Top 10 Apps Similar to Sistemas do corpo humano

Sistemas do Corpo Humano 3D 2.92
Anatomy and physiology 3D: digestive and circulatory systems!
Educa Explorer Cuerpo Humano 25.0.0
Discover how your body works interactively.
How the brain works? What are thebrain'sfunctions?This application gives you 3D brain model andawesomeinformations about the parts, functions of the humanbrain.The brain is the most complex organ in the human body.Itproduces our every thought, action, memory, feeling andexperienceof the world.In our application's "General Features" section you willfindknowledge for following and many subject;- How does 100 billion neurons interconnects by their 100trillionsynapses?- What are the main parts of the brain?- Brain Structure,- How does our brain process language?- What are Cortical and Functional Divisions?- Understanding the relationship between the brain and mind,- Evolution of brain,- Brain anatomy,And many more..Human brain has many parts and it contains a staggering 1billionnerve cells, or neurons. In our application's secondsection, youwill find knowledge about brain parts(29 part) andfunctions.- Relationship between amygdala and emotions,- Brainstem and Autonomic functions such as breathing,heartrate,- Higher Brain functions and Prefrontal Cortex,- Primary visual cortex called as Optical Lobes,- Cerebrum Function,And rest of all brain parts with colorful images..Our app includes 3D model of human brain.With 360 degree rotation of human brain you can use 3D model withaswipe of your finger.You will find more useful informations about brain inourapplication.Also buying ad-free(Plus) version, you can use with animpressiveinterface experience.Learn about your brain and use it more powerful.Enjoy
Nervoso e digestório-3D-Grátis 1.20
Explore the anatomy of the human body in interactive 3D -DownloadFree
Human Body - Anatomy 2.0
Diablo Code
Learn the basic functions of the human body systems and themainorgans.
Learn Body Parts in English 5.13
Muratos Games
With this free educational app, you will learn more than 230humanbody parts
Colégio Positivo 1.0.6
Com o aplicativo do Colégio Positivo, ospaiseresponsáveis poderão receber informações ainda mais deperto,comocalendário escolar, comunicados e atividades.Withthecollegeapplication Positive, parents and guardians mayreceiveinformationeven more closely, as the school calendar,announcementsandactivities.
SPE EF2 1.5.3
Os Livros Didáticos Digitais do Sistema Positivo de Ensino reúnemoconteúdo escolar do Ensino Fundamental 2 em uma versão interativaeoferecem a alunos e professores toda a potencialidade e odinamismodos recursos tecnológicos atualmente disponíveis, com ointuito detornar a experiência de ensino e aprendizagem ainda maisdinâmica einteressante. Assim, cada aula se transforma em umaexperiênciaúnica, em que a interação entre professores e alunosabre novasportas para o conhecimento. Principais diferenciais •conteúdooff-line (após download); • multiplataformas: offline paratablets(Android e IOS), on-line para desktops e notebooks(Windows); •recursos interativos (multimídia); • conteúdoadicionaldisponibilizado na orientação vertical (com o tablet naposiçãoretrato), pode ser fruído por meio de projetoresmultimídia,possibilitando a dinamização da prática de sala deaula.Especificações técnicas Os tablets homologados para acesso aoLivroDidático Digital do Sistema Positivo de Ensino – versões alunoeprofessor – têm como pré-requisitos: • sistema operacionalAndroid,nas versões 4.2 ou superior; • tela mínima de 7,9”; •resoluçãomínima de 1024x768 pixels; • 6 gigabytes de espaço livreparaarmazenamento; • conexão internet wi-fi de alta velocidade(paradownload dos materiais). Os Livros Didáticos Digitais sãoparteintegrante do Sistema Positivo de Ensino da EditoraPositivo.Acesso exclusivo para alunos e educadores das escolasconveniadas.
