Top 18 Apps Similar to Pills on the Go - Free

Med Helper Pro Pill Reminder
Med Helper keeps track of your prescriptions - Alarms remindyouwhenmedication needs to be taken, when Doctors appointmentsarescheduledand when meds are running low or are about to expire.MedHelper alsotracks your vital signs and PRN /take-as-neededmedication. You canlog and export or print detailedreports foryour Doctor, Nurse orCaregiver Multiple profiles letyou manageothers in your care.Whether you’re self managing ortaking care ofyour loved ones, MedHelper’s features will help youdeal withanything from simple shortterm situations to prolongedcomplexchronic conditions by making iteasy to maintainprescription andmedical regime compliance /adherence. It’s likehaving your veryown Mobile HealthcareAssistant. Med Helper isconsistently rankedas one of the topapplications of its kind inthe Medical appfield. For information,suggestions or help contactus at:[email protected] Friend us onFacebookat: Med HelperProFeaturesinclude: Ads Free Phone / Tablet compatiblePrescriptionlist -Name - Medication Alias - RX Number -Instructions - Reason-Description - Side Effects Schedule - Startdate - End date-Schedule pattern - Reminder Times / Alarm set -Snooze - TakenatInventory - Refills Remaining - Current inventory -ExpirationDateContact - Doctor - Pharmacy Daily Schedule - Time ofDay -Dosage -Calendar view Take as needed (PRN) - Amount taken -Timetaken -Last 10 doses / 24/hr Med Log - Daily view - Calendarview-Ability to manage Vitals Tracked - Part of day -Exercise-Temperature - Weight - Pulse - Glucose - HbA1c - Painlevels-Blood Pressure - Oxygen Exportable and Printable ReportsPeopleuseMed Helper as a: Medication/Prescription tracker-Pillsalarm/reminder/organizer/calendar - Vitals tracker -DoctororPharmacist - appointment manager - RX reminder -Medicationreportstracker - Medicine reminder/scheduler - virtualPillbox -Symptomtracker - Doctors list and Pharmacy organizer aswell as away toshare information with their caregivers. How everyou chooseto useMed Helper we hope it helps make your life a littlebiteasier. MedHelper is being designed by people just like you.Overthe past twoyears we've received thousands of emailswithsuggestions, commentsand reviews. People let us know what theylike- what they want andsometimes what they don't like. We listenanddesign accordingly.Our belief is that Better HealthcareNeedsBetter Tools... andbetter tools are best designed by those whousethem. Meaning YOU.For any information, suggestions or help ofanykind please contactus at: [email protected] See We're at your service.... Note:Nonetworkconnection is required for Med Helper to operate. Allthebest -From the Med Helper Team
Lady Pill Reminder 3.0.3
With Lady Pill Reminder you won't forget to take the birthcontrolpill anymore.
Pill Organizer & Reminder 1.8.06
PO&R is complex and easy to usemedicationreminder. Using Pillo you can easily schedule reminderfor any kindof pill, medication and even medical examination.PO&R would help you remind about:- short-term medications during cold or flu- long-term medications which help during chronic deseases- contraceptives- medical examinationIf you take medication periodically or in intervals,PO&Rwill calculate next dosing hour for you!
