Top 5 Apps Similar to Ascvd Score

ACC Guideline Clinical App 3.3
ACC Clinical guideline recommendations and interactive tools
ASCVD Risk 1.1
ScyMed Inc.
"Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk AssessmentTool""PooledCohort Risk Equations, 2013" ***From the newACC/AHAGuidelines***The ASCVD 10y Risk Assessment algorithmpresentedhere is the new"Pooled Cohort Risk Equations" from theGuidelineon the Assessmentof Cardiovascular Risk of the ACC/AHA.Itcalculates the 10-yearprimary risk of ASCVD(atheroscleroticcardiovascular disease) amongpatients withoutestablishedcardiovascular disease who are between40 and 79 yearsof age. Youcan also compute the traditionalFramingham Risk, NCEP,MetabolicSyndrome, BMI, GFR, etc. ASCVD RiskApp is part ofMediCalc®, thebest and most comprehensive "MedicalCalculatorSystem™" in theworld (continuosly updated). It performsautomaticcomputation ofmore than 300 clinical formulas, equations&scores "commonlyused" in medical practice. MediCalc® featurestheinnovativeMULTICALX™ Master panels for combined calculations,theyassureconvenience and accuracy. It also includes valuable"point ofcareinformation". +Unique reference, productivity anddecisionsupporttool. +Trusted resource with proven and reliabledataprocessing.+For physicians, residents, med students, PAs andNPs...+Developedby Board-certified physicians in the US.+Highlyacclaimed,reviewed and tested(since1996).--------------------------------------------------TheMediCalc®FEATURES: (the best and proven clinical dataprocessing)*arithmetical processing * automatic unit conversion*MULTICALX™Panels * multiple-unit entries *color-codednormal-abnormaloutputs * normal values (ranges &limits) *automaticrange-checks (limits) * intuitive user interface* easynavigationand info access * Search bar with filters * smartdecimalrounding* Système International notation * tables ofparameters *mobile& online (free access) * expanded equationviews *fullyreferenced * highly organizedandstandardized--------------------------------------------------MediCalc®ispart of the ScyMed® Network of MedicalApps, and thefirst andmostcomprehensive Medical Calculator System™ in theworld, onlinesince1996... (tens of thousands of users & freeonlineaccess).Available in spanish and italian.
MediCalc® 10.4
ScyMed Inc.
"The standard for clinical calculations and analytics inMedicine™".
Cardiac risk calculator 2.0
Calculate your potential cardiovascular risk based onyourlifestyle!
CalcMed 1.0.151001
CalcMed es una aplicación para smartphonesytablets en la que puedes realizar cálculos y clasificaciones delasdiferentes áreas de medicina, fácil de usar y 100% exacta.Actualmente se encuentran disponibles lassiguientescalculadoras:GENERALX CIE-10X Medicamentos POS (Colombia)X Colesterol LDL - VLDLX Dias de IncapacidadX Equivalencia de OpioidesX Escala de Coma de GlasgowX Formula de ParklandX Frecuencia CardiacaX Gasto UrinarioX Indice de Masa CorporalX Paquetes-AñoX Presion Arterial MediaX Regla de 3X Requerimientos Diarios de Liquidos y ElectrolitosX Superficie CorporalANESTESIAX Numero de Mascara LaringeaX Formula de GrossELECTROLITOSX Anion GapX Calcio CorregidoX Correccion de HipernatremiaX Correccion de HiponatremiaX Fraccion Excretada de SodioX Osmolalidad PlasmaticaX Sodio Corregido en HiperglucemiaHEMATOLOGIAX Indice de Produccion de ReticulocitosMEDICINA INTERNAX CHA2DS2-VAScX CHADS2X Clasificacion AKINX Clasificacion Child-PughX Escala de Riesgo TIMIX Estadio de EPOC (Espirometria)X QT CorregidoX Riesgo Cardiovascular (ASCVD - Pooled Cohort Equations)X Score de Wells para Tromboembolismo PulmonarX Score de Wells para Trombosis Venosa ProfundaX Score de VillaltaX Tasa de Filtracion GlomerularOBSTETRICIAX BishopX Edad GestacionalX Monitoreo FetalX Peso Fetal EstimadoX Score CardPregPEDIATRIAX ApgarX CapurroX Score de Silverman-AndersenX Flujo MetabolicoX Requerimientos Diarios (Holliday-Segar)X Requerimientos Diarios (Neonatos)X Superficie CorporalX Tasa de Filtracion GlomerularUCIX Apache-IIX Puntaje SOFACalcMed is anapplicationfor smartphones and tablets where can performcalculations andclassifications of the different areas of medicine,easy to use and100% accurate.The following calculators are now available:GENERALX ICD-10Drug X POS (Colombia)X LDL - VLDLX days of disabilityOpioid Equivalency XX Glasgow Coma ScaleParkland Formula XX Heart RateUrinary X SpendingX Body Mass IndexX-Year PackagesX mean arterial pressureRule X 3X Requirements Daily fluid and electrolyteX Body SurfaceANESTHESIAX Number of Laryngeal MaskFormula X GrossELECTROLITOSX Anion GapCalcium X FixedX Correction HypernatraemiaX Correction of hyponatremiaX Fraction Sodium ExcretedX osmolality PlasmaticaCorrected Sodium X HyperglycemiaHEMATOLOGIAX reticulocyte production indexINTERNAL MEDICINEX CHA2DS2-VAScX CHADS2X Classification AKINChild-Pugh Classification XTIMI Risk Scale XX Stadium COPD (spirometry)Corrected QT XX Cardiovascular Risk (ASCVD - Pooled Cohort Equations)Wells Score X Pulmonary ThromboembolismX Wells Score for Deep Vein ThrombosisX Score of VillaltaX GFROBSTETRICIAX BishopX Gestational AgeFetal Monitoring XX Estimated Fetal WeightX Score CardPregPEDIATRICSX ApgarX CapurroX Score Silverman-AndersenMetabolic X FlowX Daily Requirements (Holliday-Segar)X Daily Requirements (Infants)X Body SurfaceX GFRUCIX Apache-IIX SOFA Score