Top 17 Apps Similar to O POVO Online - Smartphone

Diário do Nordeste 3.0.28
News and reports in the largest newspaper in Ceará. Direct,Clearand Simple;
VEJA 10.3.1
Informações confiáveis são vitais para momentos de incerteza.
Diário do Nordeste Tablets 1.0.1
Todo o conteúdo do Jornal Diário doNordesteagora para os tablets Android.All Journal contentDiáriodo Nordeste now for Android tablets.
O POVO Online - Tablet 1.4
O POVO Online apresenta com exclusividadeoaplicativo mobile no qual você pode obter informações de formamaisrápida, fácil e atualizada sobre assuntos mais interessantesqueestão acontecendo no Ceará, Brasil e mundo.É o melhor do conteúdo online que você já conhece, agora naversãomobile.O POVO Online há 15 anos você online.Portal de notícias do Grupo de Comunicação O POVO, O POVOOnlinefoi criado há 15 anos para informar em tempo real osacontecimentosdo Ceará, Brasil e mundo.Além dos últimos fatos do cotidiano das cidades,entretenimento,política, economia, esportes, empregos e serviços, épossível teracesso as notícias do jornal O POVO.O POVO é o jornal mais antigo em circulação no Ceará, desde 7dejaneiro de 1928. É a marca mais lembrada pelos cearenses emseusegmento, de acordo com a pesquisa Top of Mind, doInstitutoDatafolha. O POVO é um dos fundadores da AssociaçãoNacional deJornais (ANJ). Sua circulação é auditada pelo InstitutoVerificadorde Circulação (IVC).PEOPLE Online presentsanexclusive mobile application in which you can get informationmorequickly, easily and updated on the most interesting subjectsthatare happening in Ceará, Brazil and the world.It is the best online content you already know, now inmobileversion.PEOPLE Online 15 years ago you online.News portal Group Communication PEOPLE, PEOPLE Online wascreated15 years ago to report in real time the events of Ceará,Brazil andthe world.Besides the recent daily facts of cities,entertainment,politics, economy, sports, jobs and services, you canaccess newsnewspaper THE PEOPLE.THE PEOPLE is the oldest newspaper in circulation in Ceará,fromJanuary 7, 1928. It is the most recalled brand by Ceará initssegment, according to the Top of Mind survey, DatafolhaInstitute.THE PEOPLE is a founder of the National NewspaperAssociation(ANJ). Its circulation is audited by Circulation CheckerInstitute(CVI).
Pocket Casts - Podcast Player
Pocket Casts is the world's most powerful podcast platform
Folha Dirigida 1.399
GRM Internet
Aplicativo do Grupo Folha Dirigidadesenvolvidopara disponibilizar informações sobre concursospúblicos, empregos eeducação publicadas no do aplicativo:- Noticiário regionalizado sobre concursos cominscriçõesabertas, previstos e em andamento- Provas para resolução online- Vídeoaulas de diversas disciplinas- Visualização de editais- Edições Digitais- Noticiário de educação e emprego** Inclui conteúdos de acesso GRATUITO **Directed Group Sheetofapplication developed to provide information on publictenders,jobs and education published onthe site.Application features:- Regionalized newsletter on tenders with open, ongoingandplanned enrollment- Evidence for online resolution- Video classes in various disciplines- View notices- Digital Editions- News in education and employmentIt includes content ** ** FREE access
Meus Empregos 4.0
Meus Empregos
O site disponibiliza vagas deempregoatualizadas diariamente.The site providesjobopenings updated daily.
MMO - Moçambique Online
News, Jobs, Music, Art, Culture, Fashion, Entertainment Mozambique!
Jornal do Brasil 2.2.4
Baris Efe
Lista dos principais jornais do Brasil, revistas, sites denotíciason-line.
