Top 16 Apps Similar to Política Mobile

Politica Facile 1.4
Politica Facile. L'app definitiva perrimanerecostantemente informato sulle novità della politica.Come afferma l'articolo 1 della costituzione, "Lasovranitàappartiene al popolo".E' con questo intento che nasce l'app Politica Facile, chedisponedi tutto quanto tu abbia bisogno per essere informatosullapolitica italiana.CARATTERISTICHE:*TUTORIAL:Tutorial interattivo che in pochi semplici passaggi spiega tuttelefunzioni dell'app*NEWS: Notizie, esclusivamente sulla politica,sempreaggiornate dai siti dei principali quotidiani italiani.Quotidiani: La Stampa, Repubblica, Corriere dellaSera,IlMessaggero, Il Giornale.*ARTICOLI:- Visualizza gli articoli in Modalità Lettura, una specialefunzioneche permette di concentrarsi solo sul testo, rimuovendopubblicità ealtri elementi non collegati all'articolo.- Se non ti piace la Modalità Lettura, visualizza la paginawebdell'articolo.- Salva i tuoi articoli preferiti per consultarli anchesenzaconnessione.*PROGETTI DI LEGGE:- visualizza gli ultimi progetti di legge propostidaideputati- condividi con i tuoi amici un progetto di legge cheritieniinteressante o inutile- visualizza l'intero testo di un progetto di legge (richiedeunvisualizzatore pdf)*DEPUTATI e SENATORI:- visualizza le informazioni sui deputati o senatori incarica- salva le informazioni sul tuo telefono per accedervi anchesenzaconnessione.- visualizza nome, cognome, sesso, eta, titolo distudio,professione, gruppo, lista, incarichi- condividi un politico di cui hai sentito parlare o che èinparlamento con un diploma di maturità*COSTITUZIONE:- consulta interamente offline l'intero testo che sempremenoitaliani conoscono- articoli suddivisi per sezioni- inserisci articoli nei preferiti, per accedervi in manierafacilee veloce- condividi un articolo che ti è piaciutoResta informato ogni giorno sulla politica italiana, conPoliticaFacile.NB:- alcune funzionalità sono limitate per i dispositivi android<3.0 (Honeycomb)- i nomi e loghi dei giornali, nonchè i rispettivi articoli, sonoerestano propietà intellettuale dei loro creatori- le informazioni sui politici (deputati e senatori) sonoprelevateda un'analisi condotta da OpenPolis e pubblicatasuRepubblica.- permessi:ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: per controllare che la connessionesiaattivaINTERNET: per scaricare i dati aggiornati dal webREAD / WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: per il salvataggio di articolieprogetti di leggeEasy policy. Theultimateapp to stay constantly informed about the news of politics.As stated in Article 1 of the Constitution, "Sovereigntybelongsto the people."E 'was created with this in mind that the app Easy Policy, whichhaseverything you need to be informed on Italian politics.FEATURES:* TUTORIAL:Interactive tutorial that explains in a few simple steps allthefeatures of the app* NEWS: News, exclusively on politics, always updated fromthesites of the major Italian newspapers.Newspapers: La Stampa, Repubblica, Corriere della Sera,IlMessaggero, Il Giornale.* ARTICLES:- Display of items in Reading Mode, a special feature thatallowsyou to focus only on the text, removing advertising, andotherelements not related to the article.- If you do not like the Reading Mode, it displays the web pageofthe article.- Save your favorite articles to read them evenwithoutconnection.* PROJECTS OF LAW:- Shows the last draft laws proposed by MPs- Share with your friends a bill that seems interestingoruseless- Displays the entire text of a bill (requires pdf viewer)* Deputies and senators:- Displays information about the deputies or senatorsinoffice- Save the information on your phone to access them evenwithoutconnection.- Displays full name, sex, age, educational level,profession,group, list, assignments- Share a politician you have heard about or that is inparliamentwith a baccalaureate degree* CONSTITUTION:- Consult fully offline, the entire text that fewer andfewerItalians know- Articles divided into sections- Enter items in your favorites, to access it quicklyandeasily- Share an article that you likedStay informed every day on Italian politics, withEasyPolicy.NB:- Some functions are restricted for android devices<3.0(Honeycomb)- The names and logos of the newspapers, as well as theirrespectivearticles, are and remain INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY oftheircreators- Information on politicians (congressmen and senators) aretakenfrom an analysis by Openpolis and published in theRepublic.- Permissions:                   ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:tocheck that the connection is active                   INTERNET:Todownload the updated data from the web                   READ/WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: for saving articles and draftlaws
POLITICO Europe print edition 1.4
POLITICO covers Brussels and the Continent with authorityandimmediacy.
