Top 17 Games Similar to Karate Glossary

Karate Dojo 1.2
Increase strength, develop flexibility,andimprove mental and physical discipline with Karate! Learnthetechnique, history, and philosophy of the ancient art ofKaratewith Karate Dojo, an introductory course packed withinstructivevideo that lets you study at your own pace. Watch godan(fifthdegree) martial artist Brad Jones demonstrate fundamentalforms andprecise techniques for the beginning student instep-by-step videolessons.Read along with the text as you watch the videos, then take afunquiz to find out what you've learned! The innovativevideobookformat is intuitive to use and lets you quickly navigatewith theswipe of a finger.Features:• Learn about stances, target areas, kata and basic sparring• Fundamental moves for the beginning student• Provides multiple views of three common forms• Includes warmup and practice instructions• Covers important vocabulary
Karate Scoreboard 1.1.1
Sestai Ltd
Transform your android device into aKarateScoreboard. Karate Scoreboard is the perfect way to keepboutscores when training in your dojo and at a tournament.KarateScoreboard follows World Karate Federation (WKF) rules. Soyou donot need to carry a piece of paper and a pen with you tofollow thebout score.Features:Ad-FreeSelect between three different durations (2, 3 or 4 minutes)Add points easily using the appropriate buttonsUse both penalty categories (you could even deselect by pressingthebutton again if selected by mistake)Automatically calculates bout outcome (winner, draw, etc...)Switch Ao and Aka sidesSound alarm for 10 seconds and endFree version, displaying ads, also available in Google Play.
Shotokan karate in the pocket
This application shows thepositions,movements,offensive and defensive moves of karate.You can find animated pictures and detailed theirJapanese terms and their explanations.
Shotokan Karate Kihon Kumite 1.0
Shotokan Kihon Ippon Kumite techniquesaretaught throughout the worlds karate dojo's from 10th Kyu uptoShodan and beyond.This App shows each attack, be that Jodan, Chudan, Maegeri,Kekomi or Mawashi geri, laid out in an easy to use formatgivingboth a description and demonstration videos of the moves, itcan beused not only as a handy reference tool outside of the dojobut asa useful addition to your practice when preparing foragrading.A useful translation facility is included, giving boththeEnglish and Japanese terminology. We also detail themostfrequently used stances in Shotokan, together with a practicedrilland a video showing the most common mistakes and how tocorrectthem.Whether you are a beginner, an experienced student or aclubinstructor Shotokan Kihon Ippon Kumite will be aworthwhileaddition to your learning library.
KARATE SHITO-RYU 13.0.20230124
Katas and traditional bunkais from white belt to black belt.
Karate in brief 49
Listing and demonstrating Karatedo martial artsystem:punch,kick,block,kata...
Karate Scoreboard Free 1.1.1
Sestai Ltd
Transform your android device into aKarateScoreboard. Karate Scoreboard is the perfect way to keepboutscores when training in your dojo and at a tournament.KarateScoreboard follows World Karate Federation (WKF) rules. Soyou donot need to carry a piece of paper and a pen with you tofollow thebout score.Features:Select between three different durations (2, 3 or4minutes)Add points easily using the appropriate buttonsUse both penalty categories (you could even deselect by pressingthebutton again if selected by mistake)Automatically calculates bout outcome (winner, draw, etc...)Switch Ao and Aka sidesSound alarm for 10 seconds and endAd-free version also available in Google Play.
Karate Shotokan 1.0
Media APP
Karate Shotokan provides you with lot informationsaboutKarate,Karate Shotokan. Karate Shotokan Black Belt with thisgreatcombat training. Do you want to be the best fighter in yourarea ?With Karate Shotokan, you'll learn the best technics ofKarate. Inthis Karaté Shotokan App you'll learn Karate ShotokanKata, andyou'll be a Master to this martial art. Learn how topunch, kickand be the best in this sport.This Japanese Martial Artis a goodsport for self defense, healthier body... Learn Karatenow, andstart to kick as.You can Install this application formPlaystore inyour Android Phone, Phablet and Tablet.
