Top 17 Games Similar to Zamba y Juana Azurduy

Zamba y Belgrano
Educar S.E.
La asombrosa clase de Zamba sobre Belgranoesuna aplicación gratuita de Pakapaka,el canal del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación.Zamba acompaña a Manuel Belgrano en algunos de los momentosmásimportantes dela historia del prócer creador de nuestra bandera.El libro interactivo nos propone un viaje al pasado en elquepodremos jugar y aprendersobre algunos hechos importantes de la historia argentinaylatinoamericana. Suspáginas nos llevan a interactuar con personajes como Juana AzurduyyManuel Dorrego;a recorrer el río Paraná, Rosario, y también Jujuy, Tucumán ySalta;a ser parte de lasbatallas desatadas en el Norte; y a encontrarnos con San MartínenYatasto.La trivia, la sopa de letras y el juego de las figuras son elúltimodesafío del recorrido.Desarrollado para chicas y chicos de 5 a 10 años.Seguí jugando con Pakapaka enwww.pakapaka.gob.arThe amazing kind ofZambaon Belgrano is a free application Pakapaka,the channel of the Ministry of National Education.Zamba accompanies Manuel Belgrano in some of the mostimportantmoments ofhero creator history of our flag.The interactive book proposes a journey to the past where wecanplay and learnsome important facts of Argentina and Latin Americanhistory.Theirpages lead us to interact with characters like Juana AzurduyandManuel Dorrego;to cross the Parana River Rosario, and Jujuy, Tucuman and Salta;tobe part of thebattles unleashed in the North; and to meet with San MartininYatasto.Trivia, the puzzle and game figures are the ultimate challengeofthe course.Developed for girls and boys of 5-10 years.I kept playing with Pakapaka
Zamba y la Revolución de Mayo
Educar S.E.
La asombrosa clase de Zamba sobrelaRevoluciónde Mayo es una aplicación gratuita de Pakapaka, elcanaldelMinisterio de Educación de la Nación.El libro interactivo nos propone un viaje al pasado enelquepodremos jugar y aprender sobre algunos hechos importantesdelahistoria argentina y latinoamericana. Sus páginas nosllevanainteractuar con personajes como Manuel Belgrano, SanMartín,elvirrey Cisneros, Napoleón y los integrantes de la PrimeraJunta;aser parte del primer cabildo abierto y a recorrerlosprimerospasos de la historia argentina hacia laindependencia.La trivia, la sopa de letras y el juego de las figurassonelúltimo desafío del recorrido.Desarrollado para chicas y chicos de 5 a 10 años.Seguí jugando con Pakapaka enwww.pakapaka.gob.arThe amazing kindofZambaon the May Revolution is a free application Pakapaka,thechannelof the Ministry of National Education.The interactive book proposes a journey to the past wherewecanplay and learn about some important events in ArgentinaandLatinAmerican history. Its pages take us to interact with thelikesofManuel Belgrano, San Martin, Viceroy Cisneros, Napoleonandmembersof the First Board; to be part of the first open townandwalk thefirst steps in Argentina's historytowardsindependence.Trivia, the puzzle and game figures are the ultimatechallengeofthe course.Developed for girls and boys of 5-10 years.I kept playing with Pakapaka
Juana la Iguana en la Granja 1.0.1
Juana la Iguana wants your children to learn while havingFUNplaying this game!
Dogs Jigsaw Puzzle Game Kids 32.0
Fun puzzle game with many beautiful pictures of dogs! For Kids&Adults
Multiplication Table Kids Math
Learn Multiplication Table from 1 to 12,easyand fun. Math game for your kids.Practice multiplication and guess all math puzzles! Solvemultiplytest and pass school exam.It's a cool math game which helps learningmultiplicationtables.Improve your grades at school and master that kids math test!Test your brain and solve mathematics quiz.✔ With this math app your maths homework won’t be aproblemanymore!Kids learn multiplication table away from school. Multiplyyourgrades!♥ 4 Times Tables modes: adventure, study, math challengeandduel.Play a cool kids math quiz duel with your friend(splitscreen)★ Easy and hard math puzzles. Easy children schoolmultiplicationtables and hard math equations (addition,subtraction)It's a cool educational math game which helps kids inlearningmultiplication tables. Test your brain, raise your IQ andsolvemathematics quiz.This app will help you to graduate!In story mode you have limited time for each multiplicationtable,try to pass a mathematics quiz with no mistakes and you’llget a 3star score!Don’t worry, along the test you’ll find many helpful boosts.In challenge mode you can test your skills!Try to get the highest possible score and then improveyourgrade!Compete with friends who’s the best math kid in class!Times tables can be easy and cool. Take your best guessandmultiply.Learn maths tables while playing!Help your child make progress in school math.Your life will be a lot easier when you can simply remember themathmultiplication tables!We give you an app about math kids will love!You won’t be able to stop playing times tables.In kids school mathematics, a multiplication table (a timestable)is a mathematical table used to define a multiplicationoperationfor an algebraic system. Math quiz is an educational gameforeveryone!
