Top 22 Apps Similar to Astral Doorway Spirit Box

Frank's Ghost Box #39 1.0
Steve Hultay
Frank Sumption's Ghost Box #39 AppbySteveHultay:Conduct your own ghost box sessions using audio fromtherareFrank's Ghost Box #39 from Steve Hultay's ghostboxcollection.This app contains 60 minutes of Frank’s Box #39 audio. ItdoesNOTplay from beginning to end like many other Android ITCapps. Wehaveprogrammed a true real-time random sweep within theapp. Inslowmode, it will randomly play 1.5 seconds of audio bits.In fastmode,it will play .75 seconds of audio bits. This will givetheuser aunique experience each time the app is used.Frank’s Ghost Boxes are rare and expensive. Our goal istoprovideusers with the ability to use the Frank’s Ghost Box #39inapp formthat sounds as similar as possible to the actual boxwhileutilizingreal-time true random audio delivery (based on EVPMakerModel).Please Note:There are now more than 24,000 Android devices on the market.Duetothe random sweep programming (very important for ITC apps),itmaycause a slight delay or choppy noise on some devices.We are currently working on a fix for this. Until then,averysmall static file has been included to help the choppynoise.Thisstatic file is small and plays in the background.FranksGhostBox.comPlease visit our website where you can:---> Learn more about Frank Sumption---> Watch "Meet Frank Sumption" interview video---> Post your session videos---> Read Frequently Asked Questions---> View a gallery of images & videos ofFrank'sghostboxes from Steve Hultay's ghost box collectionFranksGhostBox.comALL proceeds from app sales help fund theLiveGhostBox.comprojectwhich helps us keep it free to the public.We thank you foryoursupport!Special notes on this app:This is NOT an EVP enhancer app but a GHOST BOX ITC app. Whatisthedifference between an EVP enhancing app and a Ghost BoxITCapp? EVPenhancing apps play short audio files (usually less than5minuteslong) from start to finish EVERY time with norandomness(just likea regular music player).THE FRANK'S GHOST BOX #39 APP USES GHOST BOX ITC methods.Theappworks by playing short bits of sounds randomly WITHINthe60-minuteaudio file. You can email me for the audio source fileifyou wouldlike it for comparison (to prove it is indeedrandom&unique).ALL PROCEEDS HELP FUND FUTURE ITC PROJECTS. THANK YOUFORYOURSUPPORT!
12-469 Shack Hack Ghost Box 1.1
Steve Hultay
This particular ghost box was thefirstradiothat was accessible to the masses as a usable sweepingghostbox.Before this Hacked radio came on the scene, there wasonlyaFrank's Box or a Joe's Box. Those were the only 2ghostboxesavailable and they weren't really available to everyonesincetheywere hand made and rare to obtain.The 12-469 Radio Shack radio was first introducedonFrankSumption's EVP/ITC Yahoo group by a man calling himself"SumDuc"on November 24, 2007. His post stated that he went intoaradioshack and bought a cheap radio to see if he could modifyitand beable to share something with the group. He also askedoursmallgroup to email him for details. I was the first andonlyperson todo that, because it was a rainy day in NJ and i wasupforsomething new. He wrote me back with the info and model andiwentto the store to make the purchase. Not knowingmuchaboutelectronics, I still took the plunge in what would take onanewera of ITC work for a lot more people.I modified the radio and started using it right awayandpostedsome audio of my findings just hours later. "Sum Duc"waspleasedwith my work and said he was making a page on theinternetcalled"Ghost Box Hacks" and asked if he could share myaudio onthere. Ofcourse I said Yes, this was a breakthrough for thefield!That "SumDuc" man on the forum turned out to be the legendaryBillChappellprior to forming his Digital Dowsing products. Wespokequite a bitand I even was a beta tester on some of hisearlyprojects becauseof this.The 12-469 radio used to be $10 and I bought many andgavethemall away except one. It has an inherent click on the AMbandthatmany love and feel helps communication.This APP is 12 minutes audio from that classic box,choppedupinto 12,000 files both forward and reverse (withrandomdelivery)to give it that 12-469 feeling the best way i could.I'veused thiswith excellent results so far.These boxes are rare and now only obtainable on Ebayandothersources for $300 and up.My goal is to share rare ghost boxes with the public, evenifit'sin app form. I don't feel that people should spend a tonofmoney onradios that used to cost $10 brand new.This is my way of trying to share my collection.....ihopeyouenjoy!-Steve Hultay (RTSC since 2006)Special notes on this app:This is NOT an EVP enhancer app but a GHOST BOX ITC app. Whatisthedifference between an EVP enhancing app and a Ghost BoxITCapp? EVPenhancing apps play short audio files (usually less than5minuteslong) from start to finish EVERY time with norandomness(just likea regular music player).THE 12-469 SHACK HACK APP USES GHOST BOX ITC methods.Theappworks by playing short bits of sounds randomly in ordertoCREATEWORDS and hopefully phrases. There are 12,000 audio bitsthatareplayed randomly in real-time. If you would like a zip fileoftheaudio source, please email me.ALL PROCEEDS HELP FUND FUTURE ITC PROJECTS. THANK YOUFORYOURSUPPORT!
