Top 8 Apps Similar to Mtel club

My Mtel 1.1.18
Mobiltel EAD
My Mtel – take full control over themobileservices you use!Check your account balance, including both billed andnon-billedusage for the current month, at any time. You can reviewall usedminutes, MB and SMS sent by you. If you wish, you caneasily andsecurely add extras with additional minutes, MB and SMSas per theterms of your tariff plan.My Mtel allows you to easily activate services, as well as tomodifyFriends&Family group numbers of your choice.In case you use multiple numbers, you can manage them viatheapplication as well. The only thing you need to do that is toenteryour client password.My Mtel will find for you the closest Mtel shop, providing youwiththe contact address and phone number. All you need to do isenterthe area code/name or just zoom the map on your phone.Whenever you need assistance, just select the “Connect withus”option from the menu. My Mtel will connect you to arepresentativefrom Mtel, who will provide further assistance andresolve issuesyou may have.Please, don’t forget to evaluate the application itself!My Mtel, the first smartphone application in theBulgariantelecommunications market, is offered absolutely free ofcharge. Inorder to use it, you just have to register by filling inyourusername and password. They can be remembered for yourconvenience.The data traffic for the application will be charged asper yourtariff plan.The application is in Bulgarian and English. You can use itonAndroid smartphones with versions above 4.0.X. It is alsooptimizedto operate on tablets.In case you continue with the installation or update oftheapplication, you agree with the General terms andconditionspublishedhere:
Delivery Club – доставка еды 4.26.0
Проголодались?▼Delivery Club – самое быстрое и удобное приложениедлязаказа еды, где есть:– Широкий выбор блюд и кухонь;– Все ваши любимые кафе и рестораны;– Доставка еды на дом и в офис.С помощью Delivery Club Вы можете сделать заказ всеговнесколько касаний.Почему Delivery Club это лучшее приложение для доставки еды?🍕 Здесь Вы можете найти блюда на любой вкус: пицца, суши,роллы,салаты, пироги, шашлык, десерты, бургеры и многоедругое;🍓 Никаких наценок и переплат. Заказ еды осуществляется по ценамменюресторанов;🍔 Эксклюзивные акции от ресторанов;🍉 Множество специальных предложений и акций;🍣 За каждый заказ начисляются бонусные баллы, которые вдальнейшемможно использовать, обменяв их на еду за баллы;🍝 Оплата банковскими картами прямо из приложения;🍟 Приложение сохраняет историю всех заказов.Преимущества приложения Delivery Club:🍰 Наличие экспресс доставки за 45 минут в пределахсадовогокольца;🍜 Вкусная еда всего в несколько кликов. Никаких звонковиутомительных ожиданий! Можно без регистрации.🍦 Не нашли свой любимый ресторан? Напишите нам, и мыобязательнодобавим его в список.🍱 Фотографии блюд и актуальное меню, а так же более 40 тысячотзывово ресторанах и система рейтингов — всё, чтобы сделатьправильныйвыбор.🍴 Дружелюбные сотрудники кол-центра всегда будут рады помочь.В нашем приложении Вы сможете найти более 4000 ресторанов,включаяТануки, Папа Джонс, Якитория, T.G.I. Friday's, БургерКинг,Шоколадница, Чайхона, Му-Му, Урюк, Faрш, Две Палочки, ИльПатио,Пироговый дворик, Хинкальная, Штолле и многие другие.Обратная связь:Ваши предложения или замечания Вы можете направить наадрес[email protected]Официальный сайт:Вы можете подписаться на наши страницы:VK ( ( (@delivery_club).Hungry?▼ Delivery Club - the fastest and most user-friendlyapplicationfor ordering food, where there is:- A wide range of dishes and cuisines;- All your favorite cafes and restaurants;- Food delivery to your home or office.Use the Delivery Club You can order just a few touches.Why Delivery Club is the best application for the deliveryoffood?🍕 Here you can find dishes to suit all tastes: pizza, sushi,rolls,salads, pies, kebabs, desserts, burgers and much more;🍓 No extra charges and overpayments. Ordering food is carried outonthe menu priced restaurants;🍔 Exclusive promotions from restaurants;🍉 lot of special offers and promotions;🍣 For every order reward points, which can then be used toexchangethem for food for points;🍝 credit card payments directly from the application;🍟 app keeps a history of all the orders.Benefits of the application Delivery Club :🍰 presence of express delivery in 45 minutes within theGardenRing;🍜 Delicious food in just a few clicks. No phone calls, andtediousexpectations! Without registering.🍦 Did not find your favorite restaurant? Write to us and we willaddit to the list.🍱 photos of dishes and the current menu, as well as more than40thousand reviews on restaurants and rating system - all to maketheright choice.🍴 Friendly staff at the call center will always be happytohelp.In our application, you can find more than 4,000restaurants,including Tanuki, Papa John's, Yakitoria, T.G.I.Friday's, BurgerKing, Chocolate, Chayhona, Mu-Mu, apricot, Farsh,two sticks, IlPatio, Pirogov yard, tavern, Stolle and manyothers.Feedback:Your suggestions or comments you can send to [email protected] website: can subscribe to our page:VK ( ( (@delivery_club).
The Club (Old)
The Club is a Hong Kong loyalty program offering rewards,privilegesand events.
Shop, scan & WIN with the PRIVILEGES CLUB mobile App!ThePRIVILEGES CLUB app is designed to give you access to tailorednewsand rewards from your favourite Alshaya brands. Every time youshopor dine at any of the participating outlets, you will be abletoscan your app and enjoy exclusive benefits. When you downloadtheapp, you will be able to do the following: • Follow yourfavouritebrands • Stay up to date on their latest news • Receivecustomisedoffers • Track your monthly and super prize draw entriesand daysleft to the draws • Check your purchase history • Manuallyadd areceipt that you’ve forgotten to add in store • Update yourprofile• Locate stores near you • Rate your shopping experience •Tell ushow you would like to be contacted And much more! Yourjourney withthe PRIVILEGES CLUB app will be full of special momentsandexciting surprises. You do not need to be a big spender tobenefit.So, whether you are a regular shopper, dedicated diner oronly buywhen the sales are on, it’s worth downloading!
Club S 2.2.1
Bienvenido a Club S, la aplicación de beneficios de Scotiabank.Aquípodrás encontrar toda la información de los descuentos ybeneficiosque Scotiabank tiene para ti. Lo único que necesitaspara aplicar aestos beneficios es cumplir con alguna de lassiguientescondiciones: - Formar parte de Clubsueldo - Contar conuna Tarjetade Crédito - Recibir tu CTS en Scotiabank Podrás ver loque hasahorrado utilizando el programa y también cuáles beneficiosestáncerca de ti. Para utilizar los descuentos, solo debesconsumir contu tarjeta de débito Clubsueldo o Tarjeta de CréditoScotiabank.Recuerda que al obtener más productos del banco, podrásobtenermayores descuentos en el programa. ¡Descárgate laaplicación yempieza a disfrutar de tus beneficios!
클럽패스 - 클럽 무료입장 3.0.56
Hot Club Information & Free Guest & Club LiveSculpture(Gangnam, Hongdae, Itaewon, Busan, etc.)
Club Personal Beneficios 6.5.0
Try the new Personal Flow benefits app
Unit Converter 1.01
Tsveta Koleva
A basic converter of metric andimperialunitsfor everyday needs, including distance, area,volumeandtemperature. Has the possibility of changing thelanguageofstarting and ending units between English and Bulgarian.Базов конвертор на метрични и имперски мерни единицизаежедневнинужди, включващ разстояния, площи, обеми итемператури.Разполага свъзможност за смяна на езика на началната икрайнатаединица отанглийски на български.Keywords: M-Tel, Mobiltel, HTC, Bulgaria, BG,ApplicationFactory,Contest