Top 22 Apps Similar to ArquiCursos

Cursos Grátis - PrimeCursos 1
A Prime Cursos do Brasil é referência emensinoa distância e conta com mais de 2,6 milhões de alunos noBrasil eexterior.Com este aplicativo você poderá ampliar ainda maisseusconhecimentos, podendo escolher entre mais de 170cursosgrátis.Nosso Cursos são Ideais para:- Horas Extra-Curriculares para Universidades/Escolas;- Progressão Funcional para funcionários Públicos;- Capacitação Profissional - aprenda uma nova profissão;- e muito mais.Ficou muito mais fácil investir em seu futuro e se mantersempreatualizado para o mercado de trabalho.Acesse nosso site e conheçamaissobre nosso portal.Curta também nossa FanPage e fiquepordentro dos lançamentos de novos cursos e novidades.Os melhores Cursos Grátis. Atualize-se agora mesmo!The Prime CoursesBrazilis a reference in distance learning and has more than 2.6millionstudents in Brazil and abroad.With this app you can further expand your knowledge andcanchoose from over 170 free courses.Our courses are Ideal for: - Hours Extra-Curricular for Universities / Schools; - Functional Progression to Government employees; - Professional Training - Learn a new profession; - And more.It was much easier to invest in your future and stay up todateon the labor market.Visit our site and learnmoreabout our website.Short also our FanPageandstay on top of the launches of new courses and new.Best Free Courses. Update yourself now!
Coursera: Online courses 3.29.0
Learn on the go with the Coursera AppforAndroid. Access more than 1,000 courses andSpecializationsdeveloped by 140+ of the best colleges anduniversities in theworld, and advance your career or continue youreducation bymastering subjects from Python programming and datascience tophotography and music.Learn from top instructors in an engaging learningexperience:• Browse 1000+ courses in a variety of subject areas, from math,tomusic, to medicine• Stream lecture videos online any time, or download forofflineviewing• Transition seamlessly between web and app learning,withcoursework, quizzes and projects saved across bothplatforms• Learn in dozens of languages, including Chinese,Spanish,Portuguese, French, and Russian• Earn Course and Specialization Certificates and share yoursuccesswith employers, colleagues, and friendsAdvance your career or continue your education insubjectslike:• Computer Science: Programming, Mobile and Web Development• Data Science: Machine Learning, Statistics, ProbabilityandData• Business: Accounting, Marketing and Entrepreneurship• Sciences: Robotics, Chemistry, Nutrition, and Medicine• Art, including Design, Photography, Music, andCreativeWriting...and hundreds more!Earn a Certificate:Joining Coursera is free. To qualify to earn a certificate,enrollin a range of Specializations by paying per courseorSpecialization.Get to Know Us: http://www.coursera.orgLike Us on Facebook: Policy: of Service:
Cursos iPED 3.6.1
Cursos iPED
More than 1000 choices of courses with animations and also 100%onvideo lessons.
