Top 20 Apps Similar to Consultorio App

Agenda medica 1.6
Rafael Samra
-La aplicación te permite llevar un registrodelas consultas.-La aplicación ofrece la posibilidad de recordar a los pacienteslaconsulta de manera automática vía email un día antes desuscitas.-Muestra un calendario para organizar consultas.-La aplicación permite guardar estudios a través de la cámaradeforma rápido y sencilla.-Permite llevar una pequeña historia clínica de lospacientes.-Guardar y visualizar las ultimas consultas.-Es mas que un calendario si eres médico descargala ya.-The Applicationallowsyou to keep track of the consultations.-The Application offers the possibility to remindpatientsautomatically query via email one day beforeyourappointments.Shows a calendar to organize consultations.-The Application allows saving studies through the cameraquicklyand easily.-Allows Bring a small medical history of patients.-Save And view the latest consultations.It's more than a calendar if you're a doctor download it now.
iClinic - Software Médico 2.8.11
Medical app with calendar and electronic medical records forclinicsand offices.
eH&P™ 4.4
ScyMed Inc.
"custom History & Physical Exam™" ******* FREE for alimitedtime *******
Epicrisis - Historia Clínica 1.6
Pensado por médicos para todos loscolegasprofesionales de la Salud, Epicrisis es un servicio deHistoriasClínicas Electrónicas y Agenda de Turnos vía Web que tepermitevirtualizar tu consultorio mediante una solución Cloud.Utilizando las mejores prácticas en cuanto a sistemasdeinformación en Salud y adhiriendo a estándaresinternacionales,hemos desarrollado una solución integral que seadapta a la casitodos los escenarios de asistencia ambulatoria. Conun RegistroMédico Orientado a Problemas mediante el uso deDiagnósticosCodificados y un listado de medicamentos.En esta oportunidad te presentamos a Epicrisis Mobile,elcomplemento ideal de la versión Web para la gestión detuconsultorio. Ahora sí podrás acceder en cualquier momento y lugaralos datos de tus pacientes, pudiendo optimizar tus tiemposymejorar la calidad de atención ofrecida a tus pacientes.En esta primera versión, de consulta exclusivamente,podrásacceder a la información de contacto e historia clínica detuspacientes, además tendrán el listado de sus próximas citasparapoder administrar mejor sus agendas.** Características **Una de sus principales características es que esté pensadaparapoder actuar sin conexión de datos ya que, previaactualizacióncuando se disponga de dicha conexión, se podrá accederdesde elSmartphone en cualquier momento a:• Listado de Pacientes• Acceso a modo lectura de las Historias Clínicas decadaPaciente• Visualización de los Próximos Turnos• Estadísticas de GestiónNo lo dudes, si desarrollás tu práctica profesional enunconsultorio ambulatorios, Epicrisis es tu mejor opción.Pronto iremos incorporando nuevas funcionalidadescomocalculadores de scores para que puedas agilizar tu práctica ylagestión de algunas tareas de la Historia Clínica.Palabras claves: turnos, turnos médicos, cita, citas,citamedica, historia clínica, registro médico, historiaclínicaelectrónica.Designed by physiciansforall Health Professional colleagues, Epicrisis is a service ofEHRsand Shifts Agenda via Web that lets you virtualize yourofficethrough a Cloud solution.Using best practices in health information systems andadheringto international standards, we have developed acomprehensivesolution that fits almost all ambulatory caresettings. With aProblem Oriented Medical Record using codeddiagnoses and a list ofdrugs.This time we present Epicrisis Mobile, the ideal complementtothe Web version to manage your office. Now you can accessanytime,anywhere to the data of your patients, and can optimizeyour timeand improve the quality of care provided to yourpatients.In this first version, only query, you can accesscontactinformation and medical history of your patients, and willhave alist of your upcoming appointments to better managetheiragendas.Features ** **One of its main features is that it is designed to act withoutadata connection because, after updating when such a connectionisavailable, can be accessed from your Smartphone at any time:• List of Patients• Access to reading mode of each Patient Medical Records• Viewing the Upcoming Shifts• Management StatisticsDo not hesitate, if you develop your professional practice inanoffice outpatient Epicrisis is your best choice.Soon we will add new features as predictors of scores so youcanstreamline your practice and management of some tasks oftheclinical history.Key words: shifts, medical appointments,appointment,appointments, medical appointments, medical history,medicalrecords, electronic medical records.
Shosp 6.2
Health Application for Clinics and Management.
Medicinia Patient 4.2.14
Medicinia for Patients is the patients App forimprovingcommunication with their care givers.
Doutore - Agenda e Prontuário 4.15.90
Medical agenda and clinical history of patients on mobile,tabletand computer.
