ecuriosidades sobre o artista e sua obra.The "Tables"applicationbrings trivia about four famous paintings, which portraytheBrazilian history. The paintings are representations of eventsthatmarked the history of Brazil: the discovery, independence,theParaguayan war and the proclamation of the republic. Butalsointerpretations of the respective artists, containing missingorinaccurate elements in order to give more drama to the sceneorcovertly criticize any person or institution. Based onhistoriansand researchers reports, the application authoremphasized certainpoints in the boxes so that people interested inart or history tolearn a little more about them and awaken thecuriosity to gofurther, be more knowing the historical momentrepresented, begetting more information and facts about the artistand hiswork.
Historia polska (dodatek) 1.4
Paintings and descriptions associated with the historyofPolish-addition to the "History of Poland"
Historia World 1.0
Think you know everything about theworldhistory? Try Historia World! Historia is a quizz which willtestyour general knowledge in History.Historia is very easy to play: try to find the date ofthehistoric events of the selected category. The closer you are,thebigger your score!If you can gain enough points you will be rewarded with a bookinyour library.See for yourself if you are a history whizz. We can guaranteeyouwill always learn something new.
Old Maps: A touch of history 1.1.5
Old Maps shows over 250,000 high-resolution historicalancientmapsfrom 15th to 20th century from all over the world. Usethe apptosee your own GPS position on the vintage maps, or justbrowseoneby one from your couch. You can set up filters justasyearfrom/to, scale, title or author. Features: Search anylocationinthe world by name, or simply zoom and pan, to get themostaccurateold maps instantly. Scroll the bar with results andvisitthose youlike. All featured maps are location-based and theapp candisplaythe relevant maps according to the place where youappear,nomatter if it is New York, Los Angeles, London,Paris,Berlin,Tokio, Rome, San Francisco or any other city in theworld.Downloadthe Old Maps app now and enjoy a touch of history inyourhand!About: The project OldMapsOnline began in 2012 andindexesoverhalf a million of ancient, antique, vintage and oldhistoricworldmaps from prominent archives and libraries(BritishLibrary,National Library of Scotland, David Rumsey…). Formoreinformation,visit the website
BP Historia 1.0
Capp Studios
Banco de Preguntas (BP Historia) es una Aplicación creadapori2SWIFTdevelopers, pensada en aquellas personas queestánpostulados adiferentes universidades, esta app pone en pruebaelconocimiento deesta personas en el Curso de Historia,sonpreguntas de HistoriaUniversal, como también del Peru. InstalalaApp y reta tuscondimentos y trata de mejorar tu puntaje cadavesque juegues.
History. Primary school. 1.2
MZ Learning
This application will help you to study history.