Cursos gratis online 0.1
Los cursos gratuitos onlinehanevolucionadorápidamente en la última década gracias al interésquelas personashan puesto sobre la nueva manera de aprendereninternet. LosCursos en Línea Masivos y Abiertos tienendiferentesventajasnotables.¿Qué puedes aprender en Formación Online Gratis?• Gran diversidad de cursos de forma abierta ydediferentestemáticas, todos los interesados solo necesitanconocerel idiomaen el que se imparte el curso para participarenellos.• Los cursos son gratuitos, permitiendo accederaimportantescursos de formación de las universidadesmásprestigiosas delmundo.• En algunos de los cursos se entregará certificado alfinalizarypasarlo.Al descargarte la App de Formación Online Gratis paraAndroid,teunirás a las más de 500.000 personas que ya hanentradoyparticipado en alguno de los más de 500 cursos online.Esta aplicación nace de la mano el cual lleva más de 1añopublicandoy aconsejando ya más de 500 cursoscompletamentegratuitos. Estoscursos se podrían catalogar endiversas familias,desde cursos deinformática, de marketing online,de salud ybelleza, de idiomashasta libros sobre recetes de cocina;es decir,una gran cantidad ydiversidad de recursos educativos.¿Te lo vas a perder? ¿No quieres aprender cosas nuevas?Instala la app de Formación Online Gratis ahora yempiezaaaprender cosas nuevas desde hoy mismo.The onlinefreecourseshave evolved rapidly in the last decade thanks totheinterest thatpeople have put on the new way to learnonline.Courses in Mass andOpen Line notables have differentadvantages.What can you learn on Free Online Training?• Wide range of courses openly and differentthemes,allstakeholders need only know the language in which thecourseisoffered to participate.• The courses are free, allowing you access toimportanttrainingof the most prestigious universities in theworld.• In some of the courses will be delivered at the endandpasscertificate.By downloading the Free Online Training App forAndroid,you'lljoin the over 500,000 people who have alreadyenteredandparticipated in any of the more than 500 coursesonline.This application is handwww.formaciononlinegratis.netPortalwhich carries more than 1 yearand advising and publishingmorethan 500 completely free courses.These courses couldbecategorized into several families, fromcomputer courses,onlinemarketing, health and beauty, books onlanguage to receteskitchen;ie, a large number and variety ofeducationalresources.Are you going to lose? Do not want to learn new things?Download the app now free Online Training and startlearningnewthings from today.
Udemy - Online Courses 9.25.0
Achieve your goals with online courses in Coding, Python, and more.
Wlingua - Learn English 5.2.15
Complete English Course - Learn English with us
Curso de Bolso 6.0.3
Courses to learn about various subjects anywhere!
Cursos Gratis Online 2.0.0
Aplicación Buscando Cursos.Hoy te presentamos la aplicación para android deBuscandoCursos.Aplicación en la que encontraras todo tipo decursosgratis, delinem para desempleados, cursos de formación adistanciayhomologados. Con esta aplicación podrás encontrar sobretodocursosonline gratuitos con los que poder formarte en cualquieradelasespecialidades que desees. Aunque también cuenta con unabasededatos con cursos presenciales en el caso de que no teconvenzano note gusten los cursos online. En la base de datos delaaplicación encontraras cursos tanvariadoscomo cursos depeluquería, diseño gráfico, mecánica,repostería,gastronomía,peluquería, cursos de computación, devigilante deseguridad,idiomas como ingles, francés, portugues,chino, ruso oalemán.Cursos gratis.Dentro de la sección de los cursos gratis,podemosencontrarinfinidad de cursos que nos pueden ayudar amejorarnuestro nivelde conocimientos en base a alguna materiaconcreta. Elprincipalproblema de los cursos gratuitos es que en lamayoría delos casosno recibes titulación. Aunque desde laaplicación paraandroid de“buscando cursos” hemos intentado tenerlos cursos gratisen losque se pueda obtener titulación y así podertener por lomenos unacertificación del curso que se ha realizado.Los cursosgratis queno ofrecen titulación que encontrarás ennuestraaplicación, sirvensobre todo para obtener conocimientospreviosantes de decidirte acursar algún curso de pago, y así podrásver sirealmente teinteresa o no dedicar tiempo a ese curso. Paraestosonfenomenales.Cursos por internet.En la aplicación de buscando cursos, intentamos siempreenfocarnosenlos cursos online.