Top 4 Apps Similar to Vero Vapor

Vero App 1.0
O aplicativo Vero é um sistema depesquisadesatisfação dinâmico, o qual pode ser personalizado deacordo comasnecessidades de cada cliente, sendo possível aadequaçãodequestionários. Atende empresas de diversos segmentoscomo lojasdevarejo, restaurantes, hotéis ou qualquerestabelecimentocomprestação de serviços.O aplicativo Vero possui uma interface amigável tantoparaocliente que responde a pesquisa, como para a empresaquegerênciaas informações através de painéis e relatóriosgerenciaiseoperacional, tornando possível a analise detalhadaderesultadosdas pesquisas.Recursos:- Cadastro de pesquisas ilimitado (umaativaporestabelecimento)- Cadastro de estabelecimento e atendente- Relatórios completos de resultados das pesquisas- interface de integração que pode ser usada com sistemas ERPPara avaliação, entre com:login: testeverosenha: veroappThe Vero applicationisadynamic research system satisfaction, which canbecustomizedaccording to the needs of each client, theadequacyofquestionnaires being possible. Caters to various segmentssuchasretail stores, restaurants, hotels or anyestablishmentwithservice companies.The Vero application has a friendly interface forboththecustomer who responds to the survey, and the companythatmanagesthe information through dashboards and managementandoperationalreports, making possible the detailed analysis oftheresearchresults.Resources:- Registration of unlimited searches (active by school)- Registration of establishment and attendant- Complete reports of research findings- Integration of interface that can be used with ERPTo review, sign in with:login: testeveroPassword: veroapp
SnoClouds Vapor 1.0.0
Appswiz s.ii
We are very excited to now be in theappstore!Our app has been designed with you in mind - focusingongiving youa better user experience. It allows you to easilystayup to datewith everything we have got going on, communicatewithus at thetouch of a finger, and even receive notifications fromusfor allthe latest happenings. Download us now and check outourbrand newapplication today!
Vapor Max 4.0.4
Vapor Max started serving customers thedayweopened on October 18th 2013. We sell electroniccigarettes,over200 e-liquid flavors, accessories, and MODs. VaporMax believesyoushould “try it first before you buy it.” If you arelooking forasmarter alternative to smoking, with no smoke, odor,ash,openflame, second hand smoke, tar, and other carcinogens, thengotoVapor Max. We are located at The New Midland Plaza inAlcoa,TN37701 and we are open seven days a week. Hours of operationareMonthru Sat 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sun 12:00 p.m.to6:00p.m.
Vapor Buy
Allan Lobo
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