HuffPost - Daily Breaking News 27.3.0
See the people, stories and issues behind the news with theHuffPostapp.
Red Política 2.0
El Universal, offers the Politics Network application.
Washington Post Select 1.31.3
A bold, highly visual presentation of today's news.
Beppe Grillo Blog Italian news 2.3.8
read and share the stories from BeppeGrilloone of the most popular Italian comedians and his movement5Stelleread about Italian and International
Fox News - Daily Breaking News
Read latest breaking news! Watch current events &followheadlines with Fox News
Brazilian Politics - News 24h 2.3.4
Update You!
Politics Brazil -Impeachment - News 24hYou want to stay on top of everything that happens in Brazilpolicy?Download the Politics Brazil -Impeachment - News 24h onyoursmartphone or tablet and follow all the latest developments intheworld of politics in Brazil: political decisions, the mainpoliticalactions repercussions, debates, opinions and allimportant eventsinvolving the president Dilma Rousseff and formerPresidentLula.Do not waste time and now download the app PoliticsBrazil-Impeachment - News 24h and is always updated with keyinformationof Brazil's policy!With the app Politics Brazil -Impeachment - News 24h you can:- Translate news to the language of your device- Search news- Share news- Receive alerts for new news added- Receive content with the main news from the world ofBrazil'spolicyDo not be left out of political decisions, discussions ontheactions of political parties (PT, PMDB, PSDB, PSOL amongothers),impact on policy president strategy Dilma Roussef, scandalsofcorruption, rumors about former President Lula,demonstrationsagainst the Labour party (PT), policy experts ofopinions, debateson democracy, corruption and other politicalissues addressed bymajor Brazilian newspapers.If you are opposed or in favor of acting Dilma Roussef, Lula oranyrepresentative of the Labour Party, be sure to be informedaboutthe major policy events to form their own opinion.Download now Politics Brazil -Impeachment - News 24h and nevermissa Brazil's policy new! You can also check the Update Youapps!about economy, health, jobs, science, technology,education,tourism and more! Just click on Update You! under thename of thisapp (Impeachment? News 24!) and you will see allapplications fromUpdate You team!The Update You! It is working to add new features to this appinorder to improve your user experience and let you evenmoresatisfied with our application. If you have any suggestion,pleasesend email to [email protected] and help us let ourappperfect for you! We will love to receive your message!The Politics Brazil -Impeachment - News 24h app is totallyfree.Please, help our team sharing this app with yourfriends.
Câmara Notícias 1.0
O aplicativo Câmara Notícias reúne informações sobre osdebates,votações e demais eventos da Câmara dos Deputados. Aquivocêencontra reportagens atualizadas em tempo real, com entrevistaseconteúdos multimídia.
The Wall Street Journal.