¿Por qué? Pues porque los cursos online ofrecen unacomodidadextraque no tienen los cursos presenciales, y es que lospuedescursarsin necesidad de desplazarte a la academia donde sevayanarealizar. Los cursos por internet que mencionamosenestaaplicación son cursos con los que puedes obtenertitulaciónsintener que salir de casa. Algunos cursos online queencontrarasennuestra aplicación con titulación son:Curso de auxiliar de enfermería, curso de gastronomía,cursodeentrenador personal, curso de diseño web, entre otros.Cursos presenciales.Los cursos presenciales son de los más demandados, sobre todolosquese ofertan a través del inem. En esta aplicación contamosconunasección llamada “Inem” donde usted encontrará un grannúmerodecursos disponibles para desempleados, los cualessontotalmentegratuitos.Esperamos que esta aplicación sea de su agrado ypuedaencontrarel curso online gratuito que busca en nuestra basededatos.Recordamos también que todos los cursos que se mencionanenestaaplicación son propiedad de terceros, con los cualeselpropietariode la aplicación no tiene nada que ver. Esta esunaaplicaciónmeramente informativa para la búsqueda de cursostantoonline comopresenciales.Lookingapplicationcourses.Today we present the application for androidLookingcourses.Application where you find all kinds of free coursesforunemployedINEM, distance learning courses and approved. Withthisapplicationyou can find free online courses especially withwhichto train youin any specialty you want. But also it has adatabasewith face incase you're not convinced or not you like thecoursesonlinecourses. In the database findasmany courses as courses in hairdressing,graphicdesign,mechanical, confectionery, food, hairdressing,computercourses,security guard, languages ​​like English,French,Portuguese,Chinese , Russian or German.Free courses.Within the section of the free courses, we can findplentyofcourses that can help us to improve our level of knowledgebasedonany particular matter. The main problem of the free coursesisthatin most cases do not receive certification. Althoughfromtheapplication for android "looking for courses" We have triedtohavethe free courses you can obtain certification and be abletohaveat least one certification of the course that has beendone.Thefree offer degree courses not you find in ourapplication,servemainly to obtain prior knowledge before decidingto pursue acourseof payment, and you can see if you really care ordevote timetothat course. To this they are phenomenal.Online courses.In applying seeking courses, we always try to focusononlinecourses. Why? Because the online courses offer anextraconveniencewithout classroom courses, and that can takewithoutscrolling tothe academy where they are to perform. Theonlinecourses arementioned in this application are courses whichcangetqualification without leaving home. Some online coursesyou'llfindin our application qualifications are:Nursing assistant course, gastronomy course,personaltrainingcourse, web design course, among others.Courses.The classroom courses are the most popular, especially thosethatareoffered through inem. In this application we have asectioncalled"INEM" where you will find a large number ofcoursesavailable forthe unemployed, which are totally free.We hope this application will enjoy and can findfreeonlinecourse search our database. We also recall that allcourseslistedin this application are owned by third parties, withwhom theownerof the application has nothing to do. This is apurelyinformativeapplication to search both online andclassroomcourses.
Psychology Course 9.5
Psychology course free to analyze, interpret, understand andexplainhuman behavior. Also, achieving basic skills and toanalyze, assess,evaluate and intervene in the various personal andsocial life alongcontexts skills.What is self-esteem?Types of Self-EsteemLow self-esteemFormation of Self-EsteemInflated self-esteemFormation of low self-esteemConsiderations Self-EsteemThe valuesMusic TherapyAssertivenessElements linked to self-esteemSelf-respectFactors in the Development of Self-EsteemSelfInflated self-esteem ElementsAccurate self-esteemThe Life ProjectLeisureImproving Self EsteemSelf-esteem and Self-RealizationImprove self-esteem in the familyEsteem for ParentsPositive Attitudes and Self-CareSense of personal competenceFeeling of Motivation and PurposeLittle sense of belongingSense of belongingEncourage self-concept of childrenChildren with Limited AutoconceptoSelf-concept or sense of identityChild CharacteristicsComponents of Self-EsteemCore values ​​of self-esteemLearn with this complete course in psychology. Psychologicalhelpis the only way to solve problems such as job stress,socialproblems, overcoming a relationship, etc. This psychologycourse isa first step for those who have interested them psychologybutnever decided to learn this science background.Use the "Select Language" button to change the language.
Arch Search
Arch Search é a beleza da arquitetura eoconhecimento dos arquitetos na palma da sua mão!Aqui você pode pesquisar obras arquitetônicas, arquitetosenotícias relacionadas a arquitetura pelo Brasil e pelo mundo,alémde poder divulgar seu nome e seus trabalhos no app.
Home Design 3D 5.3.1
The only complete app that allows you to create and customizeyourplans!
Planner 5D: Design Your Home 2.6.5
Planner 5D
6,723 décor items to design your house or room interior. 3DFloorplan creator.
Home Design 3D Outdoor/Garden 4.6.3
Bring all your outdoor design projects to life!
