Top 20 Apps Similar to Eye Emergency Manual

Eye Handbook 10.5.3
Most Popular Mobile Smartphone App in Eye Care! More than 1milliondownloads
Ophthalmology- Dictionary 1.5.7
A collection of 350 Ophthalmology related terms explainedthroughanimated video
Eye exam
This eye test allows you to check yourvisualacuity. The App is FREE.Take care of your vision. With this program you can test yourvisionat home. It can't replace optician's regular fullexamination oradvise of ophthalmologist, but with this vision testyou maydiscover that your eyesight deteriorates and you need tovisit adoctor.90% of all information that comes into our brain is visual.That'swhy eye care is so important.The advantages of this eye test are that it is easy to use, itistotally free, it provides visual acuity measurementstatistics(history, charts and trends). You can also schedule nexteye exam(daily or weekly).Process:- Make sure you are in a comfortable position- Make sure that there is no glare on the phone's screen.- Place your phone approximately 40 cm/16 inches fromyoureyes.- Close one eye at a timeDuring the test you will see different objects. Try toidentifyshown object. The sequence of objects is random. Thatpreventslearning the sequence and guessing the answer.Features:- Several eye charts are available: Snellen chart, Landolt"C",Tumbling E, chart with pictures for little kids- Objects are shown randomly- Measurements statistics are availableDISCLAIMER:This application is not intended to replace optician's regularfullexamination. We recommend you get a full eye test afterusingit.
AAO eBooks 6.1
American Academy of Ophthalmology
Ophthalmology -Pocket Dict. 1.8
Ophthalmology - Animated Pocket Dictionary
Oftalmología preguntas de exam 12.0
Repasa y aprende sobre Oftalmología con esta fabulosacoleccióndemás de 600 preguntas obtenidas de exámenesdeuniversidad.Posibilidad de preguntas aleatorias. ¡Idealparaestudiantes!
SMARTfiches Ophtalmologie Free 1.01
Bienvenue dans l’univers SMARTfichesMédecine,l’encyclopédie médicale de référence multi-support :smartphone,tablette et web.SMARTfiches Médecine est la 1ère encyclopédie médicalenumériquedestinée aux professionnels et étudiants de santé. Lacollectionest conforme aux dernières recommandations des sociétéssavantes,avec une iconographie riche et de nombreux tableauxdesynthèse.Après une inscription gratuite, les applications sontconsultablesSANS connexion internet et peuvent être utiliséesPARTOUT, TOUT LETEMPS.L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte qui vousestenvoyé par mail. Dans le cas où vous ne receviez pas cemaild'activation dans les 24h, pensez à regarder dans voscourriersindésirables avant de nous contacter. S'il n'y est pas,nous nousferons un plaisir d'activer votre compte.- Pour les médecins : retrouvez une information claire etvalidéeen moins d’ 1 minute.- Pour les étudiants en médecine : révisez avec des fichesconformesau nouveau programme ECNi.Plus de 90% des utilisateurs confirment que ces applicationssontutiles pour réviser et se former (enquête de satisfaction,mai2013). De même, 85 % des utilisateurs utilisent SMARTfichesafind’actualiser leur connaissances à la suite desnouvellesrecommandations qui sont intégrées lors des fréquentesmises à jourde l’application.La fonction SWIPE vous permet de naviguer facilementdansl’application en 1 glissement de doigt.SMARTfiches Ophtalmologie : avoir l’œil et le bon !Un problème de connexion ? A la recherche du maild'activation?Avant de mettre une évaluation négative sur votre plateformedetéléchargement contactez nous à [email protected] nous ferons un plaisir de vous trouver une solution.Vous pourrez ainsi tester l'application et lui donnerl'évaluationqu'elle mérite.La majorité des utilisateurs qui ont expérimenté unedesapplications SMARTfiches Médecine mette 4 ou 5 étoiles.Donnez lui sa chance.SMARTfiches Médecine,TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPSWelcome to theworldSMARTfiches Medicine, Medical encyclopedia of multi-mediareferencesmartphone, tablet and web.SMARTfiches Medicine is the first digital medical encyclopediaforprofessionals and students of health. The collection is inlinewith the latest recommendations of learned societies, with arichiconography and many summary tables.After a free registration, applications are availableWITHOUTinternet connection and can be used ANYWHERE, ANYTIME.Registration requires the activation of your account that issentto you by email. In case you did not receive the activationemailwithin 24 hours, be sure to check your spam mail beforecontactingus. If it is not there, we will be happy to activateyouraccount.