Medical Records
EHR, EMR, health record, Patient history. Doctors privatepracticemanagement
Aplicación para pacientes de IMEDHOSPITALES,através de la cual se obtienen las siguientesfuncionalidades:- Pedir citas en tiempo real.- Llevar un control de las citas pendientes, conposibilidaddeanularlas.- Solicitar atención telefónica del call-center de citas,- Pedir ambulancia, para un servicio normal o paraurgencia.Seremite el geoposicionamiento al servicio deambulancias.- Obtener la medicación prescrita por el médico con laposibilidaddeestablecer el plan de tomas y añadirlo a la agendapara querecuerdelas tomas.- Activar/Desactivar la notificación/recordatorio decitasporemail.IMEDapplicationHOSPITALpatients, through which the following featuresareobtained:- Making appointments in real time.- Keep track of upcoming appointments, with thepossibilityofannulling them.- Request call call-center dating,- Request ambulance for normal service or urgency.Geoambulanceservice refers.- Get the medication prescribed by the doctor with thepossibilityofestablishing the plan of shots and add it to thecalendar toremindshots.- Enable / Disable the notification / appointmentreminderbyemail.
O mais avançado sistema on-line para agendamento,prontuárioeletrônico do paciente (PEP) e controle financeiro declínicas econsultórios médicos. Agilidade, redução de gastos egestãoeficiente em uma só plataforma! ClinicWeb é o sistema queaproximavocê e seus pacientes! De prontuários eletrônicos (PEP)aocontronle financeiro, ele agiliza diversos processos etarefascotidianos de forma completamente segura e sigilosa. Alémdisso,ClinicWeb é de fácil utilização e conta com opções que visamàpraticidade do dia a dia de clínicas e consultórios médicos.Saibamais:
Agenda de Consultas PRO 1.0
Você ainda tem a opção de ligar paraoscontatosmédicos e também para a emergência comoambulância,polícia e corpode bombeiros.Outro diferencial é que ele conta com a opção de seanotarnocadastro do usuário, se o mesmo possui doençascrônicas,alergiasou se está tomando algum remédio. Com isso ficamais fácilde selembrar ou servir de informação no caso deumaemergênciainesperada.Cansado de ficar esquecendo nomes e endereços de médicosouconsultasque você fez? Pois bem, o aplicativo LembraConsultaspode teauxiliar, servindo como uma agenda, onde vocêpoderácadastrarusuários, médicos e consultas. E de acordo com adata decadastro daconsulta ao se teclar na função de verificarasconsultas ele tenotificará se você possui alguma consulta,fazendoa verificação depelo menos um dia antes daconsulta.Leme****Obs: a ligação é feita normalmente de acordo comosseuscréditos, tendo os números de emergência quenãosãopagos.********Para evitar problemas, quando cadastrar o médico, digiteonúmerodo telefone sem espaços*******Por favor, deixem comentários se o aplicativoestáfuncionandonormalmente***You still havetheoptionto call the doctors contacts and also for emergencyandambulance,police and fire department.Another difference is that it has the option to annotatetheuser'sregistration, if it has chronic illnesses, allergies oraretakingany medication. With this it becomes easier to rememberorservinginformation in case of an unexpected emergency.Tired of forgetting names and addresses of doctors orqueriesthatyou made? Well, remember the Query application canassistyou,serving as a calendar, where you can register users,andmedicalconsultations. And according to the date of registrationofthequery when typing the function of checking the queriesitnotifiesyou if you have any query, making the verification ofatleast oneday before the consulta.Leme  Note ****: connection is usually made accordingtotheirclaims, having emergency numbers that are not paid****.**** To avoid problems when registering the doctor, enterthephonenumber without spaces ******* Please leave comments if the application isfunctioningnormally***
Medical Agenda 1.0
Medical Agenda is an application that willhelpyou to manage everything related to your health. It willremind youthe appointments with your doctors and medications thatyou shouldtake. Sets the application in three simple steps andkeep yourhealth up. Difficult? Not at all! Get the app and see howeasy it isto use!With Medical Agenda you can manage the following:- Users: register in the application those babies or petsyouwant to monitor. Yes, you read right, pets! Your dog, cat,horse,etc. You can include a photo and select a color to identifythemwithin the application. You can see the weight and heightwithgraphs of evolution over time.- Medications: manages with the applications the medicines thatyouhave in your cabinet. Make a photo to the box or themedicationitself to identify better. We have a database of over16,000medications. Search for your medications and with only threetapson the mobile the medicine will be configured. Do you likeit?Well, there is more! Because you can see leaflet medicinesfromyour smartphone*.- Doctors: add the doctors who you visited frequently. You cansetthe name, specialty and building that is inquiry.It is not mandatory to enter the above information but onceyouhave entered the above data can do the following steps:- Manage medications shots by hours or intervalsHourly: Specify how many days does the treatment and hours inwhichto take them. The application will notify you when you takethedrug.Interval: Set the duration of treatment and every few hours totakethem.Set instructions for taking the medication before, during orafterthe meals. In addition, it may include additionalinstructionsnotes.- Manage appointments and medical testsSure that sometimes your appointments have been delayed a lotovertime and you had to look at the papers to remember it, right?Well,that's it! Medical Agenda will be notified of the appointmentsandmedical tests that have been registered in the application.You can see all events on a calendar that will be identifiedbycolors assigned to users. The calendar is a simple way to seewhatevents there and in what time dial should be applied.With Fast View you can see at a glance you the next eventsthateach user has registered . It is as simple as openingtheapplication and on the first screen the following events tobeperformed by each user appear.Follow us on our social networks!Twitter: @medicalagendaWeb:*The database of drugs and prospectus is available onlyforSpain. If you want your country to be supported, do not hesitatetocontact us.