Práctica de Lectura 1
Este juego ayuda a aprender y aentrenarlectura en niños de 5 a 10 años. El juego consiste en leery elegirel nombre del animal de entre cuatro opciones. Los primerosnivelesson para completar la sílaba final, luego sílabasintermedias yfinalmente la palabra completa.Hay más de cuarenta animales y se repiten entre los niveles paraqueel niño asimile los nombres de a poco y finalmente distingalapalabra completa.Aprende y entrena lectura utilizando el método de las sílabasyfinalmente con la palabra completa.A medida que se logran los primeros niveles se desbloqueanlossiguientes para que el aprendizaje sea más ordenado.This game helps youlearnand train reading in children 5-10 years. The game consistsofreading and choose the name of the animal from four options.Thefirst levels are to complete the final syllable aftersyllablemiddle and finally the whole word.There are over forty animals and are repeated between levels forthestudents to take the names slowly and finally distinguishestheentire word.Learn and train reading using the method of syllables andfinallywith the entire word.As the first levels are achieved the following are unlocked tomakelearning more orderly.
Talking English 1.11
The app listens to you saying common English words and helpsbothyour pronunciation and vocabulary. Fully interactive, funandsimple to use, Talking English is suitable for a child or adultwhois starting to learning English.It is a great help to anyone wanting to improvetheirpronunciation and vocabulary. Keep coming back to the app andwatchyour scores (and pronunciation!) improve.The App is in a game like format. It shows you images andasksyou to say what you see. It will listen to the response andyouwill be shown how accurate you are.Once installed, the app works fine withoutnetworkconnectivity.We're happy to work with organizations that would like theappcustomizedto suit their particular needs and requirements.Some of the standard changes we make are:- adding translations into new languages,- adding new word lists,- focusing on helping students get over someparticularmispronunciations,- switching to new images,- providing teachers with notification of how students performedattasks set to them,- creating an automated English language oral test.To discuss further, please email us at: [email protected] did we write the app? Here's the long answer:One important part of learning a second language islearningcorrect pronunciation. This has been a challenge intraditionalclassroom based learning environments. Teachers haveonly a verylimited amount of time that they can spend with eachstudenthelping them with their pronunciation. When secondlanguagelearners are encouraged to practice in pairs or in smallgroupsthey are often unaware of each other's mispronunciations andso arenot well placed to help one another.The problem with books is that they neither can listen norgivefeedback.One very expensive solution to this is to send childrenabroadfor schooling so that they can be immersed in the secondlanguage.Although this very often has the desired effect of helpingthechild master the second language, it is too expensive tobepractical for the vast majority.A child who is not a native English speaker can indeedlearnEnglish while watching a film. However when he speaks, ifhismispronunciations are not corrected then his poorenunciationsbecome ingrained.One suggested solution to this is to have a powerful computertoanalyze the child’s speech and provide feedback. The problemofgetting powerful computers with microphones into the handsofchildren is being solved as more and more childrenacquiresmart-phones and tablet computers. From a hardware point ofview,they generally are up to the task.Almost all young mammals play. It is instinctively fun butitserves a purpose. It is how they learn useful skills. If we wanttoengage children in a language learning exercise, then ourapproachmust be fun, the activity can be in the form of play. Withthis inmind, we have built the ‘Talking English’ app. It is in agameformat and uses tailored speech recognition technology.Whenchildren play it, they learn English vocabulary and it helpstheirpronunciation.