Pill Reminder 4.0.4
PillReminder reminds you to takeyourcontraception (pill/patch/ring) at the desired time everyday,stopping reminders automatically on the pause period(contraceptiontype specific) and rescheduling automatically whenthe next periodstarts. Plan ahead using the calendar if you want tobe reminded oncertain days sooner or later to take the preventionor whether youwant to skip the next pause period.Now you can plan in advance the following:- Skipping contraception pause- Delaying contraception notification- Changing contraceptive- Starting new contraception cycleAll these things will be displayed in the calendar.Features:- Configurable daily reminder time with timezone supportandon/off switch- Different pill/patch/ring type templates- NuvaRing and Ortho Evra support- Custom pill/patch/ring type support- Manage contraception packs (includes reminder to buy some)- Snooze reminders- Change contraception type preserving the history- Custom notification message- Configurable automatic snooze interval- Log: shows you when and what contraception you have taken- Google Backup Service- Possibility to take the contraception sooner (within theactualday)- Possibility to snooze the contraception in advance (displaysinthe calendar view- within the actual day or future days)- Calendar displays if you have taken, forgotten or delayedthecontraception- Take notes in the calendar and add a reminder time- Plan ahead to skip a contraception pause from thecalendarview- Supports portrait and landscape mode- Themes- Create your own themes (integrated custom theme creation)- 3 Widgets- Includes a Dashclock extension ( Android Lollipop Support (including head-up notification)- Backup & restore settings- Password protectionPermission description:- VIBRATE => for notification- RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED => to schedule notifications- WAKE_LOCK => for notification- MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS => for notification- DISABLE_KEYGUARD => disable lockscreen duringnotification(configurable)- WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE => backup & restore settings- READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE => backup & restore settingsFound issues to be fixed soon:- NoneIf someone has problems with the timezone contact me via mailforbetter support/troubleshooting.Attention for devices with root rights (ex. Cyanogenmodandother): This app must be installed in the internal memory ofthedevice, to be able to function correctly.Attention for Sony devices with Stamina mode: You must addtheapp to the whitelist of the stamina mode.Advice: In the mutual interest I would be very grateful ifyoucontact me, before you give me a negative feedback, so that ihavethe opportunity to correct the problem. I am at yourdisposal.([email protected])Please send any question, request or bug report to [email protected](birth control pill, contraceptive pill, anti pregnancypill,pilule)
Med Helper Pill Reminder
Now with Cloud Backup/Restore Med Helper keeps trackofyourprescriptions - Alarms remind you when medication needstobetaken, when Doctors appointments are scheduled and whenmedsarerunning low or are about to expire. Med Helper alsotracksyourvital signs and PRN / take-as-needed medication. You canlogandexport or print detailed reports for your Doctor,NurseorCaregiver Multiple profiles let you manage others inyourcare.Whether you’re self managing or taking care of yourlovedones, MedHelper’s features will help you deal with anythingfromsimpleshort term situations to prolonged complex chronicconditionsbymaking it easy to maintain prescription andmedicalregimecompliance / adherence. It’s like having your veryownMobileHealthcare Assistant. Med Helper is consistently rankedasone ofthe top applications of its kind in the Medical appfield.Forinformation, suggestions or help contactusat:[email protected] Friend us onFacebookat: Med HelperFreeFeaturesinclude: Phone / Tablet compatible Prescriptions,Schedule,Take asNeeded (Amount/time taken, last 10doses),Inventory,Doctor/Pharmacy Contact Info, Vitals Tracking, MedLogandExportable and Printable Reports People use Med Helperasa:Medication pill reminder, Vitals tracker,appointmentmanager,Doctors list and Pharmacy organizer as well as away toshareinformation with their caregivers. How ever you chooseto useMedHelper we hope it helps make your life a little biteasier.MedHelper is being designed by people just like you. Overthepastyears we've received thousands of emails withsuggestions,commentsand reviews. People let us know what they like- what theywant andsometimes what they don't like. We listen anddesignaccordingly.Our belief is that Better Healthcare NeedsBetterTools... andbetter tools are best designed by those who usethem.Meaning YOU.For any information, suggestions or help of anykindplease contactus at: [email protected] See We're at your service.... Note:Nonetworkconnection is required for Med Helper to operate. Allthebest -From the Med Helper Team
