Top 36 Apps Similar to Revista Galileu

VEJA 10.3.1
Informações confiáveis são vitais para momentos de incerteza.
Revista Casa&Arte 3.0.1
Revista focada no segmento de decoração,arte,design, móveis e construção civil.Magazine focused onthesegment of decoration, art, design, furnitureandconstruction.
Issuu: magazines & books 5.73.0
Discover, read & save 30+ million magazines, books,portfoliosand catalogues
Brazilian Newspapers 6.0.4
Groups all news of the most important newspapers and magazinesofBrazil
EMPRENDEDORES Revista 5.4.703
Ya en Google la revista que te ofrecelasclavesde la economía y el éxito profesional. Disfruta delaedición digitalde la revista Emprendedores, con losmismoscontenidos que la ediciónimpresa y los beneficios delformatodigital. Ponemos a tu alcanceuna nueva forma, sencilla yrápida,de disfrutar de la revista líderdel mundo de la economía ylasfinanzas. Sus páginas son una completaguía para todosaquellosempresarios, directivos y ejecutivos quequieren estarinformadossobre los nuevos proyectos e ideas, así comoconocer enprofundidadlas técnicas de gestión.Elige la opción que prefieras:1.- Un número suelto por 1,79€2.- Suscripción anual (12 números) por 16,99€El cobro se cargará en la cuenta deGoogle Play registradaenelmomento de la compra.No se puede cancelar una suscripción durante el períododuranteelque la misma esté activa. Las suscripciones puedensergestionadasdesde la cuenta del usuario y las suscripcionesautorenovablespueden deshabilitarse desde la misma encualquiermomento.Para más información legal y de protección dedatosconsultar: dudas o sugerencias puedes enviar un correo aladirección:[email protected] inthemagazinethat Google gives you the key economic andprofessionalsuccess.Enjoy the digital edition of Entrepreneurmagazine, withthe samecontent as the print edition and the benefitsof thedigitalformat. We can reach a new form, simply and quickly,toenjoy theleading journal in the world of economics and finance.Itspagesare a complete guide to all those entrepreneurs,managersandexecutives who want to be informed about new projectsand ideas,aswell as in-depth knowledge of management techniques.Choose the option you prefer:1. - A single issue for € 1.792. - Annual subscription (12 issues) for € 16.99Be debited in the Google Account Play recorded at thetimeofpurchase.You can not cancel a subscription during the period for whichitisactive. Subscriptions can be managed from the user'saccountandsubscriptions auto renewable can be disabled from thesame atanytime.For more legal information and dataprotectionsee: questions or suggestions please send anemailto:[email protected]
Revista CARAS Brasil 4.524
Baixe gratuitamente o aplicativo daRevistaCaras Para O Seu tablet Android e tenha o Conteúdo daMelhorRevista de Celebridades da América Latina NA SUA Mao!Instale um application e Fique POR Dentro das Últimas Notícias equeglamour do Mundo dos famosos. E ainda Vê galerias de fotos,vídeos eConteúdo Altamente Interativo.Download the freeappRevista Caras For Your Android tablet and get the BestContentMagazine Celebrity Latin America IN YOUR Mao!Install an application and Stay current on the latest News andWorldglamor of famous. And See photo galleries, videos andHighlyInteractive Content.
Revista Semana
WEEK is a weekly publication of opinion analysis and Colombia.
Revista Administradores 2.6.1
A revista Administradores éumapublicaçãototalmente inovadora e fora do quadrado, que trazumaabordagemdescomplicada dos mais diversos assuntosrelacionadosaAdministração, Marketing, Carreira,Liderança,Estratégia,Tecnologia e todos os assuntos pertinentes aomundo dosnegócios.A Administradores conta com um projeto editorial único ecomumalinguagem leve e dinâmica. Suas páginas contam comtextosderenomados colaboradores e de instituiçõesnacionaiseinternacionais.A Administradores é uma publicação do,omaiorveículo online do mundo voltado à Administração e negóciosemlínguaportuguesa.Baixe agora e fique por dentro de tudo o que acontecenouniversoda Administração.The Managementmagazineisa totally innovative and publishing outside of thesquare,whichbrings an uncomplicated approach to various issuesrelatedtoManagement, Marketing, Career, Leadership, Strategy,Technologyandall relevant matters to the business world.The Administrators account with a unique editorial anddesignwitha lightweight dynamic language. Its pages feature textsbyrenowneddevelopers and national andinternationalinstitutions.The Administrators is a publication,theworld's largest online vehicle facing theadministrationandbusiness in English.Download now and stay on top of everything that happensintheuniverse of Directors.
Revistas 11
- Access to the portals of the magazines . - Delivery of the Newsbyemail . - Access to Twitter & Facebook
GoRead - Revistas Digitais 2.7.3
Access to more than 200 magazines on your Android anytimeandanywhere.
Exame 6.3.2
Exame Digital
News application for your day. Business, Economics, Career andmore.
Revista ISTOÉ 1200000000
Editora Três
Leia a ISTOÉ direto em seu tablet, Smartphone ou computador.Apartir de agora você já pode ter a versão digital darevistasemanal mais independente do Brasil. No aplicativo, vocêvaiencontrar a edição completa da revista, com as seções,asentrevistas e as reportagens que transformaram a ISTOÉemreferência no jornalismo brasileiro, com toda ainteratividadepermitida pelo seu didpositivo, vídeos e conteúdoexclusivo. Baixeagora e tenha acesso a revista ISTOÉ.
ELLE Revista 5.4.703
Ya en Android la revista de moda másvendidadelmundo. Disfruta de la edición digital de la revistaElle, conlosmismos contenidos que la edición impresa y losbeneficios delformatodigital. Ponemos a tu alcance una nuevamanera de disfrutarde turevista favorita accediendo al mejorcontenido, fotosexclusivas,entrevistas, reportajes y actualidad.Todo, de unamanera sencilla yrápida.Elige el tipo de suscripción que prefieras:1.- Un número suelto por 1,79€2.- Suscripción anual (12 números) por 16,99€El cobro se cargará en la cuenta de Google Play registradaenelmomento de la compra.No se puede cancelar una suscripción durante el períododuranteelque la misma esté activa. Las suscripciones puedensergestionadasdesde la cuenta del usuario y las suscripcionesautorenovablespueden deshabilitarse desde la misma encualquiermomento.Para más información legal y de protección dedatosconsultar: dudas o sugerencias puedes enviar un correo aladirección:[email protected] inAndroidthebest-selling fashion magazine in the world. Enjoythedigitaledition of Elle magazine, with the same content astheprintedition and the benefits of the digital format. We canreach anewway to enjoy your favorite magazine accessing thebestcontent,exclusive photos, interviews, reports and news. All, inasimpleand quick.Select the subscription type you prefer:1. - A single issue for € 1.792. - Annual subscription (12 issues) for € 16.99Be debited to the account of Google Play recorded at thetimeofpurchase.You can not cancel a subscription during the period for whichitisactive. Subscriptions can be managed from the user'saccountandauto-renewable subscriptions can be disabled from thesame atanytime.For more legal information and dataprotectionsee: questions or suggestions please send anemailto:[email protected]
TIM Banca Virtual 7.3.2
Read the most important news in the country in the new versionofTim Banca Virtual.
Revista Selecciones en español 2.0.3
Digital and interactive Spanish version of the magazineReader'sDigest
Revista Moda & Estilo
Revista Moda & Estilo é a suarevistadamoda na Região dos Lagos. Milhares de pessoas acessamaRevistaModa & Estilo diariamente, para ler asprincipaismatérias,conferir dicas de looks, editoriais e seguir asfamosasblogueiras"influencers" e compartilhar suas dicas, vídeos efotos.Focada em moda, beleza, gastronomia, bem-estar e etc...Comcuponsde descontos, sorteios semanais de brindes, jantaresediárias nosmelhores hotéis, pousadas de Búzios e CaboFrio!!!Tudoisso em um sólugar.Faça o download e comece a usar a Revista Moda &Estiloagora- é gratuito!ACOMPANHE A REVISTA MODA & ESTILO:Para dicas e informações importantes, visite onossowebsite e siga-nosnoFacebook você esteja experimentando problemas técnicosoutenhaperguntas, por favor, entre em contato conoscoviaWhatsapp:(22)99922-8722MagazineFashion&Style is a fashion magazine in the Lakes Region.Thousandsofpeople access the Magazine Fashion & Style daily toreadthetop stories, give tips of looks, editorials and followthefamousbloggers "influencers" and share their tips, videosandphotos.Focused on fashion, beauty, gastronomy, wellness and etc...Withdiscount coupons, weekly sweepstakes giveaways, dinnerdailyand thebest hotels, hostels Buzios and Cabo Frio !!! All thisinoneplace.Download and start using the Magazine Fashion & Stylenow-it's free!ATTEND THE MAGAZINE FASHION & STYLE:For important tips and information, visitourwebsite and follow usonFacebook you are experiencing technical problems orhavequestions,please contact us via Whatsapp: (22) 99922-8722
News & Magazines in Spain 10.7
With this application you will have an easy access to alloftheSpanish press. You will have access to more than140newspapers.The application will automatically rank thenewspapersthat youread most. You will be able to easily share thenews itemswithinthe different social networks. You will have accessallthenewspapers in Spanish. Essential to remain up-to-date ofallthenews and highlights related to national, local,sportsandfinancial press…
Revista Época 3.4.9
Editora Globo
ÉPOCA é a revista que te informa, te ajudaaentender e abre espaço para você opinar sobre osacontecimentos.Neste novo aplicativo, além de receber semanalmenteo conteúdo daedição impressa, você será atualizado todos os diascom asprincipais notícias do Brasil e do mundo. Todo conteúdo comachancela de qualidade da revista que fiscaliza o poder e contaahistória por trás dos fatos sem fugir da polêmica.Se você já é assinante da edição impressa, basta usar seu loginparater acesso à edição digital sem custo adicional. Se você aindanãotem seu login, acesse:ão conseguimos dar retorno de seu review. Pedimos a gentilezadecomunicar-se conosco através de email ou de nossa Centraldeatendimento telefônico.E-mail: [email protected]: 4003-9393 (de segunda a sexta-feira, das 8 às 21horas.Aos sábados, das 8 às 15 horas)EPOCH is the magazinethattells you, helps you understand and makes room for you opineaboutevents. In this new application, and receive weekly contentof theprint edition, you will be updated every day with the mainnews fromBrazil and the world. All content with the seal ofquality magazinethat monitors the power and tells the story behindthe facts withoutescape from the controversy.If you are already subscribed to the print edition, just useyourlogin to access the digital edition at no additional cost. Ifyoudo not have your login, pleasevisit: can not give return their review. We kindly ask you tocommunicatewith us via email or phone our call center.E-mail: [email protected]: 4003-9393 (Monday to Friday, from 8 to 21 pm OnSaturdays,from 8 to 15 hours.)
Revista Bem-Estar 2.5.7
A Revista Bem-Estar aborda temas relacionadosaSaúde, beleza, moda, decoração, eventos e muito mais... Temasdeinteresse amplo, com qualidade jornalística e um lindoprojetoeditorial. Tenha sempre a mãos nosso conteúdo, simples,direto egratuito, isso é Bem-Estar!www.revistabemestar.comThe WellnessMagazinecovers topics related to health, beauty, fashion, decor,events andmore ... Topics of broad interest, with journalisticquality and abeautiful editorial project. Keep hands to ourcontent, simple,direct and free, that's Wellness!
Revista Proceso 8.0.8
Magzter Inc.
Enjoy FREE reading for 7/30 days when you download the app!
Globo Mais - Notícias 7.5.1
Editora Globo
Read online newspapers and magazines about politics,culture,celebrities, technology and +
Science News | Science Daily
Update You!
Science News: a gold mine of Science information! Follow theScienceWorld!
Revistas Digitales Sanborns 2.4.2
Digital Publications enriched with interactive elements.
QUO Revista 5.4.703
Ya en tu tableta Android la revistadedivulgación más moderna del mercado. Disfruta de la edicióndigitalde la revista Quo. Sus páginas, con un estilo claro, directoyúnico, siguen acercándonos el saber actual. Con losmismoscontenidos que la edición impresa y los beneficios delformatodigital ponemos a tu alcance una nueva forma, sencilla yrápida, dedisfrutar de la revista para mentes inquietas.Elige la opción que prefieras:1.- Un número suelto por 1,79€2.- Suscripción anual (12 números) por 16,99€El cobro se cargará en la cuenta de Google Play registrada enelmomento de la compra.No se puede cancelar una suscripción durante el período duranteelque la misma esté activa. Las suscripciones pueden sergestionadasdesde la cuenta del usuario y las suscripciones autorenovablespueden deshabilitarse desde la misma en cualquiermomento.Para más información legal y de protección de datosconsultar: dudas o sugerencias puedes enviar un correo a ladirección:[email protected] on your Androidtabletmagazine latest market disclosure. Enjoy the online editionof thejournal Quo. Its pages, with a clear, direct and unique,areapproaching current knowledge. With the same content as theprintedition and the digital benefits we offer you a new way toreach,simply and quickly, to enjoy the magazine for restless minds.Choose the option you prefer:1. - A single issue for € 1.792. - Annual subscription (12 issues) for € 16.99Be debited to the account of Google Play recorded at the timeofpurchase.You can not cancel a subscription during the period for which itisactive. Subscriptions can be managed from the user's accountandauto-renewable subscriptions can be disabled from the same atanytime.For more legal information and data protectionsee: questions or suggestions please send an emailto:[email protected]
Revistas de Moda 3.0.0
En esta app podrás encontrarlasmejoresrevistas de estilo, moda y tendencias para la mujer.No busques más revistas de forma separada, conestaappencontrarás una serie de las mejores revistas de modaytendencia asolo un click. Una aplicación simple y fácil.Con esta aplicación "Revistas de Moda" queremos mejorar díaadíaasí que en las próximas actualizaciones tendremos más ymásrevistaspara que no pierdas detalle de lo que está pasando enestemomentoen este fantástico mundo de la moda.Lo último en moda, belleza, celebrities, novias,fitness,estilode vida, trabajo, cocina y niños actualizado alsegundo ennuestraapp móvil. Inspírate con el estilo de las quemejor visten,con lastendencias de maquillaje y los consejos de pelopara sacartemáspartido, lo último en moda, el mejor Street style,ideasparaprosperar en tu carrera profesional, los planes para tufindesemana, las bodas con más estilo y las recetas decocinaparatriunfar.Si además de la moda y la belleza, te interesa el arte ytegustaviajar, tienes más razones todavía para descargartenuestraapp.Contenidos de ocio chic para que disfrutes de tu tiempolibresindejar de estar al tanto de las tendencias que arrasan ydecómollevarlas.Entre las revistas que podrás encontrar tenemos:TelvaVanity FairVogueVogue MéxicoFucsiaElleGlamourCosmopolitanMarie ClaireCosmopolitan ArgentinaEntre otras.In this app youwillfindthe best magazines of style, fashion and trends for women.Look no further magazines separately, this app will findanumberof top fashion magazines and trend just a click. A simpleandeasyapplication.With this "fashion magazines" application we want toimproveeveryday so in the next updates will have more and moremagazinesso donot miss what is happening at the moment in thisfantasticworld offashion.The latest in fashion, beauty, celebrities,brides,fitness,lifestyle, work, updated kitchen and children tosecond onourmobile app. Get inspired with the style that bestdress,withtrends in makeup and hair tips to get you more game, thelatestinfashion, the best Street style, ideas to thrive inyourcareer,plans for your weekend , most stylish weddings andrecipesforsuccess.If in addition to fashion and beauty, you are interestedinartand I like to travel, you have even more reasons todownloadourapp. Chic entertainment content for you to enjoy yourfreetimewhile staying abreast of the trends that sweep and howtowearthem.Among the magazines that you can find we are:TelvaVanity FairVogueVogue MexicoFuchsiaElleGlamorCosmopolitanMarie ClaireCosmopolitan ArgentinaAmong other.
Estadão Digital 6.4.220907
now access the Estadão news on your Tablet or Phone.
Você no Estadão Notícias 1.0
Através do aplicativo Você noEstadão,épossível enviar sua notícia e colaborar com o Estadão.Mandefotose vídeos para a nossa equipe de jornalismo.Participe!Through theapplicationyouin ESP, you can send your news and collaborate withESP. Sendphotosand videos to our news team. Join!
Revistas para Ellas 1.0
Todas las revistas para tí, en tumóvil.sencillo, fácil, tanto en tu móvil como para tu tablet.La primera app exclusiva para nosotras. En ella dispondrás delasmejores revistas y noticias que puedas encontrar para ti,moda,complementos, noticias rosa.. etc etc.Estamos seguras que te gustará, además es tan inteligente quelaaplicación se baja las noticias en el momento que detectawiffi,así puedes leerlas cuando no tengas acceso a internet, másfácilimposible y además gratis.Estamos convencidas que nuestro trabajo ayudará a la mujeractivade hoy, al no tener que ir buscando por ahí las distintasnoticiasque le gustan y le atañen, esta app esta hecha por y paramujeres dehoy, que desean tenerlo todo a mano, sin complicacionesy ahorrandoen este tiempo de crisis.Esperamos que la disfrutes tanto como nosotras haciéndolaymanteniéndola.Estamos abiertas a nuevas ideas, nuevas opciones, por favorsipiensas que tienes una idea o mejora para nosotras hazlo saberalcontacto del email de la aplicación y procuraremos atenderla,tenpor seguro que si vale la pena la implantaremos a la mayorbrevedadposible.Bájate la app, la pruebas y ya no sabrás "vivir sin ella".All magazines for you,onyour mobile. simple, easy, in your mobile as for your tablet.The first app exclusively for us. It offers an the bestreviewsand news you can find for you, fashion, accessories, newspink ..etc etc.We are sure that you will like as well as smart applicationthatpulls down news that detects when wiffi, so you can read themwhenyou have no internet access, easy impossible and free.We are convinced that our work will help today's active woman,tonot have to go looking around the different news likes andconcern,this app is made by and for women of today who want it allby hand,without complications and saving in this time ofcrisis.Hope you enjoy it as much as we making and keeping.We are open to new ideas, new options, please if you thinkyouhave an idea or do better for us to know the contact email oftheapplication and will try to attend to, be sure that if it'sworththe will implement as soon as possible.Get off the app, the tests and did not know "livewithoutit".
Kiosko y Más prensa y revistas 6.3.210525
Kiosko y Más
All news and Spanish newspapers El País, ABC, El Correo, FiveDays...
Revistas de Defensa
Formal implementation of the Defense Ministry ©
Folha de S.Paulo 5.1.4
Read the latest news published by Brazilian newspaper Folha deS.Paulo
UOL: Notícias em tempo real 6.1.1
UOL Inc.
Politics, sport, entertainment and much more! Stay in the loopwithUOL.
Noticias, el tiempo y más 9.6.6
Newspapers and magazines in Spain, with all the news, weather,radioand more.
Revista O Mecânico
DNA Mobile
The magazine The Mechanic - digital magazine for theprofessionalcar repair