Karate Training 1.00
Karate Training is the app with lots of karate exercises withacomplete training program that contains all the basic andadvancedlessons to practice karate. Today the professional andamateurkarate requires a very high level of training and technique.Withthis application you will learn how to improve your fitness andhowto perform karate routines of elaborate moves and tricks.Eachexercise can be modified for increased intensity to fit yourgoals.This application includes: - Workouts for begginers to startthismartial art and to earn the basic Belts. - Intermediateexercisesto improve your martial arts and your karate skills, powerand bodycontrol. - Advanced exercises to become a karate master orblackbelt. - Main karate techniques to build you up more advancedmoves.- A selection of videos with the best fights in mainchampionships.This application is part of a group of sportstraining apps such asfootball, tennis, paddle tennis, basketball,paddleboarding,martial arts, kung fu, judo, home gym, cricket,cycling,golf, boxing and beach volleyball. Download now this karatefreeapp on your mobile or tablet device.
Karate 3.16
Bienvenid@ a la nueva app de Karte-DoJKAAquíencontraras enlaces a paginas oficiales, senseis de Karatedehoy yde siempre, katas, calendario de actividades dekarate,chat,manuales, descargas, preparación para exámenes, dojosdekarate,inscripciones directas a seminarios y cursos, etc.Y todo en la palma de tu mano.EnglishWelcome the new app of Karate-Do JKA Here you canfindeverythingfrom links to official pages to sensei karate todayandalways,kata, calendar of activities karate, chat,manuals,downloads, exampreparation, dojo karate , etc.And all in the palm of your hand.PortuguêsBem-vindo o novo aplicativo de Karate-Do JKA Aquivocêpodeencontrar tudo, desde links para páginas oficiais dekaratesenseihoje e sempre, kata, calendário de atividadeskarate,bate-papo,manuais, downloads preparação para o exame, karatedojo,etc.E tudo na palma da sua mão.Welcome to thenewappKarte-Do JKA Here you will find links to officialpages,karatesensei today and always, kata, karate activitycalendar,chat,manuals, downloads, exam preparation, karatedojos,inscriptionsdirect seminars and courses, etc.And all in the palm of your hand.Inglés Welcome the new app of Karate-Do JKA Here youcanfindeverything from links to official pages to karate senseitodayandalways, kata, karate calendar of activities,chat,manuals,downloads, exam preparation, karate dojo, etc.And all in the palm of your hand.PortugueseBem-vindo or novo application of Karate-Do JKA Here vocêpodefindtudo from links to oficiais pages karate sensei hoje esemper,kata,calendar atividades karate, bate-papo, manuais,downloadspreparaçãopara o exame, dojo karate , etc.E tudo na sua mão da palm.
Karate Events 1.0.6
The early-bird catches the worm, stayup-todate with Karate Events!Use technology to save stress, time and money. KarateEventsprovides you with all relevant information about official,nationaland international Karate championships and other eventslikeseminars. The app offers live on-site information ontimetables,matches, draws and results as well as general eventinformation,places, entries, schedules, ticket shops, hotel links,live streamsand much other useful information.On start-up you’ll get a clear overview of all upcomingKarateEvents, which you can switch into a map displaying thelocation ofall events. Easily choose adequate events for yourselfor yourstudents and get informed about registered participants,clubs,countries, teams, coaches, referees and officials. The appalsolinks you to the registration page for the chosen event.YOUR ON-SITE ADVANTAGEOn-site, Karate Events functions as your little helper andkeepsan eye on everything you can’t watch yourself, providing youwithinformation about fighters and matches and always up-todateinformation about all short-term changes of the scheduleandmatches. Final results and updated draws of fights areavailableimmediately after matches.The amount of information displayed per event varies dependingonthe information provided by the organizer of the event andtheamount of registered participants and teams.Developed by COSEA e.U. in cooperation with sportdata GmbH&Co KGLive Information requires a yearly subscription.