Extra Notícias
Jornal Extra
O aplicativo do Jornal Extra, com asúltimasnotícias do Brasil e do mundo, sempre tratadas de formaclara eobjetiva! Extra Notícias, o aplicativo de um dos jornal maislidosdo país! Baixe aqui e fique ligado!Informações úteis e interessantes sobre famosos, esportes,empregos,economia, casos de polícia, TV, novelas, política,universo femininoe muito mais. Serviços no seu smartphone, napalma da sua mão comatualizações em tempo real e fotos dequalidade dos principaisassuntos do momento.O aplicativo tem uma navegação simples e direta, que se adapta àsuatela, e reproduz a estrutura do site ao qual vocêestáacostumado.As diferentes editorias são:Notícias (Brasil, Mundo, Economia, Educação, Carros)PolíciaEmprego (Capacitação, Concursos, Servidor Público)FamososMulher (Beleza, Corpo, Decoração, Moda)TV e Lazer (Novelas, Música, BBB)Esporte (Brasileirão, Copa 2014)FotosTodas elas permitindo o acesso rápido à notícia que você quer lerea possibilidade de compartilhar no Facebook, Twitter oupore-mail.Outras funcionalidades do aplicativo são a possibilidade deaumentare diminuir o tamanho da fonte, de avaliar o aplicativo efalar com opessoal do Jornal Extra.Extra Notícias é um produto Infoglobo.The application ofExtraNewspaper, with the latest news from Brazil and the world,alwaystreated in a clear and objective manner! Extra News,theapplication of one of the most widely read newspaper inthecountry! Download here and stay tuned!Useful and interesting information about famous, sports,jobs,economy, police cases, TV, novels, politics, and morefeminineuniverse. Services on your smartphone, in the palm of yourhandwith real-time updates and quality photos of the main issues ofthemoment.The application has a simple and straightforward navigationthatfits your screen, and reproduces the structure of the site towhichyou are accustomed.The various editors are:News (Brazil, World, Economy, Education, Cars)PoliceEmployment (Training, Contests, Public Servant)FamousWomen (Beauty, Body Decoration, Fashion)TV Goods (Novels, Music, BBB)Sport (Brasileirão, Copa 2014)PhotosAll of them allowing quick access to the news you want to readandthe ability to share on Facebook, Twitter or by email.Other features of the application include the ability toincreaseand decrease the font size, to evaluate the application andtalkwith the staff of Extra Journal.Extra News is a Infoglobo product.
Concello da Guarda 2.2
La Guardia. All information of the municipality.
Brazil News 1.0.0
Features :• Easy navigation.• All Brazil News in one app• Customized menu to select favourite Brazil NewsList of Brazil News Sites included :iGR7.comUOL Grande NewsNE10Brasil 247BandFolha de S.PauloBrasil PostCorreio BrazilienseCarta CapitalPragmatismo PoliticoFolha do SertaoCORREIOForumGazeta do Povo180grausA TARDEAdNewsAgora MTAraruna1ArarunaonlineBagueteBahia Dia a DiaBelo Horizonte de A a Z - BHAZBlue BusCanal411CGNCongresso em FocoCorreio do BrasilCorreio do EstadoCorreio do PovoCorreio WebDCM Diario do Centro do MundoDiario do NordesteDiario do PoderDigiteiDM Diario da ManhaEstado de MinasExtraG1IfronteiraImprensaJornal O GloboJovem PanLitoralPBMidiamax NewsNoticias do DiaNoticias TerraNovas do DiaO DiaO PopularO POVOO TempoolhardiretoOutras Paraibaportalmidia.netRadar 64RdnewsSo NoticiasT1 NoticiasTabloideBRTeixeira NewsTerra MagazineTNH 1Tribuna do CearaTribuna do NorteUaiUiraunaUltimo SegundoVEJAZero Hora
SAPO Jornais
Na aplicação SAPO Jornais poderáconsultardiariamente as capas de toda a imprensa nacional e ascapas depublicações de 49 países em todo o mundo, para além daatualidadenoticiosa, minuto a minuto. Selecione as capas favoritasparaaceder mais rapidamente ao conteúdo da sua preferência.Guardenotícias para ler mais tarde. Pesquise capas, noticiasoumanchetesSAPO, MEO, MOCHE e PT EMPRESAS são marcas do GrupoPTPortugal.In applyingSAPONewspapers can see daily the covers of all the national pressandthe covers of publications from 49 countries around the world,inaddition to the news today, minute by minute. Select yourfavoritecovers for faster access to the content of their choice.Savestories to read later. Search covers, news or headlinesSAPO, MEO, MOCHE and PT ENTERPRISES are trademarks ofPTPortugal.
وصفات ايس كريم وحلويات باردة 2.0
نضع اليوم بين أيديكي سيدتي مجموعة منوصفاتتحضير الحلويات الباردة و المثلجات وايس كريم بطرق سهلة وسريعةفيالبيت مع تطبيق وصفات ايس كريم وحلويات باردة مميزات هذا التطبيقانهسهل ويشتغل بدون انترنت .محتويات التطبيق :آيس كريم الاناناسكيكة الأيس كريمايس كريم بالمستكةسوربيه الفراولةايس كريم الشكولاتهكريم كاراميل بالجبنةبودينغ الشوكولاكيكة النسكافيه الباردةايس كريم الفراولة بالزبادىحلويات سريعةايس كريم القهوةحلويات شرقية وغربيةآيس كريم بالشيكولاته البيضاءجرانيتا البطيخكوبلك الخوخأيس كريم المانجوبارفيه الفراولةأسياخ الفواكه بجوز الهندايس كريم الليمونتشيز كيك الإسنيكرزترافل الفواكه الصحىمثلجات الرمانأيس كريم الفراولةقمر الدين بالمهلبيةآيس كريم المانجوايس كريم بصوص الشوكولا والكريزكوكتيل الفواكه والكريمةايس كريم بصوص الفراولة والمكسراتكيكة الآيس كريم بالكراميلآيس كريم الفانيلياحلوى الباشن فروت فاكهة الحبالموز المغطي بالشوكولاتة والأوريوسوفت آيس كريم بالموزتشيز كيك المانجوالشوكولاتة البيضاء بالفراولةمهلبية باللوز والتوتمهلبية الورداحلى طريقة عمل ايس كريم شهيةطريقة اشهى ايس كريم بطريقة سهلة و سريعةاجمل ايس كريم سهلة التحضير من المطابخ العالميةاسهل وصفات ايس كريم و طريقة العمل فى العالمعيش السراياحلو قمر الدين بالجيليالسميدية بالقشطةالماسية بالحليبمهلبية الأرز بالزعفرانحلو السميدالأرز بالحليبكريم كاراميل بالجبنةبودينغ الشوكولاكيكة النسكافيه الباردةكيك المالتيزرتشيز كيك التوتتشيز كيك بالشوكولاته والبرتقالتشيز كيك مع صلصة الكرزتشيز كيك بالقهوةطريقة عمل الايس كريم في البيت بطريقة سهلةحلويات باردةموسوعة الحلويات الباردةحلويات سهلةأيس كريم الخوخحلويات سهلة وسريعةايس كريم الليمونآيس كريم بالموزآيس كريم بحليب جوز الهندكيكة الآيس كريم بالكراميلهاد التطبيق مقدم من خبراء في مجال الحلوى كمنال العالم وسعدالدينيحتوي على الد الحلويت من المطابخ المشهورة كمطبخ منال العالمحوريةسميرة و سعد الدين يضم الجزء الأول وصفات حلويات باردة سريعةوسهلةالتحضير في مطبخ منال العالم و كدا الد طبخات أكلات حورية سوفتنالإعجاب الجميع ألأدو ق ‏هدفنا واحد اسعاد كل بيت بابسط الطرق حمليهذاالتطبيق الان وإستمتعي انت وعائلتك في هذة الوصفات المميزة والشهيةفينفس الوقت. إليك ايضا مجموعة انواع الحلويات الشرقية وصفاتحلوياتمغربية يحتوي هذا التطبيق على أشهر وصفات و على اكثر من خمسينوصفة مناشهى الحلويات العربية والغربية المقترحة من أشهر المطابخالعربيةواكلات سورية والبنانية وغيرها كسعد الدين منال العالم و الشيفو عالمحواء التي سوف تنال إعجاب الجميع الأدوا ق ‏هدفنا واحد اسعاد كلبيتبابسط الطرق هنا سوف تجد جميع الوصفات للحلويات والكعك العربيه مثل:الكنافهو البقلاوه الغُريّبة وكبسة بالأرز وشربة جزر وتبولةومقلوبةالسفيرية .هناك اصناف كثيرة من حلويات سهلة مغربية التي تتوفر اشكال مختلفة ،منوصفات حلويات و الحلويات الغربية والشرقية والمغربية،التقليديةوالجديدة ومن أشهرها الكيك على أنواعه، الكب كيك، البيتيفور،الشوكولاته والحلوى، الكوكيز، الكاسترد والبودينغ، الحلوياتالمثلجةمثل الآيس كريم، والحلويات العربية مثل البسبوسة، البقلاوة،المعمول،الحلى بالتمر وغيرها من خلال حلويات مغربية يمكن التوصل بأحذثالوصفات,المطبخ المغربي, شهيوات شوميشة حلويات مغربية حلوياتالعيدحلويات رمضان أطباق رمضانية شهيوات شوميشة .icecream au chocolaicecream au farwalaice cream au nescafehalawyate ladidaiceau bananicecream au safranicesream au café .إن أعجبكم تطبيق وصفات ايس كريم وحلويات باردة لا تنسوا التقييموشكرا .Today we putbetweenOadekke Madam group of recipes to prepare cold desserts andicecream and ice cream easy and quick ways at home withtheapplication of recipes Ice Cream and Sweets cool features ofthisapplication is that it is easy and actuation without theInternet.The contents of the application:Ice cream pineappleCake ice creamIce Cream PalmcetkhSorbyh strawberriesIce Cream chocolateCaramel cream cheeseChocolate PuddingCake cold NescafeIce Cream strawberry yogurtLinks SweetsCoffee ice creamEastern and Western sweetsIce cream white chocolateWatermelon granitaKoppelk PeachMango ice creamStrawberry ParfaitCoconut fruit skewersLemon ice creamCheesecake AlasnikrzTravel the healthy fruitSundae pomegranateStrawberry Ice CreamQamardeen PalmelbahMango ice creamIce Cream chocolate sauce and cherriesFruit cocktail and stonesIce Cream strawberry sauce and nutsCaramel Ice Cream CakeVanilla ice creamAlbashen candy grapefruit fruit of loveBanana and chocolate covered AloorioSoft ice cream bananasMango Cheese CakeWhite chocolate strawberriesPudding with almonds and berriesPudding rosesBest way the ice cream appetiteHow delicious ice cream in an easy way and fastThe most beautiful Ice Cream easy to prepare frominternationalcuisineThe easiest recipes Ice Cream and modus operandi in the worldLive SarayaSweet Qamardeen PaljalaAsameedah creamDiamond milkPudding with saffron riceSweet semolinaRice milkCaramel cream cheeseChocolate PuddingCake cold NescafeCake AlmaltiserRaspberry CheesecakeCheese Cake with chocolate and orangeCheesecake with cherry sauceCheesecake coffeeThe way the ice-cream at home in an easy wayCool SweetsEncyclopedia cold dessertsEasy sweetsPeach Ice CreamQuick and easy dessertsLemon ice creamIce cream bananasIce cream coconut milkCaramel Ice Cream CakeHaad application submitted by experts in the field of candyKmenalworld Saad Eddin has a father Ahaloat kitchens famouskitchencabinet Manal world nymph Samira and Saad Eddin includes thefirstpart and recipes quick and easy to prepare cold sweets inthekitchen world Manal and CDA father cooks cuisine nymph willgainthe admiration of all Our medicines s one to please the wholehouseof the simplest ways my pregnancy this application now andEnjoyyou and your family in these recipes distinctive and deliciousatthe same time. Here's also a kind of oriental sweets GroupRecipesMoroccan sweets recipes and this application on monthscontain morethan fifty recipe of delicious proposed of the mostfamous Arabkitchens Arab and Western sweets and cuisine Syria andBannanah andothers as Saad religion Manal world and the chef andthe world ofEve, which will undermine the admiration of all Alodoas our goalto please every single house in the simplest way here youwill findall the recipes for sweets and cakes such as the Arab:AlknavhoBaklava and exotic push of rice and a drink of IslandsandTabbouleh and upturned Alsvirih.There are many varieties of easy-to-sweets Moroccan whichvariousforms are available, from recipes Sweets and Western,Eastern andMoroccan pastries, traditional and new, and the mostfamous cake onthe types, Cupcake, the home immediately, chocolate,candy,cookies, custards and puddings, desserts frozen like icecream,pastries Arabic such as Basbousa, baklava, applicable, withdatesand other ornaments through Moroccan sweets can be reachedBohztrecipes, Moroccan cuisine, Shahyoat Homhh MoroccanfeastSweetsRamadan sweets Ramadan dishes Shahyoat Homhh.icecream au chocolaicecream au farwalaice cream au nescafehalawyate ladidaiceau bananicecream au safranicesream au café.If you like the application recipes ice cream and cold sweetsdonot forget evaluation and thank you.
DER SPIEGEL - Nachrichten 4.6.18
Breaking News Anytime | News from politics, economy & the world
Fast News
Fast and lightweight mobile news feedreaderfor your country major newspapers! Supported countries areUSA, UK,Ireland, India, Canada, Australia, Malaysia and manymore.Choose, read and easily compare the most famous newspapers withyourmobile free of charge and in the fastest way possible. Alltheheadlines of major newspapers in the palm of your hand.If you want to stay up to date with what happens in your countryanduse as little time as possible, then this app is whatyouneed!Fast News is a RSS Feed Reader but unlike other feature richnewsreaders, it will bring you directly to the news without wastinganytime messing around with the user interface or news loading. Itisthe best app for the daily reader.This app is still in Beta state, please provide feedback!Fast News US version will show you the content of the publicrssfeeds from these major United States newspapers:* The New York Times* New York Daily News* USA Today* L.A. Times* Huffington Post* CNN* Washington Post* MSNBC* NPR* Reuters* NYPost* Newsday* Denver Post* Dallas Morning* ABC News* Fox News Latest* ESPN Sport News* The Daily Beast* Forbes* Salon* The Nation* Yahoo! News US* USA Reddit channel* Wall Street JournalFor UK:* Daily Mail* Daily Mirror* Daily Star* BBC UK* Daily Telegraph* Reuters UK* Daily Express* Daily Record* The Guardian* The Independent* The Herald* The Conversation* Sky News* Huffington Post UK* UnitedKingdom Reddit* #UK #NEWS TwitterFor India (various languages):* Dainik Jagran National* Dainik Bhaskar* Hindustan* Amar Ujala* Times Of India (TOI)* Jagran Post* Rajasthan Patrika* Mid-Day* Malayala Manorama* Prabhat Khabar* The Hindu* Deccan Chronicle* Mathrubhumi* Deccan Herald* NDTV News* Financial Chronicle* Lokmat* Dinakaran* RediffNews* Economic Times* Telegraph India* New Indian Express* Reddit India /r/india* #India #News TwitterFor Ireland:* Irish Examiner* Irish Daily Star* Irish Independent* Irish Central* Herald* RTÉ* BreakingNews.ieFor Canada (in English and French):* Toronto Star* The Globe and Mail* Le Journal de Montréal* La Presse* Montreal Gazette* The Vancouver Sun* The Toronto Sun* The Province* National Post* Calgary Herald* Winnipeg Free* Ottawa Citizen* Edmonton Journal* Chronicle HeraldFor Australia:* Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)* Herald Sun* Courier-Mail* Sydney Morning Herald (SMH)* The West Australian* The Age* The Advertiser (Adelaide)* The Conversation* The Australian* Perth Now* SBS World NewsFor Malaysia (In Malay, English and Chinese):* Borneo Post* The Sun Daily* Harian Metro* NewStraitsTimes* Free Malaysia Today* HarakahDaily* Oriental Daily* MalaysiaKini* Berita Harian* The Malaysian InsiderIf you want another newspaper to be included in the list,pleasesend us an email.Features:* Very fast and lightweight newsreader* Immediate and simple to use* Optimized for low bandwidth usage and high download speed* Easy to compare an article between different newspapers* Choose only the newspapers you want and change their order* Front page of the most important newspapers in your countrywithall the currents news and stories about politics crimesgossipsport government taxes crisis economics finances* Many countries supported: United States of America,UnitedKingdom, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Malaysia, India,Germany,France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Mexico, Argentina,China,Taiwan, Belgium, Austria* Share the news with friends through mail, socialnetworks,Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp or any other app youhaveinstalled.* The best for the daily readerDisclaimer: This app is not affiliated nor related with any ofthenewspapers cited here. The content the app shows comesfrompublicly available RSS feeds from the newspapers which retainsallcopyrights and thus the app is not to be held responsible foranyof the content displayed.