Dosecast - Medication Reminder
Established in 2010, thousands continue touseDosecast, the most easy to use Medication reminder andadherenceapp to help manage ones and their loved one'smedications,vitamins, or birth control pills on time -- with uniquelive syncbetween devices!Dosecast has been featured in the New York Times, RealSimplemagazine, Reader's Digest,, Fierce MobileHealthcare, Remember to take the right drug,the right way,at the right time, every time, with Dosecast.Dosecast * Free edition *:★ RELIABLE NOTIFICATIONS: Dosecast reliably sends dose reminderstoyour phone, tablet or Android Wear device and lets youpostponethem, like a snooze button. If you miss the firstreminder,Dosecast can nag you until you respond. It can also soundacontinuous alarm. Dosecast updates your reminder times asyoutravel and move across time zones.★ FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING: Some apps can only remind you to takeyourmedication at the same time every day. Only Dosecast helps youtakedoses on a daily/weekly/monthly schedule, every X days/weeks,onlyon certain days of the week, or even after a pre-set numberofhours or days since the last dose. Avoid dangerous overdosesbysetting a maximum number of doses allowed per day or per24hours.★ CUSTOMIZABLE DOSE AMOUNTS AND INSTRUCTIONS: Set the drugname,dosage information, directions, and notes that appear inthereminders for each dose. You can also track each drug'sexpirationdate.★ POSTPONE-ABLE REMINDERS: You can postpone a reminder beforeorafter it goes off - by however long you need.★ SMART SILENCING: Dosecast tracks when you're sleeping andwhenyour treatment begins and ends, so there are nounwantedalarms.★ PRIVATE AND SECURE: No personally identifiable informationiscollected when using Dosecast, so you can keep yourinformationprivate. All drug information is encrypted when intransit, sousing Dosecast is safe even from a public accesspoint.In addition to these features, upgrading to the * Pro editionwithCloudSync * includes the following:★ MULTI-DEVICE SYNC: The Dosecast CloudSync serviceautomaticallykeeps all your drug data up-to-date across anunlimited number ofApple and Android devices and enables dosereminders to bedelivered to all devices simultaneously - evenacrossplatforms.★ MULTIPLE DRUG TYPES: You can track drugs taken viainjections,inhalers, drops, sprays, ointments, patches, liquiddoses, andmore.★ DOSE HISTORY AND COMPLIANCE: Dosecast logs the date and timeofdoses you take, skip, or postpone so you can view or emailthehistory at any time. It even logs late and missed doses so youcanaccurately track your drug compliance. If you forget to log adosewhen you take it, you can edit the history later.★ QUANTITY TRACKING AND REFILL ALERTS: Dosecast tracks theremainingquantity of each drug you enter and delivers a refillalert whenrunning low. It will even track the number of refillsremaining andalert you when you have no refills left!★ MULTI-PERSON SUPPORT: Assign specific medications todifferentpeople (or even pets). Sort your medications by person,time ofnext dose, drug name, or drug type - so you can keep yourwholefamily's medication schedule organized.★ DOCTOR AND PHARMACY TRACKING: Use your contacts to trackwhichdoctor is prescribing which drug, as well as track thepharmacy andprescription number for each.★ DRUG DATABASE: Entering drug information is easy! Simply pickyourmedication from our drug database to pre-populate the drugname,type, amount, strength, and route.★ CUSTOM DRUG PHOTOS: Take your own photos of each drug toidentifyit more easily. With drug photos, you can be sure you'retaking theright drug when a dose is due.The Pro Edition comes with a 7-day free trial. It can becancelledat any time, but please note that past subscriptionpayments cannot be refunded.Confidently take the right drug, the right way, at the righttime,every time with Dosecast!
