Top 18 Apps Similar to Smart energy

Energy Manager Mobile 2.1.7
La nouvelle version de l’app EnergyManagervous aide à suivre votre consommation de manière régulièreenintroduisant vos relevés directement dans votre smartphone.L’appvous montre immédiatement si votre consommation a augmentéoudiminué par rapport à la période précédente.Tous lesgraphiquesreprenant le détail de votre consommation sontdisponibles sur laversion new version of theappEnergy Manager helps you monitor your consumptionregularlyintroducing your statements directly in your smartphone.The appshows you immediately if your consumption has increasedordecreased over the period précédente.Tous graphic setting outthedetails of your consumption is available on the
MyENGIE 2.0.14
ENGIE Romania
MyENGIE. Always with you, online. Come to the app todiscovereverything we have prepared for you!
Energy Consumption Analyzer
This application keeps track of yourenergyconsumption. Add your meters for gas, electricity, or waterto thedatabase and record the current meter readings from time totime.Readings can be color-coded and comments may be added torememberspecial situations which may explain unusual energy usage.Aregular reading interval is not required, take a readingwheneverit is convenient.From the entered data, the application calculates theaveragenormalized rate of consumption per hour, day, week, ormonth(bewteen two readings) and draws a graph showing theconsumptionrate over time. The total amount of actually used energyduringeach day, week, month, or quarter is displayed as a bar graphortable. If the average cost per unit is provided, the graphscanalso show the amount of money instead of energy.For CLOUD SYNC: Use Export/Import via Google Drive toexchangedatabase contents with other devices.Meter exchange or reset is detected automatically andconsumptiondata is recorded seamlessly across the reset.Pinch zoom can be used on the trend and bar graph pages.Inlandscape orientation, comments are displayed in thelistview.Indirect metering is supoorted. In this case, the meter valueismultiplied with a certain factor to convert it to the finalenergyvalue. Two separate unit texts can be entered, one for themeterand one for the actual energy value.Meters can be marked to count backwards, which can happenwithprepaid meters, showing the amount of remaining prepaidenergyinstead of used energy.Virtual meters can be used to display the sum of individualmetersand do simple unit conversion, for example from m3 to kWh.Pleasenote that you should read your physical meters which are partof avirtual meter all around the same time for best results.Meter data can be imported from and exported to CSV files fromthecontext menu of each meter (long-press on the meter entry).Meterscan also be edited and deleted via this context menu.In addition to meter readings, sensor data like temperature orwindspeed can be recorded. At the moment, this data isshownseparately, but may be shown in combination with meter datainfuture releases.ECAS is currently available in the following languages:English, German, Japanese: Maintained by developer.Czech: Provided by ONovyDanish: Provided by KimDutch: Provided by GerardFrench: Provided by BernardHungarian: Provided by PeterItalian: Provided by SDSPolish: Provided by Sławomir SochRomanian: Provided by LucianRussian: Provided by NikolaiSlovak: Provided by SilvioSlovenian: Provided by TomiSpanish: Provided by JavierSwedish: Provided by LarsTurkish: Provided by SuphiUkrainian: Provided by SergiiWant to run ECAS in your own language? Visit the ECAS websiteandcheck out the translation page!IMPORTANT NOTE: The trend graph does NOT show total amount ofenergyused. The bar graph is used for this information. The trendgraphshows usage values normalized to a certain timeperiod(hour/day/week/month or year). If your meter records a usageof10kWh within one hour (10kW power), the trend will show ausagerate of 240kWh per day for that measurement point (10kWh/h =10kWpower rating, normalized to one day -> 10kW * 24h =240kWh).This is by design.In case of questions or bug reports, please check the website(FAQsection) or send me an email.
With smart-me you can control and monitoryourEnergy consumption from anywhere. smart-me support almostallexisting Meters. (Electricity, Heat, Water and Gas).With the smart-me Devices you are able to control and monitoryourElectricity in Real time!More Information:
Estar Battery Saver & Booster 1.2.9
Unlike all other battery saver apps,eStarBattery Saver is the only battery saver app that providesbatterydrain rating of apps in Google Play Store.Our Promise: FREE, NO-ADS ALWAYSThe ONLY Battery Saver app that significantly extends yourphone'sbattery life by helping you install onlybattery-friendlyapps and remove allbattery-hogging appsrunning on your phone."eStar: the Ultimate Android App to Master YourBatteryLife" -- Mashable"eStar by Mobile Enerlytics is a knight in shining armorforthose who are constantly facing dying batteries on smartphonesandtablets." -- HNGNFeatures of eStar Battery Saver:★ Quick and Effective BatterySaver: Identifiesbattery-hogging apps running on yourphone that should be stoppedto save battery★ Personalized AppRecommendation: Recommendsenergy-efficient andbattery-friendly apps relevant to you★ Suggested AppAlternatives: Suggestsbattery-saving alternatives for appsinstalled on your device★ "Built-in" Energy Appstore: Provides anenhancedversion of the Google Play App Store where you can find themostbattery-friendly apps on the market.★ User-friendly Battery Star Rating: Exposesthebattery drain rate of apps in Google Play with aneasy-to-read,5-star color coded rating without having to downloadthem★ Convenient Battery Saver: Searches apps inGoogleplay and sorts them by battery drain rateLike us on Facebook at's new:☆ Improved UI Experience☆ Battery-aware App Recommendation:Recommendsalternative, more battery-friendly apps than thepower-hungry appscurrently running on your phone☆ Expose the foreground and background usage ofyourapps
Smart Energy Meter 1.21
Smart Energy Meter, Voltcraft, Intelligenter Energiezähler,
ENGIE Espace Client 4.1
Avec l’application ENGIE Particuliers, retrouvez rapidementtoutesles informations de votre compte client et de voscontratsd’énergie.Gagnez du temps pour gérer vos paiements, suivre vos facturesetvotre consommation d’énergie.Vous pouvez naviguer facilement entre les rubriques del’applicationgrâce à un menu de navigation accessible depuistoutes lespages.A tout instant, vous pouvez accéder à votre Espace Clientpour:- Consulter rapidement une synthèse des informations survotredernière facture et vos derniers paiements- Suivre vos factures et vos consommations,- Payer votre facture par carte bancaire,- Saisir vos relevés de compteur gaz naturelet/ouélectricité,- Obtenir des informations sur les rattrapages tarifaires- Accéder à Cap EcoConso et analyser vos consommationsVous déménagez ? L’application vous permet decontacterrapidement un conseiller pour souscrire un contrat pourvotrenouveau logement.Dans la rubrique Contacts vous trouverez des numéros utilespournous joindre.Cette application vous permet également d’accéder à lacréationd’un espace client.This mobile application is dedicated to ENGIEFrenchcustomers.Withtheapplication Engie Individuals, quickly find all theinformationfrom your account and your energy contracts.Save time to manage your payments, track your bills andyourenergy consumption.You can easily navigate between sections of theapplicationavailable through a navigation menu from any page.At any time, you can access your Customer Area to:- Quickly Consult a synthesis of information on your lastbilland your last payments- Track your bills and consumption,- Pay your bill by credit card,- Enter your meter readings natural gas and / or electricity,- Get information on tariff retrofits- Access Cap EcoConso and analyze your consumptionMove? The application allows you to quickly contact acounselorto sign a contract for your new home.In the Contacts section you will find useful numbers to joinus.This application also allows you to access the creation ofacustomer area.This mobile app is dedicated to Engie French customers.
ASmart Remote IR 1.4.9
A Smart IR Universal Remote Control for android smartphone with IR
Smart Thermometer 3.0.6
Color Tiger
Smart Thermometer is a simple app to use the temperaturesensorsinyour phone to show the temperature near your phone.Withabeautiful design and great precision, this will be yourdefaultwayof checking temperature instantly! Please make sure yourphonehasa temperature sensor, otherwise this app can onlyshowyoutemperatures from web services like any other weather appUseofinternet connection is optional, and internet + gpsareonlyrequired for devices not having an integratedtemperaturesensor.This app offers an upgrade package which addschartswithhistorical data of your phone's readings plusbetterwidgets.Designed with Full HD in mind, so it's a perfectmatch fortheGalaxy S4 and all other phones, but will work on anyotherdeviceas well, provided GPS and an internet connectionisavailablePermissions breakdown: INTERNET - required foruploadingdata, andgetting stats in return GPS - optional forassociatingthetemperatures with a location, and required forgettingtemperaturedata on devices which don't have a temperaturesensor
Energy Consumption Tracker 5.8
Graphical & list overview of energy consumption based onmeterreadings.
Smart Keyboard Pro
Dexilog, LLC
Improve your typing experience on AndroidwithSmart Keyboard Pro, a lightweight yet powerfulinternationalkeyboard.You will feel at home immediately thanks to dozens ofcustomizationoptions: skin, layout, sound, prediction, smileys,calibration...everything can be personalized to fit yourneeds!Among the top features of Smart Keyboard Pro, you will find:- T9 and compact layouts for most languages- Builtin and downloadable themes (Open Skins)- Custom text shortcuts (AutoText)- Voice input- Easy switching between languages- Prediction with physical keyboard- Emoji keyboard (see instructions here: Self-learning smart dictionary- Quick actions with gesturesA few hints:- Long press "123" key to enter keyboard settings- Long press "enter" key to display smileys (you can customizethemin the settings)- Long press a word in the suggestion bar to add it to theuserdictionaryTo subscribe to beta versions, visit users: make sure to disable the Optimizer for this apptoavoid unexpected issues.A trial version is available on Google Play ("SmartKeyboardTrial"). Note that this Pro version is a standalone app,you don'tneed the trial to use it.Smart Keyboard Pro contains layouts for the followinglanguages(check Google Play for available dictionaries):AfrikaansالعربيةAzərbaycancaБеларускаяBosanskiБългарскиCatalàČeštinaDanskDeutschEestiΕλληνικάEmojiEnglishEspañolEsperantoفارسیFrançais한국어Հայերենहिन्दीעבריתHrvatskiBahasa IndonesiaÍslenskaItalianoქართულიҚазақшаKurdîکوردیLëtzebuergeschLatviešuLietuviųMagyarМакедонскиमराठीМонголNederlands日本語NorskPolskiPortuguêsRomânăРусскийSlovenčinaSlovenščinaShqipSrpskiСрпскиSuomiSvenskaไทยТатарчаTürkçeУкраїнськаTiếng Việt中文 (简体)中文 (pīnyīn)
Smart Ruler Pro 2.7.8
Measure length, angle, slope, level and thread pitch withyourdevice.
Smart Measure Pro 2.6.9
Measure the distance, height, width and area of an object withyourdevice.
Smart Tools 2.1.10
Measure length, angle, distance, height, direction and soundwithyour phone.
iOBD2 xtool.iobd2_4.9
iOBD2 is an app for your car. It makes your phone into acoolvehiclediagnostic tool to read your engine data. ★ When youaredriving andMIL is on, you can check your car and know whetheryoucan go on ornot. ★ When there are troubles with your car, youcancheck ityourself and know what the problems are, and then askforhelp bytwitter or facebook from others. ★ You can know realtimeinformationsuch as your fuel consumption, torque, oracceleration,etc. fromiobd2 on your Android phone. ★ Our iobd2 cancustomizedyour gaugesand after you select the data you areinterested in, itwill show youonly the data which you concern. ★You can share therecord what youget from the car by iOBD2 ontwitter and facebook.★ Please make surethat your vehicle is withOBD-II/EOBD compliancebefore purchasing!Buy multiple gauges iOBD2with scream and bestprice! (Note: Not allOBD-II compliant vehicleswill have supportfor all of theseparameters) DISCLAIMER: After youbuy our iOBD2hardware interface,and download our iOBD2 APK, thenyour Androidphone can communicatewith the vehicle. You can buy iton ourcompany ebay and amazon shopor contact our sales. Beforetesting,You need to buy the hardware --"iOBD2".(★ Diagnostic [Read DTC]: Read thecurrent DTC that enginehasstored, and DTC info. [Clear DTC]: Clearall the current DTC.[Livedata]: Read all the running parametersthat related to theECU.[Freeze frame data]: OBD system will recordthe systemrunningparameters related to the malfunction the momentwhen itoccurredat the same time when it set the DTC. And this groupofdata iscalled freeze frame data. [Readiness test]:Readinessreflects thestatus that all the valid diagnosticfunctions. [Readvehicleinfo]: Read vehicle info such as VehicleIdentificationNumber(VIN), Calibration IDs (CALID) and CalibrationVerificationNumber(CVN). [O2 Sensor test]: This service is to allowaccess totheon-board oxygen sensor monitoring test results.Thesameinformation may be obtained by the use of [Mode 6 test].[Mode6test]: This service is to allow access to the resultsforon-boarddiagnostic monitoring tests of specificcomponents/systemsthat arenot continuously monitored. Examples arecatalystmonitoring andthe evaporative system monitoring. [EVAPSystemTest]: The purposeof this service is to enable the externaltestequipment to controlthe operation of an on-board system, testorcomponent. ★ Mydashboard [Idle mode]: engine rotational speed,water temperature,battery voltage, Air-intake temperature,Instantfuel consumption (static), average fuel consumption , everwishedyou had your owncustomizable gauges, showing only the datayou wereinterested in.[Cruise mode]: vehicle speed, the currentengineload, watertemperature, Vehicle travel time, vehicle travelaveragespeed,Continuous running mileage, instant fuelconsumption(dynamic),Ever wished you had your own customizablegauges, showingonly thedata you were interested in. [Sport mode]:enginerotational speed,vehicle speed, water temperature, everwished youhad your owncustomizable gauges, showing only the datayou wereinterested in.★ Performance test [Accelerate/Deceleratetest]: Testacceleration/ deceleration process time and distance. [0to 400maccelerationtest]: Test spends time from 0 to 400 meters.★Diagnostic softwareupdating Users can find out the latestsoftwarerelease info,downloading and installing procedures info byloggingon to Googleplay. ★ History Record the history data. And youcanshare therecord what you get from the car by iOBD2 on Twitterandfacebook.Components The hardware includes: iOBD2 unit Thesoftwareincludes:iOBD2 client software on Google play Languages:English,SimplifiedChinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Italian,Russian,French,Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, and Korean. Visit theiOBD2productpage for more info:
A/C Universal Remote Control 1.23
A/C Universal Remote Control - It works with IR blaster... readthedescription.
Smart Flashlight 1.5.9
Turn on camera LED or make your screen bright for a flashlight.
Smart Meye 3.6.114
Leo xiao
Stream Videos over WIFI or 3G View up to 9 live videostreamsDevicemanagement. Snapshot and browse picture Record andplaybackvideoPTZ control Support horizontal and vertical screenviewingAudio andTalkback. Query and play Remote Video P2P and QRcodescan