WSJ: Award-winning business & markets coverage, breakingnews& global headlines
Breitbart 4.2.0
Breitbart News Network's Android app delivers easy accesstobreaking news
PolisTweet - politica italiana 1.25
PolisTweet, i cinguettii recenti deipoliticiitaliani più in vistaLeggi i tweet dei big della politica anche senza essereiscrittoa Twitter.Tutti i messaggi più recenti e un focus sui più popolari,aggiornatoin tempo reale.Per ogni politico viene segnalata l'influenza attuale suTwitter,pari al gradimento dei suoi ultimi messaggi.Segui le comunicazioni di oltre 200 esponenti deiprincipalipartiti politici di ogni schieramento: PartitoDemocratico (PD),Movimento 5 Stelle (M5S) Forza Italia (FI), NuovoCentrodestra(NCD), Scelta Civica, Lega Nord, Sinistra EcologiaLibertà (SEL),Fratelli d'Italia, Centro Democratico (CD), Unione diCentro (UdC)e altri.Tocca un tweet per condividerlo, tocca un politico per leggereisuoi tweet migliori.Retweet e reply sono automaticamente esclusi per daremaggioreenfasi alle parole e le immagini.PolisTweet, therecenttweets of the most prominent Italian politiciansRead the tweet of the big policy without beingjoinedTwitter.All the most recent messages and a focus on the mostpopular,updated in real-time.For every politician is reported the influence of thecurrentTwitter, equal to the liking of his last posts.Follow notices of more than 200 representatives of themainpolitical parties of all persuasions: the Democratic Party(PD), 5Star Movement (M5S) Forza Italy (FI), the center-right New(NCD),Choice Civica, the Northern League, Left Ecology Freedom (SEL),Brothers of Italy, Centro Democratico (CD), Union of theCentre(UDC) and others.Tap a tweet to share, tap a politician to read histweetbetter.Retweet and reply are automatically excluded to givegreateremphasis to the words and images.
LeftRight News 1.0
Somewhere between the Conservative RightandLiberal Left news media you will find the truth.LeftRight News explores twelve of the most prominent news sitesfromboth sides.Its up to you to read from both the blue and red sides and cometothe truth.On the red side you will find : The Blaze, Fox News, WND, TheDrudgeReport, NewsBusters and NEWSMAX.On the blue side you will find: The Huffington Post,Salon,Politico, Talking Points Memo, NPR and The Atlantic.Educate yourself and make your own decisions!*LeftRight News is not affiliated with any of the following:TheBlaze, Fox News, WND, The Drudge Report, NewsBusters, NEWSMAX,TheHuffington Post, Salon, Politico, Talking Points Memo, NPR orTheAtlantic.
Parlamento 5 Stelle
M5S app
Official App of the Parliamentary 5 Star Press Room portal
Fast News
Fast and lightweight mobile news feedreaderfor your country major newspapers! Supported countries areUSA, UK,Ireland, India, Canada, Australia, Malaysia and manymore.Choose, read and easily compare the most famous newspapers withyourmobile free of charge and in the fastest way possible. Alltheheadlines of major newspapers in the palm of your hand.If you want to stay up to date with what happens in your countryanduse as little time as possible, then this app is whatyouneed!Fast News is a RSS Feed Reader but unlike other feature richnewsreaders, it will bring you directly to the news without wastinganytime messing around with the user interface or news loading. Itisthe best app for the daily reader.This app is still in Beta state, please provide feedback!Fast News US version will show you the content of the publicrssfeeds from these major United States newspapers:* The New York Times* New York Daily News* USA Today* L.A. Times* Huffington Post* CNN* Washington Post* MSNBC* NPR* Reuters* NYPost* Newsday* Denver Post* Dallas Morning* ABC News* Fox News Latest* ESPN Sport News* The Daily Beast* Forbes* Salon* The Nation* Yahoo! News US* USA Reddit channel* Wall Street JournalFor UK:* Daily Mail* Daily Mirror* Daily Star* BBC UK* Daily Telegraph* Reuters UK* Daily Express* Daily Record* The Guardian* The Independent* The Herald* The Conversation* Sky News* Huffington Post UK* UnitedKingdom Reddit* #UK #NEWS TwitterFor India (various languages):* Dainik Jagran National* Dainik Bhaskar* Hindustan* Amar Ujala* Times Of India (TOI)* Jagran Post* Rajasthan Patrika* Mid-Day* Malayala Manorama* Prabhat Khabar* The Hindu* Deccan Chronicle* Mathrubhumi* Deccan Herald* NDTV News* Financial Chronicle* Lokmat* Dinakaran* RediffNews* Economic Times* Telegraph India* New Indian Express* Reddit India /r/india* #India #News TwitterFor Ireland:* Irish Examiner* Irish Daily Star* Irish Independent* Irish Central* Herald* RTÉ* BreakingNews.ieFor Canada (in English and French):* Toronto Star* The Globe and Mail* Le Journal de Montréal* La Presse* Montreal Gazette* The Vancouver Sun* The Toronto Sun* The Province* National Post* Calgary Herald* Winnipeg Free* Ottawa Citizen* Edmonton Journal* Chronicle HeraldFor Australia:* Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)* Herald Sun* Courier-Mail* Sydney Morning Herald (SMH)* The West Australian* The Age* The Advertiser (Adelaide)* The Conversation* The Australian* Perth Now* SBS World NewsFor Malaysia (In Malay, English and Chinese):* Borneo Post* The Sun Daily* Harian Metro* NewStraitsTimes* Free Malaysia Today* HarakahDaily* Oriental Daily* MalaysiaKini* Berita Harian* The Malaysian InsiderIf you want another newspaper to be included in the list,pleasesend us an email.Features:* Very fast and lightweight newsreader* Immediate and simple to use* Optimized for low bandwidth usage and high download speed* Easy to compare an article between different newspapers* Choose only the newspapers you want and change their order* Front page of the most important newspapers in your countrywithall the currents news and stories about politics crimesgossipsport government taxes crisis economics finances* Many countries supported: United States of America,UnitedKingdom, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Malaysia, India,Germany,France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Mexico, Argentina,China,Taiwan, Belgium, Austria* Share the news with friends through mail, socialnetworks,Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp or any other app youhaveinstalled.* The best for the daily readerDisclaimer: This app is not affiliated nor related with any ofthenewspapers cited here. The content the app shows comesfrompublicly available RSS feeds from the newspapers which retainsallcopyrights and thus the app is not to be held responsible foranyof the content displayed.
We The People - The Live Poll 2.0.0
Hypr Inc.
"A fascinating way to use the technologywehaveto get more voices in civic conversation” - NPR**The #7 top free app in the iTunes Appstore. Featured inTheNewYork Times, NPR, The Daily Caller, Bostinno, and theGooglePlayStore Front Page.We The People is revolutionizing how we engage inpoliticsandwith each other.• Make Your Voice CountWe enable you to anonymously answer our poll question and getapulseon what the world thinks through our heat map interface.• Anonymously DiscussYou can anonymously discuss politics or anything elsewithpeoplenear and far allowing you to understand othersopinionsacross thepolitical spectrum.• Become InformedWe aggregate the top news and social content around thequestionsweask into one place making it easy to stay informed.Join the conversation, get top news, and see whoyourcommunitysupports.We The People allows you to anonymously debate othersnearandfar, get the top news and most relevant socialcontent,andunderstand detailed insights into what the world thinksaboutourpolls.Details:• Anonymously Debate with People Near You:Our location based message board allows you toanonymouslyinteractand debate with people near and far about ourpolls andlocalpolitics. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green oranythingelseyour vote can be heard.• Submit your Opinion:We the People allows you to anonymously show your supportandconnectwith your community on anything political.Democrat,Republican,Libertarian, Green or anything else your voicecan bein thecampaign.• Get the Top News:We The People collects the best news content from thetopnewssources and social media making it easy for you tostayup-to-dateon everything that's going on in politics. FromPoliticoto NewYork Times to the candidates themselves.• See who Your Neighbors Support:Based on your location, We The People shows what peoplenearbythinkabout our polls through our heat map interface. Getdetailedpollsfrom United States down to your local communitypoliticalviews. WeThe People provides detailed polling forDemocrats vs.Republicans.Watch real time polls change as thedebatesunfold.The debates are here and your vote matters. Politicshasneverbeen so important. Choose Democrat, Republican,Libertarian,Greenor anything else and really get involved inthispresidentialrace.