- For doctors locate clear information and validated in lessthan1 minute.- For medical students revise with plugs conform to the newEcniprogram.Over 90% of users confirm that these applications are usefultorevise and form (satisfaction survey, May 2013). Similarly, 85%ofusers use SMARTfiches to update their knowledge as a result ofnewrecommendations that are integrated during frequent updates totheapplication.The SWIPE feature allows you to easily navigate theapplicationin one swipe of the finger.SMARTfiches Ophthalmology: keep an eye and good!A connection problem? Looking activation mail?Before putting a negative evaluation on your [email protected] will be happy to find you a solution.You can test the application and give the evaluationitdeserves.The majority of users who have experienced one of theapplicationsSMARTfiches Medicine put 4 or 5 stars. Give him a chance.SMARTfiches Medicine,EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME
Oftalmología 1.0
Aprende a identificar las diferentes patologías quesepuedenpresentar en el fondo de ojo. Esta App ofrece ejemplosconimágenesy explicaciones de cada una. Contiene ejemplosdehemorragias,exudados, patología de la macula,delnervioóptico,desprendimientos de retina, neoplasias...
MyEyeDrops 1.10
Glaucoma patients and caregivers, this appisfor you!The MyEyeDrops app is developed by the Singapore NationalEyeCentre (SNEC) to help glaucoma patients and their caregivers intheapplication of eye drops and medication.For glaucoma patients and their caregivers, this app will:1.Remind them to put the eye drops or take their medication attheright time.2.Show them the correct way of putting eye drops throughavideo.3.Indicate the correct eye drops for the correct eye.4.Allow them to listen to instructions through anaudiofunction.5.Allow multiple users and caregivers to be alerted ofthereminders.6.Allow them to customise various functions and settings.Not putting the eye drops as prescribed could leadtodeterioration of the vision and worsening of the condition.Throughthis app, SNEC hopes to encourage people with glaucoma toapply theeye drops as prescribed by their doctors and takeownership inensuring that their vision does not deteriorate.Download the other useful apps developed by SNEC:• MyEyeGym – Eye Exercises for restoring binocularvision/stereopsisor 3D vision, for persons suffering from squints(strabismus).• MyEyeMatters – Comprehensive educational information onvariouseye conditions, symptoms, prevention, treatment and usefuleye caretips.Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC)Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) is the designatednationalcentre within Singapore’s public sector healthcare network.Itspearheads and co-ordinates the provision ofspecialisedophthalmological services with emphasis on qualityeducation andresearch.SNEC’s facilities include an 8-storey tower block andafour-storey podium block and it consists of three floorsofoutpatient clinics supported by comprehensive ancillaryfacilities,nine operating theatres with expanded day recoverysuites and twofloors housing the Singapore Eye Research Institute'sresearchclinics and research laboratories.Ten subspecialties have been established to provide a fullrangeof eye treatment from comprehensive to tertiary levels fortheentire spectrum of eye conditions:1) Cataract2) Corneal and External Eye Disease3) General Cataract and Comprehensive Ophthalmology4) Glaucoma5) Neuro-Ophthalmology6) Ocular Inflammation and Immunology7) Oculoplastic and Aesthetic Eyeplastic8) Paediatric Ophthalmology and Adult Strabismus9) Refractive Surgery10) Vitreo-RetinaThe centre’s one-stop multi-subspecialty approach to treatmentofcomplex eye conditions, a quality assurance programme that isbackedby 100% audit of outcomes and its pursuit ofhigh-impacttranslational research have placed SNEC as one of thepremier eyecentres in the region.
CBO 1.1
Grupo Vox
A Coleção CBO – SérieOftalmologiaBrasileira,3ª edição, é uma publicação científica dereferênciadaOftalmologia elaborada pelo Conselho BrasileirodeOftalmologia(CBO) e coordenada pelo professor doutor MiltonRuizAlves. Contémmais de seis mil páginas, reunidas em 19 volumeseconta com maisde 400 profissionais envolvidos. Estamagníficapublicação ganhaagora a sua versão digital, quando cadalivro foicuidadosamenteescaneado em alta definição e hospedado emum sistemaintuitivo,com diversas funcionalidades que podem seracessadas aqualquerhora do dia.Acesso exclusivo para o médico oftalmologistaassociadoaoCBOO acesso à versão mobile da Série Oftalmologia Brasileira,3ªedição,é exclusiva ao associado do CBO. Para fazer o downloaddecadacapítulo é necessário gerar um login e e gere o seu dado deacesso.Não éassociado? Acesse e associe-se.Torne esta literatura uma obra viva!Uma das principais virtudes da versão mobile daSérieOftalmologiaBrasileira, 3ª edição, é que cadaoftalmologistapoderá contribuircom a atualização de cada capítulo.Para isso,basta utilizar a opção“Clipping” e fotografar a área deinteresse.Um campo de e-mail seabrirá e é por meio dele que ocolega enviarásugestão deatualização. É importante reforçar que aComissão deAtualização sóirá avaliar as atualizações baseadas emevidênciascientíficas. Oe-mail criado para este fimé[email protected] seu acesso em até 3 dispositivosA Série Brasileira de Oftalmologia pode ser baixada ematétrêsdispositivos. O colega também poderá sincronizar amarcaçãodaspáginas nos três, desde que acesse a opçãoAccount.Os 19 volumes da Série Oftalmologia Brasileira,3ªedição,são:Anatomia do Aparelho VisualBanco de Olhos, Transplante de CórneaCirurgia RefrativaCristalino e CatarataDoenças Externas Oculares e CórneaEmbriologia, Genética e Malformações do Aparelho VisualEstrabismoFisiologia, Farmacologia e Patologia OcularGlaucomaIatrogenias e Manifestações Oculares de DoençasSistêmicaseOncologia OcularLente de ContatoMetodologia CientíficaNeuroftalmologiaÓptica, Refração e Visão SubnormalÓrbita, Sistema Lacrimal e OculoplásticaProva Nacional de OftalmologiaRetina e VítreoSemiologia Básica em OftalmologiaUveítesThe CBOCollection-Brazilian Ophthalmology Series, 3rd Edition, isascientificjournal Ophthalmology, reference being issued bytheBrazilianCouncil of Ophthalmology (CBO) and coordinatedbyProfessor Dr.Milton Ruiz Alves. It contains over six thousandpagesgathered in19 volumes and has more than 400 professionalsinvolved.Thismagnificent publication now takes on digital version,wheneachbook was carefully scanned in high definition and stayedinanintuitive, with several features that can be accessed atanytimeof day. Exclusive access to the ophthalmologist associated withBOD Access to the mobile version of the BrazilianOphthalmologySeries,3rd Edition, is the sole member of the CBO. Todownloadeachchapter is to generate a unique access and manage yourdataaccess.Not a member? Access andJoin.Make this literature a living work!One of the main virtues of the mobile versionoftheBrazilian Ophthalmology Series, 3rd Edition, isthateveryophthalmologist can contribute to the upgrade ofeachchapter.Simply use the "Clipping" and photograph the areaof​​interest. Anemail field will open and it is through him thatthecolleague sendupdate suggestion. It is important to stress thattheUpdateCommittee will only review the updates basedonscientificevidence. The email created for [email protected]. Synchronize your access up to 3 devices The Brazilian Series of Ophthalmology can be downloaded onuptothree devices. The colleague can also synchronize themarkingofthe three pages from accessing the Account option. The 19 volumes of the Brazilian Ophthalmology Series,3rdedition,are:Visual Device AnatomyEye Bank, Cornea TransplantRefractive surgeryLens and cataractEye Cornea and External DiseaseEmbryology, genetics and malformations of the VisualApparatusSquintPhysiology, Pharmacology and Ocular PathologyGlaucomaIatrogenic and Eye Manifestations of Systemic DiseasesandOcularOncologyContact lensScientific methodologyNeuroftalmologiaOptics, refraction and Vision SubnormalOrbit Lacrimal System and OculoplásticaNational examination of OphthalmologyRetina and VitreousBasic semiotics in OphthalmologyUveitis
AJO 6.1.1_PROD_2017-04-11
Elsevier Inc
American Journal of OphthalmologyNow available for android tablets and smartphones, AJO, theAmericanJournal of Ophthalmology app, brings you the convenienceof readingthe latest clinical research with just a tap. The AJOapp allows youto:• Stay ahead with alerts when new issues are available andreadArticles in Press throughout the month• Experience innovative digital content with the newlyintroducedArticle enhancements; featuring AudioSlides, VirtualMicroscope, 3DRadiological Viewer, 3D Neuroimaging Viewer, andmore.• Get access to the journal content on the app viayourinstitution’s IP• Enjoy Open Access and Open Archive Content without havingtologin• Accessibility support to assist the visually impaired• Interact with figures, tables, and supplementary content• Stream multimedia for faster viewing or download for later• Take notes, highlight articles and share via email andsocialmedia• Personalize your experience with My Reading List and savearticlesfor offline readingJournal Subscribers: Log in with the same username and passwordthatgrants you access to the full journal content on theAmericanJournal of Ophthalmology website. These credentials willallow fullaccess to all content on the app.About American Journal of OphthalmologyThe American Journal of Ophthalmology, published monthly since1884,is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal that publishespapersdirected to ophthalmologists and visual sciencespecialistsdescribing clinical investigations, clinicalobservations, andclinically relevant laboratoryinvestigations.Our privacy policy ishere:
EMGuidance - Medicines Info 5.5.33
Clinical Medicines Information & Drug Education forHealthcareWorkers
Eye Tracker - Write Messages 1.2.8
Radu Turcas
This is a PROTOTYPE application that Ibuiltfor my Master Thesis. Therefore, if you download it, do notexpectmiracles from it, also have patience with it.Curious about what's under the hood?Get the printed version of my thesis: is no built-in tutorial so far, you won't get how toworkwith it unless you read the hints bellowYoutube instructions: Make sure that when you use the application the light intheroom does not reflect in your eyes. (try to avoid facingwindows,or lightbulbs). However, your face has to be visible tothecamera.2. Do not move / tilt your head when you use the application3. Perform a calibration test:3.1 Start the application3.2 Set your head approximately 25 cm from the screen. Yourfaceshould fit in the red rectangle on the camera preview, yourRIGHTEYE and NOSTRIL are tracked by the camera.3.3 Hold the Android device so that your nostrils appear inthecamera preview3.4 Press the "Start" button3.5 Hold head still and look at the camera preview(atyourself).4. Once calibration is done, three buttons will appear onthescreen, each with characters and words5. Gaze Left, Right or Up to Highlight a desired Button, thenSelectbutton by blinking right eye or both eyes for two seconds(cout to3)6. Continue to select desired Button until you have tochoosebetween just two options.7. You can restore the Buttons to initial values by accessingheBack button from the top menu.7. You can delete characters from the text box by accessing theUndobutton from the top menu8. Mark the end of a word by using Space orpunctuationsymbols.9. Use the Talk option to make the device talk the message backtoyou.In case you are not able to use the application for anyreasonplease write me an e-mail at: [email protected] subject "Eye Tracker - Write messages". I will try to giveyouHints and Tips on how to manage to use the application.The prototype application purpose is to assist userswritemessages using only their eye's direction and blinks. Theprototypewas developed having in mind people with ALS, Locked-insyndrome orany person that can only move their eyes and eyelids.The device that I have tested it with is a Samsung GalaxyNexuswith Android 4.1.2.You will need a front camera, preferably a light sensorandpatience.- Supports different device orientations (LandscapeandPortrait)- Guidelines for face recognition and setting the lightconditionsto proper values- Now app works with tablets like Nexus 7- Added a BEEP when user selects a letter by blinking - forusersthat cannot close just their right eye- Removed the Ads
Ophthalmology in Dogs (Free) 1.2.1
FREE VERSION WITH ADS. For the ad-free version please referto: tool for professionals and students belonging totheveterinary ophthalmology field. This APP for mobile /tabletdevices consists of a 3D anatomic atlas which it is possibletointeract with, allowing the rotation, zoom or isolation ofthedifferent systems and components the canine eye is composed by.Fora better comprehension of how this organ works, theapplicationalso offers an interactive game in order to show howsome of theeye components function, such as the pupil dilation andcontractionaccording to the environmental light exposure. Moreover,itincludes a step-by-step tutorial on the Hotz-Celsussurgicalprocedure for entropion. FEATURES: * 3Dhyper-realisticrepresentation of the canine visual system. *Detailed informationof every part and system that compose the eyeof the dog. *Capability of isolating or focusing each component ofthe eye for abetter visualization and analysis. * 3D schematicdiagram (sagittalview) of the palpebral part of the eye. *Interactive game tocomprehend how the pupil works. * Tutorial onthe Hotz-Celsusprocedure for the entropion surgery.
In Case of Emergency ICE-Lite 1.1.1
Emergency, Medical & Contactinformationfor emergency services and first responders In Case ofEmergency(ICE). SOS message.Supported languages (20): 中文(繁體), Čeština, Dansk,Deutsch,Español, Français, 日本語, 한국어, हिन्दी, עברית, Italiano,Magyar,Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Pусский, Suomi,Svenska* Custom screen lock – app can be accessed throughpasswordprotected screen lock. In Case of an Emergency - emergencyservices& hospital staff will only have access to ICEEmergencyapp.* SOS – sends SOS message to your Emergency Contacts,automaticallyincludes GPS location* Emergency Contacts – Call or SMS from App* Medical History – vital information for first respondersandhospital staff:+ Allergies+ Blood group+ Diabetic informationThe number of situations which can give rise to an emergencyareinfinite . . .Matrix Mobile Application’s In Case of Emergency app canhelpsave your life in an unexpected emergency. The FREEversionincludes above features for which other developerscharge$3.99/£2.50.Please contact our team if you have any problems orsuggestions:[email protected] is NOT compatible with Tablets.
Prognosis : Emergency Medicine 4.2.5
Experience the adrenaline rush of managing trauma while waitingonyour coffee. Make life saving decisions in betweenpatientconsultations.Prognosis: Emergency Medicine allows you to test yourdecisionmaking skills in a risk-free environment while sharpeningyourclinical knowledge.The interesting discussions at the end of each case scenarioareuseful for experienced physicians to refresh their knowledgeandalso serve as interesting practice material for residentsembarkingon a career in Emergency Medicine.All clinical cases and discussions have been reviewed byoureditorial board of 120+ physicians across 27 specialties.Diseases Covered:1. Acetaminophen Poisoning2. Acute Appendicitis3. Acute Compartment Syndrome4. Acute Encephalitis5. Acute Epiglottitis6. Acute Glomerulonephritis7. Acute Head Trauma8. Acute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis9. Acute Myocardial Infarction (LBBB)10. Acute Myocarditis11. Acute Ovarian Torsion12. Acute Pericarditis13. Adrenal Crisis14. Aortic Dissection15. Asthma Exacerbation16. Atrial Fibrillation17. Bacterial Meningitis18. Basilar-type Migraine19. Bell’s Palsy20. Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo21. Biliary Ascariasis22. Boerhaave Syndrome23. Botulism24. Brugada Syndrome25. Burns26. Cardiac Tamponade27. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis28. Cervical Epidural Hematoma29. Chronic Subdural Hematoma30. Deep Venous Thrombosis31. Diabetic Ketoacidosis32. Dieulafoy’s Lesion33. Digoxin Toxicity34. Ectopic Pregnancy35. Emphysematous Cholecystitis36. Exercise Associated Hyponatremia37. Fitz-hugh-curtis Syndrome38. Guillain–barré Syndrome39. Heat Stroke40. Heterotopic Pregnancy41. Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State42. Hypertensive Emergency43. Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy44. Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis45. Ica Dissection46. Infectious Mononucleosis47. Insulinomas48. Isolated Gall Bladder Injury49. Kawasaki Disease50. Lactic Acidosis, Metformin51. Lateral Medullary Syndrome52. Lemierre's Syndrome53. Meckel's Diverticulum54. Mesenteric Ischemia, Arterial55. Multiple Sclerosis56. Myasthenia Gravis57. Myxedema Coma58. Omental Infarction59. Peptic Ulcer Disease60. Peripartum Cardiomyopathy61. Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia62. Polymyositis63. Primary Hyperparathyroidism64. Prinzmetal's Angina65. Pulmonary Embolism66. Red Degeneration67. Renal Artery Aneurysm68. Retropharyngeal Abscess69. Reye Syndrome70. Right Ventricular Myocardial Infarction71. Rupture of a Popliteal Cyst72. Salicylate Toxicity73. Sigmoid Volvulus74. Spinal Epidural Abscess75. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome76. Stroke77. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage78. Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome79. Superior Vena Cava Syndrome80. Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy81. Temporal Arteritis82. Tension Pneumothorax83. Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis84. Tick Paralysis85. Tumor Lysis Syndrome86. UA/NSTEMI87. Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome88. Atrial Myoxma89. Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus90. Prinzmetal's Angina91. Omental Infarction
Nurses' Health Assessment 2.8.21
Includes all content from the latest edition
Surgery Ophthalmology 1.1.7
Free questions to try before you buy!Surgery Ophthalmology Multiple ChoiceQuestionReviewIncludes:- Multiple choice fact, scenario and case-based questions- Correct answers and explanations to help youquicklymastercontent- Take practice questions as many times as you wish- Score and transcripts with missed key words to helpyouevaluateareas that need further studyThe mission of StatPearls is to help you identifyandcorrectknowledge deficits. We do this by providinghighquality,peer-reviewed, educationally sound questionswithexplanationswritten by leading educators.StatPearls Publishing, LLC
Vision Test 1.4
PC Mehanik
Take a quick exam to test the vision ofyoureyes. The test results are displayed for each eyeseparately.Although the test is based on international vision testusing eyechart, it still has some limitations. You should visiteyespecialist for professional evaluation.
MyEyeMatters 1.7
The human eye is the organ which gives usthesense of sight, allowing us to learn more about thesurroundingworld than we do with any of the other four senses. Likeany otherorgan in the body, the eye is also susceptible to variousdiseasesand infections. Many eye conditions can be remedied if theyaredetected and treated early.The MyEyeMatters app, developed by the Singapore NationalEyeCentre (SNEC), offers comprehensive educational informationonvarious eye conditions, symptoms, prevention, treatment andusefuleye care tips. With a simple-to-use user interface, the appoffersthe ability to view, explore, learn, locate and sharetheinformation.This app will:1. Allow easy access to eye-related information such as commoneyesymptoms and eye conditions.3. Offer educational information to keep patients andtheircaregivers informed about pre and post-surgical care.4. Provide convenient, mobile availability of educationalvideoandeveryday eye care tips.5. Enable users and patients to find their specialistsin SNECandmake appointmentsA great tool for addressing patient education, this app willhelppatients and their caregivers better understand what is goingonwith their eyes, why they are receiving certain proceduresormedications, and how to take care of themselves after theireyeoperations.Download the other useful apps developed by SNEC:• MyEyeGym – Eye Exercises for restoring binocularvision/stereopsisor 3D vision, for persons suffering from squints(strabismus).• MyEyeDrops – Medication/eye drop reminder for glaucomapatientsand their caregivers. The app will indicate the right eyedrops forthe right eye at the right time.About Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC)Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) is the designatednationalcentre within Singapore’s public sector healthcare network.Itspearheads and co-ordinates the provision ofspecialisedophthalmological services with emphasis on qualityeducation andresearch.SNEC’s facilities include an 8-storey tower block andafour-storey podium block and it consists of three floorsofoutpatient clinics supported by comprehensive ancillaryfacilities,nine operating theatres with expanded day recoverysuites and twofloors housing the Singapore Eye Research Institute'sresearchclinics and research laboratories.Ten subspecialties have been established to provide a fullrangeof eye treatment from comprehensive to tertiary levels fortheentire spectrum of eye conditions:1) Cataract2) Corneal and External Eye Disease3) General Cataract and Comprehensive Ophthalmology4) Glaucoma5) Neuro-Ophthalmology6) Ocular Inflammation and Immunology7) Oculoplastic and Aesthetic Eyeplastic8) Paediatric Ophthalmology and Adult Strabismus9) Refractive Surgery10) Vitreo-RetinaSNEC is actively involved in clinical trials and researchintothe causes and treatment of major eye conditions such as myopiaandglaucoma. Thousands of ophthalmologists from neighbouringcountriesand beyond have participated in the Centre’s teachingcourses andinternational meetings. To advance ophthalmic scienceand service,and to increase opportunities for professionalinteractions andcollaboration, SNEC has also fostered strategiclinks with leadingeye institutions around the world.The centre’s one-stop multi-subspecialty approach to treatmentofcomplex eye conditions, a quality assurance programme that isbackedby 100% audit of outcomes and its pursuit ofhigh-impacttranslational research have placed SNEC as one of thepremier eyecentres in the region.Singapore National Eye Centre11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751Tel: (65) 6227 7255Fax: (65) 6227 7290Website: