Top 9 Apps Similar to ADM - Kloyal para empresas

ADM Smart Workforce 1.15
ADM Smart workforce mobility management platform - thatsimplifiesmobility for enterprises, while empowering end users towork at thespeed of life from any smartphone, anywhere, anytime andmake theirlives easy and their work more productive, whichimprovesenterprise results and strengthens customer relationship.ADM Smartworkforce can scale to any size of workforce and are builtto notonly work well together but also to seamlessly integrate withyourexisting technology investments and are extremely intuitiveandallow you to manage large amounts of data efficientlyandeffectively. Requires Android OS version 4.1 and up. How itworks?Install ADM Smart workforce app on your Android Phone. Fromthenon, your manager could use ADM Workforce web application toknowyour day working, location awareness ,real timenotification,instant reports and information at real time basis.The moment youinstalled the workforce mobility app , you would ableto capturedigital information such as Bar-code identification,Signature,Capturing images ,retail orders, marking distributionchannel onmap to view Geo-Presence. Each device with ADM Smartworkforce appinstalled has the option to automatically update itslocation atset regular intervals. ADM Smart workforce uses mobileinternet tocommunicate with the server. Admin can send message tothe users,these notifications are free, specific to our ADM Smartworkforceapplication, and work anywhere in the world as long as thedevicehas internet access. Features: ADM Smart workforce mobilityuniqueplatform is dedicated to enhancing the value ofenterprisesbusiness through intelligent integration ofestablishedtechnologies, information and services to deliversecure, proven,scalable, reliable, comprehensive and user friendlysolutions thatenables enterprises to : Stay connected to theirworkforce throughtwo way messaging, forms and work orders. Accessreal time locationand data on one dashboard with full metrics &reports to match.Increase workforce productivity & efficiency.Better &faster decision making. Improve customer service,satisfaction& retention. Increase competitive edge. Drivecontinuousimprovement. Record journey or official trip. Even afterrebooted,ADM Smart workforce app will automatically resume data andupdatingits position. Provide best possible balance betweenaccuracy anddependability. Uses the pictures from contacts or youcan set acustom photo for your workforce. The ability to see thehistoricallocation data for everyone you are tracking on the map.Watch theReplay of journey or trip. What is new in ADM Smartworkforce App ?Automatically Attendance Sheet Preparation.Customized Forms.Customized Response of Buttons. Work Assignments.Route mappingalong with alert on deviation. Plot your channel onMAP to viewgeographical presence. Target vs Achievement. RecordJourney Trip& Meeting. Logs history of your day events. InstantReporting.Note: Device Admin Permission This app uses Device AdminPermissionwhich will restrict user to accidentally clearapplication data,uninstall and force stop the application. If userwant to changethis permission after installation they can do it byrevoking thedevice admin permission for this app from security-> DeviceAdministrator -> Deactivate the permission for thisapp.
Aspel ADM 3.0.4
Aspel ADM es una en la nube que administra lasprincipalesoperaciones de compra-venta desde cualquier lugar paraque tuempresa sea más productiva y genere mayoresingresos.Características: • Elabora cotizaciones, facturas ycompras deforma sencilla y productiva. • Conoce siempre elinventario de tusproductos, su rotación y costo. • Ten disponibleen todo momento elestado de tus cuentas por cobrar. • Mantén unoportuno seguimientode las ventas, gastos e ingresos. • Manejaeficientemente tucatálogo de clientes, productos y servicios.Comprobantes Genera elcomprobante fiscal digital que requieras:facturas, recibos dehonorarios, arrendamiento, notas de crédito,recibos de recepciónde pago y cumple con el nuevo esquema decancelación. Habilitacomplementos como: Recibos de nómina, IEDU,Notarios, Donatarias,Venta de vehículos, entre otros. ReportesExpide útiles reportesque te ayudan a tener una visión clara delestado de tu empresa:Estados de cuenta de clientes, corte de caja,resumen dedocumentos, kárdex y lista de precios. EstadísticasEmiteestadísticas que te ayudan a tomar decisiones importantes entiemporeal: clientes más importantes, productos más vendidos,utilidades,entre otras. Movilidad Accede desde tu dispositivomóvil, tablet oPC. Una gran ventaja es que puedes trabajar sinconexión a Internety sincronizar tu información cuando te conectes.Lo nuevo •Consulta los pagos recibidos por cada usuario y obtén unavistaprevia de los movimientos e información mensual de tu empresa.•Manejo del Impuesto Especial sobre Producción y Servicios (IEPS).•Obtén reportes con información a detalle. Aspel ADM esunaherramienta básica de control para pequeñosempresarios,emprendedores y startups. Está disponible en versiónBásica yPremium. Prueba la app y el servicio de facturaciónilimitado por30 días sin costo, y después contrata de forma mensualo anual aquí
MK Mobile - Administrador 1.2.0
Maikel Martin
Veja dashboards, controle seus técnicosereceba os alertas do seu MK Solutions.See dashboards,controlits technical and receive alerts from your MKSolutions.
MiTaxi Adm 1.4
MiTaxi Adm, es la herramienta quenecesitabaspara la administración de tu propio negocio de RadioTaxis, conesta aplicación, podras tener control sobre la ubicación,exacta detus taxis y tener un central eficiente conmejorasinsuperables.Adm MiTaxi is thetoolthat you want to manage your own business of Radio Taxis, withthisapplication, you can have control over the location and exactyourtaxis have an efficient plant withinsurmountableimprovements.
Portal de Administração de Empresas.Marketing,Finanças e Recursos Humanos. Conteúdo grátis e extensomaterial depesquisa.Portal ofBusinessAdministration. Marketing, Finance and Human Resources.Freecontent and extensive research material.
ADM Arıza & Planlı Kesinti
ADM Arıza Bildirimi & Planlı KesintiADM FailureNotification& Planned Outage
ADM Property Services London 4.1.1
Local Traders
Whether you'd love a modern kitchenoranupdated bathroom, ADM Property Services London Ltd are heretohelpyou.Based in Hertfordshire, we work in residentialpropertieswithinWatford, Enfield and the surrounding areasofHertfordshire.Download our app for a better insight into how wecanhelp you andyour home.With our app, you can:- Contact our experts with one click- Join our in-app community- Browse our portfolio of work- Receive free, no obligation quotations
ADM Offer Management 31.2.0
ADM Offer Management mobile application is an easy &simplesolution for producers to receive the price for the grainthey workhard to grow. With the functionality of the DTN Portalnowavailable in a mobile application, you will be able tomake,manage, & monitor your offers to sell directly to ADM.KeyFeatures: - View updating cash bids anytime - Create CashSaleOffers 24/7 - Monitor updating prices when futures marketsaretrading - Update your target price any time - View Contractstradedon DTN Portal This mobile application is powered by DTN andwillsync with your online ADM Portal account. Call DTNat1-800-311-1516 with any questions. This app requiresinternetconnection.
Cek NIP & Profil PNS 1.3
Aplikasi ini difungsikan untuk membantu&mempermudah user dalam pengecekan Profil PNSNIP - Nomor Induk PegawaiCek NIP & Profil PNS* Ketika Server Sedang bermasalah atau sedang prosessinkrondengan server PUPNS maka menu cek nip tidak berfungsisebagaimanamestinya *Kritik, saran dan masukan sangat kami nantikan demikemajuanbersama, terimakasih dan selamat menggunakan aplikasiini.Sumber : Peraturan Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Negara No. 22tahun2007 tanggal 28 maret 2007, tentang Nomor Identitas PegawaiNegeriSipilNIP terdiri atas 18 (Delapan Belas) Digit, NomorIdentitasPegawai (NIP) adalah nomor unik yang diberikan kepadasetiap PNSsebagai identitas kepegawaiannya yang terdiri dari 18digit yangmemuat tahun, bulan dan tanggal lahir, tahun dan bulanpengangkatanpertama sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS),jenis kelamin,dan nomor urut.Terkait dengan NIP ini, bagi Rekan-rekan PNS yanginginmengetahui data diri maupun status kepegawaiannya yang validpadaBadan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN). Saat ini pada situs resmi /websiteBKN di telah disediakan sebuah fasilitas /fitur yangdiperuntukkan bagi seluruh PNS (Pegawai Negeri Sipil)yang ada diseluruh wilayah Indonesia dalam memastikankebenarandata-datanya.-----------------------------------Aplikasi ini bukan aplikasi resmi dari pemerintah.Pihak pengembang tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi denganpenyediakonten.Bertujuan untuk memudahkan pengguna untuk mengaksesnya.Disclaimer : Aplikasi ini tidak berafiliasi denganbkn,bkn.go.idThis applicationisenabled to assist and facilitate the user in checking Profile PNSNIP - Employee Identification NumberChecks NIP & Profile PNS* When Server Medium problematic or are synchronized withtheserver process PUPNS then check nip menu not working properly*Criticism, suggestions and feedback is greatly welcomed forthefuture progress, thanks and congratulations usingthisapplication.Source: The Regulation of the State Employment Agency No. 22of2007 dated 28 March 2007, on the Civil ServantIdentificationNumberNIP consists of 18 (Eighteen) Digits, EmployerIdentificationNumber (NIP) is a unique number given to every civilservant as theidentity of its personnel consisting of 18 digitswhich includesthe year, month and date of birth, year and month offirstappointment as a candidate for Civil Servants civil (CPNS),gender,and serial number.Related to this NIP, for fellow civil servants who want toknowthe data themselves or their employment status is valid ontheCivil Service Agency (BKN). Currently the official website/website BKN in has provided a facility /featurereserved for all civil servants (Civil Servants) in allparts ofIndonesia in ensuring truth data.-----------------------------------This app is not an official application fromthegovernment.The developer has no affiliation with the content provider.Aims to facilitate users to access them.Disclaimer: This app is not affiliated with BKN,