Med Minder - Pill Reminder 1.8
Med Minder is an easy, full featured pillandmedication scheduler and reminder app. This simple, flexible,andeasy to use app includes many advanced features.Med Minder allows you to set persistent alarms that arereliablewithout draining your battery. You can set multiple dailydoses,receive status notifications and prescription refillreminders,review your medicine details, select the alarm you'd liketo usefrom your list of installed ringtones, and backup and restoreyourdata.If you are upgrading from the free version, you can transferyourdata by doing a backup in free and restore in pro.After an update, you must launch Med Minder once tore-registeryour alarms.**** IMPORTANT **** If you have a task killer, put Med Minderinits ignore list or your alarms may not work!**** ALSO IMPORTANT ****When you put your android phone on "mute" or "vibrate" mode,thephone ONLY mutes the ringer and notification sounds. It doesNOTmute applications, such as games or media players. This meansthatif you have the Med Minder alarm pop-up enabled under settings,thealarm will sound even if the phone is in vibrate mode. If youneedMed Minder to be muted, you can either disable the pop-upalarmunder settings or manually turn your media volume down withyourvolume control button.Please contact me if you have any issues or feature requestsFor additional information, please check the website:
Pill Reminder 1.1.6
Pill Reminder is an application that helps you to remember totakeyour pills. Set the pill cycle, the stop days and timeofnotification. It will do the rest! Features: - Ads free-Multi-pills support - Configurable notifications time withtimezone support - Ability to enable / disable notifications atalltimes - Ability to change the beginning and the end of the cycleatany time - Gestures support - Supports all Android 2.3Gingerbreadand later - Supports portrait and landscape displaymodeApplication is complete and free! Thanks to Nicolas Ciotti fortheUI design ( ) for the review( to for the review( English, italian, german, french, spanish,dutch,polish, ukrainian and chinese Changelog: v.1.1.6 - bugfix onchangelocale v1.1.4 - 10" tablets compatibility - graphics bugfixv1.1.3- minor bug fixes v1.1.2 - Added Google Analytics supportv1.1.1 -Added Android4.4 KitKat compatibility - Added dutchlocalization -Added ukrainian localization v.1.1.0 - Addedmulti-pills support -Pills list on day selection - Redesignednotifications - Datastored on SQLite database - Bugfix related tothe change of thelocale v.1.0.9 - Added french localization v.1.0.8- Added spanishlocalization v.1.0.7 - Added polish localizationv.1.0.6 - Addedgerman localization v.1.0.5 - Added chineselocalization - Fixed"back" key on settings v.1.0.4 - Added cycle'send date v.1.0.3 -Improving gestures performances v.1.0.2 -Notification LED colorcustomization - Today's text color modified,for the stop periodv.1.0.1 - Added notification LED compatibility
Lady Pill Widgets 1.3.0
All the info you need about your birth control pill now on yourhomescreen!
Birth Control Pill Reminder 1.23.72
Ben Basha
Keep track of taking your birth control pills. Simple and free!
Pilly! - Your pill reminder 0.9.7
Pilly! - Your pill reminderPilly! reminds you to ingest your pill so that you have moretimeto enjoy life to the full - certainly protected ;-)Come and see for yourself. Get Pilly! for your iPhone.=> IntuitiveYou will get along with Pilly! immediately. She was developedinclose collaboration with several women. We haveintegratedeverything you need and no unnecessary functions - Keepitsimple!=> IndividualYou can set up the time when you want to ingest yourpill.Furthermore you can choose between two packaging sizes (21 and28pills). You can even set up the message for the notification.=> ReliableDo you want to be notified only once or every 15, 30 or 60 min.?Noprob! By the way, Pilly! is merciless and stops notifying youonlywhen you have ingested your pill.=> ConsideratePilly! doesn't only reminds you to ingest your pill, she alsoshowsyou whether you're protected or not. Furthermore Pilly! showsyouyour number of blisters. Forgot to get new pills? Notanymore.=> Ready for take-offYou're already in the middle of your cycle? Don't worry. Youcaneasily adjust the day of cycle. Therefore you can use Pilly!rightnow.=> ConvenientAll your cycles will be stored with the most importantinformationchronological in the report view. So e.g. you can easilycheck upwhen you had your last period. You can also add small notesforevery cycle.All functions:- Clear start screen with all necessary information- Different icons for pills (distinction of weekdays andsoon)- Displaying status of protection- Displaying number of blisters- Supported packaging sizes: 21/7 and 28/0- Notification can be turned on and off- Notification time is arbitrary- Notification repeat selectable between: 15 min, 30 min, and60min. Optional no notification repeat possible- Notification message is arbitrary- Day of cycle can be adjust- Sending a message to the developer is possible- In your period the notification pauses automatically(21/7pill)- Possibility to skip your period (21/7 pill)- In your period there is a calendar with the remaining numberofdays displayed (21/7 pill)- Notification doesn't need a connection to the internet- Chronological report of cycles- Maximum range of functions, no additional In-Apppurchasesrequired- None annoying adsYou want to learn more about Pilly! or just want to get intouchwith us? Visit us on Facebook: orwriteus an email: [email protected]
MedTime: Medicine Reminder 1.0
2Spaced Medtime is a simple medicine reminder.Your health is very important for us, so never be late intakingyour meds.This app is will help you to have a better control of thetimeyou take your medicines. You only have to add an alarm foreachprescription, specifying the name and how often you should takeit.You can add as many alarms as necessary. In addition, youcaninclude a message for each alert so you can have a bettertrackingof your meds.
