Top 18 Apps Similar to Meena Bazar 3.14.3
Your sells and buy quickly, easily and conveniently throughtheapplication
Divar 11.8.2
The leading classified ads platform in Iran
Bazzar 1.5.6
Kuwait Group
Bazzar - Kuwait's own classifieds app!Sell and buy anything under the moon!
شیپور: خرید و فروش خودرو، ملک، استخدام | Sheypoor
شیپور نیازمندیهای آنلاین با امکان ثبت آگهی خودرو، املاک،استخدام،لوازم خانگی
Bazar - Mobil Elanlar 1.3.0
Elan yerləşdirmək bu qədər asan olmamışdı. Bazarvasitəsiləelanınızı daha tez və rahat şəkildə əlavə edəbilərsiniz.Kateqoriya, bölmə və s. seçmək lazım deyil, sadəcəelanın adını,qiymətini yazın vəssalam.Placeyourad has never been so easy. Ad through Sunday, you can addmorequick and convenient way. Category, division and so on. You donotneed to choose just announced the name, type in the priceofall.
Nabze Bazaar 6.0
NabzeBazaar is a price comparison app for onlineshopping.Everydaythousands of shoppers visit Nabze Bazaar forgetting thebestprice, deals and offers for online shopping acrossshoppingsitesincluding DigiKala, AllDigitall and many more.NabzeBazaarsavesyou money and time on all your online shopping. Itis apricecomparison engine that scans online shopping sites to getyouthebest price for over 10 thousands products. You cansearchproductsfrom categories like Mobile Phones, Laptops, Cameras,TVsetc. andfind the lowest price online. NabzeBazaar designed in awaythat itbecomes easier and faster for you to shop for items ofyourchoice.You can follow price change of phone, tablet,digitalcamera,laptop, car and other stuffs. 4.1.5
Allegro Group
Официальное приложение aukro.uaдляпокупателей. Приложение дает возможность быстрого доступа ковсемтоварам, представленным на аукционе. Миллионы предложений отaukroпо самым доступным ценам - в Вашем мобильном устройстве, гдебы Выни были. Наслаждайтесь шоппингом с Android-приложениемдля!Доступные функции:- делайте быстрые и простые покупки;- используйте два интерфейса: один разработан специальнодляпланшетов, второй - для смартфонов;- делитесь информацией о лотах с друзьями в Facebook,Вконтакте,Twitter или отправляйте их на email;- наблюдайте за интересующими Вас товарами;- удобный поиск: история поисковых запросов;предоставлениерезультатов в виде списка или галереи; фильтрация,сортировка исужение полученных результатов поиска;- просматривайте информацию в разделе «Мой Аукро»: «Моипокупки»,«Мои продажи», «Отзывы»;- доступ к галерее фотографий и подробному описанию товара,условиямдоставки и оплаты;- удобный доступ на Главной странице к просмотренным,наблюдаемым,купленным и выставленным лотам;- и многое, многое другое for buyers. The app gives you quick access toall thegoods shown on the auction. Millions of offers from aukroataffordable prices - in your mobile device, wherever you are.Enjoyshopping with the application for!Available features:- Make quick and simple purchases;- Use two interfaces: one is designed specifically for tablets,thesecond - for smartphones;- Share lots of information with friends in Facebook,VKontakte,Twitter or send them to the email;- Watch for a particular product;- Easy search: search history; providing results in a listorgallery; filtering, sorting and narrowing theobtainedresults;- Browse through the information in the section "My Aukro":"MyPurchases", "My sales", "Reviews";- Access to the gallery of photos and a detailed description ofthegoods, the terms of delivery and payment;- Easy access to the main page for review, observed, exhibitedandbought lots;- and many many others... 4.1.6
Allegro Group
