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Street Art 3D Ideas 3.0
3D Street Art has been around sincethe16thcentury. Originally created by Italian RenaissanceMadonarro'sandTrompe l'eil painters from France, it has continuedto behighlypopular and it's magic has been captured by Wiley Admeninthetwenty first century.It creates a 3D effect from a 2D picture when viewedthroughthelens of a camera. It's an exceptionally difficult type ofartandonly perfected today by a handful of artistsincludingJulianBeever, Edgar Muller and the team of artists atStreetAdvertisingServices in the UK. It's created by painting anobjectclose to thelens compact and squashed and and objects faraway arepainted in astretched out way, the effect is a trick on theeye anda mindblowing illusion of 3D depth. Over the last few yearsAdAgencieshave turned to the 3D pavement artists to createhighlyeffectiveadvertising and PR campaigns.So how does it work and why is it so effective?3D Street Art in Advertising works so brilliantly intwowords:entertain and inform. Isn't that what the bestadvertsdo?Entertain and inform and that's what 3D pavement art isso goodat.When a consumer sees a piece of 3D street art, theyrecognisetheimage and shape etc of the content but it's only whentheyareadvised to look through the lens of their mobile phonecamerathatthe magic happens. There is always an 'aha' moment thatthepicturejumps into 3d in their eyes, which is what makesitsoentertaining. The next stage in the process is theconsumerasking,'how does it work and what's this for?'. That'stheopportunity forbrand ambassadors to explain the 3d processandinform them of thebrand's message.OK so 3D street art works great in an experientialcampaignorlive event, what are the other benefits?Not only is the consumer entertained and informed bytheartwork,the next step is to interact with the picture.Encouragedby theartist and brand ambassadors, they walk on to thepictureand havetheir photo taken with it. The photo is taken ontheconsumer'smobile phone and the photo is then uploaded toFacebook,Twitter andFlickr to show their friends and family. Theresult?Start of aviral campaign.Are there any other ways that works for a brand?Probably the biggest benefit of using 3D in your advertisingorPRcampaign is free media coverage. Because the pictures worksowell inphotographs, press exposure is almost expected.Street Advertising Services 3D street art campaignshavebeenfeatured in all the national newspapers in the UK aswellasregionals and also TV exposure on programs such as BBCnews,SkyNews and Blue Peter! They have some excellent case studiesonhow3d street art can be used effectively in your nextcampaign.ArticleSource:
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