Top 5 Apps Similar to ASESC "Unir, Lutar e Vencer!"

Controle de Identi. Estudantil 4.1
O app CIE - Controle deIdentificaçãoEstudantil da ASESF e ASESC, vem oferecer uma formafácil deconsultar e solicitar carteiras de estudantes, com acessoaos linksdas entidades responsáveis pela produção e confecçãodasmesmas.A Associação dos Estudantes de Fortaleza, é um entidade de lutanadefesa do direito dos estudantes, com mais de 10 anosdeexistência, vem se destacando na historia do movimentoestudantilem Fortaleza e no estado do Ceará, na conquista da meiaentrada noestádio Castelão, meia passagem da macro-região e vemfazendoconstantes Blitz nas casas de show para garantir ameiacultural.Além de lutar por garantias dos direitos dos estudantes aentidaderealiza reuniões e capacitações através de seminários comosgrêmios, com uma única finalidade de organizar omovimentoestudantil de Fortaleza e do estado do Ceará, fortalecendoassim asbases do ME para consolidar nossas conquistas.ICN app -StudentIdentification and Control ASESF ASESC, comes to offer aneasy wayto browse and request portfolios of students with access tothelinks entities responsible for producing and manufacturingthesame.The Association of Fortaleza students, is an organizationofstruggle in defense of the right of students with over 10 yearsofexistence, has stood out in the history of the student movementinFortaleza and in Ceará state, in the half price achievementinstadium Castelao, half pass the macro-region and has beenmakingconstant Blitz in show houses to ensure the culturalhalf.In addition to fighting for guaranteeing the rights ofstudentsentity holds meetings and training through seminars withalumni,with a sole purpose of organizing the student movement ofFortalezaand the state of Ceará, strengthening ME bases toconsolidate ourachievements.
Ostrea rooster App 1.1
Thomas Boer
De rooster app voor het Ostrea Lyceum. Dezeappgeeft u de mogelijkheid snel uw eigen rooster te bekijkenzonderelke keer uw leerlingnummer te hoeven invoeren.The roster app forOstreaLyceum. This app allows you to quickly view any time withouthavingto enter. Your student number your own schedule
Notenspiegel 1.7
ACHTUNG: Nur für Studenten der HTW Dresden!Eine kleine App die alle Noten aus dem HISQIS PortalineinerListe anzeigt. Dazu ist die Matrikelnummer unddasPassworteinzutragen. Zusätzlich kann derNotendurchschnittberechnetwerden. Der zeit funktioniert es nur fürStudenten derHochschulefür Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden.ATTENTION:Onlyforstudents of the HTW Dresden!A small app that displays all the notes from the HISQISportalina list. To the student number and the password must beentered.Inaddition, the grade point average is calculated. The timeitonlyworks for students of the University ofAppliedSciencesDresden.
ASESF "Unir, Lutar e Vencer!" 0.0.6
O app da ASESF vem oferecer uma forma fácildeconsultar e solicitar carteiras de estudantes, com acesso aoslinksdas entidades responsáveis pela produção e confecção dasmesmas.A Associação dos Estudantes de Fortaleza, é um entidade delutana defesa do direito dos estudantes, com mais de 10 anosdeexistência, vem se destacando na historia do movimentoestudantilem Fortaleza e no estado do Ceará, na conquista da meiaentrada noestádio Castelão, meia passagem da macro-região e vemfazendoconstantes Blitz nas casas de show para garantir ameiacultural.Além de lutar por garantias dos direitos dos estudantesaentidade realiza reuniões e capacitações através de seminárioscomos grêmios, com uma única finalidade de organizar omovimentoestudantil de Fortaleza e do estado do Ceará, fortalecendoassim asbases do ME para consolidar nossas conquistas.The ASESF app comestooffer an easy way to view and apply for portfolios of studentswithaccess to the links of the entities responsible for theproductionand manufacture of the same.The Association of Fortaleza students, is an organizationofstruggle in defense of the right of students with over 10 yearsofexistence, has stood out in the history of the student movementinFortaleza and in Ceará, in the entrance half an achievementinstadium Castellan, half pass the macro-region and has beenmakingconstant Blitz in concert halls to ensure cultural half.In addition to fighting for guarantees of the rights ofthestudents the organization holds meetings and trainingthroughseminars with alumni, with a sole purpose of organizing thestudentmovement of Fortaleza and Ceara state, thus strengthening MEbasesto consolidate our achievements.
Law Dojo - Learn Law Smarter, Not Harder 1.7
[Note: we just released a major new update, with redesignedgames,levels, stats, and content. We hope you like it! Now eachgame haslevels that you can unlock by either getting a high score(2000points or above on a level) or by buying access with anin-apppurchase.] Play Smarter, Learn Law! Built for everyone fromthecasual Law & Order fan to the hard-core law student. Trainyourlegal muscles in Law Dojo, where you can focus in on specificareasof law — constitutional law, criminal law, torts,contracts,ethics, and beyond! Law Dojo is not just for lawstudents. PlayKnow Your Rights to know what you can and can’t dowhen interactingwith government officials. Also, there’s LSATvocabulary tests forthose prepping to take the law school entranceexam, there’sdriving law for people about to apply for a driver’slicense, andthere’s Law School Bootcamp for those who want to get ataste ofwhat awaits at law school. Each game has different levelsto beat,with points to win and stats on timing so you can getbetter andquicker with your legal knowledge. Improve your legalskills andintuitions by playing these quick, interactive games!Once you areplaying a game, you have a bunch of levels to beat. Youcan scoreenough points in each level to unlock the next, or you canshortcutto any level with an in-app purchase. A full list of thegames youcan play in Law Dojo: Know Your Rights, Criminal Law,Torts,Contracts, MPRE Ethics, Real Property Law, Evidence,InternationalLaw, Driving Law, Law School Bootcamp, and LSATVocabulary. Comingsoon: Civil Procedure, Income Tax Law, theSupreme Court,Corporations, Immigration, and the Bar Exam MBEtraining. Let usknow if there's any legal topics you'd like tolearn, too!