Spirit Box Communicator V1 V5
This is the successor version of the "Talking Spirit Box RadioEVP"from 2014
GBV2 Ghost Box v3.0 3.0
GBV2 Ghost Box, gives you the abilitytoinstantly communicate with the paranormal side by usingadvancedEVP noise algorithm and converts sound patterns into words.GBV2 can be used on two different modes, Ghost box mode andEVPgenerator mode.GBV2 is an extremely effective and easy to use ghost box, todothat simply run the software with your preferred audiorecordingsoftware/device, ask your questions, then end your sessionandlisten to the recorded messages on playback. Headphones andaudioediting recommended.As a Ghost Box, GBV2 generates multiple layers of randomnoiseand scan different audio frequencies to enable the human eartoeasily listen and understand words and sentences, spokenwithinlower or higher sound spectrum.GBV2 EVP Generator, uses highly advanced audio engines ofaudibleand inaudible sound waves and automatically convertsspecificpatterns into words that we can understand. There is apossibilitythat the some of the words are not accurate EVP. Youmust confirmthe accuracy by asking different questions or usingboth the GhostBox and EVP Generator at the same session.Now you can use both modes, Ghost Box & EVP Generator, atthesame time! One software, one click and you can experience ClassAEVP messages AND FULL CONVERSATIONS, in REAL TIME.The extremely simple and easy to use design was made to makesurethat anyone can achieve the same effective results, nospecialsettings or complicated parameters needed. One click andyoursession will start immediately. However, if you prefer, youcanstill experiment with your WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS.GBV2 Ghost Box is not a toy. Please keep it away fromchildrenand people with critical or sensitive heart conditions.Due to the experimental nature of paranormal ITCresearchsoftware, we can’t guarantee the frequency or accuracy ofyourresults. However, we 100% guarantee that if the spirits aroundyouwish to communicate with you, the GBV2 Ghost Box And EVPGeneratorsoftware will provide both sides with everything neededtoestablish successful communication.Remember that spirits – and humans! - need time to understandanynew device before they can use it effectively. Keep trying,testingand we GUARANTEE that you will achieve much better resultsthan youexpected. We use our software on daily basis for allourparanormal/ITC research sessions and we are only releasing ittothe public because we know that it works.We support our work 100% and will keep updating and improvingthesoftware to make sure that you always get best results. If youneedany help or assistance, please contact us anytime.
Spiritus Ghost Box 1.8
Spiritus Ghost Box is an Audio and Visual ITC tool forparanormalresearch.
Stevo's Randomizer Box (SRB1) 2.0
Irish Stevo
This is a collaboration app ByAppyDroidAndIrish Stevo, This is a true randomized 4 channel SpiritboxAppwith 200 clips of audio, Each channel canbecontrolledindependently or with a sweep randomizer mode whichsetseachchannel sweep to a random position each time it fires aclip,Thisis an experimental app which uses Irish Stevo'sAudiowhichcontains no actual words. Settings allows the user tochangethecolor of the box for a more personalized box.-Stay Ghosty my Friends
SoulSeekersUK Ghost Box 1.0
An ghost box that uses reverse audio containing no actual words
Wonder Box Ghost Spirit Portal 1
The story of Alice inWonderlandreversed,chopped up into 12,000 files, with REAL-TIMErandomdelivery.This ghost box app is entirely reversed speech. ThereisNOemulation, added effects, or mimicking. This spiritboxportaldelivers random real-time responses using the entire12chapters ofthis classic novel.
DarkVox V.666 ITC GHOST BOX 1.3
The dark side of ITC / EVP. The Backwards Bible. INTRO PRICE: $6.66
Spain Paranormal Spirit Box 1 10.5
This Spirit Box scans reversed real EVP audio banks
Ghost Voice Spirit Box 1.0
Introducing, advanced new generation ofGhostbox technology and ITC research software for mobile devices.TheGhost Voice Spirit Box software.Ghost Voice Spirit Box is the most effective software, todate,designed to allow ghost hunters and paranormal researcherstocommunicate with the paranormal/spiritual world. Use itanytime,anywhere, and receive instant EVP.Ghost Voice Spirit box works exactly like hardware radiosweepspirit box devices. If you are familiar with the PSB7, PSB11andradio shack hacks, then Ghost Voice spirit box is whatyou'relooking for!Ghost Voice software uses sound banks of recorded radiosignals,mixed, reversed, and carefully edited to avoid all negativesidesof using live radio stations or the usual pre-recorded soundbanks.With the Ghost Voice Spirit Box, there is no radiointerference.The software randomly generates multiple layers ofdifferentaudio/sound waves, including white and pink noise, thiscan be usedby spirits or paranormal entities to send direct EVPmessages bycharging specific sound waves at specific times withtheir ownenergy. The result is clear and almost instant EVPmessages that wecan hear and understand.Just like any ghost box hardware device, the Ghost Voicespiritbox software does not control any of the received soundsandvoices.Ghost Voice Spirit Box can be used with or withoutexternalspeakers or recorders. You can experience Class A EVPmessages ANDFULL CONVERSATIONS, words and complete sentences, inREAL TIME. Forbest results, it’s recommended that you record yoursessions, mostEVPs are heard more clearly on playback. You can useany recordingsoftware and sound editing tool.The extremely simple and easy to use design was made to makesurethat anyone can achieve the same effective results, nospecialskills, settings or complicated parameters needed. One clickandyour session will start immediately. If you prefer, you canstillexperiment with your WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS.Due to the experimental nature of paranormal ITCresearchsoftware, we can’t guarantee the frequency or accuracy ofyourresults. However, we 100% guarantee that if the spirits aroundyouwish to communicate with you, the Ghost Voice Spirit Boxsoftwarewill provide both sides with everything needed toestablishsuccessful communication.(( If you need any help or assistance or wish to contact usforany reason, please contact us by email, anytime. and we will doourbest to reply asap ))This software is a REAL spirit box. It works and it’s not atoy.Please keep it away from children and people with criticalorsensitive heart conditions.
Whisper box 1.3
whisper box is a revers sweep whisper ghost box,
NecroBox Ghost Box 5.1
Spain Paranormal's NecroBox. This ghost box contains darkaudioreversed speech banks in a frequency that we think allowspiritcommunication. Warning It seems to attract dark entities sobecaution and stay safe while using this app. Dark Music buttonplaysbackground music as trigger, composed by Mattia Cupelli- It has a manual mode that goes from25to 1000 ms speed, and an auto mode that goes from 25 to 500mseachtime it trigger audio. Echo button access microphone tocreaterealtime echo (adjust mic. input with slider).Recommendedbluetooth speaker. Rec. Button access camera to shoot avideoclipof your session (in some devices may not work with echoactivated,restart the app and without pushing echo you will accesscamera).Disclaimer: Nobody can guarantee spirit communication withany ITCtool. This app is based in our own theories and research oftheparanormal field.
Live Particle Box 1.0
Mark Coultous
Live Particle Box, A collaboration GhostBoxAppby AppyDroid, Mark Coultous, And LJ Morris.Features LJ Morris Idea for randomizing the sweep usingtheballbouncing method. Mark Coultous Live Ghost box stream,whichwilltruly become sweep able with random particle collisions;Andgiventhe AppyDroid eye candy touch you all love!! By the waythisAppsounds awesome.Live ghost box stream is operated by Mark Coultous.Please note All funds go straight to running costs ofthelivestream.This is a true randomized ghost box system, and usesnointernalbanks, which is run from a live ghost box stream. TheAppusesrandom changing particles as trigger points to allowburstsofaudio through, speed is adjustable by the slider.Making this the "worlds first ever true sweep liveradioghostbox" on google play.Please note Internet required.
Backwards Box Ghost Spirit Box 1
The Backwards Box app is graphicallymockingaguy who has put the ITC field in a backwardstailspin.Thefunctionality of the Backwards Box is legitimate anduses6,000audio bits from the reverse speech LiveGhostBox.comlivestream.This app utilizes true random delivery of audio. Thereisnomimicking, emulation, or added effects.
SPSB2 Dead Box 3.1
Spain Paranornal Spirit Box 2 Dead Box. This spirit box scans3audio banks of dead languages Sanskit, Latin and Ancient Greekand2 banks of Hebrew and Greek, making a total of 5 banks allreversedto avoid false positives. Make your own ghost box!!! Youcan changebuilt in audio banks with your own audio files in yourdevice localstorage (MP3 files), and thats very cool because youcan make yourown unique spirit box. Just touch the bottom lights ofeach bankand the file manager of your device will pop up to let youchoose.This box contains 5 default audio banks of reversedaudio.You canchange 1, 2... or all with your own files Sweep ratecan be set byuser from 25 to 1200 ms or just press auto button forrandom sweeprate. Echo button activate realtime echo, adjustablemic. inputwith slider (recommended external bluetooth speaker). Thecamerabutton starts your device camera to record video and audio ofyoursession, for review possible evidences of intelligentcommunication(when using echo because mic. access is needed somedevices dontallow camera access simultaneously, but you can stillrecord if youdidnt push echo or restarting the app if you pushedit).Disclaimer: Nobody can to guarantee spirit communication withanyITC tool. This app is based in our own theories and research oftheparanormal field.
Underground Ghost Box Pro 4.0
This ITC tool is the pro version of the Underground Ghost Box.Andis dedicated to Blaine Nelson and Nai Ruiz. Based on thesameengine of the free version, but enhaced with more audio banksandfunctions, scan randomly between the main audio and staticbanks.Echo button activate realtime echo (adjust microphonesensitivitywith slider). This function need permission to accessmicrophone.If your device have magnetic and position sensors thescan rate isset to automatic. In auto scan mode push Slow! buttonto add scantine to engine. If there is no magnetic sensor presentmanual modeallow you to adjust scan speed with plus minus buttons.The Blendbutton allow to play up to two main audio banks at sametime. Youcan disble/enable each five main banks (spanish reversedspeech)with the switches of each light, and enable/disble static(spanishradio reversed). The Rec button starts your device camerato recordvideo and audio of your session (some devices dont allowrecord ifyou activated echo, but you still can access camera if yourestartthe app and dont push echo, just like before echo addition).Thisis not a toy, this is a tool for ITC and paranormalinvestigators.Disclaimer: Nobody can to guarantee spiritcommunication with anyITC tool. This app is based in our owntheories and research of theparanormal field.
Radio Hack Ghost Box 10.5
This app is a ghost box intended for TCI andparanormalinvestigators.
EchoVox 2.0 Classic Edition 1.2
SP White Noise Box 8.0
This is an easy to use classic spirit box
Whisper box II 1.1
Whisper Box II white is a ghost box that uses sound banksallforward whispers
Walkie Talkie Radar 1.3
Walkie Talkie - Voice is aPush-to-walkytalkyapplication which allows you to walkie talkie onwalky talkyforfree over wireless networks.The Talk you can transmit your voice data to all deviceswhichareon the same network or to any device which you knowitsIPaddress.Touch walky talky is the best app to communicate forfreeviawi-fi network, walky talky with all the devices whichareconnectedon that nerwork with a simple click.Turn your Mobile into a two way radios or a Wwalkitalki!Youcanuse your Mobile to talk with your friends or familly athomeusingwifi network- The Talk Walkie talkie looking design- No additional fees or accounts to open- Capture and Broadcast Audio on all the smart phone.- Unicast Address which will get audio only for one device- Active voice chat- Crystal clear sound- Easy connectivity between two devices