Lady Pill Reminder Anytimer 2
Lady Pill Reminder Anytimer is an easyhourlypill reminder to remember to take your pills. You mayalsocustomize the reminder's text message to get it say whateveryoudesire.Take Pill Reminder was initially developed with one objectiveinmind: providing you with the perfect tools, that might satisfyyourprivate requirements and could make your daily life much betterbypermitting you to confidently understand that so long asyoupossess pill alarm reminder, you'll never fail to rememberapill.Pill Taking Reminder is the ideal app to help keep a recordofgetting your birth control pills. It's extremely easy to putinplace and utilize. You need to simply specify the sort ofbirthcontrol pill you have as well as the time frame you alwaystake thepill, and pill reminder calendar will alert you wheneveryou shouldtake your birth control pill.It is not the 1st time whenever you ditch getting birthcontrolpills? It’s a very high time to adjust it. Here we’ll offeryou anapp designated Any Timer Pill Reminder. It'll bear in mind itforyour benefit.Pill Reminder Calendar is definitely an app: easy, effective,andfree!.What you can do:- Pill reminder with voice : you will get also avoicenotification.- Period pill reminder: establish as numerous drugs just likeyourequire throughout your period- Simple pill reminder: you may also give a descriptionregardingeach one of these drugs.- Night pill reminder: it can be used also during night, andremindyou about your pills, at the right time.- Family pill reminder: additionally can be used for othersfamilydrugs.We wish to be the ideal birth control pills app in theplaystore. Each and every woman and girl really needs to have thisLadyPill Reminder Anytimer.
Pill Organizer Pro 1.4.7
Do you want to have under the control allofyour medications? Now you can organize your alarms betterusingPill Organizer Pro.Extended version contains many additional features,including:- Create notes for each medicine/alarm- Determinate the duration of the alarm (time before snooze)- Specify the auto-snooze time- Specify snooze time- Enable\disable alarm availability during phonecall- Optional increasing alarm volume- Optimized code and permissions - the application does not haveanyextra permissions!- Many others in the preparation, i.e.: choice of style andthemealarm screen!Pill Organizer application is one of the best apps initscategory. Now you can take advantage of even greateropportunitiesoffered by the Pill Organizer Pro.
Pill Reminder 1
Pill Reminder is a medicationmanagementapplication and a reminder pills, attractive, visual andeasy touse. It will help you take your medicine on time and safely.Italso allows you to help your family members with theirpills.
Med Minder - Free 1.8
Easy, free full featured pill andmedicinescheduler, and medication reminder app.Features include:* Persistent, reliable alarms* No battery drain* Highly configurable* Multiple daily doses* Status notifications* Prescription refill reminders* Medicine detailsGet the paid version to:- remove ads!- select alarm sounds!- backup and restore your data!**** VERY IMPORTANT!!!! ****After an update, you must launch Med Minder once to re-registeryouralarms. Because of this you should NOT enable automaticupdates asyou may not realize that an update has been applied andyou willmiss your alert. If the app fails alert you, please launchthe appjust to ensure the alarms are registered. If you still haveaproblem, please contact me.**** ALSO VERY IMPORTANT ****If you have a task killer, put Med Minder in its ignore list oryouralarms may not work!**** ALSO IMPORTANT ****When you put your android phone on "mute" or "vibrate" mode,thephone ONLY mutes the ringer and notification sounds. It doesNOTmute applications, such as games or media players. This meansthatif you have the Med Minder alarm pop-up enabled under settings,thealarm will sound even if the phone is in vibrate mode. If youneedMed Minder to be muted, you can either disable the pop-upalarmunder settings or manually turn your media volume down withyourvolume control button. However, I recommend "Mute Widget", ahomescreen widget that allows one-click muting of all sounds,ringer,notifications, and media.Please check the website for a list of frequentlyaskedquestions. Please contact me if you have any issues orfeaturerequests.
