Top 22 Apps Similar to библия перевод нового мира

Библия 8
Holy Bible. New World Translation
The Bible 1.5.6
The Bible - is a convenient application for reading the Bibleandquickly navigate through it
Floating Bible 3.5.19
Floating Bible is an electronic version of the New WorldTranslation(NWT) Bible
Библия. Современный перевод. 2.2
Modern translation of the Old and New Testament Scriptures.
Библия 2.5
Offline Библия В приложении два перевода: русскийСинодальныйпереводи современный, кроме этого приложение позволяетподключатьдругиепереводы в том числе комментарии Баркли (ссылкадля загрузкииинструкции установки,Приложение представляетследующие возможности: Ориентацияэкрана(портретная, альбомная,автоматически). Блокировка экранадляперехода в спящий режим.Масштабирование пальцевым жестом (ненавсех устройствах работаеткорректно, в этом случаерекомендуюотключить масштабирование ипользоваться размеромшрифта).Пальцевой жест для перемещения поглавам,а также кнопкамигромкостина устройстве. Быстрый поиск послову или фразе.Закладкигруппированные по дате. При закрытиисохраняет текущуюпозицию.Использование стилей: Вы можете создаватьнеограниченноеколичествостилей. Стиль включает в себя: Шрифт, двашрифта android`а+ 4шрифта встроенных в программу (BookAntiqua,ComicSansMS,MaiandaD,Miroslav) + возможность выбора шрифта изфайла (.ttf)благодарявстроенному файловому менеджеру. Цвет шрифта(текст и номерстихаможно задавать отдельно) Размер шрифта Стильшрифта(жирный,нежирный) Тень текста(цвет,смещение,"размытие")Фоновоеизображение, помимо встроенных17-ти картиноксуществуетвозможность выбрать фон из галереи.Выравнивание текста(по левомукраю, по правому краю, посередине, поширине). Стихивыделяетсяодним касанием (подсветка фона,настраивается в стиле)Длявыделенного стиха появляютсяфункциональные кнопки: стихможноскопировать, отправить (смс, почта,bluetooth и пр.), добавитьвзакладки, отметить маркером, а такжеможно открыть другойпереводначиная с этого стиха (с версии 2.5можно посмотретьперекрестныессылки Синодального перевода). Привыделенном стихевидна иконказаметок справа, нажав которуюможнодобавить/посмотретьзаметку(комментарий) к выделенномустихуСоздание резервной копии ивосстановлении на SD-карту всехстилей,закладок, маркеров. Историячтения. Можно добавить свойкомментарийили заметку к стиху. Болееподробная информация насайте в разделеandroid. Если есть предложенияподизайну, пишите по эл.почте[email protected]
Библия с быстрым поиском (Russ 1.3.21
Russian Bible with convenient fast search. Free.
Православная Библия
Православная Библия состоит из 77 книгВетхогои Нового Заветов. Все они включены в состав данногоприложения втак называемом синодальном переводе, осуществленном вXIX веке иавторизованном Святейшим Правительствующим Синодом длядомашнегочтения. Этот перевод Библии, сделанный с оригинальныхдревнихтекстов, имеет высокий авторитет и широко используется нетолько вправославной церкви, но и в других христианских конфессиях,гдепроповедь ведется на русском языке.Книги Ветхого Завета писались на древнееврейском языке напротяжениитысячи лет до рождения Иисуса Христа, они являютсясвященнымписанием не только для христиан, но также иудеев имусульман.Книги Нового Завета, написанные на древнегреческом языке впервыедесятилетия после Воскрешения Христа, наиболее важныдляхристианства. Они состоят из четырех Евангелий, описывающихжизнь ипроповеди Иисуса Христа, книг Деяний и Посланий святыхапостолов икниги Откровение Иоана Богослова.Приложение «Православная Библия» распространяется бесплатно.Пожалуйста, сделайте благое дело: расскажите о нем своим знакомымидрузьям. Пусть больше людей имеют возможность читать Библиюсэкрана смартфона или планшета!Особенности приложения:• Гибкие настройки отображения текста (выбор шрифта, изменениецветаи фактуры фона)• Не требуется подключение к интернету, все тексты содержатсявсамом приложении• Встроенный раздел "Молитвослов"• Система поиска фрагмента текста и книги по названию• Возможность добавлять произвольное количество закладок• Поддержка горизонтального режима чтения• Автоматическая закладка• Ночной режим• Ссылки на информацию о книгах Библии на страницах ВикипедииOrthodox Bible consistsof77 books of the Old and New Testaments. All of them are includedinthis application, the so-called King James translation, effectedinthe XIX century and authorized by the Holy Governing Synod forhomereading. This translation of the Bible, made with theoriginalancient texts, has a high reputation and is widely used notonly inthe Orthodox Church, but also in other Christiandenominations,where preaching is conducted in Russian.Books of the Old Testament were written in Hebrew for athousandyears before the birth of Jesus Christ, they are thescripture, notonly for Christians, but also Jews and Muslims.Books of the New Testament, written in ancient Greek in thefirstdecades after Christ's resurrection, the most importantforChristianity. They consist of the four Gospels that describethelife and preaching of Jesus Christ, the Book of Acts andtheEpistles of the Apostles and the Revelation of JohntheTheologian.Appendix "Orthodox Bible" is free.Please make a good thing: tell about it to his friendsandacquaintances. Let more people have the opportunity to readtheBible from the screen smartphone or tablet!Features of the app:• Flexible settings of the text (font selection, changing colorandtexture of the background)• No internet connection required, all the texts contained intheapplication• Built to "Prayer"• Search text fragment and books by title• The ability to add any number of bookmarks• Support horizontal modes of reading• Automatic bookmark• Night mode• Links to information on the books of the Bible in the pagesofWikipedia
NWT Bible - Pro 0.5.7
New World Translation of theHolyScripturesSimple and easily readable application allowing you to readtheBible everyday.Benefits of app:- Swipe your finger across the screen in order tochangepages.- Easy access to books and chapters- References and footnotes (available in 22 languages atthemoment)- Audio player: 18 languages, online version, ability to workinginbackground, play/pause/stop buttons, seek bar- Advanced & easy search- Bible Topics for Discussion- Bookmarks- Multi-language support: rapid switch between two languages,viewchapter in two languages at the same time in landscape mode(fortablets as well as mobiles)- Option to copy/share verses- Night/day mode- Ability to change font size- Ability to select/lock screen orientation- Option to adjust the screen brightness- Option to text alignment: left, justify- Full screen option- Working on latest mobiles as well as tablets- Special view designed for tabletsHighlighting option is not supported yetTo activate Audio Player:Please go to Preferences > select "Set languages,references,audio" > select "Audio" and then please tap the iconon theright side to get information about the books with audio.Afterthen audio player will be available above the content ofchapter inthe main screen.References and footnotes:References and footnotes are not available automatically. Pleasegoto Preferences > select"Set languages, references, audio">and then if "References and footnotes" option is activeforselected language press it to download itHow to switch between two languages?:- Portrait or landscape mode: if you have set two languagespleasego to menu (top right screen corner) and select "Switchto[language]".- Landscape mode with dual view (selected option: two languagesatthe same time): press the icon《》on the top bar to swap betweentwolanguages.Supported languages: 33• English (1984 Edition) - references (+), footnotes (*), A -audioplayer• English (2013 Revision, +*, with Outline of Contents)• Afrikaans• Albanian• Armenian - Հայերէն• Bulgarian - български• Czech - Česky (+*A)• Cebuano• Chinese (Simplified) - 汉语(简化字) (+*A)• Chinese (Traditional) - 漢語(繁體字) (+*A)• Danish - Dansk (+*A)• Finnish - Suomi (+*A)• French - Français (+*A)• German - Deutsch (+*A)• Greek - Ελληνική (+)• Hungarian - Magyar (+*A)• Iloko• Italian - Italiano (+*A)• Korean - 한국어 (+A)• Nederlands - Dutch (+*A)• Norwegian - Norsk (+*A)• Polish - Polski (+A)• Portuguese - Português (+*A)• Romanian - Română (+*)• Russian - Русский (+*A)• Serbian - Српски (+*)• Slovak - Slovenčina• Slovenian - Slovenski• Spanish - Español (+*A)• Swedish - Svenska (+*A)• Tagalog (+)• Twi (Akuapem)• Twi (Asante)Application requires Internet connection in order todownloadepub files from jw.orgIn order to improve this app we collect anonymous statisticsusingGoogle Analytics.This is not official app.
Русская Библия 4.7.5b
Read Russian Bible - Scripture
Біблія 7
"«Тому так говорить Всевладний Господь Єгова [יהוה, ЙГВГ]: “...Осьятворю нові небеса і нову землю, і минуле вже не буде згадуватисьіне прийде на серце”»" (Ісаї 65:13, 17; також дивіться 2 Петра3:13)
JW Bible Study 1.0
The New World Translation of theHolyScriptures (NWT) is a translation of the Bible published bytheWatch Tower Bible and Tract Society in 1961; it is usedanddistributed by Jehovah's Witnesses. Though it is not thefirstBible to be published by the group, it is their firstoriginaltranslation of ancient Classical Hebrew, Koine Greek, andOldAramaic biblical texts. As of November 2015, the WatchTowerSociety has published 208 million copies of the NewWorldTranslation in whole or in part in more than 130 languages.At the Watch Tower Society's annual meeting on October 5, 2013,asignificantly revised translation was released. Many outdatedtermswere replaced with modern English. The Pericope Adulterae(John 7:53– 8:11) and the Short and Long Conclusions of Mark 16(Mark16:8–20)—offset from the main text in earlier editions—wereremoved.The new revision was also released as part of an appcalled JWLibrary.
Memory Training. Bible Study 3.1.8
Dictionary for each of the major biblical themes, collected poemsbythe topic
Jehovah’s Witnesses Bible 1.2
Jehovah's Witnesses isamillenarianrestorationist Christian denominationwithnontrinitarian beliefsdistinct from mainstreamChristianity.
Bible NWT 1.0
The New World Translation of theHolyScriptures(NWT) is a translation of the Bible published bytheWatch TowerBible and Tract Society in 1961; it is usedanddistributed byJehovah's Witnesses. Though it is not thefirstBible to be publishedby the group, it is their firstoriginaltranslation of ancientClassical Hebrew, Koine Greek, andOldAramaic biblical texts.
Russian Bible
Russian BibleLanguage:RussianVersion:Russian: Synodal Translation (1876)Features:- Bible Dictionary in English- Works without an Internet Conection- Can be installed in SD card- Search terms in the bible- Old, New Testament, All the Bible and Individual books- Custom Reading Plan (You choose in how many days you want toreadthe Bible)- Widget with Verse of The Day- Bookmark Verses- Notes on verses- Highlight verses with colors- Share verses (E-mail, Twitter, Facebook, SMS)- Speak verses- Nocturnal Mode (Black background with white font)- Tablet Layout- Now supports Android Wear with a Watchface (see a versechangeevery minute), and a devotional on your watch.- Audio Sync with text verseVersions available:Russian: Synodal Translation (1876)Russian: Makarij Translation (Pentateuch) (1825)German: Luther (1912)German: Luther (1545)German: Elberfelder (1905)German: Elberfelder (1871)Spanish: Reina Valera (1909)Spanish: Reina Valera NT (1858)Spanish: Sagradas Escrituras (1569)English: King James VersionEnglish: NIV New International Version (2011) - NIV LiveBibleAudioEnglish: American Standard VersionEnglish: Basic English BibleEnglish: Darby VersionEnglish: Douay-RheimsEnglish: Webster\'s BibleEnglish: Weymouth NTEnglish: World English BibleEnglish: Young\'s Literal TranslationPortuguese:AlmeidaPortuguese: King James VersionAlbanianArabic: Smith and Van DykeAramaic NT: PeshittaArmenian (Eastern): (Genesis, Exodus, Gospels)Armenian (Western): NTBasque (Navarro-Labourdin): NTBreton GospelsChamorro (Psalms, Gospels, Acts)Chinese: NCV (Traditional)Chinese: Union (Simplified)Chinese: NCV (Simplified)Chinese: Union (Traditional)Coptic: Bohairic NTCoptic: New TestamentCroatianCzech BKRDanishDutch Staten VertalingEsperantoEstonianFinnish: Bible (1776)Finnish: Pyha Raamattu (1933/1938)French: Louis Segond (1910)French: Martin (1744)French: Ostervald (1996 revision)Georgian (Gospels, Acts, James)Greek NT: Byzantine/Majority Text (2000)Greek NT: Textus Receptus (1550/1894)Greek NT: Tischendorf 8th Ed.Greek NT: Westcott/Hort, UBS4 variantsGreek: ModernHebrew OT: Aleppo CodexHebrew: ModernHungarian: KaroliItalian: Giovanni Diodati Bible (1649)Italian: Riveduta Bible (1927)Kabyle: NTKoreanLatin: Nova VulgataLatin: Vulgata ClementinaLatvian New TestamentManx Gaelic (Esther, Jonah, Four Gospels)MaoriMyanmar/Burmse: Judson (1835)Norwegian: Det Norsk Bibelselskap (1930)Potawatomi: (Matthew, Acts) (Lykins, 1844)Romanian: CornilescuScots Gaelic (Gospel of Mark)Swahili NTSwedish (1917)Tagalog: Ang Biblia (1905)Tamajaq PortionsTurkishUkrainian: NT (P.Kulish, 1871)Vietnamese (1934)XhosaNIV Live Audio:Featuring an ensemble cast of Oscar, Emmy and Grammy Awardwinnersand today's most renowned pastors, NIV Live gives a VOICE toall368 Bible characters. Over 6 hours of free audio for booksofGenesis and Matthew included. This scripted masterpiece letsyoulisten to and experience the Bible whenever and whereveryoudesire.LISTEN! THE BIBLE HAS A VOICEPresenting dramatic performances from a stellar cast thatincludesAcademy Award winner Cuba Gooding Jr. (Judas), two-timeEmmy Awardwinning actress and producer Patricia Heaton (MaryMagdalene), TonyAward nominated actor Norm Lewis (Solomon),Christopher Gorham(Jesus), Carlos Santos (Luke), Grammy Awardnominated singer andsongwriter Martha Munizzi (Abigail), PastorCraig Groeschel (Amos),Christine Lakin (Jezebel), Phil Crowley(Moses), Emmy Award winningproducer Pastor Miles McPherson(Ahlijah) and nine-time GrammyAward-winning singer and producerKirk Franklin (Peter), along withmany others.
PLA 17.7.5
Personal Library Assistant
Աստվածաշունչ 7
New World Translation
Updated King James Version 1.0
** FOR TABLETS ONLY - not for phones **NOTconfigured for phones.**We appreciate all those who have downloaded this app. By doingso,you have helped us maintain this one and others and have helpedinsupporting the Gospel. Thank you.**** Language translation in App supports more than 60languages**** INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED! **Updated King James Version of the Holy Bible More than 1800pagesin this Bible for Android App. This is not the NIV or ESVBibletranslation.The King James Version of the Bible has brought light and lifesinceits inception in 1611. It has brought hope countless millionsaroundthe world.If you like the way the King James Version of the Biblereads,you will love the way the Updated King James Bible reads.ThisBible is great for daily bible reading. It is a great sourceforBible quotes as it reads and maintains the poetic flow of theKJVBible. This is not the NIV Bible.The Updated King James Bible is not a new translation. Itissimply the King James Version of the Bible without theantiquatedand archaic words.This is you version of the Bible in modern English. The sword oftheSpirit is the greatest weapon the believer has. The virtueofreading the Bible is essential to Christian growth. EveryBiblediscovery is worthwhile for building a strong foundation.Today, new generations of Christians have emerged and the needtoupdate the King James Bible while preserving the rich poeticflow ofthis most used version is necessary, and is the basis fortheUpdated KJV Bible. Bible verses come a live.As you can see, The Bible Scholar for Android is aloadedoutstanding Christian Android App. You will find this versionofour app packed with tools relevant for the ultimate BibleScholar,devotional time, and guide as daily bread for lifeapplication.Psalm 52:8 "But I am like a green olive tree in the house ofGod:I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever."Features:1. Bookmark: This feature ensures that you never loseyourplace.2. Notes: You can make and save your notes forfuturereference.3. Font size: You can adjust the font size by using thefontadjuster.4. Search feature: Search for Keywords and Book titles.5. Book Scroll feature: You can easily go to a chapter ofanybook of the Bible with the easy to use scroll functionality.You will find this Android version of our app packed withtoolsrelevant for the ultimate Bible Scholar, devotional time, andguideas daily bread for life application. This is you version oftheBible in modern English. The clear reading pane lends itself toaclear and quick Bible reading.
MyBible - Bible 5.4.2
MyBible will help you study the Bible carefully and deeply. Itwillmake the Bible more convenient to read, as you will always haveitwith you without the need of an Internet connection.Bibletranslations in more than three hundred languages areavailable,including the original texts and early translations inancientGreek, ancient Hebrew, and Aramaic. In MyBible you alsohavecommentaries, biblical dictionaries, thesauruses, dailydevotions,and powerful tools to help them all work convenientlytogether.Project description and additional information, includingthemodules format description, as well as the most recent andpreviousversions of the application, are available at TRANSLATIONS AND OTHER MODULES MyBibleprovidesnon-copyrighted (public domain) Bible translations,commentaries,dictionaries, and daily devotions collected fromdifferent sourcesand converted into the MyBible format. APPLICATIONFEATURES -Adjustable display of the Bible text, all chapters of abook (notjust one chapter at a time); grouping of verses intoparagraphs,subheadings, with or without verse numbering;highlighting ofJesus' words, night mode. - Two or three Biblewindows withdifferent translations; windows that automaticallysynchronize forthe current position, but can also be usedindependently. - Fastand powerful search of the Bible text. - Bibletext: convenientpaging and scrolling, categorized bookmarks,color-highlighting andunderlining of fragments, remarks for thetext, reading places,user-defined cross references, comparing ofselected verses indifferent translations. - Ancillary means thatcan be shown in theBible text: cross references, hyperlinks tocommentaries,footnotes, Strong's numbers. - Built-in information onthecorrespondence of the "Russian" and "standard" numbering ofversesin the book of Psalms, Job, and Song of Solomon (thisprovides forparallel reading of these books in Russian and in otherlanguages).- Bible reading plans: a large selection ofpre-defineddownloadable reading plans, option to quickly create asimplereading plan of your own, option to activate several readingplanssimultaneously, convenient and friendly tracking of yourprogresson active reading plans. - Bible commentaries, comparisonofdifferent commentaries for a selected verse. - Showingofdictionary articles on a double-touch of a word in the Bibletext,option to search for a word of interest in dictionaries,Strong'slexicon that is activated by a double-touch on a word or onaStrong's number, Strong's number usage searching - capableofreplacing a printed "Symphony", option to look up references toaselected verse from dictionary articles - gives input for adeepunderstanding of integrity of the Scripture. -Text-to-Speech(TTS): Bible text, commentaries, dictionary articles,dailydevotions, and automatic combining of TTS for the Bible textwithTTS for commentaries that are shown as hyperlinks in the Bibletext(this could be handy while you are driving a long distance).-Copying of selected verses, copying of verses found as a resultofsearch. - Working with favorites: daily devotions,commentaryarticles, dictionary articles. - Notes entry window withhyperlinksto Bible places that can be created automatically forenteredreferences to Scriptures (e.g., John 3:16). - Profileswhichcompletely store an environment, settings, a navigationhistory,etc. - Extensive set of settings; optional Simplified Mode,forbeginners. - Usage tips for the entire mainfunctionality:available from the menu, grouped, allow searchingfrom a wordfragment. - Support of data back-up and synchronizationbetweendifferent devices of the same user, this includes settingsanddownloaded modules and assumes usage of external means,(Dropsyncis recommended), see the "Synchronization" section in the"About"text available from the menu.
Библия. Синодальный перевод. 1.7
nSource Lab
Bible. King James translation. Translations of the Old Testamentandthe New Testament.
Bible 2.25
Bible in various translations
Новый перевод Библии - ЕРЕСЬ 1.0
R. H.
В статье приводятся места писания издвухвариантов Библии, Синодальный перевод (Новый Завет) и т. н.новыйперевод (Радостная весть). Это не все проблематичные места,нодостаточно для того, чтобы представить себе глубинужестокогообмана.Таблица показывает разницу между современным переводом Библиинарусский язык под редакцией Кузнецовой и классическимпереводомСинода Православной церкви. Современный перевод базируетсявосновном на 2 коррумпированных свитках Нового Завета.Он подобен современным английским переводом, как напримерNewInternational Version (NIV, Новая международная версия).Синодальный перевод и его английский аналог King JamesVersion(KJV, Версия короля Иакова) напротив основаны на 5000(пятитысячах) рукописях Нового Завета.Практически все переводы Нового Завета Библии, сделанныенаанглийский язык после 1898 года, основаны на этих двухусечённыхрукописях. Тоже самое относиться и к большинству переводовнадругие языки, что рекомендованы многими церквями.Предоставлено на публикацию и распространение:Борис Перчаткинwww.perchatkin.comАвторы:Владислав СавелоРуслан БахтеевThe article presentstheScriptures of the two versions of the Bible, NewInternationalVersion (New Testament), and so on. N. a newtranslation (GladTidings). It's not all problematic places, butenough to imaginethe depth of cruel deception.The table shows the difference between the modern translationofthe Bible into Russian Kuznetsova and edited theclassictranslation of the Synod of the Orthodox Church. Amoderntranslation is based mainly on two corrupt scrolls theNewTestament.He is like a modern English translation, such asNewInternational Version (NIV, NIV).King James translation of his English counterparts KingJamesVersion (KJV, King James Version) opposite are based on 5000(fivethousand) manuscripts of the New Testament.Almost all translations of the New Testament of the Biblemadeinto English after 1898, based on these two truncatedmanuscripts.The same applies to most of the translations into otherlanguages​​that are recommended by many churches.Courtesy on the publication and dissemination of:Boris Perchatkinwww.perchatkin.comAuthors:Vladislav SavelyevRuslan Bahteev