Top 14 Apps Similar to A+ Printing

Tu Impresión
Todo lo que necesita enimpresión!!!Compañíadedicada la la prestación de servicios deDiseño yMantenimientoWeb, Diseño Gráfico y Publicitario, ImpresiónOffset,Litografía,Impresión Digital Gran Formato, Screen,Promocionales,Souvenires,Acabados Gráficos, Carnetización,Papelería ComercialyEmpresarial.Diseño y mantenimiento de paginas web con sistemas demanejadordecontenidos (Joomla y Wordpress), visibilidad enbuscadores web,webadaptables para dispositivos móviles y PC.ComunicaciónEstratégica,Diseño Editorial, Identidad Corporativa,Diseño deEmpaques.Impresión litográfica, Tintas Especiales.Impresión deBanner:Vallas, Pendones, Pasacalles,Telares,Decoración deOficinas,Vinilos, Señalización. Memorias USB, Mugs,Bolígrafos,Artículos deOficina, Vinos y Estuches. Plastificadomate y brilloUV,Troquelados, Pegues Especiales,EmpaquesPersonalizados,Carnetización, Credenciales, ReatasMarcadas,Sistemas Retráctiles.Papelería Comercial, Tarjetas dePresentación,Carpetas, Membretes,Facturas y Comprobantes, Sobres,Agendas,Cuadernos, Brandeo deAutomóviles, Volantes, Afiches,Calendarios,Móviles, Pasacalles,Tropezones.All you need toprint!!!Company dedicated to the provision of services WebDesignandMaintenance, Graphic Design and Advertising,OffsetPrinting,Lithography, Large Format Digital Printing,Screen,Promotional,Souvenires, Finishes Graphics, Badging,StationeryCommercial andBusiness.Design and maintenance of web pages with contentmanagersystems(Joomla and Wordpress), visibility in searchengines,adaptable webfor mobile devices and PCs. StrategicCommunication,EditorialDesign, Corporate Identity, PackagingDesign.lithographicprinting, special inks. Banner Printing:billboards,banners,street parades, Looms, Office Decoration, Vinyl,Signage.USB,Mugs, Pens, Office Supplies, Wines and cases. MattlaminationandUV, die-cuts, Special Pegues, Custom Packaging,identitycards,badges, reatas Dialed Systems Shrink shine.BusinessStationery,Business Cards, Folders, Letterheads, InvoicesandReceipts,Envelopes, Diaries, Notebooks, Brandeo Automobile,flyers,posters,calendars, Mobile, Passacaglia, Tropezones.
Factor Creativo
Factor Creativo consolidado por unequipodeprofesionales en Diseño Gráfico, Multimedia,Animación3D,Fotografía, Desarrollo Web, Video, Diseño Editorial,entreotros.Dando soluciones gráficas a empresas,ofreciéndolescampañaspublicitarias de gran magnitud a nivelnacionaleInternacional.Nuestra visión es ofrecer a nuestros clientesnuestramayoratención, calidad y excelencia en cada uno de susproyectos esporello que hemos desarrollado esta App para cubrir losserviciosquerequiere su distinguida empresa.Creativefactorestablishedby a team of professionals in GraphicDesign,Multimedia, 3DAnimation, Photography, Web Development,Video,Editorial Design,among others.Giving graphics solutions to companiesofferinglarge-scaleadvertising campaigns at national andinternationallevel.Our vision is to offer our customers the mostattention,qualityand excellence in each of its projects is why wehavedevelopedthis app to cover the services required byyourdistinguishedcompany.
InstaLogo Logo Creator 2.2
InstaLogo allows you to create unique logos or any design. In only5minutes!
Logo Designer, Creator, Maker 1.1
Carl Rosenber
Design professional logos andgraphicseasily!Frequent free updates with tons of new options and features!- Very easy to use professional logo creator for yourbusiness,website, presentation and more- Save your images to your photo library edit recent logos- Royalty free images and graphics, 200+ graphics tochoosefrom- Effects and lots of fonts included- Millions of combinations available- Add custom images to your project from your photo library- Create your own business card- Make the best graphics, posters, wallpapers and flyers foryourblog, Facebook site, website, presentation or documents- Favourite colors option- High quality graphics- Colorful logos, thousands of possible combinations youcancreate- Creating logos like a professional graphic designer -theeasier way
Bluetooth Printer Test 1.0
Bluetooth Printer TestBluetoothPrinter Test
Final Draft Design 1.0
Final Draft offers expertise in graphicdesign,as well as mobile app and web site development.Other services include: corporate identity packages(whichinclude logos, business cards, letterhead, etc.)posters,promotional fliers, and brochures just to name a few.With the Final Draft Design Mobile App:Stay up to date with our FD BlogReceive exclusive discounts and promotionsConnect with us on Social MediaRequest a quote for your next projectMake a PaymentCollaborate with usAnd much more.There are many graphic design companies, however no oneprovidesthe professionalism, creativity, or personal touch thatFinal Draftoffers.