Clinical History 2.3
Diablo Code
Patient Records in your smartphone !!!
YPMM - Patient Room Checklist 5.8
This is a very generic dailychecklistthatcould be used by nurses and/or physicians forquickpatientchecklists. It has a main screen that will show alisting ofchecklists per patient room. It allows you to input apatientroomnumber and check off check boxes for"painmanagement","re-assessment pain management" and "charted.".Theapplicationalso allows you to manage your check box listings,asmentionedabove. The application allows you to search previousdaysfordouble checking. It stores the information for three daysandthanthe data is purged from the application. The patientroomchecklist was built for simplicity and quick ease of use duetothepotential hectic schedule that can come with working inthemedicalprofession.A new button was added in the latest 5.7 version. Itisnotapplication specific but links to a worthy cause I'dliketopromote. It only pops up if you click on it. You alsohavetheability to hide that button by going into the settingsscreen.Youcan do that by clicking the icon image at the topleftcorner.Within the Application Settings screen, you canuncheckthe"Display Donation Image?" check box.
Clinical Sense 6.0.8
Sharpen your clinical skills by exploring realisticinteractivescenarios
Ofimedic App 2.0
View and manage your health agenda patients, notes andmedicalrecords.
Doctor Manager Pro Lite 1.32
Doctor Manager es una aplicación fácildeusardirigida hacia médicos de cualquier especialidad. Consuágilnavegación permite tener en pocos segundos lainformaciónmásrelevante sobre sus pacientes. Doctor Manager seencuentrabasadoen la forma de trabajo del reconocidointernacionalmentesistemaOpenEMR. Entre otras cosas, Doctor Managerle permiteregistrar yconsultar lo siguiente:• Datos personales del paciente.• Antecedentes personales patológicos.• Antecedentes personales no patológicos.• Estudios médicos• Problemas médicos.• Alergias• Medicamentos• Antecedentes heredo-familiares• Citas• Consultar/registrar Recetas y enviarlas por SMS.Entre las características técnicas más destacablesestánlassiguientes:• Le permite identificar a sus pacientes al recibirunallamadatelefónica (siempre y cuando Doctor Manager se instaleenunteléfono). Al momento previo de contestar la llamada lemuestraunaventana con los datos más significativos de esepaciente.• Configurar un costo por minuto en caso de quequierarealizarcargos a sus pacientes por llamadas telefónicas. ElDoctorManagerle indicará el monto que debe cobrar poresteconcepto.• Permite importar sus contactos dentro de la base dedatosdelDoctor Manager.• Cada paciente registrado dentro de Doctor Manager tambiénescreadodentro de la lista de contactos del dispositivomóvil.• Al momento de registrar una cita para consulta, semodificalaagenda del dispositivo móvil en automático.Doctor Manager isaneasyto use application directed toward physicians ofanyspecialty.With its easy navigation allows in a few seconds themostrelevantinformation about their patients. Doctor Manager isbasedon theform of internationally recognized work OpenEMR system.Amongotherthings, Doctor Manager allows you to record andcheckthefollowing:• Personal data of the patient.• medical history.• Personal history not pathological.• Medical Studies• Medical problems.• Allergies• Medications• inherit-family background• Quotes• Check / record recipes and send them by SMS.Among the most notable technical features are the following:• Allows you to identify patients to receive a phone call(ifDoctorManager is installed on a phone). The previous timetoanswer thecall displays a window with the most significant dataofthatpatient.• Set a cost per minute in case you want to make chargestopatientsby phone calls. Dr. Manager will tell you the amountyoupaid forthis item.• Import your contacts within the database Doctor Manager.• Each patient registered within Doctor Manager is alsocreatedinthe list of the mobile contacts.• When you register a date for consultation, the agenda ofthemobiledevice automatically changes.
iDoctus 2.5.614
iDoctus: Avoid mistakes and save time in your daily practice.
Bulário APP 1.1
Bulas Guide is an app for you to have on your cell 6500 Medicines.
Medical Terminology (OFFLINE)
A quick Medical Terminology Reference appforall. App is complete OFFLINE and FREE. Medical Terminologyappcontaining list of medical terms.Medical Terms and Dictionary with common and uncommon words,termsand phrases. Used by physicians, nurses, PAs, NPs,medicalstudents, nursing students and more.With this simple, powerfull and free app you can reveal meaningsofthousands of medical terms in English language.It contains dictionary of most common used medical terms,diseases,tests and symptoms extended by external sources with tonsofmedical terminology.Features:- medical reference book and thesaurus covering allmedicalterminologies and abbreviations.- a very quick Search for Medical Terms;- complete offline access for dictionary, No Internetconnectionrequired;- huge database of Medical Terminologies;- email any of the terms instantly;- unlimited Book Marks;- history;- compatible with versions of Android Devices;- very efficient, fast and good performance;- automatic free updates whenever new terms gets added;- application is designed to occupy as much as less memoryaspossible.