Floor Plan Creator 3.6.0
Create detailed and precise floor plans.Seethem in 3D. Add furniture to design interior of your home.Haveyour floor plan with you while shopping to check if there isenoughroom for a new furniture.Features:* Projects can have multiple floors with rooms of anyshape(straight walls only).* Automatic calculation of room and level area. Automatic countofsymbols with tags.* S-Pen and mouse support.* 3D tour mode.* Symbol library: doors, windows, furniture, electrical,firesurvey.* User defined dimension lines for high precision.* Cloud synchronization to automatically backup and shareplansbetween devices (purchased, 3 days free trial)* Export as image (free with watermark); PDF, DXF,SVG(purchased).* Supports metric and imperial unit systems.* Supports Bosch GLM, Bosch PLR , Leica Disto, Stabila (LD 520,LD250 BT) and CEM iLDM-150 bluetooth lasermeters: vote for the features you needmost:
Learn English with ABA English
ABA English
Do you want to learn English? Do you needtopass the First or Advanced certificate or the TOEFL test?LearningEnglish with films and private tutors is easy with the ABAEnglishapp. Learn English Today!Download the free app and learn English with the mostcompleteEnglish course available: private online tutor, 6 learninglevelsand 144 units that cover everything you need in order tolearn thelanguage: speaking/conversation, writing, studying,vocabulary,reading, grammar and much more to enable you to masterthelanguage.The complete course for learning English✔️ ABA Films:The best way to learn expressions, vocabulary and grammar inEnglishis by watching our exclusive short and feature-lengthfilms.✔️ 144 video classes in English:An effective and entertaining online academy with all thenecessaryEnglish grammar. Ideal for all ages (children andadults)✔️ 6 levels:An English course with different levels of learning:Beginner's,First, Advanced, TOEFL, Business, etc.✔️ Teacher/teachers:An online tutor will guide you on your way to attaining abetterlevel of English, with expressions, specific vocabulary andtipstailored to your course.✔️ Evaluate your progress during the course:Measure your progress with an assessment as you complete eachlevel.Is your English improving?✔️ Certificate/certificates:Study to obtain an official ABA English certificate uponcompletionof each level.✔️ Multi-device:With the same user account you will be able to read, write,study,speak, take part in conversations… Learn English using any ofyourmobile devices!The easiest way to learn EnglishLanguage experts at leading universities worldwide agree thatourapp is a marvel of m-learning.Based on the principles of the natural method, whichinvolveslearning via complete immersion in the language, we havecreated asystem for learning English that simulates the samelearningprocess that you experience when travelling abroad to studyandlearn English: listen > understand > speak >write.Discover a unique method for learning EnglishFirst you watch the ABA Films, then you study the dialogues,youlearn to write them and you interpret the role of thecharactersfrom the films: The grammar needed to consolidate yourknowledge isaddressed at the end of the unit, along withpracticalexercises.Now you can have the only online course you need to reach yourgoalon your mobile phone. Use your device to listen, speak, readandwrite in English, just like in real life: Gradually incorporatenewvocabulary and expressions.NOTEFor the ABA English Free and Premium students, the app allows youtokeep the progress you have already made if you log in using thesameaccount that you use for the ABA English Campus.With the free option (ABA Free), 144 video classes provide youwithall the necessary English grammar, explained by the Academy’sbestteachers. You also have the first complete unit of each levelfree,so you can try out the ABA English learning methodology.With the paid option (ABA Premium), you can access all thecontentsof the complete course, get certificates for each level andreceivesupport from a English teacher who you can contact throughthe ABAEnglish Campus with any queries that you might have.* All subscriptions are automatically renewed.ABA English is an online English academy with more than 40 yearsofexperience that allows you to learn English using itsprovenlearning methodology.http://www.abaenglish.com still haven’t downloaded our app for learning English?Downloadit FREE and learn through our courses!
Conhecimentos Específicos 1.4
Versão de demonstração de nossosaplicativos!Conheça os aplicativos completos!Cansado de procurar pelas provas espalhadas em diversos sites?Aqui,oferecemos as questões apenas para sua área! Estude direto emseucelular e sem propagandas!O aplicativo contém as mais recentes provas de concursos públicosdetodo o Brasil. O banco de questões online éatualizadoconstantemente. Estude para as provas de conhecimentoespecífico egaranta a sua vaga!Os simulados contém 5 questões sorteadas aleatoriamente a cadavez.Ao final, você poderá visualizar a correção da prova eduração.Confira ainda um relatório com seu aproveitamento._______________________________________________________Atenção: este aplicativo é um serviço que reúne as questõesdasbancas específicas das provas de concursos de acesso público.Asquestões são referenciadas e podem ser consultadas nasfontesoriginais.applications of ourdemoversion! Know complete applications!Tired of looking for evidence scattered in various sites? Here,weoffer the only issues for your area! Direct study on your phoneandno ads!The application contains the latest evidence of publicprocurementthroughout Brazil. The online question bank isconstantly updated.Study for tests of specific knowledge andguarantee yourplace!Simulated contains 5 questions randomly drawn each time. At theend,you can view the correction of proof and duration. Also checkout areport with its use._______________________________________________________Please note: this application is a service that brings togethertheissues of specific stalls of evidence of public accesstocompetitions. The questions are referenced and can be found intheoriginal sources.
Arquitetos de Sucesso 1.87
"Acreditamos num mercado de arquiteturamaisético, justo e colaborativo. Pra nós, Arquiteto de Sucesso éaquelefeliz com a própria profissão, que recebe um valor justo peloseutrabalho, é valorizado e respeitado pela sociedade e tem tempoprasi mesmo e pra sua família..."[email protected]"We believe a moreethicalarchitecture, fair and collaborative. For us, SuccessArchitect isthat happy with the profession itself, which receivesa fair valuefor their work is valued and respected by society andhave time toyourself and to your family..."[email protected]
Basic Engineering Dictionary: 1.3.6
Basic Engineering App to Make Terms, Definitions, EquationsandFormulas Easy!
Cellular Repair Course 75.0
Course cell repair, cell repair learns step by step.
Cursos Sistema Fiep 1.0.2
Agência IMAM
Conheça todos os serviços deeducaçãooferecidospelo Sistema Fiep em todo o Paraná, na tela doseusmartphone outablet.São cursos em diversos níveis, da formação básicaàprofissional,focados no desenvolvimento pessoal e profissionaldoaluno, além deserem reconhecidos pelo mercado de trabalho.- Conheça os cursos oferecidos pela Fiep, Sesi, Senai e IEL.- Encontre a unidade mais próxima e veja maisinformaçõesdecontato.- Veja informações sobre cursos deiniciaçãoprofissional,aperfeiçoamento, técnico, graduação,pós-graduação,entreoutros.Meetalleducationalservices offered by Fiep across Paraná, onyoursmartphone ortablet screen.Courses are at different levels, from basictoprofessionaltraining, focused on personal andprofessionaldevelopment ofstudents, in addition to being recognizedby thelabor market.- Meet the courses offered by Fiep, SESI, SENAI and IEL.- Find the nearest unit and see more contact information.- View information on vocational preparationcourses,improvement,technical, undergraduate, graduate, andothers.
Makeup Course 80.0
Free makeup course, learning to apply makeup professionally stepbystep.
Accounting Course 9.5
Free Course Accounting for anyone interested in masteringaccountingas if they were attending a classroom course. Veryuseful for thestudent who needs a query tool, learning support andaccounting.After finishing the course the student achieves theobjective of adomain equal to or better than a classroom courseaccountingtechnique.Balance and AccountsBook Journal and LedgerEquityCash and banksFixed assetsStocksCustomers and SuppliersBank LoansReview Accounting IIncomeSale of stockIncome itemsExpense itemsProvisions Expenses accountDepreciation Expense AccountTaxes and DividendsAccounting Review IIPilates exercises IExercises Accounting IIAccounting Exercises IIIThe course contains lessons with theory and generalaccountingexercises for learning business accounting is a tool toknow thefinancial situation of a company. You can also learnpersonalaccounting and bookkeeping at home.Use the "Select Language" button to change the language.