DAS ZIEL – IHR ERFOLG!Das Endergebnis der gemeinsamen Arbeit isteineüberzeugendeCorporate Identity (CI). Ihre Marktpartner kennenundverstehenSie, Ihre Produkte, Ihre Botschaft. Gemeinsam schaffenwireinenklaren Wiedererkennungswert. Das Ziel ist erreicht!DIENSTLEISTUNGEN• Logodesign, Briefpapier, Visitenkarten• LogoShop mit Logoentwürfen• Broschüren, Flyer• Werbemittel, Anzeigen• WebdesignTHE GOAL-YOURSUCCESS!The end result of the joint work is a compellingcorporateidentity(CI). Know your market partners and understandyou, yourproducts,your message across. Together we can create aclearrecognition.The goal is reached!SERVICES• Logo design, stationery, business cards• Logo Shop with logo designs• Brochures, flyers• Advertising material, advertisements• Webdesign
Basquare AR 1.0.2
Team of BASQUARE developers have designedanappto visualize any 3D object in Augmented Reality usingyourphone ortablet with a camera in real-time, in any environmentwithmarkedprinted materials like business cards, magazines,flyersetc..BASQUARE AR Android mobile application is designedasaninnovative tool in your company marketing activities.BASQUARE AR helps you create greatest presentation ofyourproductto your clients interactively showing anymultimediacontent in 2D or3D visualization.How it works? - Download our BASQUARE AR app - Holdyourcamerapointed at a marked printed item - Wait for yourandroiddevice toscan and connect your phone with our multimediacontentdatabase -Watch real-time, real-scale augmented realityobjects onyourdevice's screen and enjoy!BASQUARE AR app is just an introduction of ourexperienceinAndroid app development. Contact us and ask us how wecan helpyouin mobile software development for your company!We’d love to hear your feedback, email us at [email protected] us on Twitter at us on Facebook at us at
Blarney Stone Marketing
Blarney Stone Marketing presents itsownapp.With demos and full interactivity you can: Setappointmentswithour staff, purchase services, view examples ofotherclients,submit forms, view services, follow our tweets,facebookfeeds,videos, photos and also get coupons. This app alsoallows youtoview examples of social media marketing. logodesign.brochuredesign & printing. flyer design & carddesign & printing.We specialize in:social media marketingprint design: business cards, flyers, brochures,banners,logos,stationerymobile appsweb design & hostingfacebook advertising
Smart Catalog App 1.1
Smart Catalog Apps, It is a platformwhichhelps business, services providers and even an individual tobuildtheir own mobile application for different platform. Weprovidesall services like mobile application development, WebDevelopment,Branding, Designing, Logos, Tech Support etc.
Bulletin Corp 1.1
"เราจะทำให้สิ่งพิมพ์มีชีวิต"Digital Printing & Interactive on Mobile by Bulletin Crop.We’re an online graphic design agency that specializesinlogodesign, website design, and business branding. Ourentiremissionis to make your business look great. That means givingyoucustomdesign that’s affordable, fast, and hassle-free.- Digital Printing- Professional Graphic Design- Interactive with Layar- Mobile Application Developer
Tezkor 2.8
Tezkor.CO – уникальное веб–приложениедляпоискаи установления деловых контактов. Современная иудобнаяэлектроннаявизитница с информацией на все случаи жизни. Этообменэлектроннымивизитками, всегда достоверные контакты ивозможностьмгновенногообновления данных вашей визитной карточки.Удобный иулучшенныйонлайн-справочник для поиска контактов по всемумиру.Современнаяреклама для юридических и физических лиц.Кроме того, прямо из приложения можно одним касаниемпозвонитьнателефон, перейти на страницу (web-site), осуществлятьпоискполюбому полю будь то имя,фамилия,отчество,названиеуслугиилитовара.Для каждой визитки можно настроить индивидуальноцветфона,загрузить логотип, а так же фотографии услуги либотовара.Теперь вы можете забыть о визитницах, пылящихся в вашемофисе.Всеваши визитки - на расстоянии одного клика -auniqueweb-based application for finding andestablishingbusinesscontacts. Modern and convenient electronicbusiness cardholderinformation for all occasions. This exchange ofelectronicbusinesscards, always reliable contacts and to instantlyupdate thedata ofyour business card. Convenient and improved onlinecatalogtosearch for contacts all over the world. Modernadvertisingforbusinesses and individuals.Moreover, right from the app, you can one-touch call tothephone,go to a page (web-site), to search for any field whetheritis thename, surname, patronymic, the name of the serviceorproduct.For each business cards can be customized backgroundcolor,uploada logo, as well as photos of the goods orservices.Now you can forget about business card holders, gatheringdustinyour office. All of your business cards - just a clickaway.
Basquare AR 1.0.4
Team of BASQUARE developers have designedanappto visualize any 3D object in Augmented Reality usingyourphone ortablet with a camera in real-time, in any environmentwithmarkedprinted materials like business cards, magazines,flyersetc..BASQUARE AR Android mobile application is designedasaninnovative tool in your company marketing activities.BASQUARE AR helps you create greatest presentation ofyourproductto your clients interactively showing anymultimediacontent in 2D or3D visualization.How it works? - Download our BASQUARE AR app - Holdyourcamerapointed at a marked printed item - Wait for yourandroiddevice toscan and connect your phone with our multimediacontentdatabase -Watch real-time, real-scale augmented realityobjects onyourdevice's screen and enjoy!BASQUARE AR app is just an introduction of ourexperienceinAndroid app development. Contact us and ask us how wecan helpyouin mobile software development for your company!We’d love to hear your feedback, email us at [email protected] FollowusonTwitter at Like us Visit us at
Logo Design Maker & Creator 1.2
Our team will create your custom logodesignfrom scratch. Send us your logo details and we will designyourbrand new logo. We know that creating something original anduniqueis really hard. We are a team of creative logo designers andwemake professional and unique logo design, custom businesslogodesign and website logo design.Enjoy "Logo Design Maker & Creator", official appfrom Unique Business Logo Design.- 10 Years Experience in Logo Design.- 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.- We make revisions for FREE until you are fully satisfied withyournew logo design.- Every logo design package comes with: Photoshop file, Vectorfile,High Resolution design.JumboLogoDesign feedback and support: [email protected]