Top 5 Games Similar to Headache App

Headache Diary 1.1
Headaches plague millions of people eachyear.The Headache Diary will help you to track, document andevaluateyour headaches so that you will have an accurate recordwhenseeking medical attention.When creating a new entry you have the ability to selecttheseverity of the headache, what your symptoms are, what measuresyoutook to find relief and what may have caused your headache.Whenyou click on the button a list full of options will open upandallow you to select the one that applies to you.
Headache Log 1.5
A quick, easy and free way to track and understand your headaches
Health Log 1.41
A quick, easy and flexible way to track your Health
Smart Headache 1.0
There are more than 20 different typesofheadaches. Some are common, some are rare. How can you tellwhichtype is which? Smart Headache was designed to teach howtodistinguish one type of headache from another, using a questionandanswer format. DISCLAIMER: If you need medical assistance, seekamedical service provider. This app was made foreducationalpurposes only.How to use Smart Headache:Open the app. If you agree with the disclaimer statement, aseriesof questions will be presented. Answer the questions bypressingthe Answer button and choosing a response. Depending onwhichresponse is chosen, a result will appear, listing a typeofheadache. Press the More Info button if you wish to learnmoreabout that type of headache. Press the Back or Next buttons toseethe other questions, whether they are answered or not. Answerstoeach question will yield different results. Close the appbyselecting quit.Notes:This app does NOT record any information, including yourlocation,email address, contact info, your answers, etc. This appdoes notrequire a web connection except for downloading the file torun theapp.
Medicalog for Families 2.05
Do you wish you could track your family's health?