Face Anatomy 1.1
If you are looking for human anatomy orhumanface anatomy learning app, so you are in a right place.Faceanatomy application is a SIMPLE educational quick referenceappthat contains the information of different biological systems.Thisapp will help you to learn about human body or facial anatomy.Thisface anatomy app will teach you step by step with image. Thisappis made for specially medical student or people who are inmedicalstudy.The muscles of the head and neck perform many importanttasks,including movement of the head and neck, chewing andswallowing,speech, facial expressions, and movement of the eyes.These diversetasks require both strong, forceful movements and someof thefastest, finest, and most delicate adjustments in the entirehumanbody. The muscles of the face are unique among groups ofmuscles inthe body. While most muscles connect to and move onlybones, facialmuscles mostly connect bones to skin.These muscles, including the zygomaticus major and orbicularisoris,pull on the skin to produce a seemingly infinite number offacialexpressions and to move the lips and cheeks during speechandeating. Producing the body’s ability to close the mouth, bite,andchew food, the muscles of mastication move the mandiblerelative tothe rest of the skull. These muscles, including themasseter andtemporalis, elevate the jaw forcefully during chewingand gentlyduring speech.An extensive complement of tightly interlaced muscles allowsthetongue a range of complex movements for chewing and swallowing,aswell as the important function of producing speech. Of these,fourextrinsic muscle sets (connecting the tongue to thesurroundingbones) move the tongue in virtually any direction, withfine shapechanges (such as for speech) the province of the fourintrinsictongue muscles.As for the eye, six extrinsic eye muscles providesuperior,inferior, lateral, and medial motion, as well as rotationof theeyeball. These muscles produce extremely fine movementsalmostconstantly throughout the day with tremendous speed andaccuracy.Located inside the eye, the intrinsic eye muscles worktirelesslyto dilate the pupils and focus the lens of the eye toproduce clearvision.Even the middle ear takes part in the muscular system of theheadand neck. In fact, the smallest muscle of the skeleton isthestapedius, which measures around 1 millimeter (1/20th of aninch)in length. The muscles of the middle ear contract to dampentheamplitude of vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear.This human anatomy app is for both male and female learners tolearnhuman anatomy in English. This is easy to use and learn. Ifyoubenefited by this human anatomy app, that will be ourachievement.So install and learn.Chapters:Anatomy of the FaceThe SkullBones of the FaceBones of the HeadMandibleMaxillaZygomaFrontal BoneNasal BonesFacial MusclesMuscles of the Facial ExpressionMuscles of the Head and NeckSkin Tension LinesCosmetic Units and SubunitsBlood VesselsSuperficial Musculoaponeurotic SystemSensory NervesMotor NervesLymphatics
Aprimora EF
O Aprimora é uma plataforma deaprendizagemadaptativa para as áreas de Língua Portuguesa eMatemática.Ajusta-se às necessidades de cada estudante, identificasuashabilidades e dificuldades, níveis de conhecimento e ritmosdeaprendizagem.No Aprimora, cada estudante aprende no seu ritmo e trilha umcaminhode aprendizagem personalizado que o ajuda a superarsuasdificuldades. Cada erro é considerado uma nova oportunidadedeaprendizagem, afinal, é errando que se aprende!No Aprimora EF, as atividades dos anos iniciais possuemorientaçãoem áudio para que as crianças possam resolvê-las mesmoque aindanão estejam alfabetizadas.O Aprimora é a plataforma ideal para auxiliar estudanteseprofessores no dia a dia. É tecnologia em suas mãos colaborandodeforma efetiva com o processo ensino-aprendizagem.Com o Aprimora EF você pode:- navegar pelas árvores de conhecimento;- realizar atividades agendadas pelos professores;- realizar atividades da Academia da Matemática;- acessar a área de conquistas;- acessar o ranking de uso.O Aprimora utiliza elementos de gamificação e torna a processodeaprendizagem muito mais dinâmico. Ao realizar as atividadesdoAprimora EF, os estudantes obtêm conquistas como pontos,estrelas,troféus — e o mais divertido: passarinhos da faunabrasileira paraque possam conhecer e colecionar na área deconquistas.Quanto mais você usa o Aprimora, mais você aprende.The Enhance is anadaptivelearning platform in the areas of English Language andMathematics.Adjusts to each student's needs, identify their skillsanddifficulties, knowledge levels and learning rhythms.In Improve, each student learns at their own pace and track apathof personalized learning that helps you overcome yourdifficulties.Each error is considered a new learning opportunity,after all, ismissing you learn!In Improves EF, the activities of the early years haveaudioguidance so that children can solve them even if they arenotliterate.The Enhance is the ideal platform to help students and teachers onadaily basis. It is technology in your handscollaboratingeffectively with the teaching-learning process.With EF Enhances you can:- Navigate through the tree of knowledge;- Perform activities scheduled by teachers;- Carry out activities of the Academy of Mathematics;- Access the area of ​​achievements;- Access using ranking.The Enhances uses gamification elements and makes it muchmoredynamic process of learning. When performing theactivitiesenhances EF, students get achievements as dots, stars,trophies -and the most fun: birds of the Brazilian fauna so thatthey canmeet and collect achievements in the area.The more you use the Enhance, the more you learn.