Top 1 Apps Similar to Andruino Bluetooth Free

Bluetooth Toggler 1.15
Malcolm Lim
Bluetooth toggler is basically areplacementtool for the default search button on your android phonewhen youlong press it. It allows you to quickly toggle yourbluetooth fromON to OFF and vice versa.Once installed, press and hold the search button on yourandroidphone and a dialog will appear. Then select bluetoothtoggler totoggle between your bluetooth states of ON and OFF. Youmay alsoset it as the default action when you long press yoursearchbutton, but it is recommended NOT to set as the defaultaction, sothat you may use it in conjunction with other searchbuttonreplacement tools such as Screen On Toggler (also by me).You may clear the default setting for Bluetooth Toggler bygoingto the Manage Applications area, select Bluetooth togglerandscroll down and click on the "Clear Defaults" button. Thisshouldrestore the selection dialog when you long press thesearchbutton.To disable your bluetooth connection, you may either touch onthebluetooth toggler icon on your android's notification bar ORyou canlong press your search button and select the bluetoothtoggleragain, to toggle it. It's that simple.Recent changes:- Fixed some small bugs with getting bluetooth adapter