Oficiální aplikace ve své odzákladůnové verzi přináší nejlepší zážitek pro nakupující nanejvětšímčeském obchodním portálu. Ulovíte ty nejzajímavějšínabídky i nacestách, zajistíte si výhru v Aukci, i když nejste upočítače. Vaplikaci můžete vybírat ze stovek tisíc aukcí i nabídekza pevnéceny. Nová domovská obrazovka navíc obsahuje Aukro Úlovky,tedynejzajímavější nabídky z různých kategorií s velkýmislevami.Vyzkoušejte nové grafické prostředí s mnohem intuitivnějšínavigací.Při vývoji jsme vyšli ze zpětné vazby uživatelů, což námpomohlovytvořit náš doposud nejlepší nástroj k nakupování na Aukruve vašemsmartphone.Klíčové vlastnosti:- Nový intuitivní design- Vyhledávání na portálu či prohlížení nabídekvkategoriích- Úlovky – pravidelně aktualizované nejlepší nabídky na Aukruzavýhodné ceny- Správa účtu Moje Aukro, práce s komentáři a kontrolastavuúčtu- Sledování a správa sledovaných položek, prodávaných položekaaukcí, kde je přihazováno-- Možnost filtrování vyhledaných výsledků podle kategoriíaparametrů- Možnost třídění výsledků podle vybraného nastavení- Vylepšené aukce – karta předmětu obsahujetabulkupřihazujících- Lepší správa fotek předmětů a popisků předmětů – galeriebeznutnosti rozkliku, možnost zobrazit popisky v celé velikosti,nebov datově úsporné textové verzi- Našeptávač při vyhledávání- Mnohá další vylepšení.Na aplikaci stále pracujeme a budeme vydávat dalšívylepšení.The its fundamentally new version delivers the bestexperiencefor shoppers at the largest Czech trade portal. You catchthe bestdeals on the go, you ensure you win the auction, even whenyou'reaway from your computer. In the application, you can choosefromhundreds of thousands of auctions and tenders at fixed prices.Thenew home screen also includes Aukro Catches, therefore themostinteresting offers for various categories with bigdiscounts.Try new graphical interface with more intuitive navigation. Whenwestarted the development of user feedback, which helped us tocreateour best ever tool for shopping on Aukro your smartphone.Key features:- New intuitive design- Search on or viewing menus in categories- Catches - regularly updated best deals on Aukro atcompetitiverates- Manage My Account Aukro, working with comment andcheckingaccount- Track and manage the items, sold items and auctions,wherebidding-- The filtering of search results by categories andparameters- Ability to sort the results according to theselectedsetting- Improved auction - card of the course contains atablebidder- Better management of photos and descriptions of objects objects-gallery without rozkliku, the ability to display labels infullsize, or data-saving text version- Suggest the search- Many other improvements.We are still working on the application and will issuefurtherimprovements.
ROZETKA — Online marketplace 5.44.0
Custom online shopping experience. Buy clothes, shoes andeverythingyou wish!
Přihazovač pro server AUKRO 2016.11
Milan K.
10.11.2016 - proběhl masivní DDOS attacknanášserver z Korejských serverů. Odstranění následků trvalood19:00(10.11.2016) - 03:00 (11.11.2016). Aukce v tomto akolemtohoto časunemusely být úspěšně přihozeny.Udělal jsem maximum pro to, aby byla služba plně obnovenaaabysystém ustál nové útoky. Čas ukáže, jestli se to podařilo...!!! Kvůli opakovaným DDOS útokům na serveryprovidera(MASTER)jsem byl dnes nucen přesunout přihazovací systémna novýserver uOVH. Tato verze je nutná k instalaci, aby vámpřihazovačzůstalfunkční !!!Po spuštění aplikace se přihlašujete svým účtem aukranačeskýserver Pokud se nepřihlásíte napoprvé, zkuste tosmalýmipísmenky, mnoho telefonů automaticky přepíná prvnípísmenkonavelké.Vaše přihlašovací údaje jsou uloženy pouze ve vašempřístrojianeukládají se na disk aplikačního serveru. Sledováníaukcíapříhozy se odehrají jen v jeho paměti. Pokud Vámaplikacenepřihodíve správný čas vaši částku, je to proto, že Vásněkdomnohonásobněpřehodil, nebo došlo k provozním problémům poměrněčasto provádějí úpravy, které nedokážupředpokládatpředem.Čas příhozu si můžete nastavit sami, pamatujte však,žepříliškrátký příhoz může způsobit jeho zneuznání.Nastavujte částky podle interních pravidlech Aukra(níževpříspěvku) pro uznání příhozů, jinak vám neuznápřehozenínapř.kvůli 10 Kč.Více zde:Aktuální cena(v Kč) Hodnota navýšení (přihození)(v Kč)1 - 4.99 15 - 19.99 220 - 49.99 350 - 99.99 4100 - 499.99 5500 - 999.99 101000 - 2499.99 252500 - 4999.99 50více než 5000 100Přeji Vám úspěšné příhozy pomocí mé aplikace.10 November 2016-tookplace a massive DDOS attack on our server fromKoreanservers.Removing the effects lasted from 19:00 (10 November2016) -3:00(11 November 2016). Auctions in the past and this timemay notbesuccessful bid.I did everything possible to make the service was fullyrestoredandthat the system withstood new attacks. Time will tellifitsucceeded ...!!! Due to repeated DDOS attack servers provider (MASTER)Iwastoday forced to move přihazovací system to the new serveratOVH.This version is required to install, so youpřihazovačremainfunctional !!!   After launching the application, you logintoyour account Aukra Czech server. If you are notthefirsttime, try it with small letters, many phoneswillautomaticallyswitch the first letter capitalized.Your details are stored only on your device and not savedtodiskapplication server. Monitoring of auctions and bids willtakeplaceonly in his memory. If the application will not happen attherighttime your amount, it is because that someone isgreatlyshifted oroperational problems occurred at - quiteoftencarry outmodifications that can not be assumed in advance.Time to bid you can set yourself, but remember that the bidistooshort can cause disrespect.Adjust the amount according to the internal rulesAukra(belowpost) bids for recognition, otherwise you will notrecognizejibeeg. For 10 CZK.More info:Actual price(CZK) The increase (bid)(CZK)1 - 4.99 15 - 19.99 220 - 49.99 350 - 99.99 4100 - 499.99 5500 - 10 999.991000 - 2499.99 252500 - 4999.99 50more than 5000 100I wish you a successful bids through my application.
Big Bazaar Price Match 1.3
Download Price Match App (In Mumbai Only)Making India’s shopping stress-free!India’s first-of-its-kind savings app, Price Match, allowsthecustomers to make sure they get the best price for anythingtheybuy. Price Match is one of Big Bazaar’scustomer-centricinitiatives that upholds their promise of givingBest Products atBest Prices.What does it do?1. Compares the price of items bought at Big Bazaar/ Food Bazaartothose of other stores2. If a lower price is found, Price Match credits the differencetoyour app wallet3. Lets you redeem this credit the next time you shop atBigBazaar/Food BazaarHow to enrol?To register for Price Match, you must have any one ofthefollowing loyalty cards:1. Payback Card2. Big Bazaar’s Profit Club Card3. Future Group’s Shopping CardYou can avail these memberships at any of the Big Bazaar/FoodBazaar stores.Just register using the mobile number linked to yourloyaltycard.How does it work?1. Shop at any Big Bazaar/ Food Bazaar store2. Go to the app and enter your receipt details and submit3. The App compares prices and gives you the difference asrewardsin your App walletHow to redeem the rewards?1. Shop at any Big Bazaar/ Food Bazaar store2. Give your registered loyalty card to the cashier at thebillingcounter3. Ask him to use Price Match rewards for payment
EROSKI Súper: Your Supermarket
Download the new EROSKI Súper appfree(Android version 4.0.3 or higher). Create your shopping listand/oradd products to your basket, select from a wide range ofproductsand receive your order at home, or collect it in your caror onfoot if you prefer. Shop online at EROSKI. It’s so easy!Choose from a wide range of products and food from thesupermarket,take advantage of the best offers and get the bestprice ondelivery costs.FEATURES AND BENEFITS OF EROSKI SÚPER● Access all kinds of products from EROSKIsupermarket:🐄 Dairy products and delicatessen🍨 Ice cream and frozen goods🍶 Tinned goods and kitchen utensils🍪 Sweets and breakfast goods🍷 Soft drinks and alcohol👶 Baby and child:🛁 Toiletries and home🐕 Pets and miscellaneous● Choose products from your local store:Choose from a wide range of food from your local store.Qualitylocal food from our small producers.● Scan products and food:Scan products and food at the store on your device and add themtoyour shopping list and/or basket.Only mobile.● Pay securely and with confidence:The app follows security protocols for payment and browsing.● Browse the 4 exclusive stores of EROSKI:With EROSKI Súper you can shop at any of our 4 exclusivestores:ECOtienda, Sin Gluten (wide range of products forthose whoare allergic to gluten), belle and EROSKI SeleQtia(brandssold exclusively at EROSKI that prioritise quality andwell-beingat the best price).● View all available offers:You’ll find all EROSKI offers on the supermarket app.● Shop quickly with your favourites and/or lists:Use your EROSKI Club card, retrieve all your EROSKI shoppinglistsand add items to your basket. 3 easy steps that will save youtimeand effort. You can also create your shopping lists to suityourtastes.● Select home delivery (day and time):EROSKI Súper has the best prices on the market for deliverycosts.Sign in to book your delivery slot and enjoy the convenienceof theEROSKI delivery service.● Exclusive Click&drive andClick&collectservices:Click&driveFree service for orders over €30 exclusive to súper online.Shoponline and pick up your order in your car at yournearestclick&drive.*See Click&drive deliveryClick&collectFree service exclusive to súper online. Shop online and collectonfoot from your nearest store.*See Click&collect delivery● Direct Access and sync with your EROSKI Clubaccount:You will have access to all EROSKI Club promotions and offersthanksto syncing between apps and direct access to EROSKIClub.● Language setting: Basque, Spanish, Catalan,Galician,English or German.● Control your spending with ‘My Basket’:Keep track of your spending in the ‘My Basket’ section andsavingsin the ‘Money Saved’ section.● Filter results according to your needs.Do your shopping list at any time, add products to yourbasket,order home delivery and fill your fridge. Don’t wait -downloadthe EROSKI Súper online app now.EROSKI Súper is compatible with devices running Androidversion4.0.3 or higher.Your comments and recommendations help us improve! Getyourquestions answered and give us your opinion of the app onGooglePlay or by sending an email to [email protected] you ready to shop, order at home or collect your EROSKIorder?Shop with our app!
Brechó 1-2-3 1.0.0
Baixe o app do Brechó 1-2-3 ecomprediretamente de seu smartphone artigos de luxo com pouquissimouso eem excelente estado.Download the app fromtheFlea 1-2-3 and buy directly from your smartphone luxury itemswithvery little use and in excellent condition.
Ogłoszenia na Allegro Lokalnie 2.1.64
Add and search for ads. Real Estate, Cars, Clothing, Shoes and more
Bazaar Cart 1.0
If you are looking for best products andpricesoffered in the category of Grocery, Personal & Home CareandStationery, BazaarCart offers you the best experience as farase-commerce industry goes. We bring you the unique model ofadepartmental store right at your desktop or your mobile phoneforeasy access and smart shopping experience.We are Delhi’s Largest Online Daily Needs Store with morethan6000+ products across various categories-thus, offeringusers,whether individual or business, to buy stuff online through asafesecure platform.The residents of Delhi-NCR (Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad) cannowavail the best online shopping services offered by BazaarCartapp,which brings one-stop shop for all your daily needs onyourfingertips. Don’t hesitate to browse through various productsanddeals that we are offering on our app.Contact us at & service: [email protected] us on: +91 8010-103-104
India Bazaar: All-In-One 1.0
Keshav Ladha
The rise of shopping sites all overtheworld,for ease people need to have a common platform toperformtheshopping activity online. With India Bazaar, rates atallparallelsites sites can be viewed. meant for commercialshopping(flipcart,amazon..), travel(Make My Trip, IRCTC ..),recharge(Paytm,freecharge..), second hand shopping (OLX, Quickr...).andauction(eBay, Sotheby's ..).
Surat Textile Bazaar 1.3
Surat textile bazaar is venture ofPARAMHANS;PARAMHANS founded 35 years ago in Suratis an wellestablishedindenting company. We are committed to continuousimprovements inquality and customer response in the nationalmarketplace. We workclosely with our clients to create productsappropriate to theirspecific needs, as well as offering a widerange of Dress Material,sarees and kurtis.Our products includelatest Bollywood anddesigner clothing. Please view each section tolearn more about ourproduct range.
Sabzilana Online Sabzi Bazaar 6.4
Just a click and vegetables and fruits are at your doorstep.