Medication Reminder & Tracker 9.6
Take, track & refill your pills with this easyreliablemedication reminder app!
CeyHello FREE Pill Reminder 2.02
MedSqr LLC
DescriptionAre you looking for a personalized medication management app?Lookno further! Rated as the best medication management app andused bythousands of users worldwide, CeyHello is the perfect apptosupport your families medication management needs.CeyHello brings families together and adds a human touch withourpatented Moticon concept. With Moticons, you can shareyourfamily's pictures and voice and attach them tomedicationreminders. Moticon’s can also take the form of favoritepoliticalor Hollywood personality. 45 FUN Moticons are preloadedinto theapp. So, why not make your loved one smile while they arestayingon track with their healthcare needs? With CeyHello,you canconnectwith your loved one at an emotional level while motivatingthem tostick to their medication plan.CeyHello goes beyond simple pill reminder app and includesfeaturessuch as messenger, discharge/doctor instructionsrecording,intuitive dashboard with multilanguage audioinstructions, onlinepersonal health record, drug discount couponfrom andrefill reminder. CeyHello delivers allaspects of medicationmanagement for patients, caregivers, caremanagers and healthcareproviders.Here is why you should use CeyHello:MEDICATION MANAGEMENT:No More Missed Doses! 
From pill reminders to effectivereportingtools to online health records, CeyHello delivers allaspects ofmedication management over mobile and web for patients,caregivers,care managers and healthcare providers. With CeyHello,your entiremedication management is in safe hands. It doesn’t letyou miss onany dose and even help you take the right dose at therighttime.FAMILY CARE CIRCLE:CeyHello’s innovative “Care Circle” platform allows you toconnectwith your family and unlimited friends, and send &receive funMoticons. As a caregiver or a care manager, you canreview thepatient’s medication adherence reports, upload andupdatemedication prescriptions and add inspiring Moticons.FUN MOTICONS:
Motivation can have a huge impact on medication adherenceespeciallywhen the regime is complex and long. With fun Moticons,you can makeyour loved one smile each time it’s time to take thatimportantmedication. The product is preloaded with 45 freeMoticonsshowcasing your favorite personality from the politicallandscapeand Hollywood.REFILL MANAGEMENTCeyHello allows users to maintain the prescription (RX) details.Anytime a refill is due, this pill reminder app reminds the userusinga refill reminder feature and also sends an email with a copyof thedrug discount card that helps get discount across thousandsofpharmacies in United States.NEEDYMEDS DRUG DISCOUNT CARDSave Money with our Drug discount cards(for pharmacies withinUnitedStates only). CeyHello, your best medication reminder appfor iOShas partnered with to extend NeedyMeds DrugDiscountCard that may save you up to 80% off the cost of yourprescriptions,OTC medications and pet prescriptions purchased fromapharmacy.MULTI-LANGUAGE SUPPORTGetting pill reminders in your own language is now possiblewithCeyHello. The personalized medication management app isavailablein English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Hindi andChinese.CeyHello will speak instructions in your locallanguage.TOTAL HEALTH RECORD IN YOUR POCKETNo need to carry paper copies of your prescriptions. Take apictureof your medical document and upload to CeyHello. This willcreatean online personal health record and enable you to share yourdatawith your Care Circle and provider (with yourpermission).Don’t risk your and loved one’s health. Download Now. Theappsupports iOS 7.0 or later and is compatible with iPad, iPhone&iPod touch. Above all, it is FREE to use.VIDEOSCeyHello Intro Video: Tutorial Video: Circle Video: Video: