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31 Days of Purity 3.0.0
This is of a continuation of the 31 Day Prayer challenges startedbyMike Leake on Facebook and This time he haspartneredwith Tim Challies,, to pray for sexualpurity. Timdescribes it as being "for all of us - for those whoare young andthose who are old, for those who are married andthose who aresingle, for those who struggle mightily in the areaof sexual sinand for those who may barely struggle at all. It is atime - a month- to focus on what the Bible says about sexualpurity. Each day Iwill share a short passage from Scripture, abrief reflection onthat passage, and a prayer. You can ponder theScripture, read thedevotional, and pray the prayer, and why not doit together with afriend, a brother in Christ?" WHAT IF I DON’TSTRUGGLE? Even if youhave gained significant victory in this area,thank the Lord, butdon’t stop battling. "There is a kind ofweakness, a kind ofvulnerability, that may come when we areconvinced of our strength.It is when we are not being tempted, itis when we are standingstrong in the Lord’s grace, that we oughtto consider the times wewill be weak and tempted and eager to sin.We need to assume suchtimes will come and we need to use themoments of strength to putmeasures in place that will protect uswhen we are weak." - TimChallies Also, even as you pray foryourself, you can partner with afriend who may not be experiencingthe same victory. Encourage himalong. There is every reason foryou to join us, even if you are notstruggling in this area. WHATABOUT WOMEN? Women, you can beinvolved too. You can follow along,read what God’s Word says, andthen pray for the men in your life:your husbands, your sons, yourgrandsons. What a blessing it wouldbe to them if you will pray forthem in an area in which Satanseems to be winning so many battles.Also, if you are struggling inthe area of sexual purity, you’lleasily be able to adapt thedevotionals and prayers to your own use.Share your progress andencourage others on Facebook and Twitterwith #p4p31 Find out moreat: