Top 22 Apps Similar to NetTools - Network Essentials

NetCat for Android 1.14
A simple application for traffic generation.
NetCut (Root) 1.1
Netcut, one of most powerful network administrator toolthis tool allow admin proof test how can the firewallefficiencyhandle bad user in local network.By one click from your hand you can test cut any networkconnectionbetween internet gateway anddevices in your local network remotely.This is simple technical how can this application work (you canskipit if you don't understand networkfundamental :)- Every LAN connectable devices have one unique number calledMACAddress-Ehen the device want to communicate with another device they need2things,IP Address and MAC Address.- The device only know destination IP Address(Ex: gateway) butnotfor Mac Address, it maybe change when that devicereconnect and get new IP that mean you can't static fix this pairofIP and MAC address together.- Only way to get destination MAC Address is request, thedevicesend ask request command to every devices some thinglikethis"Hey! , IP what is your MAC Address?"- Every devices received this request but not answer exceptthedevice who carry ip,this is response "OK, my IP and Mac Addressis12:82:FA:22..." this response not for all, he just only replytoasker.- when asker received response, they pair IP and MAC togetherandstart communication- If they ask every time when they want to communicate that makealot of traffic, so the devicemust be cache the pair for a while (Ex: 5 min)it's look well algorithm to solve this problem butsomethingwrong.this implement in low level network communication so they misssomecheck of replier that can make this algorithm weak.Netcut using vulnerability of implementation send replycommandwithout request to victim the make victim cache wrongIP and MAC Address. that make they lost connection.Warning :This Application create for testing Network Security only.If you use for others purpose that mean, it's yourownresponsibility to deal with the effect.Developer Will NOT response to all harm that user orapplicationmake.License :This application develop under GNU General Public License version3,From original version of dsploit.So you can redistribute, modify under GPLv3.Source code available here : form :
Fing - Network Tools 12.5.1
Fing Limited
Find who's on Wi-Fi, intruders, hidden cameras and vulnerabilities
NetCatdroid 1.0
Rob Anderson
Transfer files from your Android smartphone to a nc (netcat)server.
Pixel Wifi Blocker 1.0.51
Pixel Group
Deeply analyze wifi connection, see all devices connected&block wifi users!
Who is on my wifi 6
Arbi Tm
Sometimes you ask yourself why my internet connection is too slow,or who is connected to my wifi ? who is on my wifi router ?Usingthis wifi analyze tool you can easily scan your wifi and seehowmany people or device are connected to your router . Thiswifiinspector is the solution for to see who is on your wifi , maybesomeone is stealing your wifi network speed withoutyourpermission. Now you can catch that thief who is connected toyourwifi without your permission. Who is on my wifi is a wifiroutertool which it is working for both wired and wifi, whetherconsoles,TVs, pcs, tablets, phones etc ... , it is also giving yourelevantdata such as IP address, manufacturer, device name andMacAddress.Features • Gives You IP And MAC ID of all the connecteddevices •Clear & simple design and platform that allows us tosee thatour personal data are safe in just a few seconds . • Whouse mywifi network also allows to save a list of known deviceswithcustom name. so will not need to go checking the data wheneverwemake a scan. Don't ask yourself anymore who is connected to mywifi, just do the scan and see the results ! ✩✩✩✩✩ Don’t Forget ToRateUs 5 Stars if you found it useful ✩✩✩✩✩
WiFi Router Setup & Speedtest 11.58
Router Admin Manager - network analyzer - speed test,WhouseWiFi,Router Control
NetX Network Tools
Discovers and manages all devices connected to WiFi
Wifikill Pro 2.1
√WifiKill uygulaması ile Wi-Fiağınızsizinkontrolünüzde olsun, ağınıza bağlananlara IPüzerindensaldırıyaparak internet hızınızı arttırın.√Bağlanan cihazların MAC Adreslerini toplayın!√WifiKill uygulaması kullanmak için root erişimiznineihtiyaçduyar!√wifikillapplicationwithyour Wi-Fi network to get your control, increaseyour speedInternetattacks by those who connect to your networkoverIP.Collect the √Bağlan device MAC address!To use √wifikill application requires root accesspermission!
WiFi Analyzer (open-source)
Optimize your WiFi network using WiFi Analyzer (open-source)
WIFI Thief Finder 1.0
MNM Developer
Now you can easily trace who allareconnectedand using data of the WIFI Router your mobile deviceisconnectedto. You can easily trace the devices connected toanyparticularWIFI Router connection.Many time some one may have hacked your router password andmaybeusing your precious internet data. You can now catchthatpersoneasily using this application.Steps to use :- Start the app and connect to wifi.- The app will show all possible active WIFI connection withinyourdevice range.- Connect to that Wifi to which you want to find theactiveconnecteddevices.- On connecting to the wifi, you'll get the list of devicesthatareusing your or connected to your WIFI conncetion.- It displays the device id of the device with is connectedtothatparticular WIFI connection.So now easily catch the thief who is unauthorized touseyourinternet.
Sniffer Wicap Pro 2.8.3
Mobile sniffer for WiFi, LTE networks (packet capture).
Network Tools 1.3.1
Vladimir Kuts
Automatic verification of Internet resources; Ping,traceroute,whois commands.
Sniffer Wicap Demo 2.8.2
Mobile sniffer for WiFi, LTE networks (packet capture).
IPView 3.41
IPView is a small application and widget which displaysyourlocal/public IP.
ADB WiFi [Root] 1.0
This app is for developers wants adb access over WiFi. This appmakeeasier job for developer to debug/test Android apps directlyondevice over WiFi connection. No need to keep connected deviceusingUSB cable. You can debug the device in your available Wifirange.After enabling ADB over WiFi, on your computer open theconsole andrun command "adb connect " FEATURES * Quicklyenable/disable ADBconnection over WiFi. * You can see the ADB overWiFi is activenotification in notification bar so developer caneasily tap it andenable and disable it.
Net Tools (AdS) 1.10.01
All you need for network diagnostic and support. CollectionofNetwork tool.
Network Scanner 2.2.4
Easy Mobile
Network scanner help you find out which devices are connectedtoyour WiFi.
Intent Intercept 2.2.5
FOR DEVELOPERS.This app attempts to intercept as many Intents as possibleinorder to examine their contents.This helps when trying to develop an app that reacts toaparticular intent.PLEASE NOTE: The app can only intercept intents that aresentsystem-wide - usually those where Android will offer you achoiceof which app to open an Intent with. It can not intercept anythatare sent to a specific app.Some details of the intent can be edited before resendingit.Please help by adding translationsat app is open sourceat interceptions can be enabled and disabled from theIntentIntercept icon in the launcher.
AntiMitm 1.1
AntiMitm (NECESARIO ROOT) sirve paraprotegernuestro dispositivo Android de ataquesman-in-the-middle o JANUS (MitM o intermediario, enespañol).Parael que no sepa en qué consiste este tipo de ataques... esunataqueen el que el enemigo adquiere la capacidad de leer, insertarymodificara voluntad, los mensajes entre dos partes sin que ninguna deellasconozcaque el enlace entre ellos ha sido violado. El atacante debesercapaz deobservar e interceptar mensajes entre las dos víctimas.Altamente perjudicial y a la orden del día, pues permitenobtenercontraseñas ydatos de interés a personas externas sin nuestro consentimiento.Muyfácil derealizar por parte del atacante.-----Un ejemplo de ataque MITM:-----Con el smartphone nos conectamos en la red Wireless de unatienda,Ayuntamiento,parque, Centro Comercial, Aeropuerto... al no pedir la contraseñayser gratuitamucha gente se conecta y ese el el gran problema. Entonceselatacante interceptadatos de todo aquel conectado a la red o víctima enespecíficoobteniendo las credenciales de accesode redes sociales, entidades bancarias, webs...Por ello AntiMitm te puede prevenir o dificultar a unatacanteobtener tus datos tan facilmente.-------------------------------------------NECESARIOROOT-------------------------------------------Lo que AntiMitm hace en el smartphone es deshabilitarserviciosincluídos en Android. (NECESARIO ROOT)(SSH, SSHD, tcpdump, opcontrol, strace, vim, irsii, scp,rsync,nano, Ping, sdptest, netserver, Telnet, netperf, NC)evitandoaccesos remotos no autorizados.Además, si el usuario así lo quiere también es posibledesactivarADBD (que posibilita la conexión desde un equipo remoto,como porejemplo un PC mediante el puerto USB) hasta que sereinicie eldispositivo y, además, se puede deshabilitar elAdministrador depaquetes de forma remota, responsable de lainstalación deaplicaciones APK (manteniendo esta posibilidad desdela tienda deGoogle o el propio terminal). Es decir, una ampliacantidad deopciones contra los ataques del exterior.Nota: Si no eres Root puede que de un falso positivodeProtección satisfactoria, la forma de saber si estás o noprotegidoes saber si verdaderamente eres root y ver como seaplicacan ymuestran los permisos en la parte inferior de lapantalla al pulsarel botón de PROTEGER.AntiMitm (NEEDROOT)serves to protect our Android device attacksman-in-the-middle or JANUS (MitM or intermediary, inSpanish).Forwho do not know what this type of attack is an attack ...when the enemy gains the ability to read, insert and modifyat will, messages between two parties without either ofthemknowthe link between them has been violated. The attacker must beabletoobserve and intercept messages between the two victims.Highly prejudicial and agenda, as they allow to obtainpasswordsanddata of interest to external parties without our consent. Veryeasytoperformed by the attacker.----- An example of MITM attack: -----With the smartphone we connect to the Wireless network shop,TownHall,Park Mall, Airport ... by not asking for the password andbefreemany people connect and that's the big problem. Then theattackerinterceptsdata of anyone connected to the network or specific victiminobtaining access credentialssocial networks, banks, webs ...Therefore AntiMitm you can prevent or hinder an attackerwithyour data so easily.------------------------------------------- ROOT REQUIRED-------------------------------------------What makes the smartphone AntiMitm disable services isincludedin Android. (NEED ROOT)(SSH, SSHD, tcpdump, opcontrol, strace, vim, irsii, scp,rsync,nano, Ping, sdptest, netserver, Telnet, netperf, NC)preventingunauthorized remote access.In addition, if the user wants it is also possible todisableADBD (which enables connection from a remote computer, suchas a PCvia the USB port) until the device is restarted and alsocandisable Package Manager remotely, responsible for installingAPKapplications (keeping this possibility from the Google store ortheterminal itself). That is, a wide number of options againstattacksfrom outside.Note: If you're not a root may satisfactory falsepositiveprotection, how to know if you are protected or not iswhether youare truly as root and see aplicacan and show thepermissions on thebottom of the screen by pressing the PROTECTbutton. - Network Tools 0.6.4
Network diagnostics that you need as a Network Engineer orSystemAdministrator.
Free Wifi Kill reference 3.0
Monster Dev
"wifikill" Protect your privacy and dataandonly connect to Trusted Networks! Simply add your trustednetworksto the Trusted Network list in the app and only when one ormore ofthose networks are nearby will your WiFi inspector actuallyenable.Use the wildcard 'any' to connect to any network the nameonly. Orbe extremely restrictive and only enable your Wifi killwhen anetwork with the same name AND mac address is nearby.-"wifikill" Shows information of the Wi-Fi (external IP,signalstrength, download speed, the subnet mask, gateway,DNS).-"wifikill" Shows information about the device vendor (externalIP,signal strength, speed download, CID, LAC, MCC, MNC).-"wifi kill" Network Analysis Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi Finds close andshowsSSID, signal strength, channel, encryption).- Shows graphically the bandwidth and the overlap betweenchannelsfor "wifikill" networks.- Monitoring & Diagnostic remote devices: shows CPU usage,useof RAM and displays the available memory drive.- Monitoring access the Wi-Fi network Receive notifications whenanew device or an unknown device connects to the network..-Fonctionnalités Table: it is possible for each connecteddevicesand any hostnames or IP address.- Port Analyzer to analyze the most common ports used.- Available themes. "wifikill" pro and wifi password.