Top 32 Apps Similar to Netsy VoIP

Bria VoIP Softphone SIP Client 3.9.4
Bria Android Smartphone Edition isanaward-winning SIP-based softphone – brought to you byCounterPathCorporation, the market leader of VoIP software productsandsolutions.IMPORTANT NOTE: Bria is a standalone softphone and not aVoIPservice. A SIP server or subscription with a SIP-basedVoIPprovider is required to make calls.HIGHLIGHTS• Highly secure, SIP-based softphone with exceptionalvoicequality• Purchase in-app Premium Features like Video Calls, PresenceandMessaging or audio codecs to enhance your mobilesoftphoneexperience• Pre-defined VoIP available when adding new accounts• Multitasking support for background operation, such asfieldingincoming calls while using other applications• HD audio codecs including G.722, OPUS and SILK• Supported accessories include headsets and headphones.Bluetooth™support is dependent on Android device and operatingsystem• Available in the following languages: English, Chinese(Simplifiedand Traditional), French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese,Russian andSpanish.• Winner of the 2011 Product of the Year Award fromCommunicationsSolutions. For the full list,see PHONE FEATURES• Multiple account support for up to 25 accounts onanySIP-compliant server• Contact List leveraging the device’s nativecontactdirectory• Call display and voicemail indicator• Speakerphone, mute and hold functions• Call history with a list of received, missed anddialedcalls• Call recording• Ringtones and contact avatars• Dial plan support• Multiple call support – swap between two active calls, mergeandsplit calls, transfer calls (attended and unattended)• Audio codecs include G.711a/u, G.722(HD), OPUS and SILK• Automatic codec selection to ensure optimal call quality• Support for DTMF: the ability to enter numbers to use anautoattendant via RFC 2833, SIP INFO and in-band• VPN support• Advanced settings that enable users to control networktraversaland media options• Security and encryption via TLS and SRTP• DNS SRV record lookups and call quality statisticsPREMIUM FEATURES – OPTIONAL IN-APP PURCHASE• Messaging and Presence – with XMPP and SIP SIMPLE support• Video Calls – using H.264 and VP8 video codecs• G.729 Audio Codec• AMR-Wideband Audio CodecFor more information on Bria Android Edition’s features,pleasevisit: VOIP OVER MOBILE/CELLULAR DATA NOTICESome mobile network operators may prohibit or restrict the useofVoIP functionality over their network and may alsoimposeadditional fees, or other charges in connection with VoIP.Youagree to learn and abide by your cellular carrier'snetworkrestrictions. CounterPath Corporation will not be heldliable forany charges, fees or liability imposed by your carrierfor use ofVoIP over Mobile/Cellular Data.Emergency CallsCounterPath's Bria mobile products provide handling designedtoredirect emergency calls to the Native Cellular Dialerwhenpossible on a best reasonable commercial efforts basis,howeverthis functionality is also dependent on the operating systemof themobile phone which is outside of our control and subject tochangeat any time. As a result, the official position ofCounterPath isthat CounterPath’s Bria product is not intended,designed, or fitfor placing, carrying or supporting EmergencyCalls. CounterPathwill not be liable for any costs or damagesarising either directlyor indirectly from the use of the softwarefor Emergency Calls.Using Bria as a default dialer may interferewith dialing emergencyservices.
MiamiTalk 3.8.6
We are one of the leading company inVoIP(Voiceover Internet Protocol) market. With the expertiseindeveloping andservicing of our products become the benchmarkofthe quality andsophistication.The company offers qualityVoIPservices at amazingprices which helps customers around theworldto make cheaper longdistance phone calls using internet asthemedium. Miamitalk isleading in the list of qualityserviceproviders as it has maximumfaith in the objective of totalqualityassurance.
Plumble - Mumble VOIP 3.2.0
A powerful, slick, and easy to use Mumble client. Console 2.0.165
PC Ability
This app uses the official API to manage your entireVoIP.msaccount.
Voip Storm 1.0.2
Voip App is for keeping people together….across platform mobile dialler app which allows you tocommunicatemessages, make Voice & Video Calls, share Pictures,Videos,Music, Locations, Files as well as many other features allwithoutany costs involved.With Voip App... if you decide to pay a little, you get alot…Subscription or pay as you go, everyone benefits from highqualitylow cost calling to over 1135 networks in more than 220countries,as well as providing a large coverage of local, mobile,nationaland toll-free virtual numbers. Currently we cover over 68countriesand 2000 area codes worldwide ensuring, instantconnectivity tokeep people together.VOIP App & Virtual Number App.A Complete Mobile VoIP Solution with Virtual Numbers inaApp.Voip App, provides high quality instant messaging alongsidevoiceand video calling from the convenience of your mobile App orPCanywhere in the world. Be it instant messages, groupmessaging,sharing pictures,albums,videos, music, locations orgetting localand mobile numbers, Voip App is your one stopsolution.!Virtual Numbers example... If you have family and friendsinSpain, but live in the UK, you can assign virtual Spanishnumbersto the App, calls made to the Spanish virtual numberswillautomatically be forwarded to the App. This way you gainconvenientinbound international calling, while the people whocalled, enjoyedcost-effective local rates, if not free!VOIP App offers a Mobile Voip Solution, not just a App VoipphoneDialer.Virtual Numbers App.Instant Messaging, Picture Sharing, Video Sharing, MusicSharingand more......Free high quality in-network international calling fromtheconvenience of your android device...Multiple Phone Number Assignment...Virtual local numbers...Virtual mobile Numbers...Call Forwarding and Follow Me..VOIP Calls...Customer services and business support team...VIRTUAL NUMBERS COVERAGE.Argentina - Virtual NumbersAustralia - Virtual NumbersAustria - Virtual NumbersBahrain - Virtual NumbersBelgium - Virtual NumbersBolivia - Virtual NumbersBosnia And Herzegovina - Virtual NumbersBrazil - Virtual NumbersBulgaria - Virtual NumbersCanada - Virtual NumbersChile - Virtual NumbersChina - Virtual NumbersColombia - Virtual NumbersCosta Rica - Virtual NumbersCroatia - Virtual Numbers.Cyprus - Virtual NumbersCzech Republic - Virtual NumbersDenmark - Virtual NumbersDominican Republic - Virtual NumbersEcuador - Virtual NumbersEl Salvador - Virtual NumbersEstonia - Virtual NumbersFinland - Virtual NumbersFrance - Virtual NumbersGeorgia - Virtual NumbersGermany - Virtual NumbersGreece - Virtual NumbersGuatemala - Virtual NumbersHong Kong - Virtual NumbersHungary - Virtual NumbersIceland - Virtual NumbersIndia - Virtual NumbersIndonesia - Virtual NumbersIreland - Virtual NumbersIsrael - Virtual NumbersItaly - Virtual NumbersJapan - Virtual NumbersLatvia - Virtual NumbersLithuania - Virtual NumbersLuxembourg - Virtual NumbersMalaysia - Virtual NumbersMalta - Virtual NumbersMexico - Virtual NumbersNetherlands - Virtual NumbersNew Zealand - Virtual NumbersNorway - Virtual NumbersPanama - Virtual NumbersPeru - Virtual NumbersPoland - Virtual NumbersPortugal - Virtual NumbersPuerto Rico - Virtual NumbersRomania - Virtual NumbersRussian Federation - Virtual NumbersSerbia - Virtual NumbersSingapore - Virtual NumbersSlovakia - Virtual NumbersSlovenia - Virtual NumbersSouth Africa - Virtual NumbersSpain - Virtual NumbersSweden - Virtual NumbersSwitzerland - Virtual NumbersThailand - Virtual NumbersTurkey - Virtual Numbers.Ukraine - Virtual NumbersUnited Kingdom - Virtual NumbersUnited States - Virtual NumbersUruguay - Virtual Numbers.Venezuela - Virtual Number.VoIP & Virtual Numbers AppPowered by: App Point of Sale LtdPlease Note: Voip App has no direct dealing with Iran, SyriaorSudan due to international sanctions.
MizuDroid SIP VOIP Softphone 4.0.44
SIP client for your VoIP server SMS 0.6.25
Popular Android messaging app for, a Canadian VoIP provider
easybell – VoIP to go 1.02.01
easybell ermöglicht günstige Telefonate nach Deutschland und indieganze Welt. Von easybell zu easybell telefonieren Siesogarkostenlos.Mit der einstellbaren Rufnummernanzeige können Sieselberentscheiden, welche Ihrer Nummern bei einem Telefonatangezeigtwerden.Anrufe können Sie direkt über Ihre gespeichertenTelefon-Kontakteaufbauen. Auf Wunsch erhalten Sie eine echteOrtsrufnummer oderportieren eine bestehende Rufnummer kostenlos zueasybell. So sindSie auch unterwegs „for free“ unter ihrer Büro-oderPrivatrufnummer erreichbar, z.B im Urlaub oder im Café.Ihr Android Telefon wird zum mobilen Festnetz-Anschluss, egalwoSie sich gerade aufhalten und das sowohl für ein- als auchfürausgehende Gespräche. Ihr altes (DECT) Schnurlos-Telefon könnenSienun einmotten. Im Ausland können sie mit easybell VoIPimmergünstig nach Deutschland telefonieren.Auch im Mobilfunk profitieren sie nun von günstigen VoIPTarifenauf Call by Call Niveau. Damit ist easybell VoIP dieidealeErgänzung zu Ihrem Mobilfunkvertrag.Die easybell VoiP Features:• Telefonanlage Online – konfigurieren Sie ihrenVoIPTelefonanschluss direkt im Netz• für den mobilen Einsatz optimierte VOIP Technologie,hierdurchexzellente Gesprächsqualität ähnlich ISDN ohne „1wayAudio“• Festnetznummer für 100% der deutschen Ortsnetze• Telefon-Kontakte direkt aus der App heraus nutzen• Anruflisten in Echtzeit• weltweit nutzbar bei vorhandener Breitbandverbindung überUMTS,WLAN oder LTE• Rechnungsstellung Postpaid• flexible Rufnummernanzeige: Bestimmen Sie, welche IhrerRufnummernIhrem Gesprächspartner angezeigt wird• SMS-Mitteilung bei einer neuen Nachricht auf IhremkostenlosenAnrufbeantworter• Fax2Mail gratisDie kostenlose VoIP App funktioniert mit jedem easybellVOIPTarif:• Für monatlich günstige 4,99 EUR erhalten SieeineDeutschlandflat.• Für 2,99 erhalten Sie 500 Freiminuten im Monat• Oder nutzen Sie die VoIP App mit dem KomplettanschlussinklusiveHighspeed DSL für 21,95 EUR/Monat.• Ohne Grundgebühren und zu Call-by-Call Preisen telefonierenSiemit 010 010 VoIP, z.B. ab 3,9 ct/min in dendeutschenMobilfunk.Genauso günstig sind Anrufe ins Ausland:
• immer 2,9 ct/min ins Mobil- oder Festnetz folgenderLänder(Auswahl):China, Indien, USA, Singapur, Kanada, Hongkong
• immer 2,9 ct/min ins Festnetz folgender Länder (Auswahl):Österreich, Belgien, Tschechische Republik, Dänemark,Estland,Finnland, Frankreich, Griechenland, Großbritannien, Ungarn,Island,Irland, Italien, Kasachstan, Lettland, Liechtenstein,Litauen,Luxemburg, Malta, Niederlande, Norwegen, Polen, Portugal,Rumänien,Russische Föderation, Slowakische Republik, Slowenien,Spanien,Norwegen, Schweden, Schweiz, Türkei, Israel, Japan,Taiwan,Südkorea, Spanien, AustralienVoraussetzung für VoIP ist eine vorhandene Datenverbindung,z.B.über WLAN, UMTS oder LTE. Einige Mobilfunkprovider sperrenihreUMTS- und LTE-Netze für VOIP-Lösungen, z.B. funktionierenVOIPTelefonate nicht mit Standardverträgen der DeutschenTelekom.Bitte beachten Sie, dass Notrufe mit dieser App nurinnerhalbDeutschlands möglich sind. Bitte nutzen Sie diese Appdaher nurinnerhalb Deutschlands als Standard Dialer.Please Consider, that using this app as standard dialermayinterfere with emergency calls outside of germany.This app is released under the GNU General Public Licensev3.0and based on the CSIP Simple Client by Regis Montoyaeasybellenables cheap calls to Germany and around the world. Fromeasybellto easybell you pay even free.With the adjustable number You can decide which of your numbersaredisplayed during a telephone conversation.Calls You can build directly on your stored phone contacts. Youcanrequest a genuine local call number or port an existing numberforfree to easybell. So you are on the go "for free" in theirofficeor home phone accessible, eg on holiday or in the café.Your Android phone into a portable landline connection, nomatterwhere you happen to be and for both incoming and outgoingcalls.Your old (DECT) cordless phone, you can now mothball.Abroad, youcan always make cheap calls to Germany with easybellVoIP.Also in Mobile, they now benefit from cheap VoIP rates on acallby call level. This easybell VoIP is the perfect addition toyourmobile phone contract.Easybell VoIP Features:• PBX Online - You configure your VoIP phone line directly inthenetwork• Optimized for mobile use VOIP technology, thereby excellentcallquality similar to ISDN without "1way Audio"• landline number for 100% of German local networks• Phone contacts is available directly from the app• call logs in real time• Can be used worldwide with existing broadband connection viaUMTS,WiFi and LTE• Invoicing postpaid• flexible number display: Determine which of your numbers willbedisplayed to your conversation partner• SMS message with a new message on your answeringmachinefree• Fax2Mail freeThe free VoIP app works with any easybell VOIP fare:• For cheap monthly 4.99 EUR you get a flat Germany.• For 2.99 you get 500 free minutes a month• Or use the VoIP app with the complete connectionincludinghigh-speed DSL for 21.95 EUR / month.• No subscription charges and call-by-call price you paywith010,010 VoIP, for example, from 3.9 ct / min in theGermanmobile.Are as cheap calls abroad:• always 2.9 cents / min to mobiles or landlinesfollowingcountries (selection):China, India, USA, Singapore, Canada, Hong Kong• always 2.9 cents / min to landlines followingcountries(selection):Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,France,Greece, Great Britain, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,Kazakhstan,Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,Netherlands,Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation,SlovakRepublic, Slovenia, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland,Turkey,Israel, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Spain, AustraliaRequirement for VoIP is an existing data connection, forexample,WLAN, UMTS or LTE. Some mobile phone providers lock theirUMTS andLTE networks for VOIP solutions, eg VOIP phone calls donot workwith standard contracts of Deutsche Telekom.Please note that calls this application only within Germanyarepossible. Therefore, please use this app only within Germany asthedefault dialer.Please Consider, did using this app as default dialerMayinterfere with emergency calls outside of germany.This app is released under the GNU General Public Licensev3.0and based on the CSIP Simple Client by Regis Montoya
Teltrue Voip 10
Teltrue Voip is a smart application that help you save a lotoninternational calls, you can check and compare our rates withyourcurrent carrier, it also display rater/minute when you dialanynumber, no hidden cost or charges are applied to your calls,thisis the best app to save your money on international calls.
VaxPhone - VoIP SIP Softphone 6.0
VaxPhone is a SIP based softphone to dialandreceive internet phone calls and can be connected to anySIPprotocol based IP-PBX, SIP gateway and SIP Server. To use thisapp,SIP account settings from an ITSP (Internet TelephonyServiceProvider) will be required. Find an ITSP on the internet,get SIPaccount from that ITSP and use it with VaxPhone.VaxPhone features:1. Dial/receive phone, mobile and voip calls.2. Multi-lines feature to dial/receive multiplecallssimultaneously.3. Multi-user conference call with multi-lines feature.4. Receive incoming calls when application is in thebackground.5. Supports Speakerphone and Echo-cancellation.6. Mute and hold multiple calls simultaneously.7. Hold and transfer phone calls.8. Supports multiple high and low band voice codecs.9. Auto network reachability.VaxPhone is developed using VaxVoIP SIP SDK. This SDK providesaneasiest way to develop SIP based webphone, softphone, IVRsystems,IP-PBX and SIP Server.
Best VoIP Rate 2.1.3
This is mobile application ofBestVoipRate.comwebsite. is a websitethathelps you to choose best VoIP service providers (includingBetamaxsites such as VoIP Buster and more) that serves with bestrates toyour country. This website checks Betamax VoIP websitesandcollects call rate data regularly.
VoIP Duocom 2.2.1
Establish and receive calls from anywhere
SessionTalk Pro Softphone 5.5.4
SessionTalk SIP Softphone is a feature rich Android SIP softphone.
VoIP PBX Manager 1.1
With the VoIP PBX Manager app youcaneasilymanage extensions from the VoipNow (4PSA) Hosted PBX. Youcanmakea transfer to a mobile phone or a local phone number. Youcanalsoenable the voicemail. The app overwrites the incomingcallrules.VoipNow 3 is the minimum requirement.Log in with the username and password of the "user"thatmanagesthe extension.
OneSim VoIP 3.0.2
Calls from 1c/min
VoipYO | Cheapest Voip Calls
VoipYo allows you to call your friendsandfamily wherever they are in the world at the lowest ratespossible.Save up to 98% on your international phone bill!No matter the destination you're trying to call: VoipYOcanguarantee you the very lowest rate available! All you have to doisdownload our application, register with VoipYO and buy credit.Youcan easily save up to 90% on your monthly calling charges. Nomorenasty surprises when the phone bill has to be paid: You cannowspend more money on all those things you'd rather do than paythebills!Feel free to compare VoipYO's rates with more expensivealternativeslike Rebtel, Vonage and Skype, and convince yourself:we ARE thecheapest option! And don't forget: not only can you savehugeamounts of money on your international calls, you can alsosave nicesums of money every month by using VoipYO for yournational calls.The next time you pick up your mobile phone for acall to theneighbor or your family in another city, use VoipYO aswell!All you need is your Smartphone, a working 3G, 4G or Wifiinternetsignal, and you can make cheap telephone calls anywhere youare!This is one of the easiest ways to save money, with cheapcallrates from VoipYO you will never spend too much money onyoursocial calls again!Using our app as a default dialer may interfere with dialing911emergency services.
SIP Voip Checker 6.0
SIP Voip Checker is an app to test SIP accounts and SIPnetworkaccess.
Voip Plus 3.8.5
Crystal Clear Voice
Moni VoIP Plus 3.5.0
Android APK
Moni VoIP Plus is full functional softphonetomake VoIP calls. It requires internet connection ofGPRS/3G/4GorWiFi network.Features:1. VoIP incoming and outgoing call2. Supported codec: G.7293. Support full functional SIP to SIP call4. Works behind NAT5. Can bypass any Firewall6. Low bandwidth consumption by customized byte saversolution7. Can bypass SIP blockage8. Smart echo cancellation technique9. Synchronization with phone contact10. On screen call time and balance display
Dang-VoIP 1.29
Dang is a VoIP service brought to youbyRegional Telecom Group, you can use it on differentOperatingSystems and across many devices.Free Calling & Texting:Dang creates a Kurdistan DID number (Ex. +964 XXX XXX XXXX)thatallow you to make free HD calls (Audio & Video) & sendfreetexts to other Dang users. Get your Dang ID (DID) & enjoyfreecalling and texting.Call Worldwide at low cost:Save on international calling to phone numbers worldwide. Noworriesif you don’t have a credit / debit card to recharge yourDangaccount. Get a recharge card from your nearest store inKurdistanand call your friends across the world at low cost.Record your calls:Don’t miss out the conversations you had with your loved ones.Yes,you can record all your calls free.Other Dang Features:Call transfer, Call waiting, Voicemail, Greeting and music onhold,and Conference call.
ippi 1.02.00
ippi is one of the leading Internettelephonyproviders in the world. (VoIP SIP)This app give you free premium quality calls & text toothermembers. Open an account at and get a free virtualnumber& iNum.Follow us:Twitter : : : under GPL license
HOT-VOIP 3.7.5
Moez Voip 3.8.9
Mobile Dialer
Moez Voip is a Mobile VoIPdialerapplicationthat allows to make VoIP calls from any of theAndroiddevices andit uses 3G/Edge/Wi-Fi Internet connectivity.Itisdeveloped basedon the requirements of VoIP ProvidersbusinessneedsFeatures :-It uses SIP protocol based for signaling.Supports,SIP, G729,PCMU, PCMA, H323, G723 codecs.Runs Behind NAT or private IP.User Friendly Interface.Auto Sync of Balance.Real Time Sip status messages.Call History.Moez Voip Infonet offers A-Z termination services anddirectroutesfor Telecom operators, resellers and companies.Weoffercompetitive rates and superior quality callsfromournext-generation network. So your calls are connectedwithbestquality possible.softswitch, platform.Address book integration.Compatible with all sip standard switches.It has very efficient implementation of jitter buffer toplayvoicesmoothly.Silent suppression and comfort noise generation has beenusedtoreduce the bandwidth usage, and this makes thedialermoreefficient in making VoIP calls.Integrates with mobiles phonebook and auto detects (+)signwhencontact is picked from phonebook. (telefon VoIP) 1.0.8
Rozmawiaj za darmo ze wszystkimiswoimiznajomymi oraz dzwoń za grosze do innych sieci telefonicznychnacałym świecie! Najniższe ceny - już od 2 gr. za minutę,własnynumer telefonu, brak opłat za roaming.Aplikacja pozwala na wykonywanie rozmów głosowych poprzezsiećtelefonii internetowej (VoIP) Działa na tabletachismartfonach. Do realizowania połączeń konieczny jest dostępdointernetu (WiFi lub 3G).Zapraszamy do zbierania darmowych minut - teraz za każde trzyminutypołączeń przychodzących otrzymujesz darmową minutę narozmowy!Przy rejestracji otrzymasz za darmo i bez żadnychzobowiązańwłasny numer telefonu oraz 10 minut na start. Więcejdarmowychminut na start otrzymują posiadacze tabletów MantaorazOvermax.Talk for free withallyour friends, and call for the buck to other networks aroundtheworld! Lowest prices - starting from 2 gr. per minute, yourphonenumber, no roaming charges.This application allows you to make voice calls via theInternettelephony (VoIP) Works on tablets andsmartphones. Theconnections in the must have access to the Internet(WiFi or 3G).Welcome to the collection of free minutes - now for everythreeminutes of incoming calls get a free minute to talk!When registering, you will receive for free and withoutanyobligations own phone number and 10 minutes to start. Morefreeminutes to start holders receive tablets Manta and Overmax.
Mob-Voip 0.0.30
Mobi-Voip provides economical way to callworldwide.To get test account send email [email protected].
Voip By Antisip (+Video)
"Voip By Antisip" is a VoIP and**VIDEO**softphone based on SIP protocol.JOIN BETA TEST PROGRAM:You can test beta versions a few days before they are availablebysubscribing to the community: subscription is validated, accept to be a beta tester: H264 hardware encoding and decoding!NEW: A wizard exists for many services. It should also worksforother as well!NEW: The wizard can also help you to create your own VoIP accountatsip.antisip.comNEW: A new interface lists all the SIP address from youraddressbook. In order to add or edit them, use the native Contactapp fromthe phone.** FAQ ** (English only)"Voip By Antisip" can be used with any SIP provider and isprettysimple to configure. You only need to enter the domain, loginandpassword of your voip provider.** Use with services ** (NO PSTN SERVICE)If you wish a Voip account, you AND your freinds can create made a very simple How-To (english only) to clearly help youtocreate an accountand configure your application. Checkhere:"Voip by Antisip" offer video using VP8! Using this codec, "VoipbyAntisip" will show excellent performance, and willmaintainexcellent audio and video quality. H263-1998 and MP4V-ESare stillprovided to keep compatibility with other phones. Pleasereportkindly any problems related to video and includedeviceinformation."Voip by Antisip" also offer video using H264 hardware encoderwhenavailable on android device above 4.1. This is stillexperimental(advanced settings): so be kind to report any bug so Icanimprove!To start video, you only need to press the green button whenthecall is established! Then video starts. Incoming video willonlyworks for android >= 2.2!Other features:* create account at* automatic setup for low bit rate usage in 3G mode.* large processor support/optimization: v5, v7a and v7awithneon.* 3G Call possible (if allowed by your 3G operator)* PLC support* AGC support* AEC support (echo canceller)* echo limiter* bluetooth, headset automatic detection (andautomaticconfiguration)* audio codec: SILK, OPUS, ILBC, ISAC, GSM, ...* video software codec: VP8, H264, MP4V-ES, H263-1998* video hardware codec: H264 (optional)* video codec: Optional and experimental hardware H264 (fordeviceabove android 4.1)* dtmf, speaker, hold* TLS support with and without certificate validation.* SRTP encryption.* use system ringer or vibrate.* RTCP feedback control for a better video bitrate andqualitycontrol.* automatic adaptative video bitrate control (webrtc's goog-rembORtmmbr/tmmbn)* webrtc compatibility, DTLS-SRTP, rtp and rtcp muxing,etc...* ...license AND contact details:
O2 VoIP - Internet calls 3.15
Val Kazia
O2 VoIP - international internet callsMake and receive calls on the InternetNo carrier minutes, no roaming, works without a SIM cardNo connection fees, maintenance fees or any other hidden feesYour contacts don't need to use the app, they can call you fromanyphoneO2 VoIP is the simplest and best app to make cheapinternetcalls.O2 VoIP is based on CSipSimple and is licensed under GNU GPLv3.More information in the app.Try it for free. Messenger Free 1.0.3
Enjoy sending and receiving SMSmessagesforfree with your Canadian or United States voip.msDID(Phonenumber). is now offering SMS service with a lotoftheirphone numbers, but they do not provide Androidappintegration.With Messenger Free, you can send and receiveSMSmessageson your device instead of the hassle of logging website.Features include:- Simple, sleek interface. Only the things you need toseeareshown on the screens.- One click registration setup. Just enteryourvoip.mscredentials and you're good to go.- Multiple DID support. Send and receive SMSmessagesfrommultiple phone numbers registered in you voip.msaccount.- Push notification integration. Automaticallyreceivenewmessages from your friends through Google's pushservices.- Contact integration. Conversations are labeledwithyourdevice's contact names.- Ad free (except for a list of sponsors on thetheAboutscreen).Certain limitations exist with the SMS service.Formoreinformation, refer tothisarticle:
有话通-免费电话与国际网络电话 2.4.7
Phone Call
有话通是一款绿色、便捷、音质稳定的免费voip网络电话,支持用户在全球200多个国家和地区内超低资费通话的软件,无漫游、无月租,无需绑定手机号码,国际电话全球资费最低,是您出门在外拨打长途电话和国际voip电话最佳选择。【实用】在国外无需换sim卡,连接wifi就能打回中国境内以及其它国家的手机和固话。【实惠】海外任意地区拨打中国电话,每分钟只需3分钱,无月租、无漫游、无服务费。【稳定】无论您的通话对象是在澳洲、美国、欧洲,非州,通话依然非常稳定,支持用户在全球200多个国家和地区内稳定通话。【高清】能媲美传统电话通话效果。不论你在世界哪个角落,高清网络通话不再难。【绿色】无广告,无推送,无暗扣,无其它不相关内容,无消费陷阱,仅需3.8M【实用】在国外无需换卡,有wifi就能打回中国境内手机和固话千里传情voip,有话通网络电话,打长途就是这么省。产品官网:http://www.uhuacall.com新浪微博:@有话通网络电话There is, then passagreen, convenient, quality stable free voip telephonenetwork,allowing users to ultra-low in more than 200 countriesandterritories tariff call software, no roaming, no monthly, nophonenumber binding, international the world's lowest telephonerates,you're out for long distance calls and international callsvoipbest choice.【practical】Abroad without changing sim card wifi connection will be abletofight back to China and other countries within the mobile phoneandfixed-line.[Affordable]Overseas Chinese phone call to any area, just 3 cents per minute,nomonthly, no roaming, no service charge.【stable】Whether you are talking to is in Australia, the UnitedStates,Europe, Africa, the call is still very stable, allows usersin morethan 200 countries and regional stability calls.[HD]Comparable to traditional telephone call quality. No matterwhichcorner you are in the world, high-definition network calls isnolonger difficult.【green】No ads, no push, no dark buckle, no other non-related content,noconsumer traps, only 3.8M【practical】Abroad without changing the card, there is wifi in China willbeable to fight back and fixed-line phones Trinidad teaser voip, have something to say Internet phone,makelong distance is so provincial.Product official website: http: //www.uhuacall.comSina microblogging: @ have something phone network
MAX VOIP 3.8.8
Max-Voip HD Gold has come up with "SIPClientfor Android" for android based Mobile phones. Android VOIPMobiledialer lets the callers make VoIP calls through theirstandardMobile phones. The biggest advantage that this Androidvoipprovides is the huge base of potential customers who can nowmakecalls using their standard mobile phones. The mobile phonesneed tobe connected to the internet either through Wi-Fi/3G.
CSS Android VoIP Mobile Dialer 1.02
CSS Pvt. Ltd.
The VoIP mobile dialer is meantforserviceproviders who can use this android voip dialer andgetitintegrated with their existing SIP servers. It worksjustlikestandard SIP app for Android i.e. it gets registered ontheSIPserver and then let the authentic caller makes calls.Thebiggestadvantage that this Android VoIP provides is the hugebaseofpotential customers who can now make calls usingtheirstandardmobile phones. The mobile phones need to be connectedtotheinternet either through GPRS/EDGE/Wi-Fi/3G.Features:-* Customized with company name / logo* Unlimited user license* SIP protocol support* Making and receiving calls* Codecs supported: g711,GSM,g722,speex, IlBC* Phone Book (Synchronize with Phone Address Book)* Call Log* Call Status Indicator* Save / Edit Username & Password* Work with all standard SIP Soft SwitchesDemo account details are:User name - 7779550407Password - voipinfotechIp Address - Can call given two sip numbers.1. 98179300742. 0953909600