Dojo Master Karate 2.0
Aplicativo do grupo Dojo Master KarateKenyuRyuDo contendo demonstrações de defesas, golpes, katas,basesemimagens. Possui ainda a graduação de faixas e informaçõessobreoestilo Kenyu Ryu.Dojo Master karate Kenyu Ryu Do group App withdemonstrationslikeblocks, attacks(punches & kicks), forms(katas),stances,hierarchical belts and information about KenyuRyuStyle.Colaboradores:Marcone Almeida - Desenvolvimento e designerPaulo de Jesus - Modelo e consultoriaRafael Mendes - ModeloGroupApplicationDojoKarate Master Kenyu Ryu Do containingdefensesdemonstrations,strikes, katas, bases pictures. It also hasthegraduation tracksand information about the Kenyu Ryu.Dojo Master Ryu Karate Do Kenyu group App withdemonstrationslikeblocks, attacks (punches & kicks), forms(kata),stances,hierarchical belts and information about KenyuRyuStyle.Employees:Marcone Almeida - Development and designerPaul's Jesus - Model and consultingRafael Mendes - Model
Hockey Players Fight 2016 1.0
Bambo Studio
Hockey Players FightIce Hockey Fight 2016, is an aggressive fighter in a field oficehockey. Fight to the end by kicking and punchingunfinishedexpelled. Feel the action in the field without referee.Choose anyof the most murderer hockey stars to win the tournamentin storymode. The excitement at its best when you fight with yourclassicrival. The rubber disc is not necessary, nor your long caneorstick, fight melee, one on one, only with your ice skatesandcuffs. Many players are in the bank ready to fight fortheirequipment and keep going until the end of the playoff. Thereare noinjuries and failures will never be punished by the refereebecausethis is a game of street fight knockout style.+ Danny Alfred the best leader and captain, is one of thebestfighters in the world hockey. Master all the martial arts sincehewas a child.+ Timmy Armaggedon typical college player, his movementsaresmooth and barely visible.+ Pierre Bourdeux is an old glory of the fight. istheprofessional hockey goalie most famous ice.+ Brian Calgary player in New York in the United States iswellknown for its brutal punch.+ Sergy Victorious began his first fight in Russia, now partofthe legendary stars of Ice Hockey.+ Patricio Rosby representative of Slovakia, its sizeandstrength in the ring led him to be a top fighter.+ Sunday Chasec his career as a goalkeeper in BuffaloandDetroit, makes it a great fighter, he defends well and hasgoodreflexes.+ James Ginleio come from Nigeria, currently active, watchyourinfernal attack kick.Remember that this is just fiction. Do not try to fight inthestreet. Play on your mobile when you try to fight enemies.Two professional hockey players involved in a fight,multiplecombos to defeat your enemy, vital waves, martial arts,karate,kick boxing, thousands of tricks and combinations of kicks,punch,air strikes, multiple kicks, infinity punch, punches Air andmanymore to discover knockouts.Three game modes, World, Flying Start and Training.Realisticscenario, the Tier encourages public and encourages youwith theirwhistles and applause on the side of the hockey rink.Choose your favorite team player, each character hasskills,movements and different tricks, plus a different way offighting inhockey stadium.The gameplay Playoffs season is a tie between the best teamsinthe world, you have to beat your rivals, but will beeliminatedfrom the World Cup.The training mode will help you learn tricks and martialarts,you can see this by pressing the buttons and checking theeffect ofyour shots.Actual combat in this fighting game of hockey whereplayersengage in a fight between the best players in the worldofinternational teams and hockey leagues best known.
Aplicativo desenvolvido para os praticantesdoKarate Shotokan, totalmente gratuito e com vários recursos:1- DIVERSÃO: Um jogo de perguntas e respostas sobreváriastécnicas do Karate, com figuras intuitivas que proporcionamocrescimento intelectual do karateca bem como umexcelentepassatempo para o dia-a-dia, este jogo está disponível nomodooff-line.2- MURAL: Com o intuito de integrar todos os praticantesdoKarate no Brasil, este mural é uma sala de bate papovoltadaprincipalmente para tirar dúvidas, divulgação de eventoslocais,solicitações de informações aos usuários do aplicativo. Évedada apublicação de palavrões, ofensas e palavras de conteúdosexual eagressivo.3- EXAME: Contendo vídeos com o Kihon, Kata e kumitesolicitadono exame de faixa pela CBK. Estão disponíveis a matériade examepara as graduações para as faixas Amarela, Vermelha,Laranja,Verde, Roxa, Marrom e Preta.4- VIDEOS: Contendo diversos vídeos que tem comoatividadeprincipal o Karate, tanto Nacional quanto Mundial.5- AGENDA: Contempla os principais eventos no âmbitonacional,eventos locais e de pouca expressão nacional, serão epoderão serdivulgadas no MURAL ou em ViDEOS.6- HISTÓRIA: Conheça a história do Karate de uma forma bemamplasendo dividida em quatro links: História do Karate naOrigem,História do Karate no Brasil, História do Karate no EstadodoCeará, História do Karate na cidade de Jaguaribe-CE e a HistóriadoKarate na cidade de Iguatu-CE.7- FCK: Federação Cearense de Karate, confira todas asatividadesda Federação, como competições, exames de faixa, eventosentrediversos assuntos.8- CBK: Confederação Brasileira de Karate, conheça a entidadequeorganiza o karate nacional, com a abrangência de diversosestilos,dentre eles o Shotokan.9- WKF: World Karate Federation “Federação Mundial deKarate”,visualize os vídeos promocionais e das principaiscompetições dokarate a nível munidal.x x xObservações:- Este aplicativo é formado de conteúdo brasileiro, contandocoma participação de membros da ASKAI no desenvolvimentodoconteúdo.- Este aplicativo é de distribuição gratuita e tem afinalidadede disseminar o Karate no Brasil.- Qualquer erro ou sugestão para melhorar o aplicativo, envieume-mail para [email protected] developedforthe practitioners of Shotokan Karate, completely free andwithseveral features:1 FUN: A set of questions and answers on various techniquesofKarate, with intuitive figures that provide thekarateka'sintellectual growth as well as an excellent hobby fortheday-to-day, this game is available in offline mode.2 MURAL: In order to integrate all Karate practitionersinBrazil, this wall is a chat room dedicated mainly to askquestions,dissemination of local events, information requests totheapplication users. The publication of profanity, insults andwordsof sexual and aggressive content is prohibited.3 EXAMINATION: Containing videos with Kihon, Kata andKumiteasked in the survey range by CBK. Matter of examinationareavailable for graduations for tracks Yellow, Red, Orange,Green,Purple, Brown and Black.4- VIDEOS: Containing several videos whose main activityKarate,both national as World.5. AGENDA: Includes the main events at the national, localeventsand little national expression, will be and will bedisclosed inMURAL or videos.6 STORY: Learn the history of Karate in a very broad waybeingdivided into four links: Karate History of the Origin, HistoryofKarate in Brazil, Karate History of the State of Ceará,KarateHistory in the city of Jaguaribe-EC and the Karate History inthecity of Iguatu-CE.7- FCK: Cearense Karate Federation, check out all theactivitiesof the Federation, such as competitions, track tests,eventsbetween various subjects.8- CBK: Brazilian Confederation of Karate, knows the entitythatorganizes the national karate, with the scope of manystyles,including Shotokan.WKF 9: World Karate Federation "World Karate Federation",viewthe promotional and major competitions of karate to munidallevelvideos.x x xComments:- This application is made up of Brazilian content, withtheparticipation of members of ASKAI in developing the content.- This application is distributed free of charge and aimstospread Karate in Brazil.- Any bugs or suggestions to improve the application, sendanemail to [email protected]
Karate Masters Family MA 1.399
We have martial arts programs for studentsofall ages.For children, our emphasis is on character developmentandphysical fitness.With adults, our goal is to deliver all of the benefitsofmartial arts, including improved muscle tone,increasedcardiovascular fitness, lower stress levels, increasedenergy, andgreater flexibility.Self defense is also emphasized, but it’s always temperedwiththe training on how to seek alternatives to conflict.Each of our martial arts instructors is committed to teachingthephysical skills while applying attitude-shaping exercises aimedatbringing out the best character and physical potential ineachstudent.Download our Free App Today and stay connected!Useful Features of this App are as follows:- One Click Call- GPS Directions- Calendar of Events- Training Videos- Social Media Access- Receive Push Notifications- Communicate on Fan Wall- Send Voice Message- And Much More!
Personal Best Karate
97 Display
This App provides users with quick andeasyaccess to the Personal Best Karate members only page, onetouchdirections to school locations, easy to view Facebookinformation,event updates, school contact details, a simple refer afriendpage, and more.