Top 2 Apps Similar to Viva A Loja

Viva Photo Booth 4.1.1
Use our app to submit photos to us,receivediscounts, freebies, and much more! Viva Photo Booth servesthe LasVegas area with our photo booth service. We strive toprovidequality service and make our clients events as fun aspossible! Aphotograph can document a major life event almost aswell as ascroll signed in the blood of everyone who attended.
Viva 360 3.2
Viva 360, es una aplicación para actualizarlainformación de los puntos de venta de Viva en Bolivia.Caracteristicas:Completar la información a detalle del punto de venta.Permite obtener la ubicación exacta del punto de venta.Adjuntar fotografías del punto de venta.Registrar puntos de venta no consideradosanteriormente(Puntosnuevos).360 Live is anapplicationto update the information outlets Live in Bolivia.Features:Complete detailed information at point of sale.Lets get the exact location of the point of sale.Attach photographs of the point of sale.Register outlets not previously considered (new points).