Heidi: best toddler fun games 7.0
Join Heidi in her adventure through the mountains!Discoverherfavourite games and all you can learn while living innature.•Over 30 motivational games for boys and girls to learnandimprovetheir skills with Heidi. • Interactive, didacticandeducationalgame for boys and girls aged 3 to 7. • Entertainingandvariedmathematics, nature, direction & space andmemoryactivities tohelp kids practice and improve their skills. •Amazingarcadegames. • Paint and colour using multiple backgroundsandstickers.• 10 different puzzles of Heidi. • Highly visualdesignwithfascinating details that will thrill the little ones inyourhouse.• Educational Heidi activities grouped by difficultylevels.•Application endorsed and supervised by childeducationspecialists.• Parental control. • Available in 7languages:English, Spanish,French, Italian, German, Portuguese andRussian.Playing is funwith Heidi, an educational adventure: 1. Pickyourprofile: Heidi,Peter, Grandpa, Clara, Joseph... 2. Select thelevelof difficulty:you may change the setting at any time 3. Goplay!You decide whereto begin: Play hide-n-seek, the labyrinth,findingthe shortestpath, rock-throwing and snowflake-scooping withHeidiand herfriends. Help Heidi in her daily chores, countingandgathering theherd, sorting objects, memorizing the shoppinglist,classifyingflowers,... Do you like tabletop games? You’ll alsofindmanyPuzzles, Memory Games and an awesome Paint & Colourgameinwhich you can draw and share your own creations.Learningwhileplaying always has its “reward”: When completing atask youget asticker. Every 5 stickers you collect... a SUPERGAMEisunlocked.Don’t miss it! For more detailed information aboutourHeidi App,please visit: Freedownloadonly allowsaccess to some app sections, extra app sectionsmay bepurchasedindividually. Tap Tap Tales also has otherapplicationssuch asHello Kitty, Maya The Bee, Smurfs, Vic Theviking, Shaun theSheep,Tree Fu Tom, Heidi and Caillou. In Tap TapTales we careabout youropinion. For this reason, we encourage youto rate thisapp and ifyou have any comments please send them to oure-mailaddress:[email protected]. Web:http://www.taptaptales.comGoogle+: OurMisionBringing joy tochildren and contributing to theirdevelopmentthrough the creationand publication of amazinginteractiveadventures full of funeducational activities.Motivating andhelping the kids to accomplishthe tasks of theeducational game.Learning and growing with ourusers, adapting totheir needs andsharing happy moments with them.Helping parents andteachers intheir educational and caringendeavors with youngchildren,offering them top-quality,state-of-the-art learningapplications.Our PrivacyPolicy isfun!
Learn To Draw
"Learn to draw" will teach you how to draw different things.Theprogram will show step by step how to draw. You don't needanyspecial skills it’s self-teaching. There are 3 modes: 1. Drawingonpaper - figure appears on the screen, you need to redraw itonpaper. 2. Drawing on the screen - figure appears at the top ofthescreen, and in the bottom you need to sketch it. 3. Drawingwithdots - trace the dots. All easy and intuitive to use. More than100different images to draw:animal,cat,dog,cow,rabbit,pig,lion,car,Christmas,Easter,fruit,Halloween,sea.Thegame is optimized for Android phones and tablets. Allows tosendartwork via the Internet or save to SD-CARD. You will havehours offun with this game. If you like this game check out ourotherapplications. Please contact us if you have questions orsuggestionsto improve our application.
Baby Care Babysitter & Daycare 1.0.15
Babysitter and Baby care in this educational game for kids andgirls! help mom!
Snow Princess - for Girls 2.4.0
The story of Snow Princess with educational games for kids 7-9
Kids Educational Game 3 4.2
12 educational and fun games for kids: numbers, animals,paint,puzzle...
Baby Panda Care
Feed babies, play with them, and put them to sleep!
Coloring Pages for kids 101
A fun, educational, free coloring game foryourtoddler or preschooler.About 600 coloring pages for free related todifferentcategories:- pets: cat, dog, horses and etc- wild animals- birds- sea animals- princess and fairies- seasonal holidays: Halloween, Christmas, Easter, New Yearandetc- buildings: castle, houses etc.- vehicle : cars, tracks- mandalaand many other like flowers, fruit and vegetables.Double tap or long press on color to change it.Use zoom gesture to color small pieces.Happy coloring!Check privacypolicy:
Baby Panda's Birthday Party
Prepare for your awesome birthday party and enjoy yummy cakewithfriends!
Baby Panda Kindergarten
Spend a day in My Kindergarten by BabyBus! A greatlearningexperience for kids.
Caillou Check Up - Doctor 2023.1.0
Budge Studios
Educational learning for kids about the body. Fun mini gamesforpreschoolers.