Top 12 Apps Similar to Frases completas

Estados y frases para WhatsApp 1.1
Estados y frases para WhatsApp de amor,bonitaso de amistad para cambiar el estado del chat de WhatsApp.Laaplicación tiene las frases organizadas por categorías,podrásencontrar frases cortas, largas, de amor, de amistad, queenamoran,motivadoras, románticas o lindas entre otras muchas.El funcionamiento de la aplicación es sencillo y original,podrásseleccionar la categoría de la aplicación y obtener lasfrasesseleccionándolas. Además puedes compartirlas en Facebook,twitter,WhatsApp o cualquier otra red social o aplicación quepermitacompartir.WhatsApp Statesandphrases of love, or friendship nice to change the statusofWhatsApp chat. The application has the phrases organizedbycategory, you will find short, long sentences, of love,offriendship, that love, motivational, romantic or beautifulamongmany others.The operation of the application is simple and original, youcanselect the category of the application and get theselectingphrases. Also you can share them on Facebook, twitter,WhatsApp orany other social network or application for sharing.
Frases Românticas p/ Whatsapp
Conquisar aquela pessoa nunca foi tãofácil,envie frases romanticas, do dia dos namorados, de amor emuito maismensagens que vão deixar o seu amor apaixonado porvocê!Você pode compartilhar via whatsapp, facebook, twitter, smsoucopiar e colar a frase onde quiser!Além disso você pode salvar as frases que você mais gostanosfavoritos!Você pode deixar o aplicativo escolher uma frase aleatóriap/você!Não perca mais tempo conquiste a pessoa amada, baixe oappagora!Os papeis de parede do aplicativo mudam ao passar de frase!Conquisar that personhasnever been easier, send romanticas phrases, Valentine's Day,loveand more messages that will leave your passionate loveforyou!You can share via whatsapp, facebook, twitter, sms or copy andpastethe sentence where you want!Also you can save the sentences that you like toyourfavorites!You can let the app pick a random phrase w / you!Do not waste time conquer a loved one, download the app now!The application wallpapers change when passing sentence!
Belas Frases de Amor 2.1.0
O melhor app de frases de amor paraAndroid.Agora totalmente reformulado.Instale agora o app Belas Frases de Amor e tenha acessoacentenas de lindas frases de amor em imagens originais.[✔] App oficial do maior site de frases de amor do Brasil.[✔] 500+ imagens para salvar ou compartilhar nas redessociais(Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram)[✔] Atualizado constantemente.The best app oflovephrases for Android. Now completely reworked.Now install the app Fine Love phrases and get access tohundredsof beautiful love phrases in original images.[✔] Official App of the largest site of lovephrasesBrazil.[✔] 500+ pictures to save or share on social networks(Whatsapp,Facebook, Instagram)[✔] Updated constantly.
Puxa Assunto - Frases e status
Ricci Mobile
Are you going to be embarrassed or are you going to PullSubject?The best phrases for status
frases bonitas 7.0.0
frases bonitas contiene unaextensarecopilación de frases que siempre has querido dedicar a unserquerido.tenemos frases bonitas de la vida para esas personas quelesgusta dedicar una frase adecuada a esos momentos de lavida,tenemos frases bonitas de amor para esas personas que nosgustaalegrar el día de esa persona tan especial que amamos,tenemosfrases bonitas de amistad para esos amigos de siempre quesiempreestán a nuestro lado y muchas frases bonitas mas.Para usar nuestra aplicación de frases bonitas debes entrar ydarclic en la categoría que quieres luego visualizarla escoges laquequieras compartir y listo.estas frases bonitas las puedes compartir en whats app,twitter,google + y otras redes olvides de recomendar frases bonitas a tus amigos paraquepuedan compartir esas frases que tanto quieres dedicar.Pensamiento: Una frase bonita en el momento idóneo es capazdesalvar una vida y ser consuelo del mas necesitado.Creación de esta app: Ktracho Appsbeautifulsentencescontains an extensive collection of phrases you've alwayswanted todedicate to a loved one.we pretty phrases of life for those people who like tospendadequate to those moments of life sentence, we pretty phrasesoflove for those people who we like brighten the day of thatspecialsomeone we love, we pretty phrases friendship for those oldfriendswho are always at our side and many more beautifulphrases.To use our application you must get pretty phrases and clickonthe category you want then choose the view you want to shareandready.these pretty phrases can share in whats app, twitter, google+and other social not forget to recommend pretty phrases to your friends sotheycan share those phrases that both want to spend.Thought: A nice phrase at the right time can save a life andbecomforted the most needy.Creating this app: Ktracho Apps
Friendship quotes 171127
Friendship quotes is an app that contains a compilation withthebest friend quotes that you can find out there today. Wehavecreated all these friendship images so you can share them withyourclosed ones and best friends in your life. They deserve it sothebest you can do is tell them how much you love them throughtheseimages. If you don’t know what you must tell them, don’tworry,this app will help you out as it features a lot of quotesonfriendship and their meaning. Now we will tell you about someofthe features included in this app: - We have created andselectedthe best friend quotes (in our opinion). - You will finddifferentcategories: quotes for a boy or girl friend, brokenfriendship,friendship and love, friendship poems, friendencouragement quotes,long-distance friendship, funny friendshipquotes, etc. This wayyou can select the most appropriate messagesfor each situation. -We have created a rich editor so you can addthe text or design ofyour choice. Select the font size, color andlocation to customizeall the images according to your needs. - Youcan also add all yourpreferred designs to “Favorites” so you canfind them in a muchfaster and easier way every time you use theapp. - It can also beused to let your relatives and family know howmuch you love them.You can even use these messages or quotes on thefriendship day ora friend’s day since these dates are a perfectoccasion to tellyour best friends how important they are. - You cansend or sharethese friendship quotes on your smartphone or tabletin a fast andeasy way. You can send friendship messages via email,friendshipsms (text messages), or by using any other app you mayhaveinstalled like instant messaging apps or social network ones.-This app is available to use it anytime in the simplestwaypossible. All you have to do is use the arrows to scrollthroughthe different quotes and tap the center button to share theonesyou like. - The app is 100% in English. You will find acompleterepertoire of friendship quotes in English. We hope youlike thisapplication. If that is the case, we would reallyappreciate it ifyou could rate it positively as this will help usto continueimproving and encourage us to keep uploading more friendimages andquotes. Apart from quotes, you will also find friendshippoems andverses. Legal notice/Disclaimer: All the pictures includedin thisapp have been exclusively created by designers forMuchoApps,therefore, the commercial use of any image within the appisprohibited without the prior consent of MuchoApps. Imagesfrompublic domain have been used for the photomontages, as they arenotidentified in any way that states the reserved exploitationofsuch. Any natural or legal person, who appears to be the ownerofany images contained therein, may accredit it via [email protected], committing ourselves to theimmediatewithdrawal of the image after verification of theprotected photoownership.
Frases diárias 4.0
Você já foi pego de surpresa por umafrasequete fez pensar bastante? É esse tipo de frase quevaiencontrarnesse aplicativo, frases que incitam reflexão.Frases de pessoas famosas, provérbios chineses e deoutrospaíses,ditos populares, trechos de poemas, e qualquer outrotipo defraseinteligente.365 frases, uma para cada dia do ano!O aplicativo é integrado com o Facebook. Publique as frasesquemaisgostar com apenas um toque.
Frases de Amor
Fonti Apps
"Frases de Amor " es una bellacolecciónde inspiradoras imágenes y frases románticaspara compartir a través de tu red social favorita.Descubre formas de decirle a esa persona tan especial, chico ochicalo que hace tiempo tienes reservado en tu corazón,a travésdemensajes de amor, y pensamientos románticos.Comparte las frases de amor más hermosas, junto con unabonitapostal , ahora en tu móvil!.Esta aplicación es ideal para el día de San Valentín, para decirleaella o el lo mucho que lo amas y cuanto amor hay en ti.En esta aplicación encontraras las mejores frases pasionales,frasesde amor y odio, frases románticas, o simplemente paracuandonecesitas olvidar ese amor perdido tan especial. " Novedad:"Ahora puedes crear tus propios diseños de Amor, añadir textos ytuspropias fotografias, crear frases divertidas o amorosas,ademástienes unos alegres y estupendos stikers o pegatinas paracompletartus creaciones, y todo esto de una manera sencilla rápidaeintuitiva.Solo tienes que ir a las sección hazlo tú mismo escoger el fondoquemás te guste, escribe tu texto, coloca tus stikers guarda yenvíaasí de fácil.- Esta aplicación contiene publicidad.- Esta aplicación es Totalmente gratis."Love phrases" isabeautiful collection of inspiring images and romanticphrasesto share via your favorite social network.Discover ways to tell that special, boy or girl person makingtimeyou have booked in your heart, through love messages, andromanticthoughts.Share phrases most beautiful love, along with a pretty picture,nowon your mobile !.This application is ideal for Valentine's Day, to tell her orhowmuch you love him and how much love in you.In this application you will find the lowest passionatephrases,phrases of love and hate, romantic phrases, or just whenyou needforget that love lost so special."New"Now you can create your own designs Love, add your own textandphotographs, create funny or romantic phrases, have a happyandgreat stikers or stickers to complete your creations, and allthisin a simple fast and intuitive.Just go to the section it yourself choose the background youlike,write your text, place your stikers stores and sosendseasy.- This application contains advertising.- This application is totally free.
Frases Famosas 4.0
Frases Famosas é uma compilação das frases mais conhecidasdetodosos tempos, das mais variadas categorias:Sabedoria,Reflexão,Humor, Otimismo, etc. Você poderá arquivar suasprópriasfrases,pesquisar por palavra-chave, filtrar por categoria,oumesmoadicionar em favoritos. Tudo isso sem precisar estarconectadoainternet. Com um visual tranquilo e agradável você poderárelaxaredesfrutrar da sabedoria dos grandes mestres da nossahistória.
Frases Diarias 1.4
Get prográmalas phrases instantly or anytime for that share.
Frases chidas una aplicacion de fraseschidasde siempre unas frases para compartir y enviar a tus amigososimplemente para leerlas tu unica aplicacion de fraseschidasdesarrollada para frases dichas mayoritariamente en mexicoperotambien podemos disfrutarlas en el resto del mundo puesfraseschidas es una coleccion de las mejores juntas en unaaplicacionpensada para todo el mundo dedicada a las frases masescuchadas ycompartidas en todo el territorio mexicano y mundialuna aplicacionpensada para mandar esa frases chidas a quien masteinterese.-Actualizada semanalmente!!-Nuevas frases-Fondos nuevos-Imagenes chidasYA PUEDES COMPARTIR POR TODAS TUS REDES SOCIALES(WHATSAPP,FACEBOOK ETC)Phrases chidasanapplication of chidas phrases always some sentences to shareandsend to your friends or just to read your unique applicationofchidas phrases developed for phrases spoken mostly in Mexico butwecan also enjoy the rest of the world as chidas phrases isacollection of the best together in an application designedforeveryone dedicated to the most heard phrases and shared acrosstheMexican and global territory an application designed to sendthatchidas phrases who most interests you.-Updated Weekly !!-New sentences-Funds new-Images chidas You can share FOR ALL YOUR NETWORKS(WHATSAPP, FACEBOOK ETC)
Frases e Pensamentos 1.1
Tenha acesso a muitas frases epensamentosdosmaiores poetas e filósofos de todos os tempo. ComFrasesePensamentos você pode enviar frases de reflexão paraseusamigos,alem disso, muitas destas frases faz